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      • The Arts

        La experiencia del espacio

        Una aproximación desde la escultura

        by Robert Holmes Lezaeta

        Esta publicación sintetiza una extensa investigación y experimentación sobre el espacio en la escultura a partir de un análisis interdisciplinar desde la arquitectura y otras artes que abordan el tema de la espacialidad. La reflexión teórica sobre el origen y desarrollo experimental de la escultura se genera a partir de la obra como conclusión proyectual y desde la misma se observan sus resonancias en este contexto interdisciplinario de la experiencia del espacio. Complementan este trabajo una serie de imágenes que constituyen universos comprimidos de ideas y mensajes codificados en un lenguaje que es propio de las artes visuales. En el libro se revisa el pensamiento teórico que permite una reflexión sobre la experiencia del espacio y las relaciones entre la escultura, la arquitectura y otras disciplinas. Se analizan obras de diversos autores en las que se manifiesta el paso de la objetualidad a la espacialidad escultórica. Se indaga la condición iterativa del proceso y los instrumentos proyectuales que establecen el vínculo entre la imaginación y la representación física de lo imaginado. Se reflexiona sobre el proceso compositivo del espacio escultórico y su efecto en la inducción de una experiencia poética. Finalmente, en el anexo se presenta una mirada diferente, a modo de ficciones espaciales, a partir de un conjunto de croquis inspirados en las esculturas, dibujados por Mario Ubilla Sanz. "Aunque está plagado de ejemplos y demuestra un conocimiento acucioso de la materia que desarrolla, no constituye, en rigor, un texto de estudio. No es tampoco un ensayo o un manual. Lo que el libro hace es más bien construir, paso a paso, las bases de una experiencia y, más precisamente, de una experiencia creativa". Fernando Pérez, Director del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile.

      • October 2019

        Semióticas del cine y del audiovisual

        by Juan Alberto Conde, Torben Grodal,Buckland, Warren, Oakley, Todd, Odin, Roger. Echeverri Jaramillo, Andrea. Díaz Roa, César Augusto. Duarte, German A. Ríos, Diego Felipe. Finol, José Enrique. Finol, David Enrique. Corral Cuartas, Álvaro. Sosa, Diego Hernando.

        El presente volumen reúne una serie de textos escritos y publicados en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI, que abordan los problemas y objetos tradicionales de la semiótica fílmica y audiovisual, o que proponen nuevos objetos de indagación, nuevas preguntas. La primera parte está consagrada a las teorías generales, y en ella tiene preponderancia el denominado “giro cognitivo” de los estudios fílmicos, a partir de traducciones de textos inéditos en castellano: la teoría del flujo PECMA del investigador danés Torben Grodal; la semántica cognitiva aplicada a la interpretación audiovisual del británico Warren Buckland, o una nueva aproximación a la experiencia del espectador frente al dispositivo audiovisual por parte de Todd Oakley. En esta parte también se incluyen traducciones de dos textos de Roger Odin, pionero del enfoque semiopragmático, que permiten ver su pertinencia para abordar tanto problemas de la historia del cine y el audiovisual, como de sus manifestaciones contemporáneas.

      • Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        We Are All Architects

        by Antonio Sahady, Jorge de la Paz

        Architecture plays an important role in society. Learning to observe and design, to draw a plan and distinguish the facades of buildings, are just some of the many actions contained in this book that will awaken the architect hidden in us. This book offers a guidance to children, where they can learn how to awaken their senses and explore all the processes involved when designing and making a building. It also introduces young readers to basic architecture concepts. We Are All Architects invites children to explore their creative mind and fantastic imagination

