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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Ponto de Ruptura

        by Olufunke Ogundimu

        Olufunke Ogundimu explora neste potente conto a sua escrita afrofuturista, num 2087 aterradoramente próximo, quando tudo muda, menos a barreira entre quem tem e quem não tem. Onde os pobres ficaram do lado fora de onde é fácil negar a realidade, num mundo distorcido de quem acredita que mudança climática é fake news. Até o planeta terra atingir o ponto de ruptura e mover as areias dos grandes desertos arrasando fronteiras nacionais, cidades, assoreando rios e oceanos impondo novas formas de viver aos humanos.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1988

        Zerstörung des moralischen Selbstbewußtseins: Chance oder Gefährdung?

        Praktische Philosophie in Deutschland nach dem Nationalsozialismus

        by Peter Rohs, Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg, Siegfried Blasche, Wolfgang R. Köhler, Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Alan Posener

        Praktische Philosophie ist wesentlich Rekonstruktion von vortheoretischen moralischen Intuitionen und daher angewiesen auf ein grundsätzliches Vertrauen in die Gültigkeit des von ihr zu Rekonstruierenden. In kaum einem Teil der Welt wurde nun das Vertrauen in diese vortheoretischen moralischen Intuitionen derart tiefgehend und nachhaltig erschüttert, ja gebrochen, wie das in Deutschland durch den Nationalsozialismus geschah. Dieses Faktum bedeutet für die Moralphilosophie in Deutschland sowohl Chance wie auch Gefährdung. Es ist zugleich ein wichtiger Schlüssel für das Verständnis sowohl der besonderen Spannungen zwischen den verschiedenen Positionen der praktischen Philosophie innerhalb Deutschlands wie auch der Sonderstellung der praktischen Philosophie aus Deutschland gegenüber entsprechenden Bemühungen aus anderen westlichen Demokratien, die aus der ambivalenten Befangenheit der deutschen Philosophen resultiert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2023

        The penny politics of Victorian popular fiction

        by Rob Breton

        Penny politics offers a new way to read early Victorian popular fiction such as Jack Sheppard, Sweeney Todd, and The Mysteries of London. It locates forms of radical discourse in the popular literature that emerged simultaneously with Brittan's longest and most significant people's movement. It listens for echoes of Chartist fiction in popular fiction. The book rethinks the relationship between the popular and political, understanding that radical politics had popular appeal and that the lines separating a genuine radicalism from commercial success are complicated and never absolute. With archival work into Newgate calendars and Chartist periodicals, as well as media history and culture, it brings together histories of the popular and political so as to rewrite the radical canon.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021


        by Poznanski, U.

        Can You Believe Your Eyes?   Dorian has been living on the streets since running away from home, and has always managed to fend for himself pretty well. But when he wakes up one morning beside a dead homeless man who has evidently been murdered, Dorian panics – he can’t remember anything of what happened the previous night. Is he responsible for the man’s murder? Then a stranger appears with an unexpected offer of help, and Dorian seizes the opportunity with both hands – this is his chance to hide from the police. The stranger works with young people in need, and he takes Dorian to a villa where he is given food, new clothes and even schooling.But Dorian soon learns that you get nothing for free in this life. In return for being looked after at the villa, Dorian is expected to distribute mysterious free gifts – gifts which are very carefully sealed. And when an unexpected turn of events results in him keeping one of the gifts, he finds himself being hunted by merciless pursuers.   After the international YA-bestseller Erebos, Saeculum and The Eleria-Trilogy Ursula Poznanski now presents her new thriller: Layers   Awarded with the Hans-Jörg-Martin Prize 2016 for the best YA-Thriller! More information also available under:

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Involução e outros contos para um mundo em crise

