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      • Children's & YA
        April 2023



        If you search the Fairytale Map, two ice creams up and onesomersault to the right, somewhere there next to Wonderland,you will discover a different Land. A Land that is truly admirable!The famous Land of the Wows! There where everything is flowingtruly wonderfully until… something weird happens! What dreamdid the hero of our story see? And what is it looking for? Doesanyone know how to answer it? Our hero’s quest will lead it to theWise Man’s House. But will it go in? And if it does go in, what willit find? These and many more things that are worthy of wonderare what you will read about in this book, which maybe shouldhave had the shape of… an exclamation mark!

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Pro Age Yoga

        Growing older means getting better

        by Elena Lustig

        When do we get older? How do we deal with the changes that we are facing on all levels: body, mindset, society? What do we need in order to look good and feel healthy? How do we find growth and positivity in ageing? How do we develop self-confidence and selfawareness?   Pro Age Yoga finds answers to those questions and inspires to become the person we always wanted to be. The book has three main parts: Body, Mind and Info. Body focusses on the physical aspects of aging and its challenges - including yoga sequences for daily practice, more strength and more flexibility. Mind helps to understand that yoga is much more than a physical practice - including meditations and pranayamas. Info summarizes recent scientific research on the benefits of meditation and yoga - especially for the aging process.

      • Health & Personal Development
        April 2023

        Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst.

        by Jeannette Stockinger

        9783950477139 Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst. 9783950477115 Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst. Bibliophile Ausgabe. 9783950477122                 Die Bergträumerin - Dein Journal zum Selbst.   9783950477146 The Mountain Dreamer - A Travel Companion to Yourself. Bibliophile English edition. 9783950477153 De bergdromer - een reisgenoot naar jezelf. Bibliofiele Nederlandse editie.   Die Bergträumerin - ein Reisebegleiter zum Selbst.   20 spirituelle dialogische Begegnungen auf dem inneren Weg zum Berggipfel des eigenen Selbst.   Die Bergträumerin reflektiert über Grundthemen wie Achtsamkeit, Bewusstsein, Liebe oder Vertrauen.     Umschlag:   Das Leben ist ein Zauberspiel - erkenne dich selbst darin.   „Ich möchte den Gipfel des Berges erklimmen und mich dabei selbst erkennen. Durch jede Begegnung im Außen erkenne ich mich mehr im Innen, so habe ich jedes Zusammentreffen mit anderen Menschen als Geschenk angenommen. Ich durfte durch tiefe Täler gehen, die Höhen des Berges genießen und so das himmlische Sein und das schöpferische Potenzial in mir entdecken. Ich träume von einer Welt in Frieden und Freude, nämlich im Inneren eines jeden Menschen. Täglich erwache ich neu und entdecke das Geschenk meiner inneren Kraft. Ich musste erst sterben, um die Illusion zu lösen und durfte erwachen in einem Leben meines eigenen Traumes. Unsere Intuition und das Träumen sind die wichtigsten Elemente des freien Lebens, denn hier entsteht durch die selbstbestimmte Kreativität die Zukunft eines jeden einzelnen Menschen.“   In den 20 Dialogen mit spirituellen Menschen, die ihr auf dem Weg zum Berggipfel des Selbst begegnen, reflektiert die Bergträumerin über Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Bewusstsein, Liebe und Vertrauen als Grundlagen für ein freies und selbstbestimmtes Leben.  Mit ihren Collagen erweitert Jeannette Stockinger den durch die gleichnishaften Texte eröffneten Raum zu einem vieldeutigen Kosmos an Inspirationen für die eigene Reise zum Selbst.   Am Ende eines jeden Kapitels stellt die Autorin gezielte Fragen „Zum Nachspüren“.  Jeder Mensch ist eingeladen, das Leben und die eigenen Träume zu reflektieren.   Atme ein und atme aus – nimm dir einen Moment der Stille und verbinde dich mit Mutter Erde und Vater Himmel, sodass die Energie der beiden durch dich fließen kann. Hast du schon einmal versucht, bedingungslos zu lieben?   Was ist aktuell dein Herzenstraum im Leben?

