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      • Bingsha Shatabdi

        Established in 1956, Bingsha Shatabdi follows two different trends in publication, It brings out direct translations from various European languages like French, Dutch, German into Bangla. It deals with both contemporary and classical literature. Its second goal is to publish collections of essays in Bangla and English, and its area of concentration is Social Science And Ancient Indian Civilization and Culture.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        The Black Steed

        by Zhang Chengzhi

        This is a collection of works by writer Zhang Chengzhi. The Black Steed, Rivers of the North, and Golden Pastures included in this collection have already been translated into different languages. The Black Steed, through the life experience of a man leaving and returning to the countryside and through a beautiful but sad love story, reflects the choices of the Mongolian nationality in the conflict between old and new concepts and the struggle and outcry of the new generation of the grassland.

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        Biography & True Stories
        February 2024

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg, Alan Rice

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic brings to light the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. The volume introduces new perspectives on the intellectual trajectories of well-known figures and critical activists including C. L. R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. This biographical approach brings a vivid and distinctive lens to bear on how racialised social and political worlds were negotiated and experienced by these revolutionary figures, and on historic black radical engagements with left political movements, in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        The Red and the Black

        The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg

        The Russian Revolution of 1917 was not just a world-historical event in its own right, but also struck powerful blows against racism and imperialism, and so inspired many black radicals internationally. This edited collection explores the implications of the creation of the Soviet Union and the Communist International for black and colonial liberation struggles across the African diaspora. It examines the critical intellectual influence of Marxism and Bolshevism on the current of revolutionary 'black internationalism' and analyses how 'Red October' was viewed within the contested articulations of different struggles against racism and colonialism. Challenging European-centred understandings of the Russian Revolution and the global left, The Red and the Black offers new insights on the relations between Communism, various lefts and anti-colonialisms across the Black Atlantic - including Garveyism and various other strands of Pan-Africanism. The volume makes a major and original intellectual contribution by making the relations between the Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic central to debates on questions relating to racism, resistance and social change.

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        May 1977

        Kunst, Wahrnehmung, Wirklichkeit

        by Ernst H. Gombrich, Julian Hochberg, Max Black, Max Looser, Maurice Mandelbaum

        In den drei in diesem Band versammelten Beiträgen ist die Rede von den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen »ästhetischer Repräsentation«, künstlerischer Erfassung und Durchdringung der Wirklichkeit. Von jeweils präzis bestimmten Positionen aus - einer kunstgeschichtlichen (Gombrich), einer psychologischen (Hochberg), einer philosophischen (Black) - wird dieses Thema erörtert.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2018

        The Milli000000n-Dollar Idea

        by Katerina Sad (Author), Katerina Sad (Illustrator)

        When a farm is left without its owner, the ducks living there began to wonder about their future. They decide to to look for a new owner, but since they can’t write, they must learn how in order to advertise the position. Will the ducks succeed in their plan? You can discover it by flipping through the picture book The Milli000000n-Dollar Idea by Katerina Sad together with your child. Through this wonderful and humorous story, readers will learn what a successful start-up is and that there is always a way out of any difficult situation.   From 3 to 6 years, 357 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        At home with the poor

        Consumer behaviour and material culture in England, c. 1650-1850

        by Joseph Harley

        This book opens the doors to the homes of the forgotten poor and traces the goods they owned before, during and after the industrial revolution (c. 1650-1850). Using a vast and diverse range of sources, it gets to the very heart of what it meant to be 'poor' by examining the homes of the impoverished and mapping how numerous household goods became more widespread. As the book argues, poverty did not necessarily equate to owning very little and living in squalor. In fact, its novel findings show that most of the poor strove to improve their domestic spheres and that their demand for goods was so great that it was a driving force of the industrial revolution.