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020

        by Sandra Tamele

        Neste terceiro volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária, apresentamos seis contos publicados entre 2017 e 2019 no âmbito do Caine Prize for African Writing e da colectânea New Short Fiction from Africa: ‘Involução’ da autoria da sul-africana Stacy Hardy que aborda abertamente a sexualidade da mulher, também preocupações sociais e políticas, faz alusão a questões como a degradação ambiental, o colonialismo e direitos da mulher, ancorados numa teatralidade conceptual necessária para que o conto não se torne efémero e engaje o sentido de humor do leitor para o aproximar da mente aberta de Hardy. ‘A heroína misteriosa’ ou ‘Mavbanelo na mayi’ em Bitonga, é da autoria da Tanzaniana Lydia Kasese. Ela escreve sobre as expectativas e pressões sociais que levam as mulheres a desejarem concertar tudo. Neste conto Kasese traz destramente à luz questões sobre o abuso de menores e o seu impacto sobre as famílias na Tanzânia e, não só. Alinafe Malonje estreou-se nesta colectânea da Short Story Day com o conto ‘Manutenção de Rotina’, um registo metafísico de um hotel: parte alegoria, parte meditação com um subtil comentário sobre o que significa ser mulher no Malawi. Natasha Omokhodion-Kalulu Banda cria um fabuloso hotel de fantasia que contém realidades sinistras, construindo um persuasivo mundo alternativo. Tariro Ndoro em ‘A lenda das duas irmãs’, ou ‘Xihitana xa vamakwavu na makwavu’ em Changana, traz uma abordagem arrepiante dos perigos da saudade, onde a busca por uma irmã num hotel de luxo em Victoria Falls tem um fim fantasmagórico. Mampianina Randria nos apresenta em ‘O Gatilho’, ou ‘Niyódeké sê xidúvúlá’ em Changana, um conto com um ritmo cerrado e um desfecho totalmente inesperado onde uma mulher que lida com as frustrações de quem entra na vida adulta.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2007

        Hölderlin in Bad Homburg

        by Jochen Schmidt

        Zweimal zwei Jahre verbrachte Hölderlin in Bad Homburg. In jener Zeit entstanden einige seiner wichtigsten Werke, u.a. Hyperion und Der Tod des Empedokles sowie bedeutende Gedichte. Der vorliegende Band berichtet über Hölderlins Lebensgeschichte bis zum Ausbruch des Wahnsinns und bietet einen Überblick über seine geistige Welt, insbesondere seinen Philosophenkosmos und die literarischen Leitfiguren. Er zeigt auch sein politisch-revolutionäres Engagement in einer vom Spätabsolutismus bestimmten Zeit. Der Leser erhält eine bisher so nicht vorhandene, konzentrierte Darstellung zu Hölderlins Dichtung aus der Feder eines führenden Hölderlin-Forschers. Eine Auswahl von Gedichten und Bildern rundet diesen Begleiter zu Hölderlin ab.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2020

        Das Herz der Zeit: Die vergessenen Geschichten

        The Heart of Time: The Forgotten Stories

        by Peetz, Monika

        Everything is lost. Lena’s enemies have taken over the invisible city and launched a witch hunt for time travellers. Together with Bobbie, Lena takes refuge in the future and tries desperately to find other rebels. The near future is already very different compared to her present life: in 2031 climate change is undeniable and people pay by using implanted memory chips, which is frightening enough. Then her chronometer picks up a faint signal – from Dante. Lena can hardly wait to see him again. But can she be sure the signal is genuine?  Things take a dark turn when she is visited by a group of time tourists; in a distant future, time travel is big business. But no one seems to care about the chaos and damage this kind of tourism can cause – or even that it could destroy humanity itself.   For Lena, everything is on the line: the existence of the invisible city, the fate of humanity’s forgotten stories – and even her love for Dante.     12+ years The finale of this enthralling fantasy trilogy. English sample translation available!

