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      • Naufal Hachette Antoine

        In 2009, Hachette Livre (# 3 publishing group worldwide) and Librairie Antoine (one of the most renowned Lebanese bookseller groups) joined their strengths to set up Hachette Antoine, a joint-venture based in Beirut, Lebanon. The aim of the JV between Hachette Livre and Librairie Antoine was to create a leading trade publisher in the Arabic speaking world, covering the Middle East (Levant and GCC) and North-Africa regions, with a business focus on high potential markets. Our strength: • Large-scale distribution channels in the MENA region with warehouses in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt. • Strong PR and Media connections throughout the region with efficient online and offline marketing tools. • The only Arab publishing house to provide professional and exhaustive editing on both translated and original Arabic books. • Full financial transparency: All audit assertions and financial statements are served by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Our imprints Naufal: is dedicated to fiction and non-fiction. Our list includes well established classical and contemporary authors from the Arab world among which the best-selling/phenomenon Algerian author, Ahlem Mosteghanemi, Syrian novelist Khaled Khalifa, and Lebanese journalist and women’s rights activist, Joumana Haddad. Fiction/translated: In translated fiction, our strategy consists of publishing authors from Arab origins who write in languages other than Arabic, alongside international best-selling authors. We also leave room for a few “coups de cœur” by debut authors. Thrillers and suspense: Include names such as J.K. Rowling aka Robert Galbraith, Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan Coben, Anthony Horowitz and others, and providing quality translations. Non-Fiction: Biographies and Memoirs: Becoming, A promised land. HA Kids: Licenses: Hachette Antoine is the official licensee of Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Nickelodeon, Ferrari... in the MENA region, with more brands to come. History and Topical books, Illustrated, Inspirational stories, HA Lifestyle, HA Education, HA Reference

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      • October 2010

        Greening Paul

        Rereading the Apostle in a Time of Ecological Crisis

        by David G. Horrell, Cherryl Hunt, Christopher Southgate

        A remarkable, wide-ranging attempt to read the Pauline literature from an ecological perspective, Greening Paul, the first book of its kind, traverses carefully between extremes claiming to present Paul's narrative world and simply subjugating the Bible to a contemporary set of ethical values. Skillfully the authors craft their reading of Paul according to the cutting-edge insights of narrative criticism and tackle burning questions which assail Christians in the present ecological crisis: Does the biblical tradition inculcate an anthropocentric worldview that gives humanity license to exploit the earth for our benefit? Does biblical eschatology imply that the earth is of only passing significance for the elect? Greening Paul is a timely and adroit re-reading of the apostle Paul that provides a potentially very fruitful ecological vision, all the while staying true to the biblical text.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020


        Serengeti, Scozia, Norvegia, Miami, Tokyo, Lavezzi

        by Silvio Valpreda

        Coined by English historian Jason W. Moore in 2016, ‘Capitalocene’ might seem a strange word, even though it relates to something very close to all of us: it is the new age that we live in, where it’s not the mankind that affects the world (as according to the anthropocentrism) but the mankind that is affected by the capital.A writer, artist and former companies executive, Silvio Valpreda connects visual language and storytelling, geography and intuition, infographic and artistic intervention in order to investigate our new world of great changes. He takes us amongst lions and poachers in the Serengeti Plain, churches and sheep in Scotland, electric cars and oil wells in Norway, garbage cans and swimming pools in Miami, until we reach the inhabited island of Lavezzi, only to discover that the capital left its mark there as well.

