Heredad Editorial
Heredad is a publishing cooperative dedicated to publishing books on art, history, thought and community work. Our books celebrate the beauty of our world and gather experiences in defense of life.
View Rights PortalHeredad is a publishing cooperative dedicated to publishing books on art, history, thought and community work. Our books celebrate the beauty of our world and gather experiences in defense of life.
View Rights PortalA brazilian publishing house focused on selfhelp literature, esoterism and masonry and children's books. Our mission is to offer through words moments of unwinding and tranquility attached to a philosophical and esoteric learning experience. In this special edition of the Frankfurt Book Fair we will be displaying our new releases in the children's literature section, such as The Dreamy Dragon and The crystal Egg, by the brazillian actress and writer Norma Blum.
View Rights PortalThis book explores the ways in which the two leading sensation authors of the 1860s, Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Wilkie Collins, engaged with nineteenth-century ideas about personality formation and the extent to which it can be influenced either by the subject or by others. Innovative readings of seven sensation novels explore how they employ and challenge Victorian theories of heredity, degeneration, inherent constitution, education, upbringing and social circumstance. Far from presenting a reductive depiction of 'nature' versus 'nurture', Braddon and Collins show the creation of character to be a complex interplay of internal and external factors. Drawing on material ranging from medical textbooks, to sociological treatises, to popular periodicals, Creating character shows how sensation authors situated themselves at the intersections of established and developing, conservative and radical, learned and sensationalist thought about how identity could be made and modified.
Rabbits have many uses - as well as being cherished pets, they are bred for their meat and fur, and as laboratory animals. Understanding their genetics and genomics is key to their production and, equally, to their care, welfare and health. Beginning with an introduction to the rabbit, including key information on their evolution, domestication and breed types, this book then concentrates on the genetics and genomics of this valuable animal.This book covers:- Cytogenetics, genetic maps and QTL mapping;- Immunogenetics;- Genetics of coat colour, meat, fibre and fur production, reproduction, disease resistance and more.Concluding with practical applications such as creating transgenic and genome edited rabbits, biotechnical applications and the rabbit as a biomedical model, this book brings this important topic fully up-to-date. It provides an indispensable resource for animal and veterinary researchers and students, as well as rabbit breeders and laboratory scientists. Chapter 1: The Evolution, Domestication and World Distribution of the European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Chapter 2: Rabbit Breeds and Lines and Genetic Resources Chapter 3: The Genome of the European Rabbit and Genomic Tools Chapter 4: Cytogenetics, Physical and Genetic Maps and QTL Mapping in the European Rabbit Chapter 5: Immunogenetics in the Rabbit Chapter 6: Genetics and Molecular Genetics of Coat Colour in the European Rabbit Chapter 7: Genetics of Fibre and Fur Production in Rabbits Chapter 8: Genetics and Molecular Genetics of Morphological and Physiological Traits and Inherited Disorders in the European Rabbit Chapter 9: Genetics of Disease Resistance in the European Rabbit Chapter 10: Genetics and Genomics of Growth, Carcass and Meat Production Traits in Rabbits Chapter 11: Biology of Reproduction and Reproduction Technologies in the Rabbit Chapter 12: Genetics of Reproduction in the Rabbit Chapter 13: Genetic Improvement in the Meat Rabbit Chapter 14: Rabbit Research in the Post-genomic Era: Transcriptome, Proteome and Metabolome Analyses Chapter 15: Methods to Create Transgenic and Genome-edited Rabbits Chapter 16: Pluripotent Stem Cells in Rabbits Chapter 17: Biotechnology Applications in the Rabbit Chapter 18: The Rabbit as a Biomedical Model
Since the first edition of this book was published in 2002, the field of quantitative genetics, genomics and breeding has changed markedly. To meet this challenge, this new edition has only five updated chapters; the remaining 17 chapters are entirely new. This book presents state-of-the-art, authoritative chapters on 1) Genomics, Quantitative Trait Loci and Molecular Breeding (11 chapters) and 2) Multi-environment Trials and Plant Breeding (11 chapters). These chapters emphasise the application of genomics and genome editing techniques in the context of plant breeding, and the latest in examining genotype X environment interactions in the field through applying quantitative genetics techniques. There is a particular focus on using genomic information to help evaluate traits that can combat abiotic stresses, genome-wide association mapping, high-throughput phenotyping, bioinformatics and the use of big data and gene editing techniques. Chapters describe breeding approaches that help make use of alien germplasm and enable biofortification, and the intergration of statistical techniques. Examples are taken from across crop science and a very wide geographical base.
