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        The Arts
        January 2018

        Flowers and Children

        by LIN Xi

        Lin Xi’s paintings distinguish themselves with innocence and delicacy expressed, which often pay attention to blossoms, children and small items. Lin’s paintings reveal her distinctive thoughts and reflections on nature, art and life. In this book, Lin focuses on themes related to "flowers" and "children", and leads readers to a wonderful journey for discovering the subtle, beautiful, and moving moments in everyday life. Through these lovely paintings, we may find possessions that really matters in our life. 林曦的画作朴拙天真、细腻灵动,尤其喜画花朵、孩童、案头玩意等美好小景。画集是林曦对自然、艺术、生活等的一份内心独白,以“花”和“童”为主题来反观日常生活中细微的美好、感动的瞬间、烂漫的时刻。在花间寻天真,重拾宁静美好的天然本性;于童心得热忱,找回生命中珍贵的持有。

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        New Strategies on National Rejuvenation

        by Shujin HUANG

        In the 18th National Congress of CPC,President Jinping Xi proposed the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy,which are the new thoughts,new claims and new requests of the country governing.This book explores these new thoughts,new claims and new requests in-depth,and explains the strategies of national rejuvenation so as to complete the new tasks of the modern society.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2017

        A community with a shared future for mankind

        Chinese Program in Global Governance

        by Wang Fan, Ling Shengli

        Chinese President Xi Jinping has mentioned the "Chinese Plan" for global governance on several occasions, and pointed that "the world is so big and we have so many problems that the international community looks forward to hearing Chinese voices and seeing China's plans, and China cannot be absent in there". The book tries to find answers to this series of questions.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        The Xinjiang emergency

        by Michael Clarke

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        Spring Aarrives at Huamei Mountain

        by Yang Bi

        For a long time, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been very concerned with the management of soil erosion in Changting, Fujian. In order to further promote General Secretary Xi Jinping's ecological civilization concept of “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and sing the praises of the Party's great achievements in common prosperity, ecological poverty alleviation and the construction of old revolutionary areas. This children's novel uses a realistic approach and is based on the erosion control work in Changting, Fujian Province, the core area of soil erosion in the south of China, and the main line of the project are "managing barren mountains", "starting a business to get rich", etc. This novel is fast-paced with a child's point of view to observe and experience, and a novel perspective with a child's psychological questioning and thinking. It expresses the responsibility and commitment of children in the new era, and inspires young people to enjoy, love and protect nature.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Community of Common Destiny—Chinese Program in Global Governance

        by Wang Fan, Ling Shengli

        Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned the community of common destiny more than 100 times on important occasions both at home and abroad and elaborated on the connotation.This book tries to "Community of Common Destiny-Chinese Program in Global Governance" as the tittle, through ‘Community of Common destiny’ to illustrates a new international outlook" "New ideas, new measures: a win-win sharing of Chinese wisdom" . In recent years, China has built its community of peripheral destinies and taken part in the practice of global governance to explain China's determination and ability to safeguard world peace, promote global development and build a new international order, and further establish a good image of China as a responsible major power.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Divided Isles

        Solomon Islands and the China Switch

        by Edward Acton Cavanough

        In 2019, Solomon Islands made international headlines when the country severed its decades-old alliance with Taiwan in exchange for a partnership with Beijing. The decision prompted international condemnation and terrified Australian security experts, who feared Australia's historical Pacific advantage would come unstuck. This development is often framed as another example of China's inevitable capture of the region - but this misrepresents how and why the decision was made, and how Solomon Islanders have skilfully leveraged global angst over China to achieve extraordinary gains. Despite Solomon Islands' importance to Australia, local readers know little about the country, a fragile island-nation stretching over a thousand islands and speaking seventy indigenous languages. In Divided Isles, Edward Cavanough explains how the switch played out on the ground and its extraordinary potential consequences. He speaks with the dissidents and politicians who shape Solomon Islands' politics, and to the ordinary people whose lives have been upended by a decision that has changed the country - and the region - forever.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2025

        China und Russland

        Kurze Geschichte einer langen Beziehung | Die grundlegende Einführung in die chinesisch-russischen Beziehungen

        by Sören Urbansky, Martin Wagner

        Urbansky und Wagner – zwei ausgewiesenen Kennern der beiden Länder – erzählen die wechselvolle Geschichte vielschichtiger Verbindungen, denen sich China und Russland niemals entziehen konnten. Als imperiale Großreiche, sozialistische Supermächte und autoritäre Gewaltregime glichen und verglichen sie sich, sie konkurrierten und kooperierten. China und Russland können sich nicht aus dem Weg gehen und marschieren doch nicht im Gleichschritt. Über das Verhältnis zwischen China und Russland wird viel spekuliert. Einerseits befürchten Beobachter:innen ein Bündnis der autoritären Regime. Andererseits widersprechen sich die geopolitischen Interessen Pekings und Moskaus oftmals. Auf der einen Seite nennen sich Xi Jinping und Wladimir Putin »gute Freunde«. Auf der anderen Seite ist unklar, ob die Länder sich auf Augenhöhe begegnen und wie sich die Machtbalance verschoben hat. Um die chinesisch-russischen Beziehungen im 21. Jahrhundert angemessen einzuordnen, muss man ihre lange Vergangenheit verstehen. Die Historiker Sören Urbansky und Martin Wagner führen in die vierhundertjährige Geschichte der beiden Nachbarn ein: von den ersten offiziellen Kontakten 1618 über das Zerwürfnis der beiden kommunistischen Regime unter Chruschtschow und Mao bis hin zu Chinas Reaktion auf Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine 2022.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Color and Light -- Western Painting appreciation

