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      • Kia Persia Literary Agency

        KIA Literary Agency was founded in 2002 in Tehran with the aim of promoting and supporting fine literary works in all forms throughout the world. It brings about opportunities for authors, illustrators, publishers, translators, and those involved in this field to meet their counterparts. And at the same time, it introduces them to the world and will inform them of all the related events which take place in the world of art and literature.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1990

        Die Kontrolle des Imaginären

        Vernunft und Imagination in der Moderne

        by Luiz Costa Lima, Armin Biermann, Ludwig K. Pfeiffer

        "Ist das Imaginäre ungreifbar und doch allgegenwärtig, so muss es in formen gebracht werden, in welchen Konformität mit und Transgression von rational-gesellschaftlichen Realitätsnormen ausgelotet werden können. Solche Formen werden in vielen Kulturen überwiegend von der Kunst parat gehalten; an den Schwierigkeiten wiederum, zu bestimmen, was Kunst sei, lässt sich die Hartnäckigkeit ermessen, mit welcher das Imaginäre auf Modalitäten seiner – irgendeiner – Gültigkeit und Akzeptanz pocht. Es ist daher einleuchtend, wenn Costa Lima, ein brasilianischer Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaftler, seine Untersuchung zur Kontrolle des Imaginären einschränkend und vergleichend differenziert. An der Literatur und den mit ihr oft genug konkurrierenden Diskursen wissenschaftlicher – etwa geschichtlicher – Art lassen sich Formen rationaler und sozialer Kontrolle relativ gut ablesen. Denn seit diese Diskurse in westlichen Kulturen in Erscheinung getreten sind, werden sie von expliziten theoretischen, legitimierenden oder diskriminierenden parasitären Diskursen begleitet. Im Prinzip allerdings engt Costa Lima die Formen des Imaginären nicht derart ein: Kino, comic strip und der riesige Bereich der Alltagsfiktionen sind von den poetologisch häufig fixierten oder gar normierten literarischen Fiktionen zwar zu unterscheiden, fallen aus dem Thema aber nicht grundsätzlich heraus."

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        May 2012

        Konquistadoren in Peru

        Aufstieg und Fall der Brüder Pizarro nach Bildern und Texten von Theodor de Bry

        by de Bry, Theodor / Andere Adaption von Micha, Alexander

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        Beruflich in Peru

        Trainingsprogramm für Manager, Fach- und Führungskräfte

        by Maurial de Menzel, Carmen; Thomas, Alexander

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        April 1998

        Der Partido Civil in Peru 1871-1879

        Zur Geschichte politischer Parteien und Repräsentation in Lateinamerika

        by Mücke, Ulrich

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Relics, dreams, voyages

        World baroque

        by Peter Davidson

        Relics, Dreams,Voyages is a closely focused sequence of studies of worldwide connections in all the arts in the baroque period. Drawing on original research in libraries, collections, and archives in five countries, and in as many languages, this book draws many astonishing, unfamiliar and beautiful texts, things and events, into a cartography of the secret and strange patterns of baroque cultures worldwide. The visual arts are examined across a wide temporal and geographical span, and many subversive iconographies are decoded: at the French and English courts, in remote Scotland, in Nagasaki, in Valladolid. This books offers a new, extraordinary cultural geography of the baroque world, opening doors to many rich and strange cultural artefacts, from 'China to Peru.'

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2007

        Huerto cerrado

        by Catherine Davies, David Wood

        Alfredo Bryce Echenique is one of the most widely-read and most widely translated Latin American authors of recent decades, yet this is the first critical edition that makes his work available to students of Hispanic literatures in the English-speaking world. Combining humour and informal language to explore adolescence in middle-class Peru, this edition provides ready points of engagement for young (and not-so-young) adults. The stories and main themes are explained and analysed through a critical introduction, comprehensive notes and vocabulary prepared by one of the leading international scholars of the author's work. Huerto cerrado offers an ideal point of entry to many of the key issues of contemporary Latin American literature, such as the concern with youth and popular culture, issues relating to sexuality, and challenges to dominant social and political structures. This edition offers insights not only into contemporary Peru and the relationship between that country's society and its literature, but also the work of one of the continent's outstanding literary voices. ;

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        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2021

