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Trusted PartnerNovember 2013
Der Millionenjäger
Ein Versicherungsfahnder ermittelt
by Unterfeld, Wolfgang / Unterstützt von Job, Bertram
Trusted PartnerJuly 2006
Schopenhauer für Boshafte
by Arthur Schopenhauer, Norbert Wank, Norbert Wank
Für Liebhaber des boshaften Humors: Arthur Schopenhauer. »In unserem monogamischen Weltteile heißt heiraten, seine Rechte zu halbieren und seine Pflichten zu verdoppeln.«
Trusted PartnerClinical psychologyJuly 2014
Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis OPD-2
Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
by OPD-KJ Task Force
The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD) is a form of multiaxial diagnostic and classification system based on psychodynamic principles, analogous to those based on other principles such as DSM and ICD. It is based on five axes: I = experience of illness and prerequisites for treatment, II = interpersonal relations, III = conflict, IV = structure, and V = mental and psychosomatic disorders (in line with Chapter V (F) of the ICD-10). After an initial interview lasting 1–2 hours, the clinician (or researcher) can evaluate the patient’s psychodynamics according to these axes and enter them in the checklists and evaluation forms provided. The new version, OPD-2, has been developed from a purely diagnostic system to include a set of tools and procedures for treatment planning and for measuring change, as well as for determining the appropriate main focuses of treatment and developing appropriate treatment strategies. Target Group: For psychodynamic psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, specialists in psychosomatic medicine, and psychiatrists.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2012
Nietzsche für Boshafte
by Friedrich Nietzsche, Norbert Wank
insel taschenbücher für Liebhaber des boshaften Humors. Zum Lesen und zum Verschenken an saubere Freunde, gute Feinde und andere falsche Fuffziger.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerMarch 2006
Steve Jobs
Und die Geschichte eines aussergewöhnlichen Unternehmens
by Young, Jeffrey; Simon, William L
Trusted PartnerApril 2007
Steve Jobs
und die Erfolgsgeschichte von Apple
by Young, Jeffrey; Simon, William L. / Englisch Lyne, Charlotte
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2022
Steve Jobs
Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre
by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Aura Lewis, Silke Kleemann
Eines Tages kehrte der junge Steve von einem Summer-Camp für neugierige Kids nach Hause zurück. Er hatte da eine riesengroße, geheimnisvolle Maschine gesehen: den ersten Computer. Wenige Jahre später gründete er mit seinem Freund eine Firma, die Garage von Steves Familie wurde zum Headquarter. Dort entstand der erste Apple. Heute blinkt das Äpfelchen überall auf der Welt. Einige Geräte sind so klein, dass man sie sogar in die Jackentasche stecken kann. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerDecember 2024
Rural SME Business Management
The Human Factor
by Peter L Nuthall
This book is about managerial ability and how it might be assessed and improved, and it focuses on rural Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Traditionally, business studies have seldom covered the manager as a person and a decision maker in any great depth. Personnel management, production economics, financing, operations analysis techniques, etc. tend to be emphasized but the personal attributes of the decision makers have as much influence on success as the rules of good decision making. This book aims to correct this imbalance. The human characteristics of managers that define how a manager operates are explored, as are their impact on managerial ability. The details of the competencies a manager must possess are also presented and discussed as well as potential detracting biases. The book concludes with methods and techniques covering personal characteristic changes and associated managerial improvement. The concepts and conclusions of this book are all based on a body of research, excerpts of which are quoted in the text, drawn from the rich sources available in the international literature. Case studies describing successful managers and management advisors are used throughout. · First book which specifically focuses on human factors and decision making for SME managers. · Introduces new research specifically on the quantification of intuition, the primary decision making method used in SMEs. · Contains essential material required by researchers of decision making processes, business studies teachers, and extension workers from the world of SME business.
