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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Verfassungswandel in der Außenverfassung.

        Entwicklung von Verfassungsrecht in Text und Kontext.

        by Stock, Katharina

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        September 2017

        Systematische Theologie

        Teil I: Erfahrung und Offenbarung

        by Stock, Konrad

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Lateinische Hymnen

        by Alex Stock

        Die Psalmen hat das Christentum übernommen, die im Raum der lateinischen Kultur entstandenen Hymnen sind sein eigener Beitrag zur Lyrik der Weltliteratur. Im 4. Jahrhundert setzt diese für Gottesdienst und private Frömmigkeit gedachte Literatur ein. Am Ende des Mittelalters ist der Bestand auf annähernd dreißigtausend Titel angewachsen. Hunderte sind in der Neuzeit im ständigen liturgischen Gebrauch geblieben. Der lateinische Hymnus wurde, wie etwa bei dem Passionslied „O Haupt, voll Blut und Wunden”, Grundlage deutschsprachiger Kirchenlieddichtung. Stücke wie das „Stabat mater” oder „Dies irae” haben große Kompositionen angeregt. Aus diesem Schatz werden in der vorliegenden Ausgabe dreiunddreißig Titel ausgewählt. Auf den lateinischen Text folgt jeweils eine Neuübersetzung oder eine liturgisch verwendete Nachdichtung. Einige Bemerkungen zur Textüberlieferung und ein ausführlicher Kommentar erschließen jeweils den Hymnus. Die Auswahl folgt dem Ablauf des Kirchenjahres und des monastischen Stundengebets. Sie ist exemplarisch für die literarische und theologische Vielfalt des Genres und kann als kleine poetische Summe der lateinischen Tradition des Christentums gelesen werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1981

        Koordinationsrundfunk im Modellversuch.

        Das Kabelpilotprojekt (Mannheim-)Ludwigshafen.

        by Stock, Martin

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        Molecular biology
        March 2009

        Insect Pathogens

        Molecular Approaches and Techniques

        by Edited by S. Patricia Stock, Itamar Glazer, Noel Boemare, John Vandenberg

        Investigation of insect pathogens is vital to the understanding of biocontrol and insect management within an ecosystem. Faster and more accurate methods of identification and diagnosis have become possible with the implementation of molecular techniques. Advances in genomics and genetic engineering make this manual the most up to date handbook on insect pathogens, with the latest information on methods used to unravel the genomes of pathogens. The book is divided into four sections covering: Identification and Diagnostics, Evolutionary Relationships and Population Genetics, Genomics, and Genetic Engineering. It is essential reading for those studying and researching at the forefront of molecular science and biological management.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Agricultural Innovation for Societal Change

        Towards Sustainability

        by Bo Malte Ingvar Bengtsson

        Over the centuries, agriculture has developed through technological steps illustrated by various agricultural revolutions. This book describes and analyses significant agricultural changes since the mid-1960s in the context of development, innovation and adoption by revisiting resource-poor farmers in Ethiopia, Sweden and Trinidad and Tobago, and considering overall development changes up to the early 2020s. It is a platform for discussing current issues for future global food security in the context of globalization and free global trade which have influenced economic growth in many countries but also created environmental concerns and a rapid increase in the number of transnational corporations (TNCs). Sustainable food production is now a global priority and therefore ecological footprints must be reduced - this book provides examples of possible technical changes required to achieve this. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone is insufficient: political attention must be paid to declining biodiversity, the increasing global exploration of natural resources, demography, increased consumption, waste mountains, expanding migration and antibiotic resistance. Agribusiness TNCs will challenge national governments and international donors in both research and development, increasing competition for leadership. A gradual societal change, incorporating an understanding of biological fundamentals, is necessary for achieving sustainability and for leading us towards the next agricultural revolution.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Die Olchis und das Schrumpfpulver

        by Erhard Dietl, Wolf Frass, Dagmar Dreke, Eva Michaelis, Nadine Schreier, Gerlinde Dilge, Robert Missler, Elga Schütz, Kai Henrik Möller, Dieter Faber, Frank Oberpichler, CSC creative sound conception, Die Olchis, Helena Thiemann, Erhard Dietl

        Hilfe! Die Olchis sind geschrumpft! Als Professor Brausewein ein besonders starkes Putzpulver entwickelt, ahnt er nicht, welch schreckliche Nebenwirkung es hat: Alles, was mit dem Pulver in Berührung kommt, wird klein geschrumpft! Eines Nachts erwischt es auch die Olchis. Als sie am Morgen aufwachen, sind sie zu Winzlingen geworden! Muffelfurzteufel, nun ist guter Rat teuer, denn der Besitzer des Flohzirkus wittert seine Chance auf ein großes Geschäft … Hörspiel mit den beliebten Olchi-Sprechern

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Sustainable Agricultural Marketing and Agribusiness Development

        An African Perspective

        by Brighton Nyagadza, Tanyaradzwa Rukasha

        The future of Africa and the whole globe is dependent on sustainable agribusiness management. This book offers insights to a wide range of agricultural marketing and agribusiness management practices with a focus on sustainability. It is designed to provide academics and graduate students in business studies with a comprehensive treatment of the nature of agricultural marketing and agribusiness management, as well as sustainability transitions and related practices in certain regions of the world (particularly in Africa). The text also serves as an invaluable resource for agricultural marketing practitioners requiring more than anecdotal evidence on the structure and operation of agricultural marketing and agribusiness management, as well as sustainability in different organisations and geographical areas. It allows the reader to compare and contrast agricultural marketing and agribusiness management, as well as sustainability practices across different research methodologies and settings. The book provides a unique mix of theory, reviews, primary research findings and case studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        The Untold Stories of African Agriculture

        Lessons from Ethiopia

        by Tsedeke Abate

        This landmark volume presents the results of a comprehensive and coherent in-depth assessment of Ethiopian agriculture and draws lessons from it to generate actionable recommendations that will inform policy decisions and priority setting for agricultural transformation across Africa. Policy makers in Africa are faced with the challenges of ensuring food and nutrition security and the economic wellbeing of their rapidly growing populations while at the same time maintaining the integrity of their natural resource base. Between 2000 and 2021, 74% of the growth in overall crop production on the continent was derived from increases in land area expansion, while increases in yield contributed only 26% of the growth. This unchecked expansion of land use puts the sustainability of the natural resource base under severe pressure. Even though some countries have made substantial increases in their farm productivity over the last two decades, the overall performance for Africa is far behind other regions. For the most part, in Africa, agriculture is not fulfilling its expected functions of food and nutrition security, increased export earnings, import substitution, and raw material supply for local industries. Attempts have been made to transform African agriculture over the years, but few countries have succeeded in achieving sustainable change. Using examples from Ethiopia this book identifies the major factors for success and the root causes of underperformance, and offers evidence-based recommendations for future decision making, policy change and the creation of growth. This book: · Draws on a unique set of case studies from Ethiopia described and told from a truly African perspective. · Emphasises to policy makers in Africa that development cannot be outsourced and there are no shortcuts; it is only through consistent effort and sustained support for their agricultural research and development that positive change can be brought about. · States that past agricultural development efforts by the international community have not properly included a strong African voice, and that therefore, all future academic research, policies and strategies dealing with the continent's agriculture and food security should be formulated by Africa's own leading thinkers and experts. · Is not a polemic; its arguments are knowledge and evidence based, building a compelling picture of how agricultural development can be sustained for the future.

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