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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2023

        Gott spricht Jiddisch

        Mein Jahr unter Ultraorthodoxen | Vom Autor des Bestsellers »Allein unter Juden«

        by Tuvia Tenenbom, Isi Tenenbom, Michael Adrian

        Mea Schearim, die Stadt der 100 Tore, ist ein Viertel von Jerusalem, das fast ausschließlich von ultraorthodoxen Juden bewohnt wird. Um diese unfassbar aufregende und fremde Welt und ihre Spiritualität erfassen und verständlich machen zu können, muss man dort gelebt haben – so wie Tuvia Tenenbom, der in Mea Schearim aufgewachsen ist und nach vielen Jahren in New York hierher zurückgekehrt ist, um sich seiner Vergangenheit zu stellen: Denn Tenenbom entstammt selber einer ultraorthodoxen Familie, lernte in einer Jeschiwa, und ihm wurde eine Zukunft als einer der ganz großen Rabbis prophezeit. Dies machte seinen Aufenthalt auch zu einer Reise in die eigene Kindheit. Tenenbom wollte wissen, wie sich die orthodoxe Kultur und Lebensweise verändert und wie sich eine restriktive Welt in einer immer restriktiver werdenden Welt entwickelt hat. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wird er für lange Monate wieder einer von ihnen und tut das, was sie tun: in die Synagogen und in die Jeschiwas gehen, zum Rebbe, zum Rabbi, auch zu den Extremisten unter ihnen, mit ihnen zu essen und stundenlang zu singen, zum Schabbat mit den Familien zusammenzusitzen und Jiddisch mit ihnen zu sprechen, und er gewinnt so ihr Vertrauen, dass sich ihm die Menschen öffnen und dass ihre Welt des Glaubens in ihrer ganzen Faszination und in ihrer ganzen Widersprüchlichkeit offenbar wird.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Wrecking Crew

        by Hugo N. Gerst

        g on for a wild ride! The craziest “coalition” in history is out to destroy ISIS!Forty years ago, Don Tommy Aiello was the most feared mafia leader in the United States. Each week, he counted the number of bodies he was responsible for killing. Each week, he counted the number of women he had slept with. But that was forty years ago. Today, he counts the number of pills he takes and the pennies left over from his small Social Security check so he might buy a cheap set of dentures – not covered by Medicare. Life is pretty awful. Twenty miles away, Pedro Sanchez, twenty, has already done two of his three strikes in prison. He can’t find a job. His seventeen-year-old girlfriend has just told him she’s pregnant. Life is pretty awful.Sister Maureen Richards is about to be dumped from her position as head of a prestigious private girls’ school. And FBI middle-manager Dennis O’Brien, 63, knows he’s on the way out the door. But he’s got an idea, which he shares with Ezra Caen, the hero of Gerstl’s Assassin. Five thousand miles away, a group of malcontents calling themselves the Islamic State (ISIS) is stirring up a worldwide bag of problems. Boots on the ground can’t stop them, aircraft in the air have no effect. The U.S. is spending $14 million a day and going nowhere.What if 15 “retired” Mafia Dons under the leadership of Sister Maureen are tasked with destroying ISIS? In exchange, their criminal records will be erased, and each will get $75,000 tax free a year for the rest of their lives. Their “army” will consist of young Hispanics who aren’t going anywhere except to the bottom … they’ll be given a four-year free college education and guaranteed government employment. Of course, the good, moral U.S. of A. can’t be seen to have a hand in this, so it will all be funded through La Società di Religione – the Vatican Bank.Hugo N. Gerstl, international bestselling author, steps into a wacky world that only his imagination could devise. Beneath the outrageous hilarity lies a much more serious message – how seniors we’ve put out to pasture, and those who are socially disadvantaged, become “invisible” in our world. As this splendidly entertaining novel makes clear, “Old age and treachery will defeat youth and vigor every time.” Published By Pangæa Publishing Group, 2019. 252 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Heritage and healing in Syria and Iraq

        by Zena Kamash

        This book explores what to do with heritage that has been destroyed in conflict. It charts a path through the colonial histories and traumatic wars of Syria and Iraq to examine the projects and responses currently on offer and assess their flaws and limitations, including issues of digital colonialism, technological solutionism, geopolitical manoeuvring, media bias and community exclusion. Drawing on current research into the psychology and neuroscience of trauma and trauma recovery, and taking inspiration from artists and creative thinkers who challenge the status quo, this book envisages gentler, creative and ethically-driven ways to respond to heritage damaged in conflict that recentre people and their hopes, dreams and needs at the heart of these debates.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2003

