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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The annals of St-Bertin

        Ninth-century histories, volume I

        by Janet L. Nelson

        The Annals of St-Bertin, covering the years 830 to 882, are the main narrative source for the Carolingian world in the ninth century. This richly-annotated translation by a leading British specialist makes these Carolingian histories accessible in English for the first time, encouraging readers to reassess and evaluate a crucially formative period of European history. Produced in the 830s in the imperial palace of Louis the Pious, The Annals of St-Bertin were continued away from the Court, first by Bishop Prudentius of Troyes, then by the great scholar-politician Archbishop Hinemar of Rheims. The authors' distinctive voices and interests give the work a personal tone rarely found in medieval annals. They also contain uniquely detailed information on Carolingian politics, especially the reign of the West Frankish king, Charles the Bald (840-877). No other source offers so much evidence on the Continental activities of the Vikings. Janet L. Nelson offers in this volume both an entrée to a crucial Carolingian source and an introduction to the historical setting of teh Annals and possible ways of reading the evidence. The Annals of St-Bertin will be valuable reading for academics, research students and undergraduates in medieval history, archaeology and medieval languages. It will also fascinate any general reader with an interest in the development of European culture and society.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Jute and empire

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Gordon Stewart

        Dundee had an interesting role to play in the jute trade, but the main player in the story of jute was Calcutta. This book follows the relationship of jute to empire, and discusses the rivalry between the Scottish and Indian cities from the 1840s to the 1950s and reveals the architecture of jute's place in the British Empire. The book adopts significant fresh approaches to imperial history, and explores the economic and cultural landscapes of the British Empire. Jute had been grown, spun and woven in Bengal for centuries before it made its appearance as a factory-manufactured product in world markets in the late 1830s. The book discusses the profits made in Calcutta during the rise of jute between the 1880s and 1920s; the profits reached extraordinary levels during and after World War I. The Calcutta jute industry entered a crisis period even before it was pummelled by the depression of the 1930s. The looming crisis stemmed from the potential of the Calcutta mills to outproduce world demand many times over. The St Andrew's Day rituals in Calcutta, begun three years before the founding of the Indian Jute Mills Association. The ceremonial occasion helps the reader to understand what the jute wallahs meant when they said they were in Calcutta for 'the greater glory of Scotland'. The book sheds some light on the contentious issues surrounding the problematic, if ever-intriguing, phenomenon of British Empire. The jute wallahs were inextricably bound up in the cultural self-images generated by British imperial ideology.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2023

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/2

        by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/1

        The Aldine Edition of the Ancient Greek Epistolographers: Roots and Legacy

        by Julene Abad Del Vecchio

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is devoted to the Aldine edition of the Ancient Greek epistolographers. Published in Venice in 1499 by Aldus Manutius, the Aldine edition was the first printed edition of most of the thirty-six Greek letter collections that it contains. As such, it embodies the intersection between the medieval epistolary anthologies that predated it and the printed editions of Greek epistolographic collections that followed, which were primarily based on its text. In recent decades, the Aldien edition has been the subject of important works, which have sought to analyse its contents and sources. This issue explores the Aldine edition from three perspectives: its relationship to the epistolary collections found in medieval manuscripts, its relationship to the printed editions that followed it and its legacy and value for the modern scholar studying Ancient Greek epistolography.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2012

        John Hume and the revision of Irish nationalism

        by P. J. McLoughlin

        The book, available at last in paperback, explores the politics of the most important Irish nationalist leader of his generation, and one of the most influential figures of twentieth-century Ireland: the Nobel Peace Prize winner, John Hume. Given his central role in the reformulation of Irish nationalist ideology, and the vital part which he played in drawing violent republicanism into democratic politics, the book shows Hume to be one of the chief architects of the Northern Ireland peace process, and a key figure in the making of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. At the same time, it considers Hume's failure in what he stated to be his foremost political objective: the conciliation of the two communities in Northern Ireland. The book is essential reading for specialists on Irish history and politics, but will also be of interest to academics and practitioners working in other regions of political and ethnic conflict. In addition, it will appeal to readers seeking to understand the crucial role played by Hume in modernising Irish nationalist thinking, and bringing peace to Northern Ireland. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Corona Chaos. Confessions from a pharmacist

        by Simon Krivec

        More than two years of pandemic is more than two years of corona clutter. Only a staggering level of helpfulness, improvisation and flexibility prevented the healthcare system from collapsing completely. In this highly topical book, pharmacist Simon Krivec tells of his incredible experiences and the stormy ups and downs of pandemic madness, missing masks and disinfectants, and the feeling of having been totally abandoned by a helpless state. We learn, for instance, of the short-term procurement of large quantities of ethanol and the transportation of the highly flammable substance, and just what lured the author – and 71,400 euros in cash – to visit the port of Neuss at night.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1991


        Eine Abhandlung zur Philosophie des Geistes

        by Harvey P. Gavagai, John R. Searle

        Nach seinen sprachphilosophischen Arbeiten ('Sprechakte', stw 458; 'Ausdruck und Bedeutung', stw 349) hat John R. Searle mit 'Intentionalität' eine Untersuchung zu einem Kernstück der Philosophie des Geistes vorgelegt, die in einem engen thematischen Zusammenhang mit den früheren Arbeiten steht. Intentionalität ist nach Searles Auffassung die Basis sprachlicher Bedeutung. In seiner Theorie der Intentionalität geht es um die begrifflichen Eigenschaften intentionaler Zustände (auf die Frage nach ihrem ontologischen Status geht er ausführlicher ein in 'Geist, Hirn und Wissenschaft', stw 591). Zwei Aspekte stehen dabei im Vordergrund der Untersuchung: die Logik der Repräsentation und der Kausalität intentionaler Zustände. Doch Searle entwickelt in dieser Arbeit nicht nur eine Theorie der Intentionalität und des Zusammenhangs zwischen sprachlichem und geistigem Inhalt. In einem vornehmlich kritischen Teil setzt er sich ausführlich mit konkurrierenden Auffassungen aus dem Bereich der analytischen Philosophie auseinander, insbesondere mit derzeit sehr einflußreichen 'nicht-deskriptivistischen' Theorien des Bezugs, wie sie von S. Kripke, H. Putnam, K. Donnellan, T. Burge und D. Kaplan vertreten und angeregt wurden.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2022

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 98/1

        The Artist of the Future Age: William Blake, Neo-Romanticism, Counterculture and Now

        by Douglas Field

        This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is devoted to William Blake. It explores the British and European reception of Blake's work from the late nineteenth century to the present day, with a particular focus on the counterculture. Opening with two articles by the late Michael Horovitz, an important figure in the 'Blake Renaissance' of the 1960s, the issue goes on to investigate the ideological struggle over Blake in the early part of the twentieth century, with particular reference to W. B. Yeats. This is followed by articles on the artistic avant-garde and underground of the 1960s and on Blake's significance for science fiction authors of the 1970s. The issue closes with an article on the contemporary Belgian art collective maelstrÖm reEvolution.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        John Brodie - The last battle

        by Gunnar Berge

        John Brodie - The Last Battle is an electrifying historical thriller that plunges readers into a world where courage meets conspiracy. Former Navy SEAL and Secret Service agent John Brodie is ready to leave behind the life of high-stakes missions for a quiet desk job and a chance at love. But the events of September 11th drag him back into the shadowy world of covert operations, where an unseen enemy with limitless resources will stop at nothing to destroy him. As Brodie uncovers a vast conspiracy that threatens not only his life but also the lives of those he holds dear, he must rely on his unparalleled skills to survive. This novel masterfully intertwines historical facts with a gripping fictional narrative, making it a must-read for fans of thrillers and historical fiction alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        John Brodie - Out of darkness

        by Gunnar Berge

        John Brodie – Out of Darkness is a pulse-pounding sequel that takes readers on a relentless journey of survival, love, and courage. Former Secret Service agent and Navy SEAL John Brodie, together with his partner Julia Harper, finds himself on the run from deadly assassins. Their only hope lies in a daring counterattack that could free them and destroy their powerful enemies. With a backdrop of historical events, this thriller delves into the shadowy world of secret brotherhoods driven by power and greed. Gunnar Berge once again delivers a masterful blend of historical accuracy, compelling characters, and an unyielding quest for freedom.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2009

        Ich, John


        by Peter Murphy, Karsten Kredel

        John Devine würde am liebsten abhauen. Raus aus Kilcody, dem irischen Provinznest, weg von seiner ewig besorgten, kettenrauchenden Mutter Lily, die ihn mit morbiden Bibelsprüchen erzieht. Doch dann tritt Jamey Corboy in sein Leben, ein Jahr älter, mehr Stil als ganz Kilcody zusammen, Rimbaud in der Manteltasche und gute Beziehungen zu finsteren lokalen Gangstern. Mit einem Mal ist Johns Leben voller Möglichkeiten – und voller Abgründe. Ich, John kombiniert einen hypnotischen Erzählstrom mit der unheimlichen Stimmung eines Tim-Burton-Films. - Coming of Age in der märchenhaften Atmosphäre der irischen Landschaft - Lesereise von Peter Murphy in Deutschland - „So erfrischend und originell, so aufwühlend und mutig! Ein absolut wunderbares Buch.“ Colm Tóibín

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2009

        John Ashbery and American Poetry

        by David Herd

        starting point. David Herd sets out to provide readers with a new critical language through which they can appreciate the beauty and complexity of Ashbery's writing. Presenting the poet in all his forms -avant-garde, nostalgic, sublime and camp - the book argues that the perpetual inventiveness of Ashbery's work has always been underpinned by the poets desire to write the poem fit to cope with its occasion. Tracing Ashbery's development in the light of this idea, and from its origins in the dazzling artistic environment of 1950's New York, the book evaluates his poetry against the aesthetic, literary and historical backgrounds that have informed it. The story of a brilliant career, and a history of the period in which that career has taken shape, John Ashbery and American Poetry provides a compelling account of Ashbery's importance to Twentieth Century Literature. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The Arctic in the British imagination 1818–1914

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Rob David

        The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.

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        June 2023

        Barrington 1. Mord in St. Applewood

        by A. W. Benedict, Johannes Steck, Tobias Wieduwillt

        In dem schottischen Ort St. Applewood ticken die Uhren noch langsam. Man kennt sich, man hilft sich und einem guten Tropfen ist man ebenfalls nicht abgeneigt. Das Leben ist geruhsam. Kein Mörder lauert hinter dem mit Rosen umrankten Cottage Zaun. Als die alte Cider-Brauerei nach dreißig Jahren Stillstand endlich verkauft wird, ändert sich das. Barrington, der in dem alten Gebäude einen Pub eröffnen will, kommt einem Geheimnis auf die Spur, das ihn selbst in große Gefahr bringt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 1991

        The annals of St-Bertin

        Ninth-century histories, volume I

        by Janet Nelson

        The Annals of St-Bertin, covering the years 830 to 882, are the main narrative source for the Carolingian world in the ninth century. This richly-annotated translation by a leading British specialist makes these Carolingian histories accessible in English for the first time, encouraging readers to reassess and evaluate a crucially formative period of European history. Produced in the 830s in the imperial palace of Louis the Pious, The Annals of St-Bertin were continued away from the Court, first by Bishop Prudentius of Troyes, then by the great scholar-politician Archbishop Hinemar of Rheims. The authors' distinctive voices and interests give the work a personal tone rarely found in medieval annals. They also contain uniquely detailed information on Carolingian politics, especially the reign of the West Frankish king, Charles the Bald (840-877). No other source offers so much evidence on the Continental activities of the Vikings. Janet L. Nelson offers in this volume both an entrée to a crucial Carolingian source and an introduction to the historical setting of teh Annals and possible ways of reading the evidence. The Annals of St-Bertin will be valuable reading for academics, research students and undergraduates in medieval history, archaeology and medieval languages. It will also fascinate any general reader with an interest in the development of European culture and society. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        September 2024

        Pistols in St Paul's

        by Fiona Smyth

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        by Mike Carmel

        JOHN UND YONI – Zwillinge – zwei Religionen, zwei Nationen, eine Seele von Mike Carmel Das Ergebnis eines verbotenen, stürmischen Liebesverhältnisses zwischen einer jungen Psychologiestudentin und ihrem verheirateten Dozenten 1979 sind die Zwillingsbrüder John und Yoni, die während ihres ersten Lebensmonats unfreiwillig getrennt und in verschiedenen Adoptivfamilien aufgezogen wurden. John wächst in Liverpool, England, im römisch-katholischen Glauben auf, Yoni in Raanana, Israel, im jüdischen Glauben. Im Alter von 21 Jahren treffen sich beide zum ersten Mal wieder. Beide sind streng gläubig, jeder in seiner eigenen Überzeugung. Als sich ihre ungleichen kulturellen Wege treffen, folgt ein interessanter Prozess gegenseitiger Entdeckungen. Eine fesselnde, anregende, amüsante und bisweilen widersprüchliche Geschichte entspinnt sich. Das Leben der Zwillingsbrüder wird jäh überschattet durch den Tod eines der beiden als Opfer eines Selbstmordattentats. Der andere Zwilling bleibt allein auf der Welt zurück, auf dem schwierigen Weg der Selbstfindung des allein gelassenen Bruders. Mike Carmel wurde 1956 in Liverpool geboren. Er studierte Wirtschaft an der Universität Liverpool und der Brunel Universität in London. Obwohl der Autor eine christliche Erziehung genoss, trat er 1980 zum Judentum über. Folglich bewahrt er einen tiefen Respekt für beide Religionen. Mike Carmel lebte in den letzten 25 Jahren in Israel. Er diente in der israelischen Armee als Sanitäter, war in der Softwareindustrie tätig und arbeitete in beiden Ländern als Pädagoge. 1981 heiratete Mike seine jetzige israelische Frau. Die beiden haben drei Kinder. Seine Tochter, der das Buch gewidmet wurde, wurde während ihres Armeedienstes 2003 bei einem Selbstmordattentat schwer verletzt

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