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Promoted ContentNovember 1971
Die Ratte im Labyrinth
Eine Science-fiction-Anthologie von Franz Rottensteiner
by Franz Rottensteiner, Marie Thérèse Kerschbaumer, Klaus Staemmler, Rudolf Hermstein, Michael Maier
Lem, Stanisl'aw: Die Ratte im Labyrinth. Deutsch von Klaus Staemmler. Colin, Vladimir: Die letzte Verwandlung des Tristan. Deutsch von Marie-Thérèse Kerschbaumer. Sturgeon, Theodore: Reife. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Gunn, James E.: Ein Ungeheuer namens Smith. Deutsch von Michael Maier. McLean, Katherine: Ein unmenschliches Opfer. Deutsch von Michael Maier. Lafferty, R.A.: Regierungsform und Brauchtum der Camiroi. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Blish, James: _. Kidd, Virginia: An der Wand der Jagdhütte. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein.
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Science & MathematicsMarch 2022Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests
by Takumasa Kondo, Gillian Watson
Scale insects feed on plant juices and can easily be transported to new countries on live plants. They sometimes become invasive pests, costing billions of dollars in damage to crops worldwide annually, and farmers try to control them with toxic pesticides, risking environmental damage. Fortunately, scale insects are highly susceptible to control by natural enemies so biological control is possible. They have unique genetic systems, unusual metamorphosis, a broad spectrum of essential symbionts, and some are sources of commercial products like red dyes, shellac and wax. There is, therefore, wide interest in these unusual, destructive, beneficial, and abundant insects. The Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests is the most comprehensive work on worldwide scale insect pests, providing detailed coverage of the most important species (230 species in 26 families, 36% of the species known). Advice is provided on collection, preservation, slide-mounting, vouchering, and labelling of specimens, fully illustrated with colour photographs, diagrams and drawings. Pest species are presented in two informal groups of families, the 'primitive' Archaeococcids followed by the more 'advanced' Neococcids, covered in phylogenetic order. Each family is illustrated and diagnosed based on features of live and slide-mounted specimens, with information on numbers of genera and species, main hosts, distribution, and biology. For the important pest species, coverage includes information on the morphology of live and slide-mounted specimens, common names, principal synonyms, geographical distribution, plant hosts, plant damage and economic impact, reproductive biology, dispersal, and management strategies including biological, cultural and chemical control, sterile insect techniques, regulatory control, early warning systems and field monitoring. An additional complete list of scale insect pests worldwide is provided, comprising 642 species in 28 scale insect families (about 8% of the 8396 species of living scales known), with information on plant hosts, geographical distribution and validation sources. Beneficial uses of scale insects as sources of red dyes, natural resins and waxes, as agents for invasive weed control. The importance of their honeydew to bees for making honey, and as a food source to other animals, are included. Academic researchers, students, entomologists, pest management officials in agribusiness or government including plant quarantine identifiers, extensionists, farmers, field scientists and ecologists will all benefit from this book.
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September 2009Das Labyrinth der zärtlichen Kraft
166 Liebesgeschichten. Mit einer DVD
by Alexander Kluge, Thomas Combrink, Thomas Combrink