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2008

        Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops: Vol 03

        by K.V. Peter

        The series Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops are reviewed in several science journals for its uniqueness and richness in content and botanical information. Enlarging the food base and food basket along with validated information on plants for industry, dyes, timber, energy and medicine is the core theme of the series. The third volume has 25 s written by 46 scientists from UK, Mexico, Spain, India, USA, Turkey and Nigeria. The crops covered are atuna, African de bolita, capers and caper plants, kair, natural dye plants, plants used for dye sources, underutilized wild edible fruits of Kerala, bael, carambola, tropical plum, citrus, fig, guava, star gooseberry, hog-plum, underutilized leaf vegetables of sub-Himalayan terai region, underutilized vegetables of Tripura, agathi and chekkurmanis, celosia, colocasia, edible begonias, kangkong, underutilized palms, Atuna and African de bolita are new crops to Indian readeNatural dyes are attaining significant commercial importance in view of the negative effects of synthetic dyes which are allergic and in a few cases carcinogenic. Underutilized fruits like bael, carambola, tropical plum, fig, star gooseberry and hog-plum are receiving attention in view of their wider adaptability and suitability to grow under conditions of stress. Underexploited leaf vegetables like agathi, chekkurmanis, celosia, edible begonias and kangkong have been given prominence. Prof.Ghillean T Prance, FRS has contributed the on Atuna. The Editor is Dr K V Peter Former Vice-Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2021


        by Antonio Agredano

        “In a world of winners, defeat is a kind of dissidence. Losing is not a romantic exercise, it hurts like a stepfather, but you learn. All victories are alike, but each defeat is similar in its own way; There are many ways to cry, but everyone drinks champagne the same way. This is not a football book. Not only. Because in football there is room for a life”. Julián Bellón, at the age of 40, returns to Córdoba due to the death of his father. That loss will drag him to his childhood, to his neighborhood, to the bars and to the people who saw him grow up, the last place of armored happiness before his life twisted and fell into a spiral of self-destruction. The boy who became a goalkeeper still dreaming of scoring a goal, the young man who later became a professional goalkeeper, today is a broken man cornered by memories of him. Is there time for redemption before the final whistle?

      • Children's & YA

        FOMALHAUT. Historia de una estrella

        by Marilú Ortiz de Rozas

        Fomalhaut es una estrella muy especial que nos va a contar su increíble historia, y a través de ella entenderemos un poco mejor cómo funciona el Universo. Fomalhaut es además una estrella muy sensible, ¡le encanta la poesía! "Yo no sé hablar ni escribir, pero brillo muy fuerte y de diferentes maneras. Gracias a una ciencia que se llama astronomía, que sabe leer esos cambios en mi luz, y por eso conoce mi vida, les voy a contar mi historia".

      • Geography & the Environment

        Chile geopoético

        by Miguel Laborde

        Esta publicación reúne veintiocho columnas del investigador, académico y escritor Miguel Laborde, con ilustraciones de Alejandra Acosta, publicadas en la revista La Panera. Sus textos dan cuenta de una serie de datos geográficos e históricos que permiten asomarse a ciertos rasgos distintivos de Chile desde los cuales se construye un relato del imaginario local. La geopoética como concepto nace como una herramienta para comprender y expresar nuestra relación con el mundo y el pensar a la Tierra. Considera la cultura como el modo en el que los seres humanos se conciben a sí mismos y se organizan y orientan. “Desde el punto de vista literario, un libro como este, que corrió el riesgo de ser concebido por la vía de la protesta en un lenguaje de pura comunicación, es, por el contrario, un libro poético, de excelente prosa, de gran riqueza de imágenes y sorpresas de lógica e ilógica. Su crítica al modelo de civilización vigente es lapidaria, pero de un furor contenido”. Gastón Soublette

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        May 2019

        Cuentos EX

        by Cristian Vázquez, David Gambarte, Constanza Ternicier, Paz Martín-Pozuelo, Juan Manuel Chávez, Sara Mañero, Fidel Masreal

