Art Nation Publishing
We combine gadgets and books together and created a new fairy tale world, involving children in an extraordinary adventure
View Rights PortalWe combine gadgets and books together and created a new fairy tale world, involving children in an extraordinary adventure
View Rights PortalThe National Academies Press (NAP)publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. They published more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics.
View Rights PortalDaß der Mensch fürs Zusammenleben geschaffen sei, erklärt schon die Bibel in der Schöpfungsgeschichte. Und weil es nicht gut ist, allein zu sein, bemüht man sich seither in jüdischen Kreisen – vielleicht noch mehr als anderswo – Zweisamkeiten zu stiften. Liebe aber gibt es nicht nur zwischen Mann und Frau oder bei gleichgeschlechtlichen Paaren. Der Jüdische Almanach geht dem breitgefächerten Spektrum von Beziehungen nach, die im Judentum eine Rolle spielen. Es gibt auch die Liebe zu Gott, Gottes Liebe zu seinem auserwählten Volk, die Liebe zwischen Eltern und Kindern und Nächstenliebe. Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit außergewöhnlichen Liebesbeziehungen in der Geschichte, mit Mendelssohns Brautbriefen und Rosa Luxemburgs Liebeskorrespondenzen, mit der Liebe im Ghetto und in frühzionistischen Kommunen, der Definition von Liebe im Talmud, dem Thema Liebe im israelischen Film und postmodernen Datingsritualen in Tel Aviv.
Curating empire explores the diverse roles played by museums and their curators in moulding and representing the British imperial experience. This collection demonstrates how individuals, their curatorial practices, and intellectual and political agendas influenced the development of a variety of museums across the globe. Taken together, these contributions suggest that museums are not just sites for accessing history but need to be considered as historical sites of significance in themselves. Individual essays examine the work of curators in museums in Britain and the colonies, the historical display and interpretation of empire in Britain, and the establishment of 'museum networks' in the British imperial context. Curating empire sheds new light on the relationship between museums, as repositories for objects and cultural institutions for conveying knowledge, and the politics of culture and the formation of identities throughout the British Empire.
“The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake – you can’t learn anything from being perfect.” Adam Osborne. Oscar Farinetti has collected fifty stories that reflect how some of the greatest successes and examples of excellence in the food world came about by chance, while looking elsewhere, from the invention of foods such as tarte tatin to the sandwich, not to mention international products like Nutella and corn flakes, plus some of the world’s best wines, Gorgonzola cheese, and balsamic vinegar. Renowned delicacies like Milanese risotto rub shoulders with some unusual interlopers: Toscano cigars, Viagra and... humans themselves! Fifty dialogue/stories that are rich in humour and reflections on the meaning of life, the meaning of a constant quest to invent something new, the meaning of human imperfection: what makes us so special... and so flawed. To tell the tale of these discoveries, Farinetti consults their protagonists (real or imagined) or experts with in-depth knowledge: producers, gastronomes, cooks, pastry chefs, artists and scientists, including Joe Bastianich, Andrea Berton, Massimo Bottura, Antonia Klugmann, Carlo Cracco, Giovanni Ferrero, Francesca Lavazza, Davide Oldani, Bruno Paillard, Angelo Gaja, Otto Geisel, Muhtar Kent, Shigeru Hayashi, Carlo Petrini, Telmo Pievani, Vittorio Sgarbi, and more.
Se siete ricchi, non é che siete anche automatamente Sani. Essere poveri noné una buona scusa per essere malati. Con questo libro e il mio nome, vi assicuro al 100% salute e integrità fisica per voi e per tutta la vostra famiglia Inclusivo i membri che non sono ancora nati. Vi garantisco pienamente autonomia da tutti i dottori e ditte farmaceutiche e le loro promesse a vuoto.
Nella grande isola di Orcorizia, piena di montagne altissime e dalle punte aguzze e taglienti, vive l'orco Bomone. Sull'isola non esistono bambini perché, non splendendo mai il sole, gli orchi appena nati diventano subito giganti. Attratto dalla luce che illumina, invece, l'isola di Livizia, decido Bomone di raggiungerla. Lì l'orco incontrerà Brillastella, una bambina molto speciale che sarà coinvolta nel suo piano per rapire il sole.
