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      • Trusted Partner

        Liberty Farm

        A Family Portrait

        by Izai Amorim

        Set in the semi-arid backlands of northeastern Brazil and spanning one century and three generations, this family saga is a complex psychological portrait of family life, intertwined with Brazil’s history from the birth of the republic to the end of the military dictatorship in 1989.Liberty Farm is a chronicle of family and society, history and geography, life and death, loyalty and justice, truth and connivance. It’s also a tale of paternal and filial love in all of its forms: strongly felt, unreciprocated, withheld, yearned for, never obtained. “Father, please look at me...”The death of the favorite son creates a love black hole that sucks away the father’s entire love. Invisible like the ones in the sky, this love black hole will rule the family for decades, its existence only revealed by the odd behavior of the three older sons. “The family must always stay together...”

      • Fiction
        October 2020


        When Gerfaut learns that Brittany, land of legends, is also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will have to face the impossible.

        by Gilles Milo-Vacéri

        In Brittany (western France), near Yeun Elez, a ghosthunter vanishes during an investigation, two childrendisappear and a man is crucified and beaten to death.The prosecutor panics and calls Major Gerfaut as abackup. When the latter learns that this land of legendsis also called the gate of hell, he knows that he will haveto face the impossible, starting with the secret of theFortress of the Cursed.Used to sadistic killers and defying the invisible, Gerfautexpects the worst. Unfortunately, there is always aworse than the worst ...

      • December 2020


        by Annette Misen

        Jacky, brillant élève, se destine à devenir médecin. Sa droiture se révèle autant une force qu’un écueil dans une société durement frappée par une crise économique sans précédent. Complaisance, la mégalopole dans laquelle il vit, sombre de plus en plus dans la corruption et l’inégalité sociale. Alors que le gouvernement impose une main de fer dans un gant de velours, l’impensable se produit. Un attentat provoque un grand nombre de victimes dont la plupart sont des ministres en poste. Afin de stabiliser la situation vécue dans la mégalopole, l’état d’urgence est ordonné. Le blocus imposé sépare familles et couples, ne permettant plus à certains de rejoindre leur lieu de travail ou d’études.

      • Fiction

        À présent, vous pouvez enterrer la mariée

        by Oren Miller

        Hyppolite Bartoli is mad with grief. His daughter is found dead on her wedding day, burnt dead with her wedding gown left pristine. Not trusting for a second the local policemen, he asks two investigators known for their talent to resolve the most uncanny cases for help.  Soon enough, the mystery darkens and death takes its toll, varying the pleasure: mass shooting, cannibalism, unexplainable fits of madness and poisoning... All of it feeding the craziest of leads and multiplying the least condemnable suspects of Monaco's good society. Is the key to the case to be found within the highest circles... or merely under the veil of the bride?

      • Fiction

        Les Chats des neiges ne sont plus blancs en hiver

        by Noémie Wiorek

        Morz is the northernmost land in the world. Centuries ago, the snow has stopped falling and the ice melted, becoming a shapeless, disgusting mud. There is a shadow to the east of Morz; the shadow of Noir, a maleficent spirit which will do anything to bring the kingdom to his demise. Right behind his steps, is the Second, a prodigious warrior, crueller and fiercer than every minion revolving around them. There is a child on Morz throne: He is expected to be as fervent as his ancestors to maintain the kingdom in the Light. But prince Jaroslav doubts his position and only wants one thing: to live in peace. And in the north, close to the mountains, the witches hatch, vengeful, devoured by their uncertain dream of making snow fall again on their fallen world.

      • Fiction


        by Nicolas Debandt

        IIluvendan.   A city where magic and technology work side by side. Iölthan, a strange black crystal, is used for both and the prosperity of Iluvendan depends on it.  Three teenagers go there for their studies. They will soon be called to adventure and will  investigate the rumors of a penury of ölthan and war. With two friends met along they overcome the situation, and set the world on a new path. Co-written by the authors at age 17, Iluvendan is a real initiation quest, using pieces of classic fantasy with a bit of steampunk.

      • Amour A Quatre Saisons

        by Le journal d'une illusion

        Dans ce livre, l'auteur nous conduit à travers un miroir d'émotions, qui nous montre un chemin plein de hauts et de bas, où la seule option que vous avez c'est affronter les fantômes du passé et avancer avec la vie, cette vie qui est rempli à la fois de douleur et d'amour. Four Seasons of Love est un voyage intérieur qui va au-delà de limites que nous nous fixons. Il s'agit de vous connaître à nouveau. et être capable de trouver la capacité d'aimer vos cicatrices. Il s'agit d'accepter la mort fait partie de la vie, et cet amour n'est pas quelque chose qui doit rester avec nous pour être éternel.