Es gibt keine menschliche Eigenschaft, die älter und fürs Überleben notwendiger ist als die Liebe. Wer liebt, sagt man, ist verkauft mit Haut und Haar. Zugleich ist Liebe, so heißt es in Bizets Carmen, „frei wie ein Vogel“. Wie verschieden ist sie von anderen guten Dingen, von ruhiger Freundlichkeit, unerschütterlicher Ruhe, Vertragstreue und von ausgeglichenen Bilanzen! Sie ist ein ‚Attraktor’, unbezwinglich wie die Gravitation, nach der die Sterne tanzen. Zugleich aber der dunklen Energie ähnlich, die uns in eine unbekannte Zukunft vorwärtstreibt. In diesem Labyrinth der Gegensätze kann man sich verirren. In Zeiten der Not und der Finanzkrise versammelt sich die zärtliche Kraft an deren Gegenpol im Erzählten. Denn sie besitzt ihre ganz eigene Ökonomie. Die meisten der hier versammelten 166 Liebesgeschichten sind längst geschrieben. Sie verbargen sich bisher in den 2000 Texten von Alexander Kluge. „Basisgeschichten“ war einer ihrer Namen. Nun ordnen sie sich thematisch neu und in Gesellschaft neuer Geschichten und Reflexionen zu einem Flug über die Landkarten der Liebe. Auf einem Hochplateau endet dieser Flug, im Herzen des schönsten Liebesromans der nichtsentimentalen Tradition und einem Kardinaltext der Moderne über Beziehungsökonomie: der Princesse de Clèves der Madame de La Fayette. Mit einer DVD - Nachrichten vom Tausendfüßler. 21 unveröffentlichte Filme Länge: 158 Minuten Liebe baut ihre Gärten und Nester in den Formen der poetischen Kraft: Mit Hilfe von Büchern, von Filmen und Musikstücken. Zwei dieser Parameter fehlen in einem gedruckten Text. Deshalb ergänzt die folgende DVD die Geschichten durch bewegte Bilder, Filme und durch Schriften, die sich zu Musik bewegen. 1. Reimlexikon von 1826. Stichwort Liebe. (2’ 24’’) Die besten Reime von „Liebe“ bis „Getriebe“. Musik: If All of the Dead are Coming Ahead. Von Gustav & Band (Eva Jantschitsch). 2. Ein Liebespaar in Babylon. (2’ 27’’) Das Bergmädchen. Vor 6.000 Jahren. Das „Bergmädchen“ tr
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December 2018The City in the Ear
by Yang Peng
Yang Peng's Award-winning Novels are a collection of the award-winning works of Yang Peng's many outstanding stories. Not only are the selected articles humorous, but also rich in imagination. They are also rich in profound educational philosophy that can enlighten the mind and help readers to reflect on themselves. Once the otologist conducted a routine check for the ears of President Wilter. He was surprised to find that there was a city hidden in one of the president's ears. The city had no vitality except for one girl who was chased by "men" without faces. The girl told the doctor that this was the soul world of the ear's owner. To save the President's ear, only one million troops and advanced weapons can confront with these no-face men. As such, the doctor's surgery platform becomes the battlefield in the ear, and the war begins...
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True stories2020The case of Vasyl Stus
by Vakhtanh Kipiani
Poet and civil rights activist Vasyl Stus (1938-1985) could not attend any of his book presentations. He published his literary works only abroad. Participation in the movement of protesters to the Russification and anti-Ukrainian politics and an active people’s rights protection stance led Stus to the court bench to times and both for the anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda. This book contains documents from a six-volume criminal case, which is stored on the shelves of the former Committee for State Security archive of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in Kyiv. The book contains archival documents of the case of Vasyl Stus (records of searches, interrogations, letters, articles, etc.), photographs, articles wrote by Vakhtang Kipiani. The last lifetime notes of Stus are also added - "From the camp notebook", secretly passed to his friends from the soviet camp. Preface to the book is written by Vakhtang Kipiani.
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My Little Ears
by Tang Sulan, Li Xianhong
The chirps of birds would not attract me; mum and dad would not get my response by calling me. I thought someone played tricks on me, leaving my world so quiet. Luckily, my parents got me a cochlear implant. With the help of "Little Ears", I heard the world and felt love..
