Armin Lear Press
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View Rights PortalArmin Lear Press is home to award-winning editorial and design talent.
View Rights PortalThis book selects events from 40 different conflicts. It vividly explains the heroic spirit of the People’s Army, and shows the tenacity of the blood and courage of these soldiers. This entire book is groundbreaking and cutting-edge. It’s an ingenious conception, with in-depth commentary, lively language, and boasts both graphics and text – it is well suited to the tastes of young readers. This book is worthy of the troops, extendable to the youth, acts as an assistance to middle-school children who are beginning their Patriotism studies, pays homage to Revolutionary heroes, and even acts as an educational reader to the battles of the past.
This book selects events from 40 different conflicts. It vividly explains the heroic spirit of the People’s Army, and shows the tenacity of the blood and courage of these soldiers. This entire book is groundbreaking and cutting-edge. It’s an ingenious conception, with in-depth commentary, lively language, and boasts both graphics and text – it is well suited to the tastes of young readers. This book is worthy of the troops, extendable to the youth, acts as an assistance to middle-school children who are beginning their Patriotism studies, pays homage to Revolutionary heroes, and even acts as an educational reader to the battles of the past.
Dong Hongmei's father died of disability after the war, and her mother mysteriously “disappeared” when she was three years old. The tragic life experience indicates that her growth will be bumpy. However, her life turned a corner as she became the so-called "child of high-ranking officials," and she managed to drag herself out of the morass of despair. By virtue of the identity of "the child of high-ranking officials," all kinds of good things, such as awards, promotion, and the opportunity of going to Beijing, followed close on one another, while all these actually resulted from a huge misunderstanding... Dong Hongmei's life is full of affecting friendship, thereby making Ode to Youth a rare masterpiece full of romantic feelings in contemporary literary circles.
Revolutionäres Vorbild, Internationalist und Kosmopolit, Theoretiker, Philosoph, Schriftsteller, Politiker, Liebhaber, Ehemann, Vater, Jude, Feind und verfolgtes Opfer. Leo Trotzki, einer der bedeutendsten politischen Führer der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, war von schillernder Gestalt. Der 1879 in der Südukraine als Lew Dawidowitsch Bronstein geborene hat den Grundstein zur Gründung der Sowjetunion gelegt, und wird doch immer wieder unterschlagen, wenn die führenden Köpfe der russischen Revolution genannt werden. Zusammen mit Lenin stand er, der Gründer der Roten Armee, 1917 an der Spitze der Oktoberrevolution. Als Volkskommissar war er unter anderem verantwortlich für das Kriegs- und Verlagswesen. Trotzki war nicht nur politischer Führer, sondern auch produktiver Schriftsteller und begnadeter Redner. Fragen nach Kultur und Alltagsleben waren ihm ebenso wichtig wie Politik und Geschichte. Der Aufstieg der Stalinfraktion nach Lenins Tod 1924 führte zu seinem Ausschluß aus den politischen Führungspositionen und schließlich zu seiner Verbannung 1929. Im Jahr 1940 wurde Trotzki in Mexiko-City von einem GPU-Agenten mit einem Eispickel erschlagen. Robert Service, Professor für Russische Geschichte und Spezialist für Russische Revolutionsgeschichte, hat viele Jahre unveröffentlichtes Archivmaterial gesichtet und mit seiner packenden Biographie nicht nur das Bild eines der brillantesten politischen Köpfe der Revolution gezeichnet, sondern sich – unparteiisch und unverfälscht – auch mit der überfälligen Debatte um das Verhältnis zwischen Trotzki und Stalin auseinandergesetzt.
This major reference work contains essential information on arthropod-borne infections affecting humans and domesticated animals. The encyclopedia is a key reference source for anyone working in medical and veterinary science, and related fields. Features of The Encyclopedia of Arthropod-transmitted Infections are:150 entries, describing arboviral, viral, bacterial and rickettsial, spirochaetal, protozoal and filarial infections, and the vectors that transmit themInformation on disease distribution, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, transmission cycles, vector life-cycles, and treatment and control measures. Figures, tables and photographs illustrate the text. Following each entry is a selected bibliography, to aid further reading on the topicOver 80 different international authors, with expertise in medicine, veterinary science, parasitology, entomology, epidemiology, microbiology, and zoology have contributed to the encyclopedia.