        Who is not EX of something or someone? EX Stories brings together seven stories of encounters and disagreements that deliberate on the exceptionality of the routine and the spontaneity of the extravagant. Some of the inhabitants of this world of eccentricities are: a group of friends and acquaintances who settle their differences to find an exact moment and dissolve their opinions in the immensity of the unknown; an individual who excavates the banks of a foreign river while opening intimate underground galleries; some anonymous subjects who exclaustrate to demolish fears, demolish doubts and freely know themselves; a lady who exonerates an instinctive desire by giving a feeling oral form; a young man who accepts an absurd eventuality and learns to live with his bad luck; a man who excuses his wishes from the anguish of repetition or abandonment; and a pain-free poet idolized for penetrating uncertain abysses. The characters and voices in these stories exceed the limits of their own magnitude in search of an emotion, the jolt of which gives them the chance to explain themselves from a new exegesis.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        April 2019

        Cuentos @

        by Juan Ángel Juristo, Álvaro Hernando Freile, Juan Senís, Ana Belén Albero Díaz, Belén GalindoLizaldre, J. Antonio Tamez Elizondo, Christopher J. Castañeda

        @ Stories groups six stories that show some uses of the “at” sign to delve into the heterogeneity of a symbol (@) that has become an indispensable element in our society. Some of the inhabitants of this cosmos without borders are: a writer and biographer who discovers the value of the weight of an arroba and the astonishing truth of an unsuspected past; a group of friends and colleagues who hide behind the anonymous @s of a chat in which anyone can be what they are not, or pretend to be; a university professor who needs the magic of @s to take off on a transformative journey; a young man who hides behind the @ of an email that does not know the time factor; an anonymous citizen weighing the common generic of a species or descriptive @ for a coming civilization; and a faculty committee that evaluates the incomprehension of a @ against the oppressive engine of strongly felt roots. The characters and voices in these stories reflect on the power of an @ beyond its internautic function to cross the barriers of the apparently absurd and crack the solidity of everything that seems chimerical.

      • Food & Drink
        September 2020

        Envoltorios colombianos (cocina en hojas)

        Técnicas profesionales de cocina

        by Carlos Gaviria Arbeláez

        “In Colombia, the art of cooking with leaves is a legacy of our indigenous cuisine, this means that, since before the arrival of the Spaniards, the aboriginal women cook was already taking advantage of a great variety of leaves and with them, she prepared different recipes, many of them which during the colonial years were intervened by Spanish and African cooks, and thus contributed to the miscegenation and the enrichment of our current cuisine” (taken from the prologue, written by Julián Estrada Ochoa). Please get rid of the myth that cooking corn, grinding and wrapping is expensive, requires field, needs many people, or that it is Christmas. This book allows you to get a friendly approach to these preparations and that, together with the arepas, let's start cooking our dough with identity and pride.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        November 2019

        El bastón de Kush

        by Iván R. Sánchez

        In this new adventure, Valeria travels to Sudan, in Africa, looking for some sign of The staff of Kush along the bank of the mighty Nile River. She has now become a bishop and something about her has changed. Her mission will lead her to follow the paths of the Candaces - warrior queens of the Kushita empire - and the forgotten gods. Once again, she will be accompanied by Jones, her dog Wolfie and some great and experienced women who are special and powerful just like her.

      • Houses

        by María José Ferrada, Pep Carrió

        The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro-stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.

      • History of religion

        The Bible, from the Beginning to the End

        A Reading Guide for Today

        by Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi

        No literary work has exerted more influence on Western culture than the Bible. None has been more studied by archaeologists, historians, philologists, anthropologists, philosophers or theologians across the centuries. For anyone interested in this work, true heritage of the world, this book is an indispensable introduction to the main contents and to the discoveries that have been done in recent decades, usually restricted to specialists’ circles. The author offers a vast overview of each one of the books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Characters, geographical settings, historical events, cultures, literary genres and numberless complementary data help the reader to think about the present in light of a past that has configured the mindset of whole generations. “The author combines a simple, yet rigorous, scientific vision of the problems, with a believing reading and an extraordinary pedagogical ability to reach today’s readers.”