      • Anelis et la mer

        by Beatriz Carvalho

        Anelis hasn’t always lived in Montreal. She used to live in a warm country where the sea was part of her life. Anelis is often sad because she misses the country she grew up in. To help herself feel better, she brings to the surface all the good memories of her former life that warm her heart. She then makes a list of everything that makes her happy, right here and now, in her new country. Anelis starts feeling better.

      • The Little Pilot

        by Stavros Zafeiriou/Frida Kritikou

        A YOUNG PRINCE in a country with no airplanes, who dreams of becoming a pilot. A pilot who teaches young princes how to fly with their dreams. A king who forbids his subjects from dreaming. A dragon who scorches wash hung out to dry. A mischievous snow elf who likes to hang out with plump snowmen. A small whale that sings its freedom. These are just some of the characters in this captivating tale. And if all goes well in our story, our protagonist will learn that a whole elephant in a boa’s stomach is not the same thing as a boa that has swallowed an elephant whole. But will things go well?

      • Fiction


        by John Ethan Py

        A marketing strategy like "Blair Witch" with false documents and website   1922, Howard Phillips Lovecraft writes one of his most uncanny short stories: Herbert West, Reanimator. 2001, the murder of a family throws the city of Chesstomb deep into mourning. Recognised reporter Shelby Williams comes to investigate. Collecting a large amount of data, he slowly travels back through time. Until this darkly famous year of 1922, when a quarrel between doctors found its tragic end. Strangest of all, everything suggests that Lovecraft’s character, Hebert West, is inspired by these grim events.  John Ethan Py succeeded to edit these nearly forgotten documents, thus creating a vertiginous masterpiece where reality and fiction mix up with force...

      • Fiction

        Le Miroir de Peter

        by John Ethan Py

        A documented and referenced dive in Hollywood cinema   When Satiajit Wilcox, a young psychoanalyst based in Hollywood, is offered to take care of George Mothershield's analysis, the biggest name among horror writers, he first sees an opportunity for his career. Quickly things goes south. From where come Mothershield ideas? Why are they so disturbing? And what about this sentence he keeps repeating: "They want an image"?  Satiajit sees his habits and certainties go away as they progress into the analysis. Moreover, there is this mirror in the writer's possessions whose link to Lewis Carroll is more than unsettling. This mirror that shows him a lot of things... or forgotten memories...

      • Nos Altermondes

        by Nicolas Debandt

        A disturbingly accurate novel about today's global issues In a society were bees have disappeared and drinking water is near impossible to find, Humankind has to look for drastic alternatives. Some have to become pollinator, whereas others leave the planet to explore new ones, in search for water. While a power struggle sets between two interdependent continents, a climatic catastrophe shakes the populations.  Nathanael, migrant and father of two. Ellyn, model worker. Fates cross, lifes entwine, soon the political intrigues will stop to count the victims.  What consequences will emerge from their choices and those of two peoples at war ?

      • Fiction


        by Feldrik Rivat

        VINGT ANS APRÈS LA 25E HEURE, QU'EST DEVENU LE MONDE ? « À quoi sert de conter l’histoire des grands hommes du passé si nous ne pouvons pas les faire revenir à la vie ? » Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les tours Cuprifères grimpent jusqu’aux cieux. Que la ville flotte pour moitié dans le vent, portée par des ballons de verre. Que les morts reviennent à la vie. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les savants d’antan conversent avec les savants d’aujourd’hui. Que les artistes, les penseurs, les ingénieurs de tous les temps travaillent à construire le monde de demain. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, des messagers d’argile soufflent la parole des anciens avant de tomber en poussière.  Les rumeurs volent, depuis les cercles polaires jusqu’aux sables libyens, mais qui, en vérité, pourra vous dire ce qui se trame à Paris-Capitale ?

      • Science fiction
        July 2012


        by Romuald Reber

        Rayonnement est un voyage dans le temps qui vous propulse dans quatre milliards d'années. Les hommes et femmes de la planète Terre vivent dans une société qui a su développer au fil des âges une conscience commune. Ils sont éveillés et vivent enfin en harmonie avec leur monde et leurs frères et sœurs. Dans ces temps lointains, le Soleil va s'éteindre, un peu plus tôt que prévu. Ce changement infime au niveau du cosmos, mais très important pour l'humanité, va pousser les humains, dans l'urgence, à trouver un monde de remplacement. Leur quête d'une nouvelle terre vous conduira vers des mondes extraordinaires. Cette histoire vous surprendra peut-être, mais dans tous les cas, elle vous permettra de vous évader très loin du quotidien et finalement, de vous rapprocher peut-être au plus près de vous-même. Un grand voyage !

