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      • Egyptian Office for Publishing & Distribution

        Founded Egyptian Office For Publishing & Distribution in 1992 and until now . our goal is to provide culture for all segments of society and raise the level of public awareness and knowledge and the development of intellectual and creative possibilities for each . Over the past years we have published more than 1,000 cultural educational titles for the whole family through enlist the best authors in Egypt and the Arab world.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2025


        The true story of Hannah Beswick, the Manchester Mummy

        by Hannah Priest

        The macabre tale of an eighteenth-century woman immortalised in folklore as the 'Manchester Mummy'. In 1835, the Manchester Natural History Society opened the doors of its museum. Taking pride of place in its collection were three mummies: one was Egyptian, one was Peruvian and one was a woman from Cheetham Hill. This is the first time the true story of Hannah Beswick, the so-called 'Manchester Mummy', has been told. Over the years, explanations for the Manchester Mummy have ranged from the chilling - Hannah's fear of being buried alive - to the downright bizarre - the legend of her buried gold - but the truth is more complex. Exploring this fascinating episode from museum history, Unburied sheds light on the Victorian turn to the macabre and changing attitudes to the display of human remains. It debunks the legends and asks what Hannah Beswick can tell us about death and dying, mummies and museums.

      • Trusted Partner

        Eye on Egypt: Café Riche

        by Maisoon Saqer

        The book opens a unique door to the history of Cairo and its journey from a social and cultural perspective and aims to build a new and different narrative for this history—one that shows Cairo as a cosmopolitan, multicultural city. Cairo’s Cafe Riche has a deep cultural history and a broad creative and social heritage. Saqer describes it as “the site where endless friendships are established between the café and history.” Saqer’s narrative is not just about the small café, but rather constitutes observance and analysis of the presence of this café in the history of Egypt and how we can view many events surrounding it. Here there is no separation between the political and the cultural, between the historical, the social, and the artistic. The book combines history and narrative, which makes it a documented historical biography on the one hand and a creative work on the other. It also documents an important era in Egypt’s cultural history by examining the cultural and social transformations in modern Egyptian history and highlighting prominent intellectuals and creators associated with the cafe and the history of intellectual life in Egypt.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        The Nile of the Living

        by Mohamed Abdallah

        “In the old days, passing on an inheritance was rarely an issue. Oh, there were always old men to complain about the folly of the new generations and cheeky brats ready to mock their elders, but, on the whole, the world of sons resembled that of fathers, and the lessons of the latter were passed on without much difficulty. Today, each era seems to create its own world, bringing its own new life into it. The challenge is not to lose sight of the aspects of continuity that reign from one era to the next.” Mohamed Abdallah Egypt, its neighbors. Cairo, a city that has created an arena for itself between the jaws of the desert. Its river emerges from elsewhere, the Nile, always there, meandering amiably between Cairo's buildings, sometimes disappearing behind a mosque or cinema, before reappearing for good, an ancient comrade in a procession backwards through the decades. Its nourishing trickles are laden with secrets, the destinies of men and women and the mysteries of millennia. One era? No, several. At the beginning, or rather at the end, two novelists, two cousins who don't know each other but remember the same universe. In their books, they recount its beauty, greatness and pettiness, successes and failings. The root of this painful poetics? A revived horizon, refracted from one era to the next. Revolutions wished for, sung about, mourned. A world, several continents believing themselves to be in the hollow of a valley where faces emerge, voices rise, psalms are declaimed, music dances, scents run through the streets... Oumm Koulthoum, Youcef Cha-hine, Tawfiq al-Hakim, Ahmad Shawqi, Cheikh Imam, Fouad Nagm, Soad Hosny and... take their place at Café Isfet in the El Gamaliyya district. Broken, twisted, surviving, magnificent friendships. Unspoken loves, over-thought, under-experienced. Good-natured, jovial, albeit frazzled, witnesses. And, in the midst of this field of superb ruins, life, its aspirations, the arts and their.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        June 2025


        by Angela Stienne

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Bist du meine Mama?

        by Sandra Grimm, Christiane Hansen

        In "Bist du meine Mama?" begibt sich ein frisch geschlüpftes Küken auf die Suche nach seiner Mutter und trifft dabei auf verschiedene Tiere des Bauernhofs, die ihm bei der Suche helfen. Durch das Öffnen von Klappen entdecken die kleinen Leserinnen und Leser gemeinsam mit dem Küken, welche Tiere sich dahinter verbergen, und lernen deren Laute kennen. Diese liebevoll gereimte Geschichte fördert nicht nur die Sprachentwicklung, sondern auch die Feinmotorik durch das interaktive Element der Klappen. Die Suche endet schließlich erfolgreich, und das Küken findet seine Mama. "Bist du meine Mama?" ist ein entzückendes Buch für Kinder ab 18 Monaten, das zum Mitsprechen, Mitraten und Entdecken einlädt. Interaktives Erlebnis: Dank zahlreicher Klappen zum Öffnen wird die Neugier der Kinder geweckt und die Feinmotorik spielerisch gefördert. Tierlaute lernen: Das Buch bietet eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, Kindern die Laute verschiedener Bauernhoftiere näherzubringen und somit ihr Verständnis für die Tierwelt zu erweitern. Sprachförderung: Die gereimte Erzählweise und das wiederholende Element "Bist du meine Mama?" unterstützen das Sprachverständnis und regen zum Mitsprechen an. Liebevolle Illustrationen: Die detailreichen und kindgerechten Bilder laden zum Betrachten und Entdecken ein und machen das Buch zu einem visuellen Vergnügen. Emotionaler Mehrwert: Die Geschichte vermittelt Werte wie Hilfsbereitschaft und Zusammenhalt und stärkt das Verständnis für familiäre Bindungen. Gelistet bei Antolin.