The prediction of producing desirable traits in offspring such as increased growth rate, or superior meat, milk and wool production, is a vital economic tool to the animal scientist. Covering the fundamental principles of the application of linear models for the prediction of genetic merit in livestock, this new edition is fully updated to incorporate recent advances in methods of genomic prediction for pure and cross-bred animals. It provides models for the analysis of main production traits as well as functional traits, and includes numerous worked examples. The book covers: - models of survival analysis, social interaction and sire and dam models; - advancements in the use of SNPs in the computation of genomic breeding values; - single step approaches to genomics; - genomic non-additive models; - temporal and genomic analysis of genetic change. Suitable for postgraduate students, researchers and lecturers of animal breeding, genetics and genomics, this established textbook provides a thorough grounding in both the basics and new developments of linear models and animal genetics.
Gene expression in cells follows a prescribed pathway that conforms to the Central Dogma; where the genetic information stored in DNA is transcribed into RNA and then expressed into proteins, which influences most plant traits. Plant salt tolerance research is directed towards identifying nucleotide variants that could contribute to tolerant phenotypes. This book comprehensively presents the current state of knowledge on plant salt tolerance through meticulous analysis of the processes operating across the Central Dogma. It provides a detailed account of modulation of gene expression through genome editing systems to achieve crop improvement against salt stress. It also provides state-of-the-art information on advances in breeding technologies of genome selection and accelerated de novo domestication for rapidly improving the salt tolerance of plants for global food security. This book: 1.Provides a comprehensive coverage of plant salt tolerance mechanisms. 2.Spotlights various factors functioning along the Central Dogma pathway and their regulation in response to salinity. 3.Examines how these factors function to protect the plants from high salinity. 4.Highlights advances in cutting-edge breeding technologies for improving salt tolerance. The book will be of particular value to students and researchers of plant genetics, molecular biology and physiology and those with an interest in salinity and salt tolerance.
Is deafness a disability to be prevented or the uniting trait of a cultural community to be preserved? Combining the history of eugenics and genetics with deaf and disability history, this book traces how American heredity researchers moved from trying to eradicate deafness to embracing it as a valuable cultural diversity. It looks at how deafness came to be seen as a hereditary phenomenon at all, how eugenics became part of progressive reform at schools for the deaf, and how, from the 1950s on, more sociocultural approaches to disability and minority led to new cooperative projects between professionals and local signing deaf communities. Analysing the transformative effects of exchange between researchers and objects of research, this book offers new insight to changing ideas about medical ethics, reproductive rights, the meaning of scientific progress and cultural diversity.
This invigorating study places medieval romance narrative in dialogue with theories and practices of gift and exchange, opening new approaches to questions of storytelling, agency, gender and materiality in some of the most engaging literature from the Middle Ages. It argues that the dynamics of the gift are powerfully at work in romances: through exchanges of objects and people; repeated patterns of love, loyalty and revenge; promises made or broken; and the complex effects that time works on such objects, exchanges and promises. Ranging from the twelfth century to the fifteenth, and including close discussions of poetry by Chaucer, the Gawain-Poet and romances in the Auchinleck Manuscript, this book will prompt new ideas and debate amongst students and scholars of medieval literature, as well as anyone curious about the pleasures that romance narratives bring.