        Isis, die Fürstin der Nacht

        Als Kind in den Fängen einer satanistischen Sekte

        by Jäckel, Karin

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2011

        Demeter, Isis, Vesta, and Cybele

        Studies in Greek and Roman Religion in Honour of Giulia Sfameni Gasparro

        by Herausgegeben von Mastrocinque, Attilio; Herausgegeben von Giuffrè Scibona, Concetta

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        Gender Equality and Tourism

        Beyond Empowerment

        by Stroma Cole, Lucy Ferguson, Daniela Moreno Alarcón, Carlos Costa, Marília Durão, Zélia Breda, Fiona Eva Bakas, Paola Vizcaino Suárez, Belén Martínez Caparrós, Meghan Muldoon, Wendy Hillman, Kylie Radel, Heather Jeffrey, Isis Arlene Díaz-Carrión, Hazel Tucker, Inês Carvalho

        Does tourism empower women working in and producing tourism? How are women using the transformations tourism brings to their advantage? How do women, despite prejudice and stereotypes, break free, resist and renegotiate gender norms at the personal and societal levels? When does tourism increase women's autonomy, agency and authority? The first of its kind this book delivers: A critical approach to gender and tourism development from different stakeholder perspectives, from INGOs, national governments, and managers as well as workers in a variety of fields producing tourism. Stories of individual women working across the world in many aspects of tourism. A foreword by Margaret Bryne Swain and contributions from academics and practitions from across the globe. A lively and accessible style of writing that links academic debates with lived realities while offering hope and practical suggestions for improving gender equality in tourism. Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment, a critical gendered analysis that questions the extent to which tourism brings women empowerment, is an engaging and thought-provoking read for students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of tourism, gender studies, development and anthropology. To access a presentation delivered by Stroma Cole as well as an interview with her, please visit

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Practical Feline Behaviour

        Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare

        by Trudi Atkinson

        Practical Feline Behaviour contains all the relevant information that a veterinary nurse or technician needs to understand and handle the behaviour and welfare of house cats, and to offer safe and practical advice to clients. There have been ground-breaking advances in our understanding of feline behaviour in recent years and, to protect the welfare of cats, it is increasingly important that anyone involved with their care, especially those in a professional capacity, keep up to date with these developments. This approachable and down-to-earth text describes the internal and external influences on feline behaviour; on communication, learning, social behaviour, the relationship between behaviour and disease, and the cat - human relationship. It also provides practical advice on how the welfare of cats in our care may be protected and how behaviour problems should be addressed and how to avoid them. In this book Trudi Atkinson draws on her extensive experience as a veterinary nurse and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist to provide a rapid reference and an intensely practical feline behaviour resource for owners, breeders, veterinary professionals, shelter and cattery workers and anyone involved in the care of our feline companions. - Practical, down to earth guide detailing all aspects of feline behaviour - Rapid reference for instant access to information - Written by a well-known animal behaviourist who has extensive experience in treating feline behaviour problems and in advising clients to protect the welfare of their cats - Includes a foreword by John Bradshaw, School of Veterinary Science at University of Bristol, UK

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Der Knäckebrotkrach

        Bei Oma und Opa fliegen die Fetzen

        by Konrad, Bob

        Eigentlich sollte es diesmal wirklich ein friedlicher Besuch bei den Großeltern werden. Aber schon am ersten Tag in Vogelzwitsch merken Mayo und Super, dass daraus nichts wird. Zwischen Oma Elfe und Opa Isi entbrennt ein großer Streit. Am Anfang geht es nur um Knäckebrot, aber dann liegen sich auf einmal alle erwachsenen Bewohner des Dorfes in den Haaren: mit Rollatoren, Stinkesocken und Gemüseschleudern gehen Tanten und Onkel aufeinander los. Ob Mayo und Super eingreifen und den Frieden wieder herstellen können?