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November 2024Tourism Case Studies Asia-Pacific Region
by Taufik Abdullah, Reni Polus, P. P. Anjusha, Toney K. Thomas, Ade Suherlan, Reiza Miftah Wirakusuma, Alexandra Coghlan, Jennifer Kim Lian Chan, I Putu Gede Eka Praptika, Amanda Natasanti, Della Ade Saputri, Muhammad Ibnu Azzulfa, Brigita Talentiana Mahen, Fahmi Prihantoro, Lan Wang, Sarin Chhuon, Eiji Ito, Sunayana, Nimit Chowdhary, Abhisek Porya, Sweety Mishra, Yu Li, Ramon Benedicto A. Alampay, Mohamed Shenaan, Heike Schänzel, Ranjana Tiwari, Parishmita Gogoi, Alka Maheshwari, Morakot Ditta-Apichai, Krittawit Krittayaruangroj, Suparak Suriyankietkaew, Nadzirah Hosen, Isabel Paulino, Amran Hamzah, Rachel Clissold, Ross Westoby, Karen E. McNamara, Viviane Obed, E. Joshu Ajoon, Stuart Hayes, David N. Nguyen, Gabriel Fuentes Cordoba, Ana Delevska, Sandra Cherro Osorio, Van K. Nguyen, Zainub Ibrahim, Paul Gemmell, Madura Thivanka Pathirana, Bobbie Chew Bigby, Noel Scott, Sarah Gardiner, Sabiha Yeasmin Rosy, Joo-Ee Gan, Michelle Szydlowski, Aileen C. Ani, Aindrila Chakraborty, Kadek Sumaja,
Tourism Case Studies from the Asia-Pacific Region offers a comprehensive exploration of the diverse world of tourism within one of the most dynamic regions on the globe. Authored by leading academic and industry experts, this volume fills a crucial gap in tourism literature by providing practical and engaging case studies that highlight real-world industry best practices, challenges, and opportunities. The volume explores critical topics such as sustainable practices, cultural preservation, community empowerment, resilience, management strategies, policy development, and emerging trends. With 32 case studies, readers are taken on a journey through the unique characteristics of tourism destinations in the Asia-Pacific region, from the bustling cities of China and Japan to the emerging markets of India and beyond. Each case study provides clear aims, context, and outcomes, offering invaluable insights and practical lessons that can be applied in various tourism contexts. Designed for both academic and professional audiences, this volume serves as an essential resource for instructors looking to enhance their teaching practices, students aspiring to succeed in the tourism industry, and practitioners seeking to understand the complexities and opportunities within the Asia-Pacific tourism landscape.
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December 2023Key Questions in Clinical Farm Animal Medicine, Volume 2
Types, Causes and Treatments of Infectious Disease
by Tanmoy Rana, A Ashwini, B. K. Bhagya, Sabita Behera, Dipanwita Bhattacharya, Banothu Dasmabai, Nourhan Eissa, Lesley Farms, G.K. Chetan Kumar, Lunavat Gopala, Ola H. Harb, Abbas Rabiu Ishaq, Dayanidhi Jena, Anil Kumar, Ankesh Kumar, Praveen Kumar, Archana Mahapatra, Ram Niwas, Sunil Punia, R. Nethra, Pratistha Shrivastava
Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering clinical veterinary medicine for common livestock species, this book includes questions about: - diseases of the reproductive, integumentary and urinary systems; - anaesthesia and pain management; - perinatal and geriatric diseases. With full chapters also covering diseases of the eye and ear, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.
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Health & Personal DevelopmentMay 2016How to Deal with Anxiety and Panic
by Michael Rufer, Heike Alsleben, Angela Weiss
Are you or a loved one suffering from anxiety and panic and you are wondering what you can do? To whom you can turn? What the options for treatment are? And how relatives can help? This self-help book gives affected people and their relatives: • clear and comprehensive information based on up-to-date research findings • concrete self-help strategies and exercises with worksheets • descriptions of recognized treatment methods • instructions on coping with stress and using relaxation techniques • detailed answers to frequently asked questions • a helpful list of useful contacts and websites • an idea of how mindfulness can be incorporated. The authors have first-hand knowledge of these problems from their extensive experience of counseling and treating people with anxiety disorders and their relatives. This book summarizes their knowledge in clear and comprehensible form. It is ideal both for self-help and to complement ongoing treatment. Target Group: affected people and their relatives and friends; psychologists, therapists, doctors, counseling centers.
