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        Children's & YA
        February 2020

        Yoga with Cats

        by Maria van Bruggen

        Do you need an inspiration for your daily exercises, perhaps an intuitive message to raise your mood, and most importantly, to connect with your furry friends? Yoga with Cats, with its 33 exercises, will do all that and bring a smile to your face. Cats are your best friends and they are the true yoga masters. Take their help to pick up your yoga routine. Shuffle the pages and choose a pose, and enjoy yourself! Laugh and have as much fun as possible with your furry friends on your yoga journey. Yoga with Cats offers a unique experience to children and adults alike, a divinely funny book that cat lovers of all ages will adore.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2018

        The Moon Is Sleepless

        by Huang Fan

        Huang Fan is a remarkable modern Chinese poet who attracts great attention. His poems are characterized with compact style, imagination, and deep understanding on life. This book selects 110 of the poet’s works during 30 years of composition.

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        Does Movement Really Make Us Smart?

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2024

        Ireland and the Renaissance court

        by David Edwards, Brendan Kane

        Ireland and the Renaissance court is an interdisciplinary collection of essays exploring Irish and English courts, courtiers and politics in the early modern period, c. 1450-1650. Chapters are contributed by both established and emergent scholars working in the fields of history, literary studies, and philology. They focus on Gaelic cúirteanna, the indigenous centres of aristocratic life throughout the medieval period; on the regnal court of the emergent British empire based in London at Whitehall; and on Irish participation in the wider world of European elite life and letters. Collectively, they expand the chronological limits of 'early modern' Ireland to include the fifteenth century and recreate its multi-lingual character through exploration of its English, Irish and Latin archives. This volume is an innovative effort at moving beyond binary approaches to English-Irish history by demonstrating points of contact as well as contention.

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        January 2020

        Ausmalen mit dem magischen Pinsel. Bauernhoftiere

        by Arena Malstudio

        Du kannst Farben zaubern! Der magische Pinsel mit Wassertank Die Neuheit für die Jüngsten: Mit Wasser malen - ganz ohne Flecken! 6 Malbilder mit „Zaubereffekt“ zum Thema Bauernhof - mit kleinen Suchspielen. Die Ausmalseiten zeigen schwarz-weiße Motive. Sobald sie mit dem Pinsel befeuchtet werden, erstrahlen die Seiten in bunten Farben und zeigen noch weitere versteckte Motive. Nach dem Trocknen verschwinden die Farben und die Seiten können erneut ausgemalt werden. Der Pinsel lässt sich leicht auffüllen, gut von kleinen Händen führen und einfach in der PVC Tasche aufbewahren. Das Ausmalen mit dem magischen Pinsel fördert Feinmotorik, Konzentration und logisches Denken. Perfekt für unterwegs z.B. auf Reisen, im Restaurant oder beim Arztbesuch.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2014

        Court and civic society in the Burgundian Low Countries c.1420–1530

        by Andrew Brown, Graeme Small

        This volume is the first ever attempt to unite and translate some of the key texts which informed Johan Huizinga's famous study of the Burgundian court, The Waning of the Middle Ages, a work which has never gone out of print. It combines these texts with sources that Huizinga did not consider, those that illuminate the wider civic world that the Burgundian court inhabited and the dynamic interaction between court and city. Through these sources, and an introduction offering new perspectives on recent historiography, the book tests whether Huizinga's controversial vision of the period still stands. Covering subjects including ceremonial events, such as the spectacles and gargantuan banquets that made the Burgundian dukes the talk of Europe, the workings of the court, and jousting, archery and rhetoric competitions, the book will appeal to students of late medieval and early modern Europe and to those with wider interests in court culture, ritual and ceremony.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2024

        The labour movement in Lebanon

        Power on hold

        by Lea Bou Khater

        The labour movement in Lebanon: Power on hold narrates the history of the Lebanese labour movement from the early twentieth century to today. Bou Khater demonstrates that trade unionism in the country has largely been a failure, for reasons including state interference, tactical co-optation, and the strategic use of sectarianism by an oligarchic elite, together with the structural weakness of a service-based laissez-faire economy. Drawing on a vast body of Arabic-language primary sources and difficult-to-access archives, the book's conclusions are significant not only for trade unionism, but also for new forms of workers' organisations and social movements in Lebanon and beyond. The Lebanese case study presented here holds significant implications for the wider Arab world and for comparative studies of labour. This authoritative history of the labour movement in Lebanon is vital reading for scholars of trade unionism, Lebanese politics, and political economy.

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        May 1999

        Systemtheorie und Sport

        by Karl-Heinrich Bette

        Der erste Teil des Bandes dient der Vergewisserung und Weiterentwicklung der theoretischen Grundlagen. Der zweite Teil fokussiert die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Bereiche Sport, Körper, Individualisierung, Urbanität und Abweichung und zeigt anhand dieser Beispiele, mit welch erhellenden Einsichten die systemtheoretische Theorietechnik bislang offene Fragen beantworten hilft. So thematisiert der Autor den Körper als Kultobjekt, analysiert die fitneß- und jugendlichkeitsorientierte Lebensführung breiter Massen, durchleuchtet das in der Soziologie bislang vernachlässigte Verhältnis von Sport und Individualisierung und ordnet die neuen urbanen Trendsportarten in größere Zusammenhänge ein. Am Beispiel des Dopings spricht er zudem einige prekäre Aspekte der gegenwärtigen Sportentwicklung an. Der dritte Teil des Bandes ist den Themen Beobachtung und Beratung gewidmet. Hier nimmt der Autor die wissenschaftlichen Beobachter des Sports ins Visier und diskutiert im Rahmen der Theorie selbstreferentieller Systeme die mögliche Relationierung von Sport und Wissenschaft.