Green's The contemporary law of armed conflict has been acclaimed as one of the most significant works on the law of armed conflict to appear in recent years. The first edition was adopted as a basic text by military institutions and educational establishments throughout the world and is among the most comprehensive and readable works on the subject. This new edition brings the work up to date, examining the significance of the World Court's Opinion on the legality of the nuclear weapon. It also considers the importance of such matters as the laser weapon agreement, the mines treaty and the jurisprudence of the two war crimes tribunals, that for the former Yugoslavia as well as for Rwanda, and assesses the role of the proposed International Criminal Court as it may affect the law of armed conflict. The book applies a practical as well as a theoretical approach, and draws on an extensive range of national and international practice. It is thus an indispensable reference for the armed forces and government defence organizations, as well as academics and students interested in the modern law of war. ;
Green's The contemporary law of armed conflict has been acclaimed as one of the most significant works on the law of armed conflict to appear in recent years. The first edition was adopted as a basic text by military institutions and educational establishments throughout the world and is among the most comprehensive and readable works on the subject. This new edition brings the work up to date, examining the significance of the World Court's Opinion on the legality of the nuclear weapon. It also considers the importance of such matters as the laser weapon agreement, the mines treaty and the jurisprudence of the two war crimes tribunals, that for the former Yugoslavia as well as for Rwanda, and assesses the role of the proposed International Criminal Court as it may affect the law of armed conflict. The book applies a practical as well as a theoretical approach, and draws on an extensive range of national and international practice. It is thus an indispensable reference for the armed forces and government defence organizations, as well as academics and students interested in the modern law of war.
For imperialists, the concept of guardian is specifically to the armed forces that kept watch on the frontiers and in the heartlands of imperial territories. Large parts of Asia and Africa, and the islands of the Pacific and the Caribbean were imperial possessions. This book discusses how military requirements and North Indian military culture, shaped the cantonments and considers the problems posed by venereal diseases and alcohol, and the sanitary strategies pursued to combat them. The trans-border Pathan tribes remained an insistent problem in Indian defence between 1849 and 1947. The book examines the process by which the Dutch elite recruited military allies, and the contribution of Indonesian soldiers to the actual fighting. The idea of naval guardianship as expressed in the campaign against the South Pacific labour trade is examined. The book reveals the extent of military influence of the Schutztruppen on the political developments in the German protectorates in German South-West Africa and German East Africa. The U.S. Army, charged with defending the Pacific possessions of the Philippines and Hawaii, encountered a predicament similar to that of the mythological Cerberus. The regimentation of military families linked access to women with reliable service, and enabled the King's African Rifles to inspire a high level of discipline in its African soldiers, askaris. The book explains the political and military pressures which drove successive French governments to widen the scope of French military operations in Algeria between 1954 and 1958. It also explores gender issues and African colonial armies.
The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD) is a form of multiaxial diagnostic and classification system based on psychodynamic principles, analogous to those based on other principles such as DSM and ICD. It is based on five axes: I = experience of illness and prerequisites for treatment, II = interpersonal relations, III = conflict, IV = structure, and V = mental and psychosomatic disorders (in line with Chapter V (F) of the ICD-10). After an initial interview lasting 1–2 hours, the clinician (or researcher) can evaluate the patient’s psychodynamics according to these axes and enter them in the checklists and evaluation forms provided. The new version, OPD-2, has been developed from a purely diagnostic system to include a set of tools and procedures for treatment planning and for measuring change, as well as for determining the appropriate main focuses of treatment and developing appropriate treatment strategies. Target Group: For psychodynamic psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, specialists in psychosomatic medicine, and psychiatrists.
What is it like to live next door to a British Army base? England's military heartland provides an eye-opening account of the sprawling military presence on Salisbury Plain, drawing on a wide range of voices from both sides of the divide. Targeted for expansion under government plans to reorganise the UK's global defence estate, the Salisbury 'super garrison' offers a unique opportunity to explore the impact of the military footprint in a particular place. But this is no ordinary environment: as well as being the world-famous site of Stonehenge, the grasslands of Salisbury Plain are home to rare plants and wildlife. How does the army take responsibility for conserving this unique landscape as it trains young men and women to use lethal weapons? Are its claims that its presence is a positive for the environment anything more than propaganda? This book investigates these questions against the backdrop of a historic landscape inscribed with the legacy of perpetual war.