        Social Tourism

        Global Challenges and Approaches

        by Joana Lima, Celeste Eusébio

        Social tourism - the practice of offering programmes, events and activities to enable disadvantaged population groups to enjoy tourism - is of increasing interest to academia. Beginning with an introduction to the social tourism concept, its relevance and target groups, this book then provides reflections about emerging topics case studies of programmes in action across Europe, Oceania and the Americas. It considers the tourism experience from the point of view of young people, families, senior citizens and people with disabilities, before covering the impacts of social tourism initiatives on both participants and tourism destinations. It concludes by reflecting on the practical challenges and policy implications emerging from theory and practice, highlighting common challenges and identifying guidelines for designing social tourism initiatives.This book:Covers the challenges faced by the sector and the relevance of promoting tourism programmes for disadvantaged groups of society.Promotes research that bridges theory and practice, permitting the identification of guidelines for more effective social tourism initiatives.Includes case studies from around the world to provide a global perspective.An important read for researchers of tourism, social inclusion and accessibility, this book will therefore also be of interest to students and practitioners of these areas. Table of Contents Part I: Introduction 1: Introduction Part II: Social Tourism Around the World 1. Social Tourism in Greece: A Brief History of Development from the Interwar Years to the Covid-19 Era 2: Social Tourism in Mexico: Evolution, Challenges and Future Development 3: Challenges and Opportunities for Development of Social Tourism in Finland Part III: The Tourism Experience Lived by Different Target Groups of Social Tourism 4: Benefits of Social Tourism Programmes for Seniors: The Case of the INATEL Foundation in Portugal 5: Social Tourism Programmes for Seniors: The Case Study of Slovenia 6: Social Tourism for Seniors in Spain: An Example to be followed? 7: 'We need a vacation': Social Tourism Initiatives for Low-Income Families with Children with Disabilities 8: Disabled Children as Legitimate Research Participants: A Topic Omitted from Tourism Research? 9: ‘The best holidays I ever had’: The Benefits of Social Tourism Programmes for Children at Risk of Poverty and Social Exclusion 10: The Financial Accessibility of Children’s Camps: A French Challenge to Renew Their Popularity Part IV: Practical Challenges and Policy Implications 11: Social Tourism for Low-Income Families: Challenges and Practical Implications in Pursuing Social Innovation 12: What, and Who, is Social Tourism? The Roles of the Public, Private and Voluntary Sector in Social Tourism Provision in Flanders, Belgium 13: Social Tourism Policies: Critical Reflections Part V: Conclusion: Social Tourism – Global Challenges and Approaches in the Future 15: Social Tourism - Global Challenges and Approaches in the Future

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2005

        Isabel Allende

        by Martina Mauritz

        »Ich sehe die Welt in leuchtenden Farben.« Geboren in Peru, aufgewachsen in Chile, das sie nach dem Militärputsch verlassen musste, schrieb Isabel Allende ihren Bestseller Das Geisterhaus im Exil in Venezuela; seither zählt sie zu den wichtigsten Stimmen in der lateinamerikanischen Literatur. In ihren Romanen, die Leser in aller Welt begeistern, spiegelt sich das bewegte Leben dieser faszinierenden Frau.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

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        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        February 1994

        Potato Genetics

        by Edited by John E Bradshaw, George R Mackay

        The potato is economically a very important crop in many parts of the world. All improvements through potato breeding or biotechnology must be based on a thorough knowledge of potato genetics. This book fills a major gap in the current literature for an up-to-date account of this topic and its implications for crop improvement. Written by authorities from the UK, USA, Canada, Peru, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Poland, this major reference work will be indispensible for workers in plant genetics, breeding and biotechnology.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2002

        Tante Julia und der Kunstschreiber


        by Heidrun Adler, Mario Vargas Llosa

        Mario Vargas Llosa, geboren 1936 in Arequipa/Peru, studierte Geistes- und Rechtswissenschaften in Lima und Madrid. Bereits während seines Studiums schrieb er für verschiedene Zeitschriften und Zeitungen und veröffentlichte erste Erzählungen, ehe 1963 sein erster Roman Die Stadt und die Hunde erschien. Der peruanische Romanautor und Essayist ist stets als politischer Autor aufgetreten und ist damit auch weit über die Grenzen Perus hinaus sehr erfolgreich. Zu seinen wichtigsten Werken zählen Das grüne Haus, Das Fest des Ziegenbocks, Tante Julia und der Schreibkünstler und Das böse Mädchen. Vargas Llosa ist Ehrendoktor verschiedener amerikanischer und europäischer Universitäten und hielt Gastprofessuren unter anderem in Harvard, Princeton und Oxford. 1990 bewarb er sich als Kandidat der oppositionellen Frente Democrático (FREDEMO) bei den peruanischen Präsidentschaftswahlen und unterlag in der Stichwahl. Daraufhin zog er sich aus der aktiven Politik zurück. Neben zahlreichen anderen Auszeichnungen erhielt er 1996 den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels und 2010 den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Heute lebt Mario Vargas Llosa in Madrid und Lima.

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        Forestry & related industries
        November 2006

        Forests and Society

        Sustainability and Life Cycles of Forests in Human Landscapes

        by Edited by Kristina A Vogt, Daniel J Vogt, Robert L Edmonds, Jon M Honea, Toral Patel-Weynand, Duncan Ray

        This book provides a broad-ranging textbook on the relationships between forests and society. It discusses the ways in which society can interact with forest landscapes without adversely affecting their sustainability. Topics covered include attitudes to, and uses of forests, the creation of today's forest landscapes, the impact of humans on forests, and forest sustainability and human health. The book also examines emerging issues in forestry such as possible solutions to balancing societies' needs with forest sustainability, managing forests in the urban-wildland interface, and the impact of illegal logging. It is packed with real-world case studies from the USA, Australia, Bolivia, Botswana, Canada, China, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Thailand.

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