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        August 1995

        Doping im Hochleistungssport

        Anpassung durch Abweichung

        by Karl-Heinrich Bette, Uwe Schimank

        Doping hat dem guten Ruf des Sports massiv geschadet. Es katapultierte diesen Sozialbereich in ein Glaubwürdigkeitsdefizit hinein, das in seinen Auswirkungen überhaupt noch nicht abzusehen ist. Dabei ist Doping keine zufällige Entgleisung, sondern in der Eigenlogik des modernen Spitzensports und dessen Beziehungen zur gesellschaftlichen Umwelt strukturell angelegt.Wo der Sieg/Niederlage-Code unerbittliche Konkurrenzkämpfe institutionalisiert und das sporttypische Motto des »citius-altius-fortius« wie ein Motor ohne Bremsvorrichtung auf permanente Überbietung drängt, tauchen Probleme spätestens dann auf, wenn Körper und Psyche der Athleten von dieser Grenzenlosigkeit des Wollens immer stärker überfordert werden. Diese Dynamik erhält ihre eigentliche Schubkraft allerdings erst dadurch, daß der Spitzensport immer größeren Ansprüchen seiner gesellschaftlichen Umwelt ausgesetzt ist. Der moderne Hochleistungssport bedient ein breites Spektrum von Publikumsmotiven und wird dadurch auch für die Massenmedien, die Politik und die Wirtschaft interessant. Diese Umweltakteure setzen die Athleten immer stärker unter Erfolgsdruck.Doping ist aufgrund dieser Entwicklungen nichts Akzidentielles, sondern etwas Essentielles des modernen Hochleistungssports. Sozial als legitim angesehene Ziele werden mit illegitimen Mitteln verfolgt: eine Anpassung durch Abweichung. Die Devianz von Athleten ist dabei keine isolierte individuelle Entscheidung. Vielmehr findet Doping in einer dafür anfälligen Subkultur statt und wird durch ein weitgefächertes Umfeld getragen.

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        November 2020

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice

        by James W Yeates

        Veterinary Ethics in Practice gives non-specialist veterinary professionals an introduction to ethics. It helps readers to think about, and discuss, ethical dilemmas and viewpoints faced by practitioners in their daily practice. The book: · Is an important primer and introduction to basic ethical dilemmas. · Helps improve ethical reasoning, through the use of numerous worked examples, leading to increased confidence in decisions and actions. · Explains key ethical concepts and terminology making the subject easier to understand. · Contains case studies which help bring real dilemmas to life. With carefully crafted themes and problem cases in farm animal, companion animal, equine, wildlife, zoo and laboratory settings, the book provides an important yet concise and accessible introduction to moral decision-making in veterinary practice.

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        April 2015

        Implizite Motive im Sport

        Themenheft der Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie (Heft 1/2015)

        by Herausgegeben von Schüler, Julia; Herausgegeben von Wegner, Mirko

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        December 2024

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Temple Grandin, John Abizaid, Faith Reyes, Adrian Barber, Donald M Broom, Michelle S. Calvo-Lorenzo, Dana L. M. Campbell, John Church, Michael Cockram, Lorna Coppinger, Raymond Coppinger, Roger Ewbank, Luigi Faucitano, Robert B. Freeman, Wendy K Fulwider, Carmen Gallo, Arlene Garcia-Marquez, Peter J Goddard, Temple Grandin, Paul H Hemsworth, Katherine A. Houpt, Stella Maris Huertas Canén, Geoffrey D. Hutson, Anna Johnson, Meagan King, Bert Lambooij, Pol Llonch Obiols, Edmond A. Pajor, Mateus J.R. Paranhos da Costa, Genaro C. Miranda-de la Lama, Miriam Parker, Clive J C Phillips, Matthew J. Ritter, Emma Fabreger I Romans, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Antonio Velarde, Kurt Vogel, Claire A Weeks, Carissa L. Wickens, S. Wilhelmsson, Trevor DeVries, Gabriel Dallago, Ashlyn Scott, Juliana Ribas, J. Gooding, S. Carr, C. Yoder, C. Jones, A. K. Johnson, A. Garcia, Jayson Galbraith

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr Temple Grandin, this book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this new edition expands on new developments in the field, as well as covering the integration of and potential welfare benefits and costs of technological advances such as virtual fencing. An important read for animal scientists, animal welfare researchers and practitioners, and veterinarians, this straightforward text is also a valuable resource for stock-people and farmers.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        On the Move

        by Art studio Agrafka (Authors), Art studio Agrafka (Illustrators)

        The universe is always on the move: Nothing in it remains completely at rest. Movement is natural: The Earth, the water on it, the atmosphere, the continents, and all living organisms exist in a state of constant motion. We walk, run, jump, crawl, swim, and fly. We travel. This book is about movement and travel—not only by people, but also that of animals, plants, the wind, water, and our planet. It describes journeys for the purpose of trade and commerce, journeys for the purpose of pleasure and repose or for survival, as well as scientific expeditions and pilgrimages. It’s about migrations, maps, navigation, and, finally, about finding your own path. Travellers often hear questions associated with "where" and "where from:" "Where are you going?", "Where are you from?" This book is a visual and intellectual expedition through thousands of years of movement, in search of answers to these as well as many other questions related to movement.       From 6 to 9 years, 2896 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko,

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        September 2010

        No Sports!

        Zur Ästhetik des Bodybuildings

        by Scheller, Jörg

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