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        Las profecías de Alcania

        by M.F. Medrano

        After several years of peace, darkness returns to raze with the five kingdoms and only the four Crystals of Hope, prophesied in Alcania, will be able to save Aucaseem from its destruction. The gene of evil has been passed from generation to generation, a powerful force has awakened and is pulling the strings to carry out its plan. Four young warriors, Seglan, Cafflan, Andria and Trehia, must overcome their own fears and face trials they never imagined to fulfill the prophecy and, thus, defeat the eternal enemy of the Empire. Can they do it? Will they find the strength to stop the war?

      • Children's & YA

        Look and Find. Barcelona's Museums

        by Robert García

        1 city, 11 museums, and more than 150 objects to find! Hours of fun for all ages on an amazing visit to the most outstanding museums in Barcelona. From Museu Blau to CosmoCaixa, going through Museu del Disseny, Museu Egipci, La Casa dels Entremesos, MACBA, Museu Marítim, Fundació Joan Miró, Museu de la Música, Fundació Antoni Tàpies or Museu de la Xocolata. Illustrated by Robert Garcia, Gaur Estudio.

      • 2022


        by Isaac Palmiola

        «Dear Bianca, receiving this message is not good news neither for me nor for you. It means that they have found me and that things have really gone wrong. You need to act immediately, without delay. Collect the last updated hard drives I gave you and take them to Axel Green. You will find him at 22 Planella Street in Barcelona. Memorize this name and the address. Then delete the message, turn off the mobile and destroy it so they can’t trace you. Don’t talk to anyone, especially not the police. You will put anyone you talk to in danger. In fact, you can’t even imagine what you could endanger by talking to anyone». The power of the big hydrocarbon business to control the discovery of new alternative green energies is in the center of this thriller plot as well as the commitment of new generations to stop climate change.

      • Fiction

        Polar Quantum

        by Almudena Otero

        Polar Quantum is a scifi novel set in the 22nd century. Global warming finally caused polar caps to melt and the air to become poisonous. To save humankind, two giant domes were built: one in Greenland, where rich people live; and one in Antarctica, for scientists and intellectuals. Antarctica is the sole remaining part of the Earth where some permanent ice survives, allowing for the development of a type of quantum technology to create a system of AI humanoid systems, that interact with humans being to save what remains of the planet. In this context, historian Gabriel Beristain moves to Quanta, in Antarctica, with his family, where he has been tasked with translating classic works of literature into Kunstig, a language developed to allow the interaction of humanoids and humans. What seems to be a fascinating project opens the door to a world of intrigue, betrayal, and violence that puts the fragile balance of Antarctica, and the survival of the world, into question. The purpose of Polar Quantum is depticing a world where the very essence of humankind is put to the test, and where the coexistence of synthetic humanoids and flesh and blood humans is possible…only if they work together.

      • October 2020

        18-10 Reflexion Visual del Estallido Social en Chile

        by Maria Eliana Aguayo

        Work that represents a visual testimony of the social outbreak that was presented in Chile in October 2019, without censorship or cuts. Illustrations, vignettes and comics that in an intimate and stark way show the various experiences and points of view of young artists. Visions of social criticism, community, hope, joy, effervescence, violence and pain are presented.  In this careful and attractive work, the best 86 works obtained through an open call by RRSS are compiled. It is an eminently visual book (with large, full-color illustrations and comics); trilingual (with translations into English and French); and informative (includes notes with reflections from the artists and comments from the editor).  The compilation and production of the book was in charge of the publisher María Eliana Aguayo. Regarding the creation of the book, the editor comments: “We are very happy with the success of the call, we received more than 500 works from more than 150 authors from different parts of the country and abroad (…) The hardest work was selecting, ordering and systematize all this, the works, reflections and notes”.

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