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Handbook of Phytosanitary Risk Management

        Theory and Practice

        by Charles Yoe, Robert Griffin, Stephanie Bloem

        Phytosanitary risk management is essential to the global economy as well as the world's ability to feed itself. This book is about understanding the fundamentals of phytosanitary risk management for trade and non-trade issues, and how to manage those risks in an effective and efficient manner that is consistent with the international regulatory framework. Its purpose is to provide the international phytosanitary community and its principal stakeholders with a strong foundation in risk management concepts and a thorough guide to best practices. Starting with the conceptual background necessary for understanding risk management, this book then covers a risk management model with a detailed description of the structure and processes necessary for best practice risk management in the global economy. This is followed by an in-depth look at the continuum of phytosanitary measures with a laser-like focus on key risk management issues, and the book concludes with a final section devoted to an examination of the most compelling risk management issues of the day. This book is: - A comprehensive exposition of phytosanitary risk management. - Valuable both to the experienced risk manager and to those getting started in the field. - Written by a team of experts with extensive professional phytosanitary work experience and knowledge of plant health. Written for professionals, practitioners and policy makers who work in the international trade of plants and plant products and allied fields, this book provides the global phytosanitary community and its principal stakeholders with a practical guide to best risk management practices.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        October 2023

        Crafting crime fiction

        by Henry Sutton

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1995

        Der Glasmensch und andere Science-fiction-Geschichten

        by Marcus Hammerschmitt, Franz Rottensteiner, Marcus Hammerschmitt

        Marcus Hammerschmitt schreibt Science-fiction-Erzählungen, die technologische Phantasie, psychologische Einsicht, Lust am gedanklichen Experiment und poetische Erfindungskraft vereinen. Wie Herbert W. Franke oder Peter Schattschneider basiert er seine Geschichten auf einer soliden Grundlage, entwickelt seine Szenarios und Fabeln spielerisch, verknüpft sie aber dramatisch mit den größeren Problemen von Ökologie einerseits und den Zweifeln und inneren Konflikten des einzelnen andererseits.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        L.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties) 2: The Ocean of Immortality

        by Guo Jingming

        Sold over 1,600,000 copies!Under the guidance of 7th Lord Silver Dust, Qi Ling gradually gets to know this fantastic, magnificent world of sorcery. However, he accidentally breaks into the soul graveyard alone and the Utul Ruins, Aslan's forbidden area. Qi Ling gets acquainted with the 6th disciple A-D-F and the 5th disciple B-D-E (Ghost Mountain Lotus Spring), and together they embark on a more fantastic adventure. In the darkness, however, an unknown secret is breeding little by little, and a bloody hunting net has been spread over their head..

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The After-Time Chronicles

        One Small Spark

        by Andy Woodage

        In the footsteps of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series comes Andy Woodage's debut novel and our entrance into his bio-engineered fantasy world. The After-Time Chronicles: One Small Spark is a young-adult fantasy novel of good, evil, genetically engineered creatures, romance, blood, and the search for belonging. Imagine a world without oil, where metals are only available if they can be salvaged or recycled. Imagine if coal was running out. It’s a world where armies no longer build metal monsters, but biological horrors. A world where genetic engineering has become the art of war. This is 12-year-old Jothan’s world. Orphaned by a terrible accident, he dreams of leaving his uneventful life with his grandparents on the family’s griffin farm. However, when a catastrophic attack wipes out every homestead in The Zoological Zone, his world is turned upside down. He finds himself thrust into a story larger than he ever dreamed, embarking on a rough journey with a mysteriously appearing warrior to the fabled ‘Temple of Elohim’. Accompanied by his best friend, the griffin Gozell, Jothan sets off across a land ravaged by poverty and wild creatures. Battling his way across the dangerous landscape, his eyes are opened to an empire in the grip of war and unrest... with the ever increasing weight of his role in events to come. Will they make it to the Temple? Will they be welcomed when they arrive? Can Jothan unravel the secrets that seem to control the lives of everyone he meets, including his mysterious saviour?

