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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2018
Sweden and ecological governance
by Lennart Lundqvist, Mikael Anderssen, Duncan Liefferink, Martin Hargreaves
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February 2024Wiedersehen in Stockholm
Roman | Second-Chance-Romance mit Wohlfühlfaktor | Das perfekte Geschenk zum Valentinstag
by Anna Lönnqvist
An einem bezaubernden Abend in Stockholms Tivoli Gröna Lund lernen sich Ella und Ben kennen und verlieben sich auf den ersten Blick. Am nächsten Morgen steigt Ben zurück in den Zug nach Hause in Nordschweden, aber beide sind sich sicher: Sie sehen sich wieder. Doch die Dinge entwickeln sich anders und plötzlich sind zwölf Jahre vergangen. Ella ist in einer glücklichen Beziehung mit ihrem Jugendfreund Leon und arbeitet als freie Autorin. Sie hat gerade den Auftrag bekommen, die Biografie der legendären Unternehmerin Fredrika Bergh zu schreiben. Da stellt Fredrika ihr einen neuen Kollegen vor: Ben. Sie beschließt, ihn zu ignorieren. Ein lang vergangener Abend wird ihr jetziges Leben nicht verändern. Oder doch? Denn je mehr sie über Fredrikas bewegtes Leben schreibt, desto mehr hinterfragt sie ihr eigenes ... Wiedersehen in Stockholm ist eine warmherzige, gefühlvolle Geschichte über spontane Anziehung, verlorene Liebe und zweite Chancen.
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February 2024Wiedersehen in Stockholm
Roman | Second-Chance-Romance mit Wohlfühlfaktor | Das perfekte Geschenk zum Valentinstag
by Anna Lönnqvist, Regine Elsässer
An einem bezaubernden Abend in Stockholms Tivoli Gröna Lund lernen sich Ella und Ben kennen und verlieben sich auf den ersten Blick. Am nächsten Morgen steigt Ben zurück in den Zug nach Hause in Nordschweden, aber beide sind sich sicher: Sie sehen sich wieder. Doch die Dinge entwickeln sich anders und plötzlich sind zwölf Jahre vergangen. Ella ist in einer glücklichen Beziehung mit ihrem Jugendfreund Leon und arbeitet als freie Autorin. Sie hat gerade den Auftrag bekommen, die Biografie der legendären Unternehmerin Fredrika Bergh zu schreiben. Da stellt Fredrika ihr einen neuen Kollegen vor: Ben. Sie beschließt, ihn zu ignorieren. Ein lang vergangener Abend wird ihr jetziges Leben nicht verändern. Oder doch? Denn je mehr sie über Fredrikas bewegtes Leben schreibt, desto mehr hinterfragt sie ihr eigenes ... Wiedersehen in Stockholm ist eine warmherzige, gefühlvolle Geschichte über spontane Anziehung, verlorene Liebe und zweite Chancen.
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2020Refugees and the violence of welfare bureaucracies in Northern Europe
by Dalia Abdelhady, Nina Gren, Martin Joormann
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April 2022Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe
by Konstantinos Andriotis, Carla Pinto Cardoso, Dimitrios Stylidis
For many decades, Western European countries have undertaken diverse pathways in tourism development and planning. Most have experienced fast or even unlimited growth, resulting in overtourism and, now, the introduction of policies that respect the limits of communities and the sustainability of their resources. Focusing exclusively on tourism development, planning and policy, this book draws together new voices to discuss issues across Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It: - Provides both successful and unsuccessful case studies to illuminate real, practical solutions, developed by tourism scholars who are experts in their researched context countries. - Adopts a range of methodological approaches to cover diverse and less-covered areas such as industrial tourism, saltpans, natural and cultural heritage, and micro-destinations. - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in Western Europe's re-development. An invaluable collection for policy-makers, researchers and academics, this book is also an insightful source of engaging contemporary case studies for use in the classroom.
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2023Civil war London
Mobilizing for parliament, 1641–5
by Jordan S. Downs
This book looks at London's provision of financial and military support for parliament's war against King Charles I. It explores for the first time a series of episodic, circumstantial and unique mobilisations that spanned from late 1641 to early 1645 and which ultimately led to the establishment of the New Model Army. Based on research from two-dozen archives, Civil war London charts the successes and failures of efforts to move London's vast resources and in the process poses a number of challenges to longstanding notions about the capital's 'parliamentarian' makeup. It reveals interactions between London's Corporation, parochial communities and livery companies, between preachers and parishioners and between agitators, propagandists and common people. Within these tangled webs of political engagement reside the untold stories of the movement of money and men, but also of parliament's eventual success in the English Civil War.
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Rural communitiesMarch 2003Local Partnerships for Rural Development
The European Experience
by Edited by Malcolm J Moseley
This book has been developed from a report of the cross-national 'PRIDE' (Partnerships for Rural Integrated Development in Europe) research project. The research focused on the public and private sector rural development experience of six member states of the European Union, namely Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
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Insecticide & herbicide technologyFebruary 1994Potato Genetics
by Edited by John E Bradshaw, George R Mackay
The potato is economically a very important crop in many parts of the world. All improvements through potato breeding or biotechnology must be based on a thorough knowledge of potato genetics. This book fills a major gap in the current literature for an up-to-date account of this topic and its implications for crop improvement. Written by authorities from the UK, USA, Canada, Peru, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Poland, this major reference work will be indispensible for workers in plant genetics, breeding and biotechnology.