Genetic epidemiology plays a key role in discovering genetic factors influencing health and disease, and in understanding how genes and environmental risk factors interact. There is growing interest in this field within public health, with the goal of translating the results into promoting health and preventing disease in both families and populations. This textbook provides graduate students with a working knowledge of genetic epidemiology research methods. Following an overview of the field, the book reviews key genetic concepts, provides an update on relevant genomic technology, including genome-wide chips and DNA sequencing, and describes methods for assessing the magnitude of genetic influences on diseases and risk factors. The book focuses on research study designs for discovering disease susceptibility genes, including family-based linkage analysis, candidate gene and genome-side association studies, assessing gene-environment interactions and epistasis, studies of Non-Mendelian inheritance, and statistical analyses of data from these studies. Specific applications of each research method are illustrated using a variety of diseases and risk factors relevant to public health, and useful web-based genetic analysis software, human reference panels, and repositories, that can greatly facilitate this work, are described. Concluding with a review of ethical issues and a framework for translating human genomics research to clinical practice and public health benefit, this textbook is an essential new resource for graduate students in epidemiology and public health genetics.
During the last two decades major advances have been made in mammalian genetics. New methods in molecular and cytogenetics, and in biotechnology have been developed. Many of these have been applied to investigating the genetics of sheep and to improving the production of wool, meat and milk. This book is a comprehensive reference work on sheep genetics. All relevant topics have been included, from fundamental genetic structure to the genetics of various production and other traits, to transgenic sheep and genetic conservation. Chapters have been specially commissioned for the volume and written by internationally recognized experts from Europe, USA, Australia and New Zealand. The book will be invaluable to advanced students and research workers in animal genetics, breeding and biotechnology.
Recognizing the significant advances made in the field of animal genetics in the ten years since the first edition of Genetics of the Dog, this new edition of the successful 2001 book provides a comprehensive update on the subject, along with new material on topics of current and growing interest. Existing chapters on essential topics such as immunogenetics, genetics of diseases, developmental genetics and the genetics of behaviour have been fully updated, while new authors report on the latest advances in areas such as genetic diversity of dog breeds, canine genomics, olfactory genetics and cancer genetics.
After only 200 years, the field of genetics is young compared to how long plants and animals have inhabited the earth. What was once the scientific study of inherited traits has come to include the study of everything related to genes, the "building blocks of life," including their functions, structures, interactions, and sequences. Plant Genetics, Second Edition gives a detailed look at the genetics of plants through historical scientific achievements, discussions of genetic diversity, agricultural practices, and comparisons to animal and human genetics. A brief history provides a sketch of two genetic pioneers, Gregor Mendel and Barbara McClintock, who have left everlasting impressions on the field of plant genetics. A technical overview explains basic genetic terminology and fundamental processes. Details of some widely used methods in biotechnology are also included in an attempt to demystify certain aspects of genetic engineering. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers.
Effective management of forest genetic resources is a key element in future forest conservation. Genetic diversity is essential for both the long-term stability and the short-term productivity of forest ecosystems. Hence there is a great need for information on forest conservation genetics. The book consists of 22 chapters and is divided into five parts integrating genetic, ecological and socioeconomic information. It also includes, as a CD-ROM, the population genetics software package POPGENE. Contributors include international authorities from the USA and Canada, Europe, South-East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Since the time of domestication more than 10,000 years ago, cattle have played an increasingly crucial role in the development of human civilizations. Progress has been quite remarkable since the turn of the century; the sequencing of the bovine genome in 2009 launched new avenues for furthering our understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of cattle genetics. Covering a vast array of questions, this book reviews major topics from molecular and developmental genetics, disease resistance and immunogenetics to genetic improvement of dairy and beef breeds, addressing all current problems in the field. This second edition includes a new team of authors and completely new chapters on the genetics of fat production, nutrition, feed intake and efficiency, growth and body composition. Fully updated throughout, it provides a valuable resource on cattle genetics for researchers, breeders, veterinarians and postgraduate students.