      • A history of where. Looking for the boundaries of the world

        Alla ricerca dei confine del mondo

        by Tommaso Maccacaro Claudio M. Tartari

        Since the very first time man began measuring the space around him, wonder never ceased. The question "Where are we?" looks like an easy one and yet the answer is anything but simple. The question is still open. Conclusions are always provisional, always questioned by new findings.The space gets bigger and bigger, the notion of "where" becomes broader. It is not just the Big Bang or the universe expanding: it is our perception of the space that broadened over time,becoming more and more complex and making us smaller and smaller, lost in a "where" now limitless.In this short but dense and enjoyable book, Maccacaro and Tartari bring us from the fuzzy space of the valleys inhabited by Homo Erectus to the cosmogonic myths of ancient cultures, introducing us to the first representations of the world. Leafing through their book we will learn that the great Empires of the Bronze Age already created sophisticated conceptual maps, while the stars already helped travellers to find their way. Heavenly space constantly intersectedwith the space on earth, and in classical antiquity the space began to dilate. During the Middle Ages calculation and navigation tools became more refined. Eventually, the discovery of a new continent radically changed our notion of "where", and subsequent exploration rapidly filled with names the spaces previously left blank on ancient parchment maps. In the Modern Age, lenses made the sky bigger, leading to the discovery of new planets. Stars quickly turned intogalaxies, while new theories literally reshaped the world. "Where" is now an elastic, time-related, limitless and ever changing concept.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2007

        Illustrated Dictionary of Entomology

        by Paras Nath

        This Illustrated Dictionary of Entomology is published for the benefit of primarily amateur biologist with an interest in insects and for all those who desires to understand the science of entomology. The technical words related to the various disciplines of entomology such as morphology, anatomy, physiology, systematics, ecology, pest management and general entomology have been included in this Dictionary and where ever possible the technical meaning of these words have been clarified with the help of labeled diagram. Efforts have been made to define the entomological terms in a simple manner in order to make them understandable by the students of entomology and all those who are not the experts of entomology rather they encounter such technical words while dealing with the related literature and fail to find their meaning in general English dictionaries. The students of biology and agriculture sciences in the beginning face lot of problems in understanding the subject because of poor knowledge of such technical words. The individual technical word having different applications have been incorporated in a convincible manner. Therefore, this dictionary will serve as a ready reckoner for all those who wish to understand the science of entomology. This dictionary will also be useful to understand and solve the objective type questions by all those who are to appear in some competitive examinations either for admission in universities or to seek job in the field of entomology and plant protection. It is believed that this dictionary will be useful for the teachers, students, scientists, technologists, extension specialists and all those who deal insects in one way or the other.

      • March 2021

        In Reasonable Hope

        Philosophical Reflections on Ultimate Meaning

        by Patrick Masterson

        In Reasonable Hope considers three foundational responses to this quest for some understanding of the existence, meaning, and value of everything. Other approaches can be considered as combinations or variations of these. Firstly, there is the approach which claims that it is our humanity, exercising its unique intelligent subjectivity, that is the source and measure of all possible meaning and value. Nothing can be thought of as existing, meaningful or of value apart from a thinking human subject. This is a broadly Humanist approach to ultimate meaning. Man is the measure of all things. Secondly, there is the approach of Scientism. This claims that an ultimate understanding of the world and ourselves must be sought, less anthropocentrically, in terms of the findings of basic empirical sciences such as physics and chemistry. We live in a world ever-increasingly dominated by the autonomous system of science and technology. Such Scientism implies an explicitly reductionist and materialist conception of the meaning and value of everything. Thirdly, there is the approach of Theism which maintains that, in the final analysis, the meaning and value of everything, insofar as this can be known, is to be explained in terms of a transcendent infinitely perfect personal being we call God. The first two approaches are carefully considered. However, it is the third to which most attention is devoted. Consideration is given to the traditional impersonal metaphysical approach to questions about the existence and nature of God. The alternative approaches of linguistic philosophy and phenomenology, which reject such metaphysical speculation are also discussed. These various approaches are judged to be complementary rather than strict alternatives. In the latter half of the book is devoted to a more personal and self-involving discussion of the relevance of an affirmation of the existence of God. It explores the implications of a rational commitment to live one's life in accordance with the requirements of values which transcend explanation in purely physical terms, such as truth, goodness, beauty, and especially love. It provides a personal and existential development of the rational hope that such values are ultimately more objectively real and dependable than the eventual universal material chaos predicted by empirical science. It argues that the existence of God as the infinite expression and source of these values is the necessary and sufficient condition of this rational hope in their enduring significance. Finally, there is an account of how the Christian Revelation illuminates and transforms our rational hope in the enduring significance of love of God and neighbor.