      • Trusted Partner

        In the Footsteps of Enayat Al-Zayyat

        by Iman Mersal

        ‘In the Footsteps of Enayat Al-Zayyat’ is a book that traces the life of an unknown Egyptian writer who died in 1963, four years before the release of her only novel. The book does not follow a traditional style to present the biography of Al-Zayyat, or to restore consideration for a writer who was denied her rights. Mersal refuses to present a single story as if it is the truth and refuses to speak on behalf of the heroine or deal with her as a victim, but rather takes us on a journey to search for the individuality that is often marginalised in Arab societies. The book searches for a young woman whose family burned all her personal documents, including the draft of her second novel, and was completely absent in the collective archives.   The narration derives its uniqueness from its ability to combine different literary genres such as fictional narration, academic research, investigation, readings, interviews, fiction, and fragments of the autobiography of the author of the novel. The book deals with the differences between the individuality of Enayat, who was born into an aristocratic family, graduated from a German school and wrote her narration during the domination of the speeches of the Nasserism period, and that of Mersal, a middle-class woman who formed her consciousness in the 1990s and achieved some of what Enayat dreamed of achieving but remained haunted by her tragedy.   The book deals with important political, social and cultural issues, as we read the history of psychiatry in modern Egypt through the pills that Enayat swallowed to end her life on 3 January 1963, while her divorce summarises the continuing suffering of women with the Personal Status Law. We also see how the disappearance of a small square from her neighbourhood reveals the relationship between modernity and bureaucracy, and how the geography of Cairo changes, obliterated as the result of changes in political regimes. In the library of the German Archaeological Institute, where Enayat worked, we find an unwritten history of World War II and, in her unpublished second novel, we see unknown stories of German scientists fleeing Nazism to Cairo. We also see how Enayat’s neglected tomb reveals the life story of her great-grandfather, Ahmed Rashid Pasha, and the disasters buried in the genealogy tree.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Der kleine Dino sucht seine Mama

        by Carla Häfner, Larisa Lauber

        Ein Dino-Liebling für die Kleinsten. Krick, krack. Der kleine Brachiosaurus schlüpft aus seinem Ei. Nanu, wo ist denn nur seine Mama? Sie ist nirgendwo zu sehen. Der kleine Dino folgt ihren Fußspuren und begegnet auf seinem Weg vielen anderen Dinos, doch keiner davon ist seine Mama. Da ertönt ein Rufen aus dem Wald und ein langer Hals erhebt sich aus den Blättern – Mama?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Ordering Africa

        Anthropology, European imperialism and the politics of knowledge

        by Helen Tilley, Robert Gordon

        African research played a major role in transforming the discipline of anthropology in the twentieth century. Ethnographic studies, in turn, had significant effects on the way imperial powers in Africa approached subject peoples. Ordering Africa provides the first comparative history of these processes. With essays exploring metropolitan research institutes, Africans as ethnographers, the transnational features of knowledge production, and the relationship between anthropology and colonial administration, this volume both consolidates and extends a range of new research questions focusing on the politics of imperial knowledge. Specific chapters examine French West Africa, the Belgian and French Congo, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Italian Northeast Africa, Kenya, and Equatorial Africa (Gabon) as well as developments in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. A major collection of essays that will be welcomed by scholars interested in imperial history and the history of Africa.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Halva-Maker: The Fatimid Trilogy

        by Reem Bassiouney

        Generations of pastry makers experience a turbulent era in Egyptian history   The novel “Al-Halawani” is a historical narrative that delves into a significant period in the life of the Arab history, when the region faced the challenges of the Crusader attacks, the emergence of heroes, and the endurance of severe hardships. The novel is divided into three stories.    The first story recounts the arrival of the Fatimids in Egypt from Tunisia and the life history of the leader Jawhar Al-Siqilli, who built the city of Cairo. The second story is about the Al-Mustansiriya Famine or the famines that occurred in Egypt during the time of the Fatimid Caliph Al-Mustansir and how they ravaged the Egyptian population until the leader Badr Al-Jamali came to save Egypt from the famine, re-dividing its provinces, and building the current walls of Cairo. In the third story, the novel touches on the rise to power of Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi, the escalating threat of the Crusaders, and the end of the Fatimid state in Egypt.   The novel depicts also the role of Arab women in confronting the Crusaders and enduring famines and dangers.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1994

