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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2018

        Sport and diplomacy

        by J Simon Rofe, Giles Scott-Smith

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        Swimming & water sports (Children's/YA)
        October 2020


        by María José Ferrada, Mariana Alcántara

        There might be many swimmers for sure who, after training so much during the day (“50 meters of Front Crawl, 50 meters of Back and 50 meters of Butterfly”) at night they dream about being fish. But during those same nights, when the moon illuminates the oceans, will fish dream about being swimmers? The authors of this book use humor and poetry to show us that a page can be a deep sea or an Olympic-size swimming pool, depending on the eyes with which it is looked at.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        Die Tribute von Panem 1. Tödliche Spiele

        by Suzanne Collins, Maria Koschny, Sylke Hachmeister, Peter Klöss, Markus Langer, Eduardo Garcia, Matthias Scheuer, Die Tribute von Panem, Frank Gustavus, Markus Langer

        Die Hunger Games als Hörbuch. In einer nicht näher definierten Zukunft, nachdem Nordamerika durch Kriege und Naturkatastrophen zerstört wurde, entstand die diktatorische Nation Panem, bestehend aus dem regierenden reichen Kapitol und 13 ärmeren Distrikten. Nicht zufällig erinnert Panem  an Panem et circenses, lateinisch für Brot und Spiele, aus römischen Zeiten: Auch hier sollen Tribute wie damals Gladiatoren das Volk belustigen. Eine von ihnen ist die 16-jährige Katniss Everdeen, die anstelle ihrer jüngeren Schwester bei den Hungerspielen im Kapitol von Panem antritt und um ihr Leben kämpfen muss. Als ihr Mitstreiter Peeta ihr seine Liebe gesteht, wird die Sache noch schwieriger, denn am Ende darf es nur einen Sieger geben. Wird es ihnen gelingen, das Kapitol zu überlisten und beide zu überleben? Der packende dystopische Bestseller ist erzählt aus der Perspektive von Katniss  – und was sie denkt und fühlt, ihr innerer Monolog, steht in starkem Kontrast zu dem spektakulären, grausamen Ereignissen in Panem … Mögen die tödlichen Spiele neu beginnen …  - Der erste Teil der Erfolgstrilogie von Bestseller-Autorin Suzanne Collins gelesen von Maria Koschny - Auftakt der Ausnahme-Fantasy-Dystopie - Ausgezeichnet mit dem Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis (Preis der Jugendjury). - Bekannt als Kino-Blockbuster mit Jennifer Lawrence in der Hauptrolle.

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        June 2009

        People and Work in Events and Conventions

        A Research Perspective

        by Hannah Theobald, Charles Arcodia, John Arthur, Parveen Yaqoob, Bruce German, Christopher Auld, Ronan Gormley, James D House, Paula Jauregi, Zuleika Beaven, Anne Pihlanto, Jo Lunn, Katalin Formádi, Bruce Mullan, Joe Goldblatt, Nigel Scollan, Russell Hoye, Kevin J Shingfield, Leo Jago, Chris Kemp, Jeong S Sim, Adele Ladkin, Judith Mair, Vivienne S McCabe, Roselyne N Okech. Edited by Caroline Rymer, Thomas Baum, Eddie Deaville, Margaret Deery, Clare Hanlon, Leonie Lockstone, Karen A Smith.

        The part of the tourism industry which covers events, conventions and meetings is a substantial part of the global economy and provides employment for a very large number of people worldwide. The breakdown of employees in this sector is complex - employees can be full-time, casual labour or part of a volunteer workforce, and events can be as diverse as the Olympic Games and a local meeting. This book examines the role of people who work in events, meetings and conventions by looking at the context in which they work, and presenting theories, perspectives underlying trends of employment in this sector. Leading authors present international examples to further understanding of the concepts involved in people management in tourism events. This book will be an important resource for students and researchers of leisure, tourism and events management.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2025

        Critical games

        On play and seriousness in academia, literature and life

        by Tim Beasley-Murray

        Critical Games is about the games we play (whether we know it or not), the ways we play them (for fun, but also to win, and to gain approval from others), and what happens when they get out of hand. The book interrogates the theory of play and gaming, with a particular focus on the games played by literary authors and literary critics. Drawing on (often self-critical) autobiography, as well as readings in texts across a range of languages, Tim Beasley-Murray plays with academic conventions to highlight what is at stake in them, turning to the Game of Literature, from Kafka to Carrère, to seek models and warnings of the outcomes of taking games too seriously, or not taking them seriously enough.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2023

        Prueba olímpica (Olympic Trial)

        by Lorena Huitrón

        "Prueba olímpica" test demystifies what is in front of him. Here prose poems are explored, there are verses that become epigraphs of a following poem, obsessions that open a process that can be endless, wounds that discover, themselves, that it makes sense to mock their existence. Lorena has a natural force that disturbs those who read her, like that bird that murmurs near our ear. This book is inserted in the tradition to modify it.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018