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MedicineFebruary 2022Shell-shocked British Army veterans in Ireland, 1918-39
by Michael Robinson, Walton Schalick
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Literature & Literary StudiesJuly 2020The Case of the Initial Letter
by Gavin Edwards, Andrew Smith, Anna Barton
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November 2010Die Pariser Weltausstellung 1889
Bilder von der Globalisierung
by Beat Wyss
Die gelungenste Weltausstellung aller Zeiten war die Exposition Universelle de Paris von 1889. Weit über 32 Millionen Menschen besuchten das gigantische Spektakel mit knapp 62.000 Ausstellern aus 54 Nationen und 17 französischen Kolonien. Das Wahrzeichen der Schau, der Eiffelturm, blieb Paris bis heute erhalten. Einen legendären Ruf erwarb sich auch das offizielle, wöchentlich erscheinende Journal der Weltausstellung. Auf großformatigen, mit Stahlstichen üppig illustrierten Seiten berichtete es von den Sensationen vor Ort, von dreirädrigen selbstfahrenden Karren und ethnologischen Dörfern, in denen es Kamelreiten für die Kinder und Bauchtänze für die Herren gab. Der Schweizer Kunsthistoriker Beat Wyss hat die hundert originellsten Abbildungen ausgewählt. Sie illustrieren, wie die Expo den Erdball auf ein »Weltdorf« zwischen Trocadéro und Champ de Mars schrumpfen lässt, wie räumliche Distanzen abgebaut und dabei kulturelle Differenzen freigelegt werden. Das späte 20. Jahrhundert wird dafür den Begriff der Globalisierung prägen. Beat Wyss zeigt, wie die Gesellschaften seit dem 19. Jahrhundert mit diesem Prozeß umgehen und mit der Verwestlichung der Welt eine Orientalisierung des Westens einhergeht. Dem Leser als Flaneur über die Bühne der Weltausstellung wird klar: Die Expo 1889 belegt nicht nur den aktuellen Zustand einer Zeit, sondern bietet über die spektakuläre Anordnung ihrer Exponate den Vorschein einer gesellschaftlichen Utopie.
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MedicineManual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling for Chronic Pain
Myofascial medicine as an approach to an unresolved challenge
by Beat Dejung
Medicine for the relief of pain has made little progress in the last 50 years. 16% of our population claim to suffer from chronic pain, for which no lasting help can be found, despite years of treatment by different doctors. Trigger point therapy experts have integrated myofascial techniques into their everyday therapy in recent decades and through this they have achieved good results even with complex and chronic problems. In this book, instructors from the Interest Group for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (IMTT) in Switzerland present 33 complex cases of patients with chronic pain, whose pain they were able to relieve permanently with manual trigger point therapy and dry needling. Using these case studies, doublepage spreads with an educational, uniform layout clearly present the diagnosis, pathophysiology and chronifcation of myofascial pain syndromes and, in conclusion, describe encouraging and surprising successes despite previous therapy resistance.
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February 2020Auch der Esel hat eine Seele.
Frühe Texte und Kolumnen 1963-1971
by Peter Bichsel, Beat Mazenauer
Die erste der in vier Jahrzehnten zu einer Institution sui generis gewordenen P.S.-Kolumnen Peter Bichsels erschien 1975 im Zürcher Tages-Anzeiger. Doch bereits in den 1960er Jahren schrieb der Autor eine Fülle journalistischer Beiträge und Kolumnen zu Fragen der Zeit, die seine frühen Erfolge als literarischer Erzähler begleiteten. Beat Mazenauer hat sie in diesem Band versammelt – und einige erzählerische Erkundungen aus dieser Zeit dazugestellt. Peter Bichsel hat über die Jahre seine eigene Dialektik des Erkennens entwickelt. Sie gibt dem Widersprüchlichen Raum, und in der fortlaufenden Bewegung der Gedanken behält sie stets auch deren Scheitern im Auge. Bichsel, der fragt und infragestellt, ist, sagt Beat Mazenauer, ein Meister des Verzögerns »endgültiger« Antworten.
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February 2020Auch der Esel hat eine Seele
Frühe Texte und Kolumnen 1963-1971
by Peter Bichsel, Beat Mazenauer
Die erste der in vier Jahrzehnten zu einer Institution sui generis gewordenen P.S.-Kolumnen Peter Bichsels erschien 1975 im Zürcher Tages-Anzeiger. Doch bereits in den 1960er Jahren schrieb der Autor eine Fülle journalistischer Beiträge und Kolumnen zu Fragen der Zeit, die seine frühen Erfolge als literarischer Erzähler begleiteten. Beat Mazenauer hat sie in diesem Band versammelt – und einige erzählerische Erkundungen aus dieser Zeit dazugestellt. Peter Bichsel hat über die Jahre seine eigene Dialektik des Erkennens entwickelt. Sie gibt dem Widersprüchlichen Raum, und in der fortlaufenden Bewegung der Gedanken behält sie stets auch deren Scheitern im Auge. Bichsel, der fragt und infragestellt, ist, sagt Beat Mazenauer, ein Meister des Verzögerns »endgültiger« Antworten.