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Managing Risk in Agriculture

        A Development Perspective

        by Ashok K. Mishra, Subal C. Kumbhakar, Gudbrand Lien

        The book addresses and documents farmers' risks in developing and emerging economies. It draws lessons from experimental economics on measuring risk preferences, attitudes, gender differences in managing risks, and risk management strategies in countries across Africa and Asia. It argues policy makers, especially in emerging economies, need a better understanding of farmers' attitudes toward risk and choices of risk management strategies when designing policies to support production agriculture. The book includes chapters on three themes: understanding risk attitudes and preferences; using experimental economics to measure risk, preferences, and risk management strategies; and understanding climate change, risk, and risk management. The book critically examines the currently held beliefs about risk preference, attitudes, and empirical estimation of risk management strategies, emphasizing developing and emerging economies (DEE). "The agricultural development space is an inherently risky one and this welcome collection belatedly helps to plug an important hole." Jock R. Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia "Over time, agricultural production practices have evolved, as have the markets and value chains for food and agricultural products. A constant consideration, however, and one that continues to define agriculture worldwide, is risk. The risks that impinge on agriculture come in all shapes and sizes. Of course, production risks are ubiquitous. But so are market risks. And the same is true for macroeconomic and financial risks and the risks associated with an evolving climate. This book will be a valuable, comprehensive resource for any applied economist desiring to understand the risk management principles relevant to modern food and agricultural systems." Matthew Holt, Prof. and head of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Zog & Mob (Cartoon)


        by Patrice Mballa Asse

        Zog and Mob are two extraterrestrials who happily sail through space, awful unattached jojos, not at all entangled by family, school and society. They travel from planet to planet, looking for a football match, a pint of beer, a disco or a treasure. Their adventures are not always in the best of taste and they often start a fight, even if they don't always look for one, but they always get out of it by trickery or escape. It's completely crazy and full of energy.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Land of Zeekola

        by Amr Abdelhamid

        Can you imagine entering a crypt to find yourself in a strange land whose people deal with intelligence units? You work and do not take your wage in cash, but rather your intelligence units increase, and if you buy something, they decrease. It is the wondrous land of Zeekola, where there is no place for lazy ones. Whoever runs out of units will be killed. A strange adventure in which the novel takes us with its hero Khaled, who suddenly finds himself there to get to know that country. We live with its people, witness his meeting with the doctor Aseel, and go with him on a path he never choose.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Die Zukunft gehört uns

        12 wahre Geschichten über Kinder, die sich für eine bessere Welt einsetzen | Zwölf wahre Geschichten für kleine Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten | Kinderbuch ab 5 Jahre

        by Loll Kirby, Yas Imamura, Conny Lösch, Michael Platt

        Mohamad aus Syrien war zwölf Jahre alt, als er eine Schule in einem Flüchtlingslager eröffnet hat. Die siebenjährige Havana aus den USA möchte, dass alle Kinder Spaß am Lesen haben, und verschenkt deshalb Kinderbücher mit vielfältigen Heldinnen und Helden. Kesz von den Philippinen lebte als kleiner Junge auf der Straße. Schon mit sieben Jahren hat er eine Organisation gegründet, um anderen Kindern in der gleichen Situation zu helfen. Loll Kirby erzählt von mutigen Mädchen und Jungen wie Mohamad, Havana und Kesz, die sich für eine bessere Zukunft einsetzen. Auf den bunten Illustrationen von Yas Imamura gibt es viel zu entdecken. Die Zukunft gehört uns macht Mut und zeigt, dass wir alle etwas tun können, um die Welt von morgen gerechter zu machen.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Sport & leisure industries
        October 2006

        Adventure Tourism

        by Ralf C Buckley

        Adventure tourism is a new, rapidly growing area at both practical and academic levels. Written at an introductory level, Adventure Tourism provides a basic background and covers commercial adventure tourism products across a range of adventure tourism sectors.

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