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        June 2020

        Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

        by Rajesh Singh & Anita Gehlot, Mahesh Pratap Gehlot & Bhupendra Singh

        This book is a platform for anyone who wishes to explore Artificial Intelligence in the field of agriculture from scratch or broaden their understanding and its uses. This book offers a practical, hands-on exploration of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, deep Learning, computer vision and Expert system with proper examples to understand. This book also covers the basics of python with example so that any anyone can easily understand and utilize artificial intelligence in agriculture field. This book is divided into two parts wherein first part talks about the artificial intelligence and its impact in the agriculture with all its branches and their basics. The second part of the book is purely implementation of algorithms and use of different libraries of machine learning, deep learning and computer vision to build useful and sightful projects in real time which can be very useful for you to have better understanding of artificial intelligence. After reading this book, the reader will an understanding of what Artificial Intelligence is, where it is applicable, and what are its different branches, which can be useful in different scenarios. The reader will be familiar with the standard workflow for approaching and solving machine-learning problems, and how to address commonly encountered issues. The reader will be able to use Artificial Intelligence to tackle real-world problems ranging from crop health prediction to field surveillance analytics, classification to recognition of species of plants etc.

      • April 2022

        A Student's Guide to Placements in Health and Social Care Settings

        From Theory to Practice

        by Williams, Simon

        This is an accessible guide to placements provides a framework for students across the caring professions to understand the theory behind successful practice and the critical skills needed to apply it

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        August 2023

        That V Word

        Rock Solid Foundations - how core values shape your life and business

        by Dixie Maria Carlton

        The 'Why' Behind Every 'What' - Aligning Actions with Your Core Values. Embark on this extraordinary expedition into self-discovery.Many people talk about values as being ‘respect, honesty, truth and integrity. Dixie Carlton challenges this in ways that will make you think differently about what your values really are, and what it means to be in or out of integrity. Explore the profound impact values have on personal growth, organizational culture, and brand success, as well as family life and relationships. Unravel the significance of values as the bedrock of authenticity. Unleash your true potential and align your actions with your core beliefs to live a purpose-driven life. Discover how to identify and lean into shared family values to create stronger bonds and better understanding across the generations and relationships. Dive into the secrets of developing a thriving culture through shared brand values. Learn how to craft a compelling brand identity that resonates with your target market and drives long-lasting customer loyalty. This book offers practical tools and insights to help you identify, understand and embrace your core values, leading to a more fulfilled and purposeful life, so that you can stand in your power and leave a lasting legacy.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences


        The Universe of Berlin, 1930-1933

        by Peter Walther

        Berlin in 1930 is the glittering metropolis of the new Europe, faster and freer than the continent’s other capitals. Nowhere else do wastefulness and misery live in such close proximity. While Communists and Nazis fight their bloody brawls and Dorothy Thompson interviews Hitler, the Jewish clairvoyant Erik Jan Hanussen invites the leadership of the Berlin SA onto his luxury yacht, the »Ursel IV«, for a weekend trip. Maud von Ossietzky, worried about her husband Carl, increasingly turns to alcohol for comfort, and Ernst Thälmann, chair of the Communist party, finds solace in his lovers. Heinrich Brüning, still chancellor of the German Reich, plays a board game with his goddaughter on the evening of his dismissal. In the end, it all comes down to one question: will there be a »Third Reich«? Featuring trenchant, powerful portraits of figures such as Heinrich Brüning, Erik Jan Hanussen, Maud von Ossietzsky, Ernst Thälmann and Dorothy Thompson.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        Leading Well