        by Xi Chuanji

        This book tells the history of western art from primitive art to modern art in a simple and easy way in a short space of 25 lectures. The main words are not complicated, and the style is precise. Therefore, it has even been adopted as a textbook by many colleges and vocational schools. For art lovers and ordinary readers, it is also a good concise book for popular art appreciation. An art gallery without walls, Ancient Greece, Impressionism, Romanticism... Twenty-five fine galleries of Western art, each displaying only three or five works. A history of minimalist western art from primitive painting to modern abstract art, under the guidance of an art historian, from form to color, from color to light, from light to shadow, are so three-dimensional and vivid. A new reprint of the once popular Western art appreciation manual, an art bible to take with you. This book is included in the catalogue of Middle and Primary School Reading Books of Zhongnan Media.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Lessons of Chinese Anti-Corruption History

        by Xi Hua

        Why did an egg provided for emperors in Qing Dynasty cost 10 liang (equal to 1,000 U.S. dollars)? How could a commoner be promoted to senior ofcial in two years merely because of a folding fan? Could Chong Zhen, the last emperor in Ming Dynasty, avoid fleeing away in despair and ending up hanging himself? Answers all lie in this impressive book. As a Chinese saying goes, "Guided by history, one can see through reasons behind a nation's rise and fall." Narrated by a senior cadre of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the book consists of 24 referential stories about anti-corruption in Chinese history. Through continuously reflecting on past lessons, the author sums up valuable experience for combating corruption and building a trustworthy government. In concise and vivid language, this book reveals vast unheard anecdotes and historical truths of Chinese officialdom before establishment of PRC, which are significant for readers inside and outside China to understand historical roots of current anti-corruption policies in China.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023


        Eine Weltgeschichte | Ein preisgekröntes und bahnbrechendes Werk über den globalen Einfluss Maos und Chinas von einer vielfach ausgezeichneten Autorin

        by Julia Lovell, Helmut Dierlamm, Norbert Juraschitz

        WIE DIE WELT DEM MAO-FIEBER ERLAG Unter der Herrschaft Xi Jinpings prägt der Maoismus bis heute die Politik Chinas. Umso wichtiger ist es, seine Geschichte zu verstehen. Revolutionär, brutaler Diktator, Pop-Ikone: Mao Zedong war eine der prägendsten Personen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das kleine Rote Buch, bis heute knapp eine Milliarde Mal gedruckt, verbreitete sein Denken weltweit. Antikoloniale Bewegungen beriefen sich ebenso auf den Großen Vorsitzenden wie Politsekten und Terrororganisationen. Rudi Dutschke propagierte den »Langen Marsch durch die Institutionen«. Andy Warhol wählte Mao als sein erstes nichtwestliches Motiv. In ihrem monumentalen Buch zeigt Julia Lovell, wie der Maoismus in China und zahlreichen anderen Ländern rund um den Globus zu einer so wirkmächtigen Ideologie werden konnte. Dabei verschiebt sie die Koordinaten der herkömmlichen Geschichtsschreibung. Fernab von Moskau und Washington beeinflusste Peking zur Hochzeit des Kalten Krieges den Konflikt in Vietnam, verhalf den Roten Khmer in Kambodscha an die Macht und inspirierte Guerillas in Indien und Peru. Lovell erklärt, warum Intellektuelle in Westeuropa von einer Weltanschauung fasziniert waren, die sich an chinesische Bauern richtete. Sie folgt den Wegen revolutionärer Kämpfer aus Afrika, Südamerika und den USA. »Ein beeindruckendes, zugängliches und [...] erstaunliches Buch« (Ian Johnson, Pulitzer-Preisträger).