      • Science & Mathematics

        Travel Guide for Space Explorers

        by Antonio Ereditato

        Every child around the world dreams of venturing into space, of exploring distant planets, of finding alien civilisations nestled in never seen before valleys. And, even when we grow up, we still look at the stars as one of the few remaining genuine wonders of the contemporary world. Antonio Ereditato takes us where no man has ever been before: our journey begins on Earth, where we have to build our star-roaming vessel; then we set off, and Antonio guides us through planets and stars, asteroids and comets, to explain how the universe works. It’s a long trip, passing far beyond the Oort Cloud where comets are born, to the heart of our galaxy. Travel Guide for Space Explorers is a treasure trove of marvels and astonishing vistas; a field manual for the space explorer inside us.

      • June 2011

        Centering in Pottery, Poetry, and the Person

        by Mary Caroline Richards

        A flowing collection of poetry that is also a guide for life.

      • February 2012

        Three Science Fiction Novellas

        From Prehistory to the End of Mankind

        by J. H. Rosny, translated by Danièle Chatelain, George Slusser

        Three ground-breaking works from a master of modern science fiction

      • Chemistry
        April 2023


        Concepts, Crises, and Conservation

        by Vir Singh

        The variety of life the Planet Earth flowers with is a wonderful culmination of natural evolution. All natural ecosystems and cultivated lands blossoming with biodiversity set out the preconditions for a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable biosphere. Authored by an eminent academician, expert, and celebrated author, the book on Biodiversity: Concepts, Crises and Conservation embraces all dimensions of the biological diversity we need to conceive, understand, recognize, discover, and practically protect, conserve, and augment for posterity, sustainability, and happiness. Emerging concepts, ongoing crises, and potential conservation tactics of biodiversity have been ecstatically explained. The book is composed in a textbook flavor setting out mental agility exercises for students belonging to multiple disciplines and comes out with renewed, enriched, and innovation-disrupting academic content. Apart from the students and their teachers in the life sciences/ biological sciences, environmental sciences, agricultural sciences, geography, and natural resource management streams, the book will also serve as a useful guide for planners, policy-makers, environmental activists, government, and non-government organizations. FEATURES Provides diverse concepts, crises, and conservation strategies Elaborates on a wide range of biodiversity values · Presents magnificent scenarios of agrobiodiversity (biodiversity in agriculture), pedo-biodiversity (biodiversity in soils), biodiversity in the chemosynthesis-based communities Examines biodiversity-climate links Discusses the vital biodiversity-sustainability relationships · Elucidates biodiversity-based sustainability principles and operationalization techniques

      • March 2010

        The Place Where You Go to Listen

        In Search of an Ecology of Music

        by John Luther Adams, other Alex Ross

        A personal journey into the music of the Arctic

      • Organic farming
        June 2018

        Achieving sustainable production of pig meat Volume 1

        Safety, quality and sustainability

        by Prof. Alan Mathew

        Pig meat is the most widely-consumed meat in the world. Previous growth in production has relied, in part, on more intensive systems. In meeting rising demand, these systems face challenges such as the ongoing threat of zoonotic diseases, the need to improve feed efficiency in the face of rising costs, the need to reduce the environmental impact of pig production and increasing concerns about animal welfare.This volume looks first at the main zoonoses affecting pigs and how they can be controlled. It then reviews the latest research on aspects of meat quality such as flavour, colour, texture and nutritional quality. Finally, it assesses ways of monitoring and reducing the environmental impact of pig production.With its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this will be a standard reference for researchers in swine science, producers, government and other organisations involved in supporting pig production. It is accompanied by two companion volumes which focus on animal breeding, nutrition, health and welfare.

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