Talking about sonnets in the twenty-first century might seem somehow outdated. Yet, Bruni's verses are of a stainless vital energy, impervious to the liquid erosion of time. The power of a calibrated verse, the adequate rhyme, the abundance of details determine the evolution of a collection that exudes from every syllable the pure essence of the poet who is absorbed by his own words. --- Paolo Bruni è un autore dinamico, multiforme, aperto a intraprendere con coraggio strade nuove e a costruire ponti umani, senza paura che crollino. D’altronde, le sue stesse origini sono un crocevia di direttrici culturali che si intersecano: la Sicilia e la Calabria sono le terre dei suoi antenati, mentre Roma è la città in cui sono nati, e tuttora vivono con le rispettive famiglie, il padre Nicola, giornalista di successo, e il poeta stesso.Parlare di sonetti nel ventunesimo secolo potrebbe sembrare a molti fuori tempo massimo. Eppure, leggendo i versi del Bruni, si coglie un’energia vitale inossidabile, impermeabile alla liquida erosione del tempo. Il potere di un verso calibrato, la rima adeguata, la dovizia di particolari che volge al dettaglio sempre e comunque determinano l’evoluzione di una raccolta che trasuda da ogni sillaba l’essenza pura del poeta che viene assorbito dalle sue stesse parole.Si colgono momenti in cui la dolcezza è come un mare calmo, lievemente increspato da una brezza disposta ad accarezzarlo, che si tramuta di colpo in tempesta. In “Sciroppo da more – Brunette liquide” le emozioni divengono musica, poiché l’armonia si sposa perfettamente con l’arte ardita della parola ed entrambe danzano insieme scivolando giù fino a un bivio inatteso, dove si palesa l’alter ego dell'autore, quel Paul Bernàc che, con prepotenza quasi irriverente, si fa largo là dove il Bruni non oserebbe metter piede. Qui, da questo suggestivo sdoppiamento, nasce un’irresistibile fascinazione la quale genera, per incanto, la poesia della vita, che nasce come un incontro effimero ma, proprio per questo, magico e irripetibile.
In Seks, Drugs en Rock 'n' Roll in de Gouden Eeuw (‘Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll in the Golden Age’), historian Benjamin B. Roberts paints a fascinating portrait of the lives of young men int he first half of the seventeenth century. He describes the riotous behaviour of prominent figures such as Rembrandt – born in 1606 – and brings the values of his rebellious peers to life. Roberts convincingly demonstrates that young men rebelled then as they do now, and moved against previous generations. They grew out their hair, wore outrageous clothes, smoked, drank too much, got into fights with the city guards, cheated, and sang bawdy songs. This accessibly written book paints a vivid portrait of youth culture in the Golden Age; a time when the advent of printing allowed for a rapid spread of a culture of permissiveness. The spread of liberal ideas, together with the rising incomes, created a new generation of ‘bad boys’. Using hilarious examples, Roberts shows that deviant behaviour is timeless.
THE VISITWritten by Gaja KosIllustrated by Ana Zavadlav An unusual story about unusual friends.This entertaining picture book by the critic, editor, translator and author of three children’s books, Gaja Kos, takes place somewhere in Central America, where a sloth and a tapir live, one in the tree top and the other down below. Because the tapir is very sociable, the day his new neighbour moves into his new tree top home, he invites him over. The sloth accepts the invitation, but there is something the tapir does not know about sloths: there is one problem with them – they are really, really, really very slow … Format: 20.5 x 26 cm | 24 pages | Age: 4+
A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.
Did you know that in Sicily they can be climbed volcanoes still active, explore archipelagos, saline with windmills and fragrant gardens of citrus fruits and discover bizarre natural phenomena? And did you know that some of the greatest masterpieces of thearcheology world? And that i dolls and their adventures were born in Sicily? Not to mention the kitchen Sicilian... is one of the richest on the planet! And Palermo a Catania, yes Syracuse all’Etna, yes Stromboli a Pantelleria, a book to browse through to make an adventurous journey between Greek temples and medieval castles, ancient myths and modern legends, nature excursions and dives into the sea, crackling parties and colorful markets. Getting started • Map of Sicily • Nature • Animals • Palermo • The islands of Sicily • History • Masterpieces of art • Temples, churches and castles • Curiosities and mysterious places • Ancient myths and legends • Illustrious personalities • Experiences and adventures • Let's party! • Everyone at the table!
The book presents an original philosophical reflection on the urban suburbs, on their birth and their functioning, as well as on the human suburbs, with the experience of those who live "remotely", as a peripheral being. The path followed leads to a substantial reformulation of our way of understanding the suburbs, in the wake of the pastoral attention of the magisterium of Pope Francis, with the aim of opening new paths of meaning.
Written in the second half of the 14th century, this book by John of Hildesheim is an outstanding document of Medieval literature and historiography. The text is accompanied by some of the most wonderful illustrations taken from the great artistic tradition dating from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and it shows the inspiration that John of Hildesheim has given to the whole Christian iconography of Christmas and to some of the most outstanding works of art. “The remarkable iconography accompanying this volume, with forty-three different representations of the story of the three wise men (from Gentile da Fabriano to Lippi, from Giotto to Botticelli, from Benozzo Gozzoli to Piero della Francesca), is an evidence of the appeal of a story in which history, devotion, theology are closely intertwined, starting from the very journey of those three figures as the symbolic guiding thread of the Gospel narration.” (Card. Gianfranco Ravasi)
The story of a great friendship between different generations. The last bell of the year rings and Benni is finally free from the school! Will she be able to relax? Of course not! She will have to get to work immediately to save the old De Profundis from a sad destiny: the retirement home. With her, the inseparable parrot Celestina, a group of old friends and a Chinese maid with a Sicilian accent. Amidst twists and small lies, the brigade will devise the most adventurous plans to save De Profundis... Will they be able to save their old friends? They certainly will not give up easily!