        7 attributes of very successful leaders

        by David Pich and Ann Messenger

        Leading Well is a leadership inspiration book focused on leadership, not leaders. Leadership inspiration is too often attributed to the idea of a leadership genius – one saintly figure who personifies all the virtues of leadership – think Steve Jobs, Einstein or Gandhi – which, at first, doesn’t make the idea of a genius leader sound terribly bad. The problem with the concept of genius leaders, however, is that they don’t always represent leadership. These often-glorified CEOs, politicians and philosophers sit on a pedestal where they’re worshipped by us – the people who aspire to achieve their level of success. To thousands of emerging leaders around the world, these people are their North Star, but what happens when these leaders disappoint us? People in leadership positions can make poor leadership decisions. When we believe in the concept of a leadership genius, we too easily overlook actions and attributes of poor leadership. If the news headlines of poor leadership over the past year have reinforced one thing, it’s this: great leadership is never about one leader; it’s the combined attributes of good leadership performed by leaders – the 7 attributes of very successful leaders:   Integrity Emotional Intelligence (EI) Ability to Inspire Authenticity Self-Awareness Respect Decisiveness. Discussion around these attributes is the subject of each of the chapters. There are case studies, expert opinions and strategies to help today’s, and next-generation leaders, in their endeavours to lead their organisations as best they can.

      • Self-help & personal development


        A Serenity Kit

        by Kelly Armatage

        ISBN -978-99958-1-120-4

      • Self-help & personal development

        Master Key Workbook, The

        A Complete Method of Self-mastery and Goal Attainment Based on The Master Key System, the legendary book by Charles F. Haanel

        by Anthony R. Michalski

        The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel has changed the lives of millions of people. The Master Key Workbook will continue that proud practice. You have always dreamed about living a successful and rewarding life, both financially and emotionally. The Master Key Workbook will help you make all of your dreams come true and set you on the road to riches and self-mastery. Based on the timeless classic The Master Key System, this book combines motivational exercises that build your “thought muscles” with written worksheets to define and prepare you to attain your goals. Once you define your goals and are given the power to attain them, then you can accomplish anything! Some of the things you will learn from this book are… ▪ You will gain a complete understanding of the operation of the Universe and how your dreams can become reality. ▪ You will learn how to “train your brain” properly and efficiently, thus removing doubt and fear from your life. ▪ Putting your plans into action will be easier and results will come quicker than ever before. ▪ Goal-setting and goal-attainment will be a snap. ▪ You will magnetize yourself to opportunity and success. ▪ Your problems will seem to dissolve and your life will have fewer “speed bumps”. ▪ Your life will be fuller, richer, and more purposeful. Based on the tried and true knowledge and wisdom of Charles F. Haanel, written in an easy and approachable manner, and including many exercises that will both entertain and enlighten, The Master Key Workbook will set every man and woman on the path to a prosperous and meaningful life. Prepare yourself to attain all of your dreams!

      • February 2022

        Behavioural Skills for Effective Policing

        The Service Speaks

        by Kilgallon, Mark

        A critical handbook covering the full range of behavioural skills essential for effective policing practice and professional development in the twenty-first century.

      • September 2019

        Child Psychology & Development

        by S.K. Mangal & Shubhra Mangal

        The book is designed as a basic text for the undergraduate and post graduate students ofthe discipline Psychology, the book presents a well-integrated comprehensive insight into the psychology and development of growing children. The subject matter is well organised into thirty chapters and has been presented in a reader-friendly, simple and logical manner, integrating the essentials of Child Psychology with the wholesome development of the growing children right from their conception in the womb of the mother till their attainment of maturity in the age of adolescence. In this concern it provides a detailed and an in-depth discussion about the meaning, nature and scope of child psychology, the methods of studying children, development of children in all the various aspects or dimensions that of physical, motor, mental, emotional, social, linguistic and moral including the various theories related to such development and discussion on the useful concepts such as physiological habits, attachment and temperament formation as well as development of the self in terms of self-concept, self-esteem, self-efficacy and self-regulation. Key Features• Presents a comprehensive, detailed and an in-depth description of the topics covered in the text. • Provides essential insights in understanding the psychology and development of growingchildren. • Includes essential discussions about the current issues and burning problems related to the behaviour and development of children. • Offers engaging language and user-friendly mode of discussion . • Adequately illustrated with examples, figures and tables. • Comprises chapterend summary for quick glance of the concepts discussed in the chapter. • Provides references and suggested readings at the end of each chapter for going deeper into the subject matter. Besides working as a basic text for students of Psychology, the book is equally beneficial to the students of Home Science, Diploma in Child Caring and Development, Nursing, Teachers Training Institutes as well as for parents and teachers working in schools.

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