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      • Cassava Republic Press

        Cassava Republic Presswas founded with the aim of bringing high quality fiction and non-fiction for adults and children alike to a global audience.

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      • Penerbit Republika

        Republika Penerbit is a Jakarta-based publishing company. We publish books with genres ranging from religious (Islamic books), nonfiction, biography, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, fantasy, picture books, to comics.  Some of our fiction has been adapted into films and there will be more to be filmed.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        September 2015



        by Severin, Ira

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        April 2009

        Die Wahl der Qual

        Handbuch für Sadomasochisten und solche, die es werden wollen

        by Strübel, Ira; Passig, Kathrin

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        September 1997


        Wachsen im Umgang mit dem Tod

        by Byock, Ira / Englisch Zybak, Maria

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        April 2007



        by Erwin Mortier, Ira Wilhelm

        Joris wächst bei Onkel und Tante auf; sein Vater ist früh gestorben, die Mutter nach Spanien gezogen – viel mehr weiß Joris nicht über sie. In Stuyvenberghe, seinem Dorf, geht es beschaulich zu; der Kirchturm schaut seit Jahrhunderten schläfrig auf die Häuser herunter, und selbst das Schloß mit den hohen, dunklen Zypressen verfällt auf pittoreske Weise. Bis der Gemeinderat eines Sommers bekanntgibt, daß die Gräber auf dem Kirchhof wegen Umbauten verlegt werden müssen. Das heißt: auch das Grab von Joris’ Vater. Von dem hat Joris die allerschönste Vorstellung – und eine alte Keksdose mit wenigen Fotos, der Rest ist: unscharfe Erinnerung, Wunsch, Erfindung und die Geschichten der Verwandtschaft. Als Joris sich in diesem Sommer zum ersten Mal verliebt, wird das Unterscheiden von Erträumtem und Erlebtem, von Wunsch und Realität noch schwieriger. Erwin Mortier erzählt Joris’ Suche nach der eigenen Geschichte, der eigenen Identität mit einem feinen Ohr für Stimmungen und psychologische Details; beschreibt mit meisterhafter Eleganz, wie Joris seine Kindheit anhand von alten Fotos zu rekonstruieren versucht – und nach und nach die feinen Risse in den Bildern erkennt, die er sich von seinem Vater, dem Dorf und der Liebe gemacht hat.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Revolution remembered

        Seditious memories after the British civil wars

        by Edward Legon, Jason Peacey

        After the Restoration, parliamentarians continued to identify with the decisions to oppose and resist crown and established church. This was despite the fact that expressing such views between 1660 and 1688 was to open oneself to charges of sedition or treason. This book uses approaches from the field of memory studies to examine 'seditious memories' in seventeenth-century Britain, asking why people were prepared to take the risk of voicing them in public. It argues that such activities were more than a manifestation of discontent or radicalism - they also provided a way of countering experiences of defeat. Besides speech and writing, parliamentarian and republican views are shown to have manifested as misbehaviour during official commemorations of the civil wars and republic. The book also considers how such views were passed on from the generation of men and women who experienced civil war and revolution to their children and grandchildren.

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        Political ideologies
        February 2014

        The IRA 1956–69

        Rethinking the Republic

        by Matt Treacy

        While there have been many books written about the IRA since 1916, comparatively little attention has been paid to the organisation during the 1960s, despite the fact that the internal divisions culminating in the 1969 split are often seen as key to the conflict which erupted that year. This book, newly available in paperback, redresses that vacuum and through an exhaustive survey of internal and official sources, as well as interviews with key IRA members, provides a unique and fascinating insight into radical Republican politics which will be of interest to those interested in Irish history and politics. The author looks at the root of the divisions which centred on conflicting attitudes within the IRA on armed struggle, electoral participation and socialism. He argues that while the IRA did not consciously plan the northern 'Troubles', the internal debate of the 1960s had implications for what happened in 1969.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2015

        The republican line

        Caricature and French republican identity, 1830–52

        by Laura O'Brien, Maire Cross, David Hopkin

        The years between 1830 and 1852 were turbulent ones in French politics - but were also a golden age for French political caricature. Caricature was wielded as a political weapon, so much so that in 1835 the French politician Adolphe Thiers claimed that 'nothing was more dangerous' than graphic satire. This book is the first full study of French political caricature during the critical years of the July Monarchy (1830-48) and the Second Republic (1848-52). Focusing on the crucial question of republicanism, it shows how caricature was used - by both republicans and anti-republicans - to discuss, define and articulate notions of republican identity during this highly significant period in modern French and European history. ;

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