The author enables the reader to understand the advancement of Chinese history through the reorganization and introduction of the development of Chinese scripts over the past 5,000 years. Starting from the ancient times with tying knots to the legendary of Cang Jie Creates Writing, the look of Chinese script has been evolving and evolving. Through oracle bone script, large seal script, small seal script, official script, regular script, running script, and cursive script, Chinese characters are the only writing system in the world that has not been lost. The author finds the interesting stories behind the Chinese scripts by combining historical facts to uncover representative fonts. It also includes the introduction of historical minority scripts, so that readers can better understand that not only Chinese characters were glorious in Chinese history, but also minority scripts which also witnessed the process of ethnic integration and development. This book also includes the only gender script that exists in the world today, the Jiangyong Women's Script from Hunan, which is a unique and rare cultural relic, and it also a valuable resource for our national culture. Chinese characters have also been widely spread throughout history, and this book also introduce how the Chinese characters spread to other countries.