Trusted PartnerPsychology
Resource Activating Coaching
A Guide for Coaches, Counsellors, and Trainers
by Miriam Deubner-Böhme, Uta Deppe-Schmitz
This title offers coaches, counsellors, and trainers a variety of strategies that will allow them to enable their clients to find and use their resources, incorporate them into the coaching process, and use them to effect change.To use the full range of benefits resource activation brings along, this title shows a variety of methods to identify and work with clients’ resources. It contains exercises to break through entrenched patterns, enhance the mood, and pause. It enables clients to consciously make decisions and make optimal use of their existing resource potential and to use it in challenging situations. One chapter is also dedicated to the use of resource activating exercises in group settings.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2000
99 Fragen zu 630-Mark-Jobs
Steuerfreiheit? Sozialabgaben? Mehrere Nebenjobs? Alles, was Sie wissen müssen, damit sich Ihr 630-Mark-Job lohnt
by Kahr, Markus
Trusted PartnerGeography & the EnvironmentJuly 2008
Conserving Land, Protecting Water
by Deborah Bossio, Deborah Bossio, Frits W T Penning de Vries, Kim Geheb, Kim Geheb, Line J. Gordon, Antonio Trabucco, William Critchley, Pay Drechsel, Hanspeter Liniger, Francis Gichuki, Lech Ryszkowski, Jules Pretty, Andrew Noble
The degradation of land and water resources resulting primarily from agricultural activities has had enormous impact on human society. In order to alleviate this problem an advanced understanding of the state of our resources and the process of degradation is needed. Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Part 1: Land and Water Degradation: Assessment and Issues1.1: Learning from bright spots to enhance food security and to combat degradation of water and land resources.1.2: Land degradation and water productivity in agricultural landscapes.1.3: Land Degradation, ecosystem services and resilience of smallholder farmers in Makanya catachment, Tanzania.1.4: Political ecologies of bright spots1.5: Large scale fluxes of crop nutrients in food cause environmental problems at the sources and at sinks1.6: Carbon sequestration, land degradation and waterPart 2: Towards Better Land and Water Management2.1: Local Innovation in ‘Green Water’ Management2.2: Sustainability and Resilience of the Urban Agricultural Phenomenon in Africa2.3: Safeguarding water resources by making the land greener: knowledge management through WOCAT2.4: Bright basins - do many bright spots make a basin shine?2.5: The influence of plant cover structures on water fluxes in agricultural landscapes2.6: Investments in collective capacity and social capitalPart 3: ‘ Bright Spots’3.1: ‘Bright spots’: Pathways to ensuring food security and environmental integrity3.2: Ecosystem benefits of ‘Bright Spots’
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerMedicine
Solution-Focused Treatment and Coaching
by Lara de Bruin
These fans contain questions that can be used in a variety of different setting and offer a solution-focused perspective. The user is guided through the fan by topics. The front of the cards provide guidance to help construct a conversation, while the back of the cards focus on specific situations or clients. Target Group: therapists, coaches, managers
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerJuly 2019
Voll super, Helden (1). Einer muss den Job ja machen
by Bertram, Rüdiger
Auch Superhelden brauchen mal Urlaub - aber wer rettet dann die Welt? Comic-Experte Juli soll die Sommerferien bei seinem Onkel verbringen, dem ein Hotel an der Nordsee gehört. Sechs Wochen Luxus pur - hört sich cool an, klar. Doch es kommt noch besser: Juli stellt nämlich fest, dass die Gäste, die dort schlaff am Hotel-Pool seines Onkels rumhängen, den Superhelden aus seinem Comics erstaunlich ähnlich sehen ... Juli ist auf alles gefasst, als er im Zug gen Norden sitzt - den Koffer prall gefüllt mit Comic-Lesestoff (gegen Langeweile und für alle Fälle). Dass er die Sommerferien im Luxushotel seines Onkels jedoch nicht alleine, sondern mit seiner Nervziegen-Cousine Jenny verbringen muss, ist erst der Anfang des unglaublichsten Ferienabenteuers aller Zeiten: Denn dort am Pool lümmeln sich Juli seltsam bekannt vorkommende Gestalten. Ist das dort drüben etwa Rocketman aus seinem Lieblingscomic? Kaum zu glauben! Doch bevor Juli und seine Cousine Jenny herausfinden können, was es mit den coolen Hotelgästen genau auf sich hat, stellt plötzlich ein viel größeres Problem alles in den Schatten: der fiese Schurke Kästle möchte alle Schokoladenvorräte der Welt vernichten! Jemand muss ihn aufhalten. Und plötzlich finden sich Comic-Experte Juli und seine nervige Cousine Jenny mitten im südamerikanischen Dschungel und im größten Abenteuer ihres Lebens wieder - denn einer muss den Job ja machen! Eins ist sicher: Diese Sommerferien werden die beiden nie vergessen! Voll super, Helden - Einer muss den Job ja machen ist der Auftakt zu einer neuen witzigen Abenteuerreihe von Erfolgsautor Rüdiger Bertram. Humor, Action und jede Menge Superheldenpower machen diese Reihe zum idealen Lesespaß für Jungs und Mädchen ab 8 Jahren. Mit witzigen Comic-Illustrationen von Heribert Schulmeyer. Der Titel ist auf gelistet. Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung.