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      • Naxos Deutschland Musik & Video Vertriebs GmbH

        About Naxos licensing service As the world's leading classical music label, we can offer you an unparalleled range of repertoire for licensing. Our continuously-expanding catalogue now contains over 750,000 tracks, all of the highest artistic standard, all in state-of-the-art digital sound and many critically-acclaimed. From Early music to Opera, from Medieval to Post-Modern, from Bach to Wagner, Naxos has it. And because we own our recordings outright we can clear the right overnight without involving third parties. Are you looking for unique music for your project? We are offering a complete service from your initial concept to the finished product.   Julia Brunzlow eMail: Tel.: 0171-3312975   Julia Gärtner eMail: Tel.: 08121-2500747   Web:

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2005


        Das reflexive Medium

        by Yvonne Spielmann

        Vom Aufkommen der Videotechnik Mitte der sechziger Jahre bis heute hat sich ein breitgefächertes Feld der Videopraxis etabliert. Es nimmt seinen Ausgang in der Auseinandersetzung mit den Parallelmedien Fernsehen und Performance und entwickelt im Rahmen der Formatvorgaben von Videoband, Videoinstallation und Videoperformance ein eigenes ästhetisches Vokabular. Dieses zeichnet sich durch Übergänge zur Installation, zum Happening und zu multimedialen, hypermedialen und interaktiven Präsentationsformen aus. Yvonne Spielmann fragt in ihrer detaillierten Studie nach dem Stellenwert von Video in technologischer, ästhetischer und medienkultureller Perspektive und vertritt die These, daß Video ein eigenständiges Medium darstellt und nicht etwa ein Zwischenstadium, das mit der Einführung digitaler Technologien obsolet würde. Der vorliegende Band bietet einen Überblick über die Theorie und Geschichte der Videokunst und stellt daher ein Kompendium dieser für die Kunst der Gegenwart maßgeblichen Medienform dar.

      • Trusted Partner

        Half the Quilt(Picture Book Edition)

        by Xiaoxiang Film Group Co., Yang Fei

        Half of the Quilt(Picture Book Edition) is based on the movie Heart for Heart (produced by Xiaoxiang Film Group and directed by Meng Qi). In October 1934, the fifth anti-encirclement failed, the Central Red Army evacuated the Soviet Union and began the Long March. The Red Army field hospital was bombed by enemy planes and suffered heavy casualties. Dong Xiuyun, a female soldier who stayed at the field hospital to look after the wounded, decided to take the wounded with her and chase the troops. Dong Xiuyun took in the soldiers of the various units who were left alone along the road, forming a special team. After the team came to Shazhou Village, the three female Red Army lived in Xu Xiexiu's house. When parting, Dong Xiuyun cut the only one quilt in half to Xu Xiexiu. This book nourishes the young people's spiritual world with red culture, inherits the red gene, and allows the spirit of the Long March to be passed on from generation to generation among children.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        Picture book "Bibbi"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Bibbi   Feodora goes to the market with her mom, where she meets Gino. A grumpy honeybee attracts the attention of the two dino children. She seems to have a problem that's really putting her in a bad mood. Now, Feodora and Gino are curious to find out how they can help the little bee.   Educational approach:   What does the book Bibbi aim to express? Even if you sometimes feel the impression that something is too diffcult or overwhelming and you're tempted to give up. You should take time to think things through might not be so bad after all! Picture book cinema This book by Meggie Berns has also been published as a movie in our picture book cinema. This means that it is 100% identical to “Bibbi - the movie”. Children who want to learn or practise reading can therefore read along word for word in the corresponding book.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        My Little Picture Book of Animals

        (From A to Z)

        by Ulrich Talla Wamba / Akira Junior

        For ages 3+  ‘‘My Little Picture Book of Animals (From A to Z)’’ helps children identify animals in their environment. It contains both domestic and wild animals. The animals are placed in alphabetical order to ease the learning process.

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        Grandpa’s Fourteen Games

        by Author: Zhao LingIllustrator: Huang Lili

        Key Points: Little games with big wisdom teach children to be optimistic and not afraid of difficulties.   Brief content After Chinese New Year, dad and mom, a doctor and a nurse, have gone to Wuhan to fight the epidemic, leaving grandpa and the little girl at home. The little girl does not know the building is in quarantine so residents cannot go out. To have the girl staying at home happily, grandpa comes up with an idea: a game a day, playing games with the little girl during the fourteen days. The little girl plays the roles of doctor, scientist, policeman, soldier, community administrator, and even patient. Every day, he expects the coming games, through which he feels how people from all walks of life selflessly dedicate themselves to fighting hard with the epidemic.   Reading Guidance: It's in children's nature to love playing games. During these special days, grandpa smartly uses this nature of children to have the little girl get through fourteen-day quarantine without knowing what happens, tenderly protecting a child's heart of innocence and imagination.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to  (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to         (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to  (fetch code: 0la4)

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        February 2006



        by Hammerstein, Lukas

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2020

        The Guys of Rangoon 1930

        by Khet Zaw

        The Guys of Rangoon , 1930 is a record breaking bestseller book from Myanmar . It sold 16000 copies within one day during the pre order period. More than one hundred thousand copies have been sold so far. Film rights, several merchandise rights, comic rights already sold.It was based in Yangon , Myanmar during the colonial period. The main character is Pho Thoke who was a gangster and managed a lot of business by himself and his gang. He is very close with politicians as well and he is involved in several dirty political movements in Myanmar . This story is based on real characters and events.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        Die Tribute von Panem 1. Tödliche Spiele

        by Suzanne Collins, Maria Koschny, Sylke Hachmeister, Peter Klöss, Markus Langer, Eduardo Garcia, Matthias Scheuer, Die Tribute von Panem, Frank Gustavus, Markus Langer

        Die Hunger Games als Hörbuch. In einer nicht näher definierten Zukunft, nachdem Nordamerika durch Kriege und Naturkatastrophen zerstört wurde, entstand die diktatorische Nation Panem, bestehend aus dem regierenden reichen Kapitol und 13 ärmeren Distrikten. Nicht zufällig erinnert Panem  an Panem et circenses, lateinisch für Brot und Spiele, aus römischen Zeiten: Auch hier sollen Tribute wie damals Gladiatoren das Volk belustigen. Eine von ihnen ist die 16-jährige Katniss Everdeen, die anstelle ihrer jüngeren Schwester bei den Hungerspielen im Kapitol von Panem antritt und um ihr Leben kämpfen muss. Als ihr Mitstreiter Peeta ihr seine Liebe gesteht, wird die Sache noch schwieriger, denn am Ende darf es nur einen Sieger geben. Wird es ihnen gelingen, das Kapitol zu überlisten und beide zu überleben? Der packende dystopische Bestseller ist erzählt aus der Perspektive von Katniss  – und was sie denkt und fühlt, ihr innerer Monolog, steht in starkem Kontrast zu dem spektakulären, grausamen Ereignissen in Panem … Mögen die tödlichen Spiele neu beginnen …  - Der erste Teil der Erfolgstrilogie von Bestseller-Autorin Suzanne Collins gelesen von Maria Koschny - Auftakt der Ausnahme-Fantasy-Dystopie - Ausgezeichnet mit dem Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis (Preis der Jugendjury). - Bekannt als Kino-Blockbuster mit Jennifer Lawrence in der Hauptrolle.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        The Xiang River Running North

        by Deng Xiangzi, Zuo Hanzhong

        The Xiang River Running North is an original picture book on the theme of river culture. During the 100 years of the Chinese Communist Party's struggle, the Xiang River has undergone radical changes in water quality, the economy along the river, the development of natural scenic areas, and the construction of new rural areas. Now, there is a prosperous new face of Hunan. This book depicts the beautiful landscape of Xiang River in a large scroll, and at the same time, these changes are cleverly integrated into it. For example, high-speed rail through the mountains, high buildings are everywhere, bridges across the river, and new countryside all over the China, etc. In a large format, this book opens a lively course for young readers to read about Xiang River, nature and the times.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2005

        Digitales Video

        Kniffe und Know-how für Einsteiger

        by Wells, Peter / Deutsch Schossig, Matthias

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1998

        Desktop Video

        Videos digital bearbeiten

        by Klimsa, Paul

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2003

        Audio-, Video- und Grafikprogrammierung

        Media Control Interface, COM mit DirectX, DirectSound, Sprites mit DirectGraphics, DirectShow, Spieleprogrammierung, DirX- und DVD-Filter

        by Bruns, Kai; Neidhold, Benjamin

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        Children's Art Manual Game Book

        by Green Book

        Basics of Interesting Paper-cut: Basics of Interesting Paper-cut is a book for guiding children to have fun origami. The strength of DIY ability directly reflects the flexibility of the brain, so improving children's DIY ability is an important way to promote intellectual development, while hand craft is a good way to fully develop children's intelligence.

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