In "Das Gift des Oktopus", dem zweiten Band der spannenden Nachfolge-Reihe "Die Erben der Animox", setzt sich das Abenteuer des mutigen Simon Thorn und seiner Freunde fort. Ein Jahr nach den ereignisreichen Kämpfen, die die Welt der Animox erschüttert haben, führt eine rätselhafte Nachricht Simon und seine Gefährten nach Australien, dem Land der gefährlichsten Tiere. Dort müssen sie einen verlorenen Raubstein finden, der eine entscheidende Rolle im Schicksal aller Animox spielt, indem er den Erben ihre Kräfte raubt. Doch die Mission ist alles andere als einfach. Australien empfängt die Gruppe mit einer Fülle von bisher ungekannten Herausforderungen und Gefahren, die nicht nur ihre physischen, sondern auch ihre emotionalen Grenzen auf die Probe stellen. Währenddessen findet sich Simons Bruder Nolan auf der anderen Seite des Konflikts wieder. Er hat sich dem finsteren Imperium angeschlossen, das die Macht über die Tierreiche an sich reißen will. Zwischen den Brüdern entbrennt ein erbitterter Kampf, der nicht nur ihre Beziehung, sondern das Schicksal der gesamten Animox-Welt bedroht. Während Simon und seine Freunde um das Überleben kämpfen und versuchen, den Raubstein zu sichern, müssen sie gleichzeitig einen Weg finden, Nolan von seinem gefährlichen Pfad abzubringen und ihm zu zeigen, dass es noch Hoffnung auf Versöhnung und einen gemeinsamen Kampf für das Gute gibt. "Das Gift des Oktopus" entführt die Leser in ein atemberaubendes Abenteuer voller Spannung, Magie und der tiefen Bande der Freundschaft, die selbst in der dunkelsten Stunde zu leuchten vermag. Spannendes Fantasy-Abenteuer im beliebten Animox-Universum: Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Tierwandler! Atemberaubende Abenteuer in Australien: Entdecke das Land der giftigsten Tiere durch die Augen der Erben der Animox. Begleite Simon Thorn und seine Freunde auf ihrem Weg, während sie sich neuen Herausforderungen stellen und über sich hinauswachsen. Ein Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse: Erlebe den spannenden Konflikt zwischen Simon und seinem Bruder Nolan, der sich dem dunklen Imperium angeschlossen hat. Action und Emotion in perfekter Balance: Freue dich auf eine Geschichte, die nicht nur mit spannenden Kämpfen, sondern auch mit emotionalen Momenten überzeugt. Lerne die einzigartige Tierwelt Australiens kennen: Nicht nur für junge Leser eine spannende und lehrreiche Reise. Ideal für Fans der Animox-Reihe und neue Leser: Auch ohne Vorkenntnisse der ersten Bücher ein packendes Leseerlebnis. Fortsetzung der erfolgreichen Animox-Reihe: Die Geschichte geht weiter und hält neue, aufregende Wendungen bereit. Für Leser ab 10 Jahren: Ein Buch, das Kinder, Jugendliche und auch erwachsene Fantasy-Fans begeistert. Der Dein SPIEGEL-Bestseller, gelistet bei Antolin. Die Reihe umfasst insgesamt fünf Bände Band 1: Die Beute des FuchsesBand 2: Das Gift des OktopusBand 3: Der Kampf des ElefantenBand 4: Der Verrat des KaimansBand 5: Die Rache des Tigers Entdecke auch das Prequel, "Animox" Band 1: Das Heulen der Wölfe Band 2: Das Auge der Schlange Band 3: Die Stadt der Haie Band 4: Der Biss der Schwarzen Witwe Band 5: Der Flug des Adlers
Advances in molecular and cell biology have led to the development of a whole range of techniques for manipulating genomes, collectively termed “biotechnology”. Although much of the focus in the plant sciences has been on the direct manipulation of plant genomes, biotechnology has also catalyzed a renewed emphasis on the importance of biological and genetic diversity and its conservation. The methods of biotechnology now permit a greater understanding of both species and genetic diversity in plants, the mechanisms by which that variation is generated in nature, and the significance of that variation in the adaptation of plants to their environment. They allow the development of rapid methods for screening germplasm for specific characters and promote more effective conservation strategies by defining the extent of genetic diversity. Tissue culture-based techniques are available for conserving germplasm that cannot be maintained by more traditional methods. Also sophisticated informatics systems enable information on plant genetics and molecular biology to be cross-related to systematic, ecological and other data through international networks.
The case for conserving biodiversity is well established on economic as well as scientific grounds. Biodiversity is essential for sustainable development, adaptation to a changing environment and the continued functioning of the biosphere - indeed, to human survival itself. Plant breeders are dependent upon the availability of a large pool of diverse genetic material represented by local races and wild relatives, since in themselves modern crop varieties provide too restricted a genepool for further breeding. Without the ability to draw from a diverse genetic reservoir, further improvement may not be possible. It is therefore essential that guidance is available on collecting plant germplasm. In recent years it has become evident that there is no single publication that provides the prospective collector of plant germplasm with generic as well as specific, and theoretical as well as practical, information. It was to fill this gap that the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), together with FAO, IUCN and UNEP, cooperated to produce this book. The volume is a comprehensive reference work and is aimed at both new and experienced collectors as well as those with a general interest in plant genetics, breeding and biodiversity.
Genetics has transformed plant pathology on two occasions: first when Mendelian genetics enabled the discovery that disease resistance was a heritable trait in plants, and secondly when Flor proposed the “gene-for-gene” hypothesis to explain his observations of plant-parasite interactions, based on his work on flax rust in North Dakota starting in the 1930s. Our knowledge of the genetics of disease resistance and host-pathogen coevolution is now entering a new phase as a result of the cloning of the first resistance genes. This book provides a broad review of recent developments in this important and expanding subject. Both agricultural and natural host-pathogen situations are addressed. While most of the book focuses on plant pathology, in the usual sense of the term embracing fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens, there is also consideration of parasitic plants and a chapter demonstrating lessons to be learnt from the mammalian immune system. Three overall themes are addressed: genetic analyses and utilization of resistance; population genetics; and cell biology and molecular genetics. Chapters are based on papers presented at the British Society for Plant Pathology Presidential meeting held in December 1995, but all have been revised and updated to mid-1996. Written by leading authorities from North America, Europe and Australia, the book represents an essential update for workers in plant genetics, breeding, biotechnology and pathology.
The understanding of pig genetics and genomics has advanced significantly in recent years, creating fresh insights into biological processes. This comprehensive reference work discusses pig genetics and its integration with livestock management and production technology to improve performance. Fully updated throughout to reflect advances in the subject, this new edition also includes new information on genetic aspects of domestication, colour variation, genomics and pig breeds, with contributions from international experts active in the field.
International concern over the threat to species and ecosystems caused by human activities is at an all time high, which may result in high costs to present and future generations. The economic costs and benefits associated with the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of actual or potential value for food and agriculture is largely unknown. Economic instruments that can encourage implementation of socially optimal genetic resource conservation strategies as well as the sharing of the real benefits and costs are a useful measurement tool. This book is an edited compilation of papers from the Symposium on the Economics of Valuation and Conservation of Genetic Resources for Agriculture held in Rome in May 1996. It addresses some of the key issues involved in the estimation of the economic value of conserving genetic resources for agriculture. It covers the modelling of the value of Plant Genetic Resources (PGRs), empirical studies of PGRs (including field diversity and yield vulnerability), seven empirical studies of PGR breeding values, property rights in PGRs and the implications of modern biotechnology methods for PGR values. The book will be essential reading for workers in agricultural economics, plant breeding and genetics, and biodiversity and conservation.