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        African Women in Digital Spaces

        Redefining Social Movements on the Continent and in the Diaspora

        by edited by Msia Kibona Clark, Wunpini Fatimata Mohammed

        From Tamale to Paris, Hong Kong to Texas and back to Ouagadougou, this collection of scholarly chapters, poetry and personal essays theorizes the lives of African women and people of marginalized genders on the continent and the diaspora. The book is an important intervention in conversations on social movements and their convergence with digital media and other praxis tools. The contributors bring a refreshing perspective to discourses on African feminists' agency and how this manifests in their organizing in the physical world and in the digital public sphere. The volume demonstrates the relationships between the struggles of African feminists on the continent and the diaspora charting pathways for African scholars to build coalitions and work toward collective liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2011

        Street Level

        Drawings and Creative Writing Inspired by the Cultural and Architectural Heritage of Dar es Salaam

        by Sarah Markes

        The introduction to this extraordinarily beautifully illustrated book gives a fascinating overview of the history and architectural heritage of Dar es Salaam, and an insight into the efforts of those seeking to preserve it. The book captures 'fragments of the atmosphere, the sun bleached charm and the dynamic energy' of Dar es Salaam. Generic class and concrete skyscrapers are replacing human sized old Dar, and the frenzy to modernise shows little sign of abating. The city's cultural and historic memory is being erased by property development and its profits for the few. Through her drawings, the artist has recorded the vanishing city centre. She gives portraits of its colourful and dynamic people: living, going about their business, worshipping and gathering in its age old restaurants and tea rooms to spend time as generations have done so before. An important part of the book is short pieces of prose and poetry by some of the best creative writers in Dar today. They are snapshots of Dar and its people: the privileged, the poor, those who walk the streets going to places or aimlessly ambling, those in love and those who passed through Dar and left a record of their sojourn.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Sea Level

        A Portrait of Zanzibar

        by Sarah Markes

        ‘Sea Level’ is a creative celebration of Zanzibar’s rich and fascinating heritage as seen today. Captured in drawings by artist and designer Sarah Markes, this is a unique and personal portrait of Stone Town’s colourful streets, and a portrayal of the island’s natural beauty and culture. It is also a plea for recognition of the threats posed to Zanzibar’s heritage and the inestimable value of conserving it.This is the second book in the series, following ‘Street Level - A collection of drawings and creative writing inspired by Dar es Salaam’. Now in its third edition, ‘Street Level’ was described by MG Vassanji as “A truly delightful book, a must for those who love Dar and care about its history.”

      • Trusted Partner

        Development as Rebellion

        A Biography of Julius Nyerere

        by Issa G. Shivji, Saida Yahya-Othman, Ng’wanza Kamata

        This is the first comprehensive biography of Julius Nyerere, a national liberation leader, the first president of Tanzania and an outstanding statesman of Africa and the global south. Written by three prominent Tanzanians, the work spans over 1200 pages in three volumes. It delves into Nyerere's early days among his chiefly family, and the traditions, friends and education that moulded his philosophy and political thought. All these provide the backdrop for his entrance into nationalist politics, the founding of the independence movement and his original experiment with socialism. The work took six years to research and write, involving extensive and wide-ranging interviews with persons from all walks of life in Tanzania and abroad. Among these were several leaders in East and Southern Africa who were based in Dar es salaam during their liberation struggles. The authors also visited several British universities and archives with material related to Nyerere and Tanzania, thus enriching the work with primary sources that not available in Tanzania. The book does not shy away from a critical assessment of Nyerere’s life and times. It reveals the philosopher ruler’s dilemmas and tensions between freedom and necessity, determinism and voluntarism and, above all, between territorial nationalism and continental Pan-Africanism.

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        Pull and Pull

        by Shafi Adam Shafi

        Yasmin, an Indian teenager from zanzibar, is married by her parents to Bwana Raza, an Indian trader who is much older than her. When the couple moved to Mombasa, Yasmin soon grew tired of the unhappy life she led to her side and fled. Returning to the city, she is chased away by her family and will find refuge in Mwajuma, a Swahily in the popular neighborhood of Ngamb'u, who introduces her to Swalibian life and her pleasures. Yasmin then discovers friendship and love when she meets Denge, a young intellectual who has returned from Russia and engaged in the anti-colonial struggle. With his fellow wrestlings, he entered the country censored prayers and newspapers and participated in operations intended to overthrow British power. Between Denge and Yasmin was born a love as strong as it was impossible. At the same time, Bukheti, a young man who loved Yasmin in Mombasa, decides to leave everything to find her and convince her to marry her. When a policeman zealously in the colonial government discovers Yasmin's past and ties to Denge, he pushes her to betray her lover. In the face of these difficult choices, which path will Yasmin choose to take? Denge, ready for all sacrifices to free his country from the colonial yoke, renounce Yasmin's love?

      • Trusted Partner

        God is not Loaned

        by Zainab Alwi Baharoon

        The novel God Is Not Loaned describes the life of a family in Unguja that has entered many conflicts and tragedies. Everything has a source and an end; then what is the source of the differences and what was its fate? The story is about the father, Mr. Ahmed, with a fierce anger without limits, who led his family by his own will, regardless of the feelings of his wife or sons. But in his heart he kept a secret, and that secret is what made Mr. Ahmed becomes excessively harsh, prompting him to prevent the return of what happened to him in the past. But the shadow of his past history did not stop haunting him. This novel is written in a beautiful and eloquent language, with the skill of a careful artist who understands the life of Zanzibari and coastal communities in general.

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