Where does freedom of speech end and do insults, threats, and hate speech begin? Why does a rapper sing that more Muslims than Jews were killed during the Holocaust? This book addresses the 21st century wave of anti-Semitic incidents in the streets and on the internet, the distortions of historic commemoration in our country and the problems with education about the Holocaust. It is an incisive analysis of a multicultural drama in which anti-Jewish statements play a crucial role. By going back in time, Remco Ensel puts the new anti-Semitism in the context of post-war history of protest and provocation. From the student protests in the sixties to the Second Intifada, from ‘zionazi’ to ‘Adolf Sharon’, the Rushdie affair to Mohammed B. The book is based on extensive archival research in Morocco and the Netherlands and on conversations with journalists and politicians, such as Bertus Hendriks, Job Cohen, Elatik Fatima Ahmed Marcouch, Ronny Naftaniel and many others.
Julia is going through a bad time: her mom and her dad are going to go away for three months to finish their diplomas outside of the country and they have left her aunt Sofía in charge of her, meaning, apart from changing house, she will also have to change school. There Julia will meet every kind of specimens: a protective elephant miss, and an understanding giraffe, some obedient zebras, and a dangerous tigress with whom she will fight against more than once. Julia will have to overcome many obstacles alone, and still, in the middle of it, she will have to find time to visit his very peculiar friend: Panther leo.
From the Hebrew name meaning “Who Is Like God?”, Michael is one of the angels–together with Raphael (“God Heals”) and Gabriel (“God Is My Strength”)–whose names are mentioned in the Holy Scripture. Since the first centuries of Christianity, there has been a wide diffusion of his worship in Europe and in the East through a multitude of sanctuaries and chapels, mostly nestled in high places, related to caves and water. An astonishing feature of this spread is a mysterious straight line crossing the European continent from North-West to South-East from Ireland to Asia Minor, and it is perfectly aligned with the sunset on the day of Summer Solstice. Along this line are seven sanctuaries dedicated to Michael, three of which have been significantly important over the centuries: Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, the Sacra di San Michele in val di Susa and the Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo on Mount Gargano, in Puglia. Three extraordinary high places that are all the same distance one from the other and which have always been a constant pilgrimage destination. Another aspect is the connection Saint Michael had with the Longobards, who migrated across Europe between the second and the sixth century until they reached Italy where they settled. This made Michael the first truly “European” Saint, attracting believers from all over the continent. With the contribution of some of the most important historians and medievalists from different European countries, this book depicts the presence of Saint Michael in Europe, starting with the diffusion of his devotion, especially during the Middle Ages, and extending to an analysis of the iconography of the Saint through the many architectural and artistic testimonies to be found throughout Europe. Thanks to its influential contributions and to the variety of both historical and iconographic topics, combined with the spectacular nature of the numerous images of places and artistic testimonies, this book is a unique journey through Europe between art and faith.
PRAYERS FROM THE STAIRSWritten by Peter SvetinaIllustrated by Ana Zavadlav Seven charming prayers for the youngest. This poetry collection contains short prayers spoken by a child, relating primarily to his loved ones and created in specific circumstances. They are alive and authentic. In these prayers the reader can truly feelthe power of a child’s desire, revealing what is important to her, what bothers her, and what fears and concerns she has. Levstik Award for Best Original Work of Literature 2017, Večernica Award 2017, nominated for the H.C. Andersen Award 2020. Format: 20 x 20 cm16 pages | Age: 5+
LITTLE BEARWritten by Polonca KovačIllustrated by Jelka Reichman Little Bear can’t fall asleep without a pacifier. Rabbit, Deer, and Wolf all want to help him.In the end a thumb comes to his aid. But how does he fall asleep at last? Renowned children’s author Polonca Kovač and beloved illustrator Jelka Reichman have created a wonderful picture book for very young children. From the text: And so he lay on the soft moss and cried quietly. Rabbit passed by and asked: “Why are you crying, Little Bear?” “I can’t sleep without my pacifier.” replied Little Bear. “That’s just terrible!” said Rabbit. “I’ll go look for it for you.” And off he rushed like the wind. He ran through the whole forest but he couldn’t find the pacifier. Little Bear cried on... Format: 24,5 x 24,3 cm16 pages | Age: 3+
CECIL MEETS AZALEAWritten by Dana TodorovićIllustrated by Bojana Dimitrovski A picture book about friendship by two young Serbian authors. Cecil visits his aunt, who has just recently got herself a new cat called Azalea. She is totally different from Cecil. Cecil decides to trick her. But he soon realizes that it’s not nice to be lonely and that friendship is what’s really important. Format: 20 x 20 cm24 pages | Age: 4+
CECIL AND EMILY AND THEIR FAMILYWritten and illustrated by Bojana Dimitrovski A third picture book about Cecil the cat is on its way. This time, Bojana Dimitrovski is working on her own picture book. The youngest readers have already fallen in love with the cute little cat Cecil. In this new story, Cecil is quite grown-up already. He falls in love with another cat, Emily, who has two babies. Their story is one of love in a compound family which keeps its door open for lost kittens as well. Format: 20 x 20 cm16 pages | Age: 4+