        The Language of Go Chess

        by Chu Fujin

        This is a story about Chinese Go chess.The protagonist Xiao Wang lives in the North Lane. Go chess connects his life with other chess players such as Jiang Chong, Liu Yun, Tao Song, Chen Xiaodong and Chang Shuo. Through this novel, we see the modern life, the modern psychology and the modern society of China.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 1997

        A Game at Chess

        Thomas Middleton

        by T.H. Howard-Hill

        For many years Middleton's "A Game at Chess" was more notorious than read, considered rather a phenomenon of theatrical history than a pre-eminent piece of dramatic writing. "A Game at Chess" was a nine days' wonder, an exceptional play of King James' reign on account of its unprecedented representation of matters of state usually forbidden on the stage. The King's Men performed the play uninterruptedly between 5th and 14th August, 1624 at their Globe Theatre, attracting large audiences, before the Privy Council closed the theatre by the King's command. More recently, growing interest in the connections of economics and politics with authorship have promoted readings that locate the play so firmly within its historical context as propaganda that, again, its worthwhile literary and theatrical qualities are neglected. In writing "A Game at Chess", Middleton employed the devices of the neoclassical comedy of intrigue within the matrix of the traditional oral play. What might have seemed old-fashioned allegory was rejuvenated by his adoption of the fashionable game of chess as the fiction within which the play was set. The product of Middleton's experienced craftsmanship is at once deceptively simple and surprisingly complex. ;

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        Grandpa’s Fourteen Games

        by Author: Zhao LingIllustrator: Huang Lili

        Key Points: Little games with big wisdom teach children to be optimistic and not afraid of difficulties.   Brief content After Chinese New Year, dad and mom, a doctor and a nurse, have gone to Wuhan to fight the epidemic, leaving grandpa and the little girl at home. The little girl does not know the building is in quarantine so residents cannot go out. To have the girl staying at home happily, grandpa comes up with an idea: a game a day, playing games with the little girl during the fourteen days. The little girl plays the roles of doctor, scientist, policeman, soldier, community administrator, and even patient. Every day, he expects the coming games, through which he feels how people from all walks of life selflessly dedicate themselves to fighting hard with the epidemic.   Reading Guidance: It's in children's nature to love playing games. During these special days, grandpa smartly uses this nature of children to have the little girl get through fourteen-day quarantine without knowing what happens, tenderly protecting a child's heart of innocence and imagination.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to  (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to         (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to  (fetch code: 0la4)

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        Götter des Olymp

        by Dimiter Inkiow, Peter Kaempfe, Jette Kaempfe, Ralf Kiwit, Holger Rink, Holger Rink, Norbert Lorenz, Max Meinzold, Barbara Asbeck

        Die Griechen verehrten und fürchteten eine Vielzahl von Göttern. Manche waren Berge oder Flüsse, wie der Fluss Skamandros. Andere waren Halbgötter, die wie Fabeltiere aussahen. Die mächtigsten Götter aber lebten auf dem Olymp und über sie alle herrschte Zeus, der zwölf der wichtigsten Götter zu seinen Beratern machte. Sie bildeten den Rat der Götter. Und um sie herum ranken sich zahlreiche Mythen. Mit Geschichten über Aphrodite, Ares, Athene, Hermes, Poseidon und vielen weiteren! Gelesen von Peter Kaempfe.

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        Games of Childhood

        by Lao Duo

        From Thales who lit the fire of science, to Rogier Bacon who told us not to rely on authority too much; from Newton who discovered gravity, to Einstein who created the theory of relativity; from Mozi who studied optics, mechanics and arithmetic, to the skilled craftsmen of ancient China who played with the four great inventions... Science is Played out by a Group of Curious People! This set of books with lively and smart language, the story with gamut of emotions and tells the process of science from nonexistence to pass into existence with a critical and reflective perspective, and then completely change the state of human’s life. With time as a line, characters as a rope, in the form of scenario reenactment, restore the thousands of Chinese and foreign scientific masters in the search for truth in the process of anecdotes, to explore the fruits of their wisdom for future generations of civilization enlightenment. This is the first volume of the series.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Ich, Zeus, und die Bande vom Olymp

        Götter und Helden erzählen griechische Sagen

        by Frank Schwieger, Matthias Haase, Friedhelm Ptok, Cathlen Gawlich, Ralf Kiwit, Ramona Wultschner

        Eine spannende Reise zum sagenumwobenen Olymp! Warum trägt Achill Mädchenkleider? Wieso umarmt Apollon einen Baum? Was haben Beauty Queen Aphrodite und ein goldener Apfel mit dem Trojanischen Krieg zu tun? Und natürlich: wo überall hat Zeus seine Hände mit im Spiel? Dies und mehr beantworten die Götter und Helden der griechischen Sagen höchst selbst und zwar in spannenden Geschichten aus ihrem Leben. Dicht am Original und trotzdem humorvoll!

