Climate Change and Sustainable Agro-ecology in Global Drylands

by Adel El-Beltagy, Rattan Lal, Kauser Abdulla Malik


Drylands, a home for nearly 2.5 billion people, are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic climate change, and dryland area may expand to 50% of the Earth's surface by 2100. Climate change may aggravate the prevalence of undernutrition and malnutrition because of adverse effects on quantity and quality of food production in these regions. This book takes a holistic approach to sustainable management of drylands to make agriculture drought-resilient. Eminent scientists from around the world share their knowledge and experiences for adaptation and mitigation of the anthropogenic climate change through innovation in sustainable management of water, soil, crops, livestock, and fisheries. They anticipate that climate change will have major impacts on agro- ecosystems which requires continuous dynamic assessments, globally, regionally, and at the local level where the major action of adaptation would have to occur. The assessment will require international cooperation and national capacity-building. This book emphasizes approaches such as smart and precision agriculture, conservation agriculture, and new innovation and technology as tools for adaptation and mitigation. Several chapters are devoted to the human dimensions and policy considerations with emphasis on enhancing coping and adaptive capacity. This book addresses the picture after COP27, including loss and damage, governance and finance. This book: Examines sustainable management for drylands as a solution to environmental and food security issues. Uses a holistic approach to evaluate sustainable management of drylands. Explains how researchers are translating science into action for greening global drylands. This work will be valuable to students and researchers in agroecology, climate change science and dryland agriculture.

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Author Biography

Currently Chair of the Int'l Dryland Dev. Commission (IDDC), Prof., Arid Land Agric. Graduate Studies & Res. Institute (ALARI), Ain Shams Univ., Egypt, Chair, Food & Agric. Res. Council, Egyptian Academy of Sci. &Technology, Member, Advisory Board, Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Board member, Regional Action for Climate Change (RACC), Sci.& Tech. in Society forum (STS), Kyoto, Japan Served as President, Governing Board, Int'l Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) (2010-2015), Minister of Agriculture & Land Reclamation (2014-2015), Board Member, Bibliotheca Alexandrina (2006-2012), Chair, BA Executive Board (2015-2018). Council member, Consultative Group on Int'l Agric. Res. (CGIAR) (2006- 2011), Chair, Global Forum on Agric. Res. (GFAR) (2006-2010), Member, FAO High-Level Committee addressing the implementation of the UN millennium dev. goals (MDGs) (2006-2011), Board Member, UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Board (2004

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher/Imprint CABI / CAB International
  • Publication Date November 2024
  • Orginal LanguageEnglish
  • ISBN/Identifier 9781800624856 / 1800624859
  • Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
  • FormatHardback
  • Primary Price 145 GBP
  • Pages384
  • ReadershipCollege/higher education; Professional and scholarly
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Dimensions244 X 172 mm
  • SeriesCABI Climate Change Series
  • Series Part22
  • Reference Code6050

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