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1986Waffenproduktion in der Dritten Welt
SIPRI-Rüstungsjahrbuch 6
by Herausgegeben von Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
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1985Gentechnik als Waffe
SIPRI-Rüstungsjahrbuch 5. 'Deep Strike' /C-Waffen /Gentechnik als Waffe /Atomarer Winter /Kriegsdienstverweigerung weltweit /Dossier: Afghanistan
by Herausgegeben von Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
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1984Waffenexport und Krieg
Rüstungsjahrbuch 4
by Herausgegeben von Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
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Social welfare & social servicesJune 2015Between two worlds of father politics
USA or Sweden?
by Michael Rush
The essential message of the 'two regimes' model is that the social politics of fatherhood have taken on a global significance and that the USA and Sweden represent two ends of an international continuum of ways of thinking about fatherhood. The key selling points of the two regimes model are its topicality, originality, its global appeal, and its particularised appeal to readers in the USA, the Nordic countries, Great Britain, Ireland, the European Union, Japan and China. The book offers students a comparative analytical framework and new insights into why some welfare states have 'father-friendly' social policies and others do not. The book makes an original contribution to the growing fields of welfare regime and gender studies by linking the epochal decline of patriarchal fatherhood to welfare state expansion over the course of the twentieth century and it raises new questions about the legitimacy of religiously inspired neo-patriarchy.
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Humanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2014Ireland during the Second World War
Farewell to Plato’s Cave
by Bryce Evans
In the first book detailing the social and economic history of Ireland during the Second World War, Bryce Evans reveals the real story of the Irish emergency. Revealing just how precarious the Irish state's economic position was at the time, the book examines the consequences of Winston Churchill's economic war against neutral Ireland. It explores how the Irish government coped with the crisis and how ordinary Irish people reacted to emergency state control of the domestic marketplace. A hidden history of black markets, smugglers, rogues and rebels emerges, providing a fascinating slice of real life in Ireland during a crucial period in world history. As the first comparison of economic and social conditions in Ireland with those of the other European neutral states - Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Portugal - the book will make essential reading for the informed general reader, students and academics alike. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesJune 2012The social construction of Swedish neutrality
Challenges to Swedish identity and sovereignty
by Christine Agius, Peter Lawler, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet, Martin Hargreaves
Since the end of the Cold War, and particularly in the post-9/11 international environment, neutrality has been conceptualised as a problematic subject. With the end of bipolarity, neutrality as a foreign and security policy lost much of its justification, and in the ongoing 'War on Terror', no state, according to the Bush Administration, can be neutral. However, much of this debate has gone unnoticed in IR literature. This book, newly available in paperback, examines the conceptualisation of neutrality from the Peloponnesian War to the present day, uncovering how neutrality has been a neglected and misunderstood subject in IR theory and politics. By rethinking neutrality through constructivism, this book argues that neutrality is intrinsically linked to identity. Using Sweden as a case study, it links identity, sovereignty, internationalism and solidarity to the debates about Swedish neutrality today and how neutrality has been central to Swedish identity and its world-view. ;
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November 2020Canghe Daydream
by Liu Heng
This selection is a representative novel of the famous writer Liu Heng. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, a little-known story was played in the courtyard of the Cao’s house in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. The second young master, Cao Guanghan, returned from studying abroad, reluctantly obeyed his parents' orders, and married Zheng Yunan, the eldest of the family family. As a husband, he can't get rid of the deep Oedipus complex, and even can't perform the gift of husband and wife. The only thing that makes him feel excited is that he co-founded the "Match Commune" with the mechanic Lucas invited from Sweden, and learned a new lesson The educated young grandmother Zheng Yunan was extremely depressed, and she had a relationship with Lucas and became pregnant... This novel was adapted into a TV series "Once Upon a Time in China", which is popular in China.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017Britain in China
by Robert Bickers
This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.
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EconomicsMarch 1997Rural Employment
An International Perspective
by John J Bryden. Edited by Ray D Bollman.
Development in rural areas is a key research and policy issue in many industrialised countries. Central to this is the subject of rural employment. This book presents an international perspective on rural employment and has been developed from selected papers presented at a conference held in Quebec, Canada, in October 1995 and organized by the Canadian Rural Restructuring Foundation. The book consists of 30 chapters divided into seven parts. Seven chapters are reports of international comparative analyses prepared for the OECD Rural Development Programme. Another group of chapters focuses on retaining and retraining youth to stay in rural areas. Other issues addressed include lifestyle and residential choice, rural enterprises, policies to stimulate employment, the role of agriculture, and alternative niches including tourism and using the information highway. Case study material is drawn from several countries, including the USA, Canada, UK, Sweden and Finland. The book presents a timely review of an important subject that will interest a wide range of academics and policy makers in rural studies, whether from the perspective of economics, geography, sociology or planning.