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Ich, Zeus, und die Bande vom Olymp

        Götter und Helden erzählen griechische Sagen

        by Frank Schwieger, Rudi Mika, Friedhelm Ptok, Cathlen Gawlich, Robert Missler, Sabine Falkenberg, Nils Kreutinger, Ingeborg Wunderlich, Robert Missler, Romanus Fuhrmann, Anne Horstmann, Rudi Mika, James Cotterell, Christoph Haberer, Ralf Kiwit, Reinhold von Brünninghaus, Ramona Wultschner

        Eine spannende Reise zum sagenumwobenen Olymp! Warum trägt Achill Mädchenkleider? Wieso umarmt Apollon einen Baum? Was haben Beauty Queen Aphrodite und ein goldener Apfel mit dem Trojanischen Krieg zu tun? Und natürlich: wo überall hat Zeus seine Hände mit im Spiel? Dies und mehr beantworten die Götter und Helden der griechischen Sagen höchst selbst und zwar in spannenden Geschichten aus ihrem Leben. Dicht am Original und trotzdem humorvoll!

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Escape School 2. Der unheimliche Nebel

        by Jule Ambach, Stefanie Wegner, Timo Müller-Wegner

        "Escape School 2. Der unheimliche Nebel" von Jule Ambach ist ein spannendes Erstlesebuch, das junge Leser*innen im Alter von 7 bis 9 Jahren in ein mitreißendes Abenteuer entführt. In dieser Geschichte wird die Schule von einem rätselhaften Phänomen heimgesucht: Alle Schüler und Lehrer scheinen plötzlich in einen tiefen Schlaf gefallen zu sein. Die Protagonisten Tom und Anni, zusammen mit Toms Affen Katta, stehen vor der Herausforderung, das Geheimnis hinter diesem mysteriösen Zustand zu lüften. Dabei spielen sie nicht nur eine Rolle in der Geschichte, sondern sind auch aufgefordert, verschiedene Rätsel zu lösen, um die Schule zu retten. Dieses Buch kombiniert die Spannung eines Escape Games mit dem Lesespaß eines Kinderbuches und regt auf innovative Weise die Interaktion und die Problemlösungsfähigkeiten der jungen Leser an. Spannendes Erstlesebuch: Perfekt für Kinder im Alter von 7 bis 9 Jahren, die Freude am Lesen und an Abenteuern haben. Interaktives Leseerlebnis: Kinder werden nicht nur Teil der Geschichte, sondern müssen aktiv Rätsel lösen, um die Charaktere und die Schule zu retten. Förderung der Problemlösungsfähigkeit: Durch das Lösen von Codes und das Durchqueren von Labyrinthen entwickeln Kinder spielerisch ihre kognitiven Fähigkeiten weiter. Hochwertige Illustrationen: Farbenfrohe und ansprechende Zeichnungen unterstützen die Geschichte und helfen, die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder zu fesseln. Innovative Vermittlung von Lesespaß: Das Buch vermittelt auf neue Art den Spaß am Lesen, indem es Elemente eines Escape Games mit einer fesselnden Geschichte verbindet. Antolin-Listung: Ideal für Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen, die das Buch in ihr Leseförderungsprogramm integrieren möchten. Von der Autorin der 3 !!!: Geschrieben von einer erfahrenen Kinderbuchautorin, die weiß, wie man junge Leser begeistert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Passing into the present

        Contemporary American fiction of racial and gender passing

        by Sinead Moynihan

        This book is the first full-length study of contemporary American fiction of passing. Its takes as its point of departure the return of racial and gender passing in the 1990s in order to make claims about wider trends in contemporary American fiction. The book accounts for the return of tropes of passing in fiction by Phillip Roth, Percival Everett, Louise Erdrich, Danzy Senna, Jeffrey Eugenides and Paul Beatty, by arguing meta-critical and meta-fictional tool. These writers are attracted to the trope of passing because passing narratives have always foregrounded the notion of textuality in relation to the (il)legibility of "black" subjects passing as white. The central argument of this book, then, is that contemporary narratives of passing are concerned with articulating and unpacking an analogy between passing and authorship. The title promises to inaugurate dialogue on the relationships between passing, postmodernism and authorship in contemporary American fiction.

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        Hot Numbers

        290 Puzzles and Brainteasers

        by Eng. Ami Birenboim

        OT NUMBERS - 290 Puzzles and Brainteasers  Eng. A. Birenboim A witty collection of the world’s most entertaining logical, mathematical and graphical puzzles for true lovers of intellectual challenges. The book contains full-color illustrations, and in addition to arousing creative thinking, it brings genuine fun to the reader due to its unorthodox and amusing style. It led the Israeli best-seller list for 12 successive weeks, its sales exceeding even those of the cookery titles! An Italian-language edition, titled Pazzi-Pazzi Numeri, has been published by Sonzogno, an imprint of RCS Rizzoli. In its new, expanded edition, Hot Numbers was split into two volumes, containing a total of 290 puzzles. Volume I is more suited to amateur puzzle-fans, while Volume II is intended to challenge the true professionals. Ami Birenboim, a brilliant Computer Sciences engineer, has been exploring this fascinating field since his teens, and now brings us a selection of the world’s best riddles for avid enthusiasts of this genre. Each volume 112 pages, full color, 16.5X24 cm

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