      • The Arts

        Book of the Hunt

        by Gaston Phoebus

        Written between 1387 and 1389 by Gastone of Foix, the Book of the Hunt is one of the most interesting testimonies of the cultural history of this time. The four parts of the manuscript show the naturalistic knowledge at the end of the 14thcentury, based on the direct observation of the natural world. It was used as a manual of natural history up until the 19th century. The text is complemented by 87 miniatures in large format, executed by the Master of the Bedford Hours, as well as by a great number of illuminated initial letters and floral decorations that make the pages of the manuscript one of the masterworks of French miniature. The style of the miniatures is very particular, related to those of contemporary tapestries: the horizon of the scene is kept high, thus creating an ample space for the characters; the flora is described with a singular effect of relief, obtained by juxtaposing different tonalities of colour.

      • Science fiction
        September 2010

        Le très grand nettoyage

        by Romuald Reber

        Une bascule vers un nouvel âge. Une histoire pleine de rebondissements, où les trajectoires des personnages éveilleront des émotions fortes...  Jeremy Parker est chercheur en nanotechnologies. Il a 27 ans, et vit à Londres en 2025. Le monde est saturé de déchets, il pleut du plastique à chaque orage. La nourriture commence à manquer. Lui, rêve de nettoyer la planète grâce à ses inventions. Mais la triste réalité économique de la société, profondément cynique, qui l'entoure, le contraint à travailler sur des projets moins idéalistes...Alors que la majorité des urbains des grandes capitales prennent de la drogue du rêve pour fuir leur triste quotidien, lui s'accroche à son projet. Il y consacre tout le temps que son travail lui laisse. Mais, bientôt, une suite d'évènements incontrôlés va tout faire basculer...

      • December 2021

        The Master of Winter

        by Djenny Bergiers

        Jack Frost has a plan. For centuries, he has only been around for a few weeks in December, making sure that winter goes smoothly before going back to sleep. But this year, he plans to confront the Guardian and change the course of his life forever. But his encounter with the girl in the red cap will turn all his plans upside down.

      • July 2020



        Summary: In the middle of the night, her sleep was suddenlyinterrupted by the sound of a bells ringing and was curiously the onlyone to hear. Everyone was sleeping around her. A few minutes later,she heard a very soothing and reassuring male voice speak to her:"Come, follow me and go for a walk." This suave voice became more and more strident to the point whereshe clogged her ears with her hands. She was stirred by fear, but noscream could come out of her gosier to alert her entourage to whatwas happening to her. Was it the famous crew of Rita's airline thatcame to pick her up? She had guessed. But where to go? She hadnever applied for their funeral visa.

      • Fiction
        October 2017



        Résumé:  Pour  échapper  aux  griffes  des  les  terroristes  qui  ont  tout simplement  décimé la moitié  de  sa  famille  et  qui  encore  tenir  son  seul  fils  Jonathan,  Joss  fils,  et  son demi - frère, la  princesse  Merilee  Mokdem,  captifs: Que de se marier le capitaine Kaderamim Del Salim. Alors ouvre une page d' amour aux couleurs mythiques et              la  séduction  et  terrible  guerre homme  qui  peut  dire  « Afrique »  va  avec  une  ferme  main  pour  diriger  la  vie  de  la  jeune femme  et  faire  son  cœur  trembler. Mais  se  il  réussira  à  tourner  la  page par  de  son  passé pour  toujours? Va-t- elle réussir à oublier Joss? Tout au long de l' histoire de Merilee  ,          MarieJulie  Nguetse  révèle  l'  Afrique d'aujourd'hui , plongée  sous  le  joug  des  guerres internes  , des  épidémies, du   néocolonialisme, de  l' émigration  clandestine et de  ses  corollaires.

      • Fiction




        At a very young age, Emilie and her brother Jean-Baptiste are entrusted to their maternal grandmother and their aunt, who live in a manor house in Croisic. While their parents are in India, they go through hell at the hands of an immensely wealthy but mad grandmother and an alcoholic aunt. Emilie’s only ray of hope is the prospect of her beloved mother visiting them in the holidays. By the time her parents finally return, Emilie is twelve years old The family settles down in Paris where, beneath the surface of an apparently serene bourgeois existence, the true hell begins. The idolised mother turns out to be a manipulative and violent monster. Emilie tries to protect herself from the toxic relationship between her parents by plunging herself into her studies and by playing the piano. Very gifted, she does well in her piano competitions and a successful career beckons… until the day when her mother deliberately burns her hand on the eve of a major competition. Meanwhile her brother, who has been diagnosed with dyslexia, is struggling at school. The father for his part is entirely indifferent and ends up abandoning the family home. The violence goes on for several years, and whereas Emilie is in constant revolt, her brother Jean-Baptiste sinks into a depression that no one picks up on. The vicious circle seems to be unending until a dramatic incident occurs, whereupon Emilie leaves her mother and agrees to go to boarding school. She will not see her mother again until twenty years later in the old manor house where she has not set foot since childhood.

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