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1970

        Anna Livia Plurabelle

        by James Joyce, Wolfgang Hildesheimer

        Anna Livia Plurabelle ist das berühmteste, meistzitierte Kapitel des unübersetzbarsten aller Bücher, Finnegans Wake von James Joyce. Unser Band bringt den originalen Text, eine alte und zwei neue Übersetzungen (von Wolfgang Hildesheimer und Hans Wollschläger) und eine Einführung von Klaus Reichert. ALP, nach Arno Schmidt die »All-Frau«, die Zusammensetzung »aus der schönen rotgehaarten Isolde, den Maggies und sonstigen ›Stundentänzerinnen‹«, ist für Joyce das weibliche Prinzip des Universums, Wasser, Erde, Eva, Isis, Isolde und Psyche in einem; sie tritt zu Beginn des Buches mit den Fluten der Liffey auf und wird am Ende im Traum wie ein Fluß dem väterlichen Ozean zugetragen, wo alles sich verliert, sich wieder findet und von neuem beginnt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        The Other Goddess

        Mary Magdalene and the Goddesses of Eros and Secret Knowledge

        by Dr. Joanna Kujawa

        Is there a lineage of goddesses that claims the evolutionary power of female sexuality? And if so, why were they pushed to the shadows and demeaned as harlots? Was Mary Magdalene one of them, and what were her teachings? Dr. Joanna Kujawa argues that in the process of recovering the healing power of the Goddess we have focused solely on the mother archetype and left out the other Goddess, who is often represented in mythical, historical, and Gnostic sources as wise, mysterious, and in the possession of the healing power of Eros. Learn about Mary Magdalene’s portrayal in the gnostic gospels as a teacher in her own right and Jesus' intimate partner, the possibility of her life as an alchemist in Egypt, and her last years in Southern France. Find out if Mary Magdalene was the same person as Mary the Prophetess of Egypt and her connection to the mysterious Cathars, Black Madonnas, and Knights Templar. Whether looking at Mary Magdalene, Sophia, Aphrodite, Inanna, Hathor, Isis, or the goddesses of esoteric Hinduism, Dr. Kujawa finds the archetype of The Other Goddess-the bearer of the mysteries of sexual alchemy that ends the division between sexuality and spirituality.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2013

        Madame Blavatsky

        Eine Biographie

        by Natalja Sharandak, Ursula Keller

        Bereits zu Lebzeiten war Helena Petrowna Blavatsky (1831–1891) weltweit berühmt. Sie bereiste die entlegensten Winkel des Globus, gründete eine spirituelle Bewegung, inszenierte sich als Trägerin okkulten Urwissens und galt als 'Sphinx des 19. Jahrhunderts'. Nichts weniger als den Schlüssel zur Erklärung aller Welträtsel beanspruchte sie mit ihrer Lehre gefunden zu haben, die sie in ihren Hauptwerken 'Isis entschleiert' (1877) und 'Die Geheimlehre' (1888) darlegte. Ihre Philosophie bildete die Grundlage für Rudolf Steiners anthroposophische Lehre. Auch auf bedeutende Künstler hatten Blavatskys Ideen großen Einfluss, u. a. auf Hermann Hesse, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, William Butler Yeats, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Paul Gauguin, Gustav Mahler und Jean Sibelius. Das Leben der „Madame Blavatsky” ist von zahlreichen Legenden umrankt. Bis heute wird die Begründerin der Theosophie von ihren Verehrern gefeiert, von den Gegnern indes als Betrügerin und Scharlatanin verteufelt. Die erfolgreichen Autorinnen Ursula Keller und Natalja Sharandak haben in Archiven die Briefe, Erinnerungen und Schriften Blavatskys gesichtet und zeichnen das Porträt der Frau, die bisher hinter dem Mythos um ihre Person verborgen blieb.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1982

        Anna Livia Plurabelle

        by James Joyce, Georg Goyert

        ›Anna Livia Plurabelle‹ ist das berühmteste, meistzitierte Kapitel des unübersetzbarsten aller Bücher, »Finnegans Wake« von James Joyce. Unser Band bringt den Text des Originals, eine alte und zwei neue Übertragungen (von Wolfgang Hildesheimer und Hans Wollschläger) und eine Einführung von Klaus Reichert. ALP, nach Arno Schmidt die »All-Frau«, die Zusammensetzung »aus der schönen rot-gehaarten Isolde, den Maggies und sonstigen ›Stundentänzerinnen‹«, ist für Joyce das weibliche Prinzip des Universums, Wasser, Erde, Eva, Isis, Isolde und Psyche in einem; sie tritt zu Beginn des Buches mit den Fluten der Liffey auf und wird am Ende im Traum wie ein Fluß dem väterlichen Ozean zugetragen, wo alles sich verliert, sich wiederfindet und von neuem beginnt. »Was soll nun der deutsche Leser mit dem Buch anfangen? Er kann sich ans Nach-Prüfen, Nach-Denken, Nach-Schmecken, Nach-Sprechen von Hildesheimers und Wollschlägers Übertragung machen. Er wird entdecken, daß »Finnegans Wake« doch, wenn man nicht den falschen Ehrgeiz hegt, gleich alles ›verstehen‹ zu wollen, ein ›funeral‹ ist, nämlich eines der Begräbnisse des herkömmlichen Romans, und ein ›fun for all‹, ein Spaß für alle.« »Jörg Drews«

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        March 2006

        International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products

        by Robert E Evenson, Robert E Evenson, Vittorio Santaniello, Vittorio Santaniello

        There are a number of controversial issues that surround agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified products. International trade and policies are at the forefront of these controversies. This book addresses these issues and has been developed from a meeting of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, held in Revello, Italy, in July 2004. It covers five themes: analytical studies; empirical trade studies; spillover dimensions; intellectual property rights; and applied general equilibrium trade models. ; International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products has been developed from the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research. It covers five themes: analytical studies; empirical trade studies; spillover dimensions; intellectual property rights; and applied general equilibrium trade models. ; 1: Editors' Overview, R E Evenson and V SantanielloPart 1: Analytical Studies2: Biotechnology Risks and Project Interdependence, O K Knudsen, The World Bank, USA and P L Scandizzo, Facoltà de Economia Università, Italy3: Restricted Monopoly R & D Pricing: Uncertainty, Irreversibility and Non-Market Effect, R D Weaver, Pennsylvania State University, USA and J Wesseler, Wageningen University, The Netherlands4: Biotechnology and the Emergence of Club Behavior in Agricultural Trade, M Tothova and J F Oehmke, Michigan State University, USA5: The Labelling of Genetically Modified Products in a Global Trading Environment, S Scandizzo, Corporacion Andina de Fomento, VenezuelaPart 2: Empirical Trade Studies6: Tree Biotechnology: Regulation and International Trade, R A Sedjo, Resources for the Future, USA7: Commercialized Products of Biotechnology and Trade Pattern Effects, S Smyth, W A Kerr and K A Davey, University of Saskatchewan, CanadaPart 3: Spillover Dimensions8: The Coexistence of GM and non-GM Arable Crops in the EU: Economic and Market Considerations, G Brookes, Canterbury, UK9: Research Spillovers in Biotech Industry: The Case of Canola, R S Gray, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, S Malla, University of Lethbridge, Canada and K Tran, University of Saskatchewan, Canada10: Mergers, Acquisitions and Flows of Agbiotech Intellectual Property, D Schimmelpfennig and J King, USDA, Washington, USA11: The Impact of Regulation on the Development of New Products in the Food Industry, K Menrad, University of Applied Sciences of Weihenstephan and K Blind, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), GermanyPart 4: Intellectual Property Rights12: Patents Versus Plant Varietal Protection, D Eaton and F van Tongeren, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands13: Governing Innovative Science: Challenges Facing the Commercialization of Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals, S Smyth, G G Khachatourians and P W B Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, Canada14: Are GURTs Needed to Remedy Intellectual Property Failures and Environmental Problems with GM Crops? G Budd, Grains Research and Development Corporation, AustraliaPart 5: Applied General Equilibrium Trade Models15: Economic Effects of Producing or Banning G.M. Crops, J Flatau and P M Schmitz, University of Giessen, Germany16: Opposition to Genetically Modified Wheat and Global Food Security, F Haggui, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, P W B Phillips and R S Gray17: International Impacts of Bt Cotton Adoption, G B Frisvold, R Tronstad, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA and J M Reeves, Cotton Incorporated, USA

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2025

        White Hearts

        by Nnamdi Okose

        Two young boys seeking to be initiated into the order of warriors, find their lives upturned when an accident wakes a vengeful goddess. This story, weaved from the oral lore and magic of the Igbo takes the reader on a journey through the lake where mermaids and crocodiles contend for power. And through enchanted kingdoms ruled by mythical spirits. A curse has been unleashed that would cause the destruction of the world. An army of both humans and mythical creatures must be raised to defend the world. Only a white heart can lead this great army.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2024

        A Place Beyond the Heart

        by Irehobhude O. Iyioha

        A Place Beyond the Heart is a collection of short stories exploring issues at the intersection of war and love, terror and (dis)order, as well as identity, gender, and sexuality. The stories capture the lives of people facing personal, societal and transcultural challenges that define, transform, and ultimately create shifts in the way they see and experience the world.

      • Fiction
        April 2016

        Dangerous Appointment

        by Dennis Kenyon

        Under the obscurity of night, a helicopter lands on the desolate, frozen surface of Lake Michigan. 'What have I done?... What have I bloody well done?' Alistair Craig asks himself, as his dream of a million dollars and a new life is shattered upon the shocking discovery of the identity of his passenger. Thrust at the heart of a terrorist kidnap plot, Craig will need to expertly navigate a heart stopping 1,000-mile flight to the Champagne Princess, a luxury yacht anchored in the Atlantic, as he battles to thwart ISIS & the IRA s plans. Political intrigue, violent action, torture and a fraught romance are masterfully woven together in Dennis Kenyon's first, breath-taking thriller, 'Dangerous Appointment'.

      • Military history: post WW2 conflicts
        April 2022

        America's War in Syria

        On the Ground with Kurdish Anti-ISIS Forces

        by Till Paasche, John Foxx, Shaun Murray

        A unique assessment of American military involvement in Syria, by three authors who participated in all large Kurdish operations between late 2014 and mid-2016. With America’s War on Terror and the subsequent democracy experiments in Afghanistan and Iraq having turned into geopolitical disasters, the US military campaign in alliance with the Kurdish forces in Syria remains a rare success story. Considering the overwhelming military victory, the functioning Kurdish civilian governing structures that followed the fighting, the extremely light military footprint and the strong link to Kurdish partners, many political analysts, military experts and politicians in Washington, DC, judge the intervention against ISIS in Syria as the nation’s most successful campaign since World War II. However, since neither these experts nor many journalists were on the ground during the fighting, they struggle to explain exactly how this particular operation turned into a just war. The authors, however, were there. Between the three of them, they fought for over two years with the Kurdish forces. They participated in all the large Kurdish operations against the Islamic State between late 2014 and mid-2016. They endured muddy archaic trench warfare, witnessed the first waves of decisive US and British airstrikes against ISIS, and experienced the impact America had on the battlefield. Later, when American, British and French Special Forces were deployed at the front lines, the authors worked closely with those teams when they evacuated hundreds of wounded from the battlefield together. Based on the authors' unique insights, this book analyses America’s war in Syria and structures the intervention into different phases including the secretive build up and the ultimate destruction of the ISIS Caliphate.

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