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        Veterinary medicine
        March 2013

        Animal Machines

        by Ruth Harrison, Marian Stamp-Dawkins

        Ruth Harrison's Animal Machines now a unique historical classic, had a profound impact on public opinion and the quality of life of farmed animals when it was published in 1964. * Reprinted in its entirety, gives an accurate, and sometimes shocking, account of intensive farming in the 1960's, still current in large parts of the world today. * Harrison's work greatly increased public awareness of animal welfare and led to legal reforms, shaping our closer understanding of farm conditions today. * Provides a fascinating insight into the system we continue to live with as the global population increases. * Includes foreword by Rachel Carson and new chapters by international experts in animal welfare including Marion Stamp Dawkins, discussing the book's significant legacy and impact today.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        Black resistance to British policing

        by Adam Elliott-Cooper

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        November 2022

        30 Frauen, die Mut machen

        »Falle siebenmal hin und stehe achtmal auf« | Sensationelle Porträts von Frauen

        by Ruth Hobday, Geoff Blackwell

        Frauen aus Lebensumständen, wie sie nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten, darunter berühmte und völlig unbekannte, wohlhabende und bitterarme, erzählen aufrichtig und zutiefst berührend, warum sie keine Opfer sein wollen und woher ihr grenzenloser Optimismus kommt. Einfühlsam und authentisch berichten sie von ihren Erlebnissen, von ihrem Lebenswillen, der inneren Kraft und ihrem Mut, immer wieder aufzustehen. Fotografiert von Kieran E. Scott, der zusammen mit dem Herausgeberteam Geoff Blackwell und Ruth Hobday um die Welt reiste, und dem sensationelle Porträts gelungen sind.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        The debate on Black Civil Rights in America

        by Kevern Verney

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1998

        Ein arabisches Dorf


        by S. Yishar, Ruth Achlama

        Ruth Achlama, geboren 1945 in Quedlinburg, studierte Rechtswissenschaft in Heidelberg und Bibliothekswissenschaft in Jerusalem. Heute ist sie hauptberuflich als freie Übersetzerin tätig und lebt in Tel Aviv.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2008

        Die Vielfalt der Bedeutung

        Zeichen, Ziele und ihre Verwandtschaft

        by Ruth G. Millikan, Hajo Greif

        Menschliche Gedanken und Handlungen, Organe und Organismen, Werkzeuge und sprachliche Bedeutungen scheinen kaum etwas miteinander gemeinsam zu haben – außer daß man ihnen allen Ziele und Zwecke zuspricht. Ruth G. Millikan vertritt die Auffassung, daß es eine echte, robuste, in der Evolutionsgeschichte begründete Verbindung zwischen all diesen verschiedenen Formen von Zielen und Zwecken gibt. Nur in ihrer Verbindung miteinander, so die These, sind sie überhaupt angemessen zu verstehen. Zur Begründung führt Millikan neue Erkenntnisse der Biologie, Psychologie und Linguistik an, entwickelt eine innovative Sicht auf Sprache und Denken und bietet zugleich eine umfassende Einführung in die naturalistische Philosophie des Geistes.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Deporting Black Britons

        by Luke de Noronha

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        March 1993

        Der Berg des bösen Rates

        by Amos Oz, Ruth Achlama

        Amos Oz richtet in der 1976 entstandenen Erzählung Der Berg des bösen Rates sein Augenmerk auf die Zeit unmittelbar vor der Gründung des Staates Israel. Im Mai 1946 werden der aus Schlesien 1932 nach Palästina eingewanderte Veterinärmediziner Hans Kipnis und seine aus Warschau stammende Frau Ruth zu einem Ball im Palast des Britischen Hochkommissars für Palästina eingeladen. Beide nehmen die Einladung zu dem Fest auf dem Berg des bösen Rates an, und im Verlaufe des Abends treffen beide eine existentielle Entscheidung - eine Entscheidung, die Ausdruck ihrer Elinstellung zu der sich abzeichnenden Gründung des Staates Israel ist. In dieser vielstimmigen, nach dem klassischen Muster der Novelle komponierten Erzählung ruft Amos Oz die unterschiedlichen Erwartungen der europäischen Einwanderer in Palästina vor der Gründung des Staates Israel in Erinnerung.

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