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Children's & YAA Case for Kwiatkowski (28). The Nose of the Goddess
by Jürgen Banscherus/Ralf Butschkow
Private detective Kwiatkowski never fails to solve a case! A trip to Athens? Kwiatkowski can hardly believe his luck when Olga, an old friend, sends him an invitation. But no sooner has he arrived in Greece than he finds himself caught up in a very tricky case: a greenhorn detective named Hercules needs his help to expose the handiwork of two unscrupulous fraudsters. It is a matter of honour that even during his holidays Kwiatkowski must use his superskills. Soon the two detectives are on the move among the ancient temple walls in their search to solve the mystery of the goddess Athene’s nose…
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Fearless Parenting Makes Confident Kids
by Shulamit Blank & Orly Fuchs-Shabtai
Fearless Parenting is about parental authority in modern timesand its pivotal role in raising self-reliant, compassionate, and ethical children, and in preventing behavioral and even severe psychiatric disorders. The last generation witnessed a backlash against disciplining children. We as parents are told to engage in negotiation with our kids about their behavior. We are afraid to be tough with them in case they won't love us or worse—break down. As a result, families today face severe behavior problems at earlier ages, and parents throw up their hands in resignation. The main theme and objective of this book is to prove that setting and enforcing reasonable and appropriate boundaries, combined with learning and education, could save parents' relationships with their kids and literally save children’s lives. The book is unique in that it presents in a direct, simple, and yet profound way, real case studies and situations commonly encountered, along with severe cases of drug abuse, delinquencies, and mental disturbances. All cases are shown to respond very well to authority and boundaries adjusted to the specific situation and behavior. The book contains numerous references to professional material for the more advanced reader and derives inspiration from ancient philosophers and religious thinkers. Shulamit Blank, M.D, is a pediatrician and psychiatrist, specializing in child and adolescent behavioral disturbances. Dr. Blank is the founder and, since 1993, CEO of a community-based educational and treatment facility in Israel for children and adolescents with severe psychiatric and behavioral disorders, in which she is successfully implementing her methods, preventing psychiatric hospitalization and incarceration, and minimizing the use of psychiatric drugs through teaching and education adjusted to the child's specific problems, such as ADHD, learning disabilities, etc. Due to her breakthrough approach, Dr. Blank is well-recognized and fully involved in the professional community worldwide. Dr. Blank has three children and seven grandchildren and resides with her spouse near Tel Aviv. Orly Fuchs-Shabtai is a clinical psychologist. In 2006 she established a national program for the prevention of child violence. There are about thirty-five counselors from the therapeutic field in the program, which provides counseling to hundreds of families each year and to teachers of preschool through elementary school. Fuchs-Shabtai is the mother of three grown-up children and lives in Tel Aviv. The authors strive to follow the ancient wisdom of the biblical aphorism: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). An English-Language eBook was published in fall 2014 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA.
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Children's & YAA Case for Kwiatkowski (27). Milk Carton Alarm!
by Jürgen Banscherus/ Ralf Butschkow
What a disaster! Kwiatkowski’s favourite milk tastes of mango and caramel. Who could have interfered with the milk cartons from the supermarket? Clearly there is something fishy going on here. Especially as the manager of the supermarket can only come up with the flimsiest of excuses. A famous private detective will certainly not allow himself to be fobbed off like this! And so very soon Kwiatkowski finds himself entangled in a mysterious case which requires all his great skills…
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December 2024One Health Case Studies
Practical Applications of the Transdisciplinary Approach
by Susan Cork, Joann Lindenmayer
The One Health Case Studies book is a collection of international case studies showcasing the work of One Health practitioners and their projects. The book explores current areas of One Health, grouped into themes of One Health policy, pests and pathogens, water and the environment, agriculture and food security, and education and community engagement. Looking at a range of different countries, it examines the unique projects being undertaken in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Europe, North and South America and highlights the application of a One Health approach from research conceptualization to policy development and implementation. This book provides an understanding of One Health practice globally through 28 diverse case studies. Each case study is carefully designed with clear aims, expected learning outcomes, and reflective questions to encourage academic mastery and real-world application of knowledge. The book also bridges the gap between theory and practice by offering insights into current One Health best practices, challenges, and opportunities.