Anelis et la mer
by Beatriz Carvalho
Anelis hasn’t always lived in Montreal. She used to live in a warm country where the sea was part of her life. Anelis is often sad because she misses the country she grew up in. To help herself feel better, she brings to the surface all the good memories of her former life that warm her heart. She then makes a list of everything that makes her happy, right here and now, in her new country. Anelis starts feeling better.
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An important picture book for all children who do not live in their birth country, those same children who are often uprooted by migratory flows or wars.
Author Biography
Beatriz Carvalho is a Brazilian visual artist who recently arrived to Canada and lives in Montreal. After obtaining two diplomas, one in Architecture / Urbanism from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and another in Animation Cinema from Montreal, she is working on her personal visual art projects in illustration and animation. Beatriz has received a grant from the CALQ (Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec) for the realization of this picture book. Anelis et la mer is her first book published in Canada.
Copyright Information
2020, Beatriz Carvalho and Editions de l'Isatis
Ambre Communication Agency
I am focusing on selling rights of Editions de l'Isatis (Montreal) and am looking for new contacts, publishers or agents, to present my rights list (children, teens and YA books).
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Orginal LanguageFrench
- ISBN/Identifier 9782924769904
- Publication Country or regionCanada
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 19.95 CAD
- Pages32
- ReadershipChildren
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2020
- Dimensions23 X 23 cm
- IllustrationCOLORS
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