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      • El Emporio

        Como grupo editorial, estamos orgullosos de decir que somos creadores de best-sellers, que pasan de ser éxitos locales a éxitos nacionales. Apostamos tanto por autores reconocidos como por autores noveles y nos interesamos en ampliar y renovar nuestro catálogo de manera constante. Como actores activos de la cultura, nuestro horizonte es ofrecer libros que participen de la construcción colectiva de contenidos de calidad.

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      • Tibaq Publishing House

        Tibaq Publishing and Distribution House was established in Palestine in October 2017, and it came from the belief in the necessity of cultural work in order to enhance the identity of society and stabilize its culture, and therefore it included in its path many ideas and projects aimed at improving the level of the book and readers and printing a book with special content, as well as having a reading club, It holds creative writing courses and works in creating home libraries.During its 3 years career, it published more than 50 books in various fields of literature, development, history, biography, and children's literature, Tibaq uses a team specializing in the book industry in terms of auditing and design, and a readers' committee to determine the quality of the book’s content and to provide the book with the necessary editorial notes to ensure the quality of the book.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Emperor Yao Plants the Beans

        by Zhou Jing,Gu Zengping

        Emperor Yao Plants the Beans was recounted by ancient children's literature writer Zhou Jing and contemporary painter Gu Zengping, the latter recarving stories and characters in the style of Chinese painting. The integration of the poetry of the text and the richness of the painting is a wonderful interpretation of ancient myths, which expresses the unique Chinese charm and Chinese spirit. This book is a mythical story about friendship. In the reenactment of this story, the author endows Emperor Yao with a great love to the world and a strong desire for talented people. Li and Yao each had their own lives and pursuits. The bean pods that Li quietly brought to Yao gave Yao a great hope to success. These two men did not impose their pursuits on each other, but respected, appreciated, affirmed, and cherished each other.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        The Divine Power of Emperor Shun

        by Zhou Jing,Gu Zengping

        The Divine Power of Emperor Shun was recounted by ancient children's literature writer Zhou Jing and contemporary painter Gu Zengping, the latter recarving stories and characters in the style of Chinese painting. The integration of the poetry of the text and the richness of the painting is a wonderful interpretation of ancient myths, which expresses the unique Chinese charm and Chinese spirit. This book mainly tells the story of Emperor Shun's growth journey, and writes Shun's magical power full of blessing and good luck. As a mythical story, there are naturally some fantasy elements in these realistic life stories and emotions, combined with the imaginary birds and golden dragons.

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        The Remains Of The Last Emperor

        by Prof Bayo Williams

        Haunting, intensely lyrical, its canvas teeming with unforgettable weirdos, The Remains of the Last Emperor is a memorable portrait of the last moments of a mad tyrant and the extraordinary events leading to his final extermination. A spellbinding narrative on power dementia, this novel reveals that not even the most crafty ruler can win against an enraged populace and that a determined people can unseat any tyrant. The book is a powerful political fable from the author of the award-winning book The Year of the Locusts.

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        The Establishment of Song Dynasty: A Legend of Emperor Taizu

        by Wang Lixin

        The book vividly depicts the legendary Emperor Taizu (927-976) of Song Dynasty (960-1279) with a light and humorous tone. Taking his life experience as a clue, it gives an insightful description of his historical background, difficulties in his early life and his later political achievements, highlighting his practices and pursuits of benevolent governance. Therefore, it is a book of a king which virtuous people will find interesting.

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        July 2005

        Der Misanthrop auf Capri


        by Durs Grünbein, Michael Eskin

        Der Misanthrop auf Capri (eine Anspielung auf Kaiser Tiberius) versammelt Durs Grünbeins verstreut und in den eigenen Gedichtbänden publizierten »Historien« – Gedichte hauptsächlich zur römischen Antike. Dichter wie Horaz oder Juvenal, der um das Jahr 100 unserer Zeitrechnung ein Rom beschreibt, das Grünbein »sehr ähnlich vorkommt wie die Situation heute in New York, auch ein wenig wie in Berlin«, sind ihm nicht einfach irgendwelche lateinischen Klassiker, sondern haben ihm »direkt etwas zu sagen«: Ihre Werke werden zu Interpretationsmitteln der eigenen Existenz.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2010

        The Emperor's Favourite

        by Siobhan Keenan

        The Emperor's Favourite, which appears in print for the first time, is one of the four anonymous seventeenth-century plays bound in a single volume in the library of the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton. Tentatively attributed to John Newdigate III (1600-1642), the play uses the story of the rise and fall of Crispinus, favourite of the Emperor Nero, to mount a critique of the influence of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628) at the courts of James I and Charles I. The volume is illustrated with ten color plates from the manuscript and from John Newdigate's 1628 Parliamentary Diary. ;

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        Journey in Trumplandia: The Rise of Populism in America

        by Tiberiu Dianu

        The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2008

        Wer sehen will

        Gedichte von Albert Ostermaier zu Photographien von Pietro Donzelli

        by Albert Ostermaier, Renate Siebenhaar, Pietro Donzelli, Claudius Seidl

        Die Bilder des italienischen Photographen Pietro Donzelli (1915-1998) erzählen vom Leben der Menschen in Italien vor der Industrialisierung: Neben städtischen Zentren wie Mailand und Neapel ist die Po-Ebene Protagonist seiner metaphysischen Landschaften, in denen die Zeit still zu stehen scheint. Inspiriert von der melancholischen Atmosphäre dieser Bilder, hat Albert Ostermaier zu 24 Photographien von Pietro Donzelli Gedichte geschrieben, die von der Liebe und vom Verlassenwerden erzählen.

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        Kaiser Claudius. Zwischen Macht und Lächerlichkeit

        Texte von Sueton, Tacitus und Seneca mit Erläuterungen. Arbeitsaufträge, Begleittexte, Lernwortschatz und Stilistik

        by Andere Adaption von Veit, Georg

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Tyrants of Sicily by Hugo Falcandus

        by Graham Loud, Thomas Wiedemann

        This book is our principal source for the history of the Kingdom of Sicily in the troubled years between the death of its founder, King Roger, in February 1154 and the spring of 1169. It covers the reign of Roger's son, King William I, known to later centuries as 'the Bad', and the minority of the latter's son, William II 'the Good'. The book illustrates the revival of classical learning during the twelfth-century renaissance. It presents a vivid and compelling picture of royal tyranny, rebellion and factional dispute at court. Sicily had historically been ruled by tyrants, and that the rule of the new Norman kings could be seen, for a variety of reasons, as a revival of that classical tyranny. A more balanced view of Sicilian history of the period 1153-1169 has been provided as an appendix to the translation in the section of the contemporary world chronicle ascribed to Archbishop Romuald II of Salerno, who died in April 1181. In particular the chronicle of Romuald enables us to see how the papal schism of 1159 and the simultaneous dispute between the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the north Italian cities affected the destiny of the kingdom of Sicily. In contrast to the shadowy figure of Hugo Falcandus, the putative author of the principal narrative of mid-twelfth-century Sicilian history, Romuald II, Archbishop of Salerno 1153-1181, is well-documented.

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        Die chinesische Zivilsation

        Familie, Gesellschaft, Herrschaft von den Anfängen bis zur Kaiserzeit

        by Marcel Granet, Wolfgang Bauer, Claudius C Müller, Claudius C Müller

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        Helmut Dietl

        Der Mann im weißen Anzug

        by Seidl, Claudius

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