        Klar, dass Mama Ole lieber hat / Klar, dass Mama Anna lieber hat

        by Kirsten Boie, Silke Brix

        "Klar, dass Mama Anna/Ole lieber hat" von Kirsten Boie beleuchtet humorvoll und einfühlsam die alltäglichen Streitigkeiten und Rivalitäten zwischen Geschwistern aus beiden Perspektiven. Anna, fast sieben Jahre alt und Erstklässlerin, ist genervt von ihrem kleinen Bruder Ole, der noch nicht einmal vier ist und gerade erst in den Kindergarten gekommen ist. Sie empfindet ihn als ständige Quelle der Irritation, sei es durch das Essen ihrer Schokolade aus dem Adventskalender oder sein Drängen, bei ihren Spielen mitmachen zu dürfen, wobei sie glaubt, dass ihre Mutter stets Oles Seite ergreift. Ole hingegen fühlt sich von Anna ausgeschlossen, bekommt nie etwas von ihren Süßigkeiten ab und wird von der Mutter geschimpft, wenn er aus Frustration handgreiflich wird, sodass er überzeugt ist, dass seine Mutter Anna bevorzugt. Trotz dieser Konflikte zeigt Boie, dass Geschwister in Momenten der Angst und Unsicherheit auch Trost und Sicherheit im Beisammensein finden können, etwa wenn in der Dunkelheit "gefährliche Räuber" lauern, was die komplexe und letztlich liebevolle Beziehung zwischen Geschwistern unterstreicht. Fängt die realistischen Spannungen und Rivalitäten zwischen Geschwistern ein, wodurch es sich besonders für Familien mit mehreren Kindern eignet. Kirsten Boie beschreibt mit Humor und Verständnis die täglichen Herausforderungen im Geschwisteralltag, was das Buch sowohl amüsant als auch lehrreich macht. Beleuchtet die Geschichte aus beiden Blickwinkeln der Geschwister, wodurch Kinder lernen, Empathie für die Gefühle und Sichtweisen anderer zu entwickeln. Ideal für Geschwisterkinder, um Eifersucht zu thematisieren und den Liebesverlust der Eltern aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu verstehen. Auch nach mehrmaligem Vorlesen bleibt die Geschichte interessant für Kinder und Erwachsene, dank der lebhaften Sprache und der detailreichen Handlungen. Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren ansprechend illustriert von Silke Brix.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Cairo collages

        by Mona Abaza

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2017

        Little Lotus

        by TANG Sulan

        Little Lotus tells the story of the growth of a little girl named Lotus. She was born in an impoverished and backward family, where her grandfather prefers boys to girls, her mother is always busy and indifferent, and her father is often outside home during Lotus’childhood. Therefore, Lotus has grown into a sensitive and stubborn girl. However, her grandmother is a loving and wise person, who has taught Lotus the importance of kindness, tolerance and diligence. It is her grandmother who lights up Lotus’early life. Little Lotus focuses on the growth of children in China’s countryside by incorporating the author’s personal experiences, and presents different facades of a Chinese-style childhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2007

        Chickpea Breeding and Management

        by Fred J Muehlbauer, Guriqbal Singh. Edited by Shyam S Yadav, R R Redden, W Chen, Balram Sharma.

        The chickpea is an ancient crop that is still important in both developed and developing nations. This authoritative account by international experts covers all aspects of chickpea breeding and management, and the integrated pest management and biotechnology applications that are important to its improvement. With topics covered including origin and taxonomy, ecology, distribution and genetics, this book combines the many and varied research issues impacting on production and utilization of the chickpea crop on its journey from paddock to plate.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        ‘Ten Pound Poms’

        A life history of British postwar emigration to Australia

        by A. James Hammerton, Alistair Thomson, Becca Parkinson

        A riveting history of the 'Ten Pound Poms', a wave of British citizens who migrated to Australia and New Zealand after the Second World War. Between the 1940s and 1970s, more than a million Britons migrated to Australia. They were the famous 'Ten Pound Poms' and this is their story. The authors draw on a vast trove of letters, diaries and personal photographs, as well as hundreds of interviews with former migrants, to offer original insights into key historical themes. They explore people's motivations for emigrating, gender relations and family dynamics, the clashing experience of the 'very familiar and awfully strange', homesickness and the personal and national identities of both settlers and returnees. Filled with fascinating testimonies that shed light on migrant life histories, 'Ten Pound Poms' will engage readers interested in British and Australian migration history and intrigued about the power of migrant memories for individuals, families and nations.

      • Trusted Partner

        Mama niyanduje

        by Eric Nshimyumukiza

        A fun silent toddler picture board book of a kid who after getting dirty, had to run to his mum to report himself and getting cleaned over and over until he learned importance of wearing shoes.

      • Trusted Partner

        Al-Qata’i: Ibn Tulun's Trilogy

        by Reem Bassiouney

        The Ibn Tulun Trilogy is a stunning literary work that offers readers a fascinating glimpse into a significant period in the history of Egypt. ///This novel interweaves historical facts with a continuous narrative about Egypt, exploring how it was before and after the arrival of Ahmad Ibn Tulun. His independence and the construction of the city of Al-Qata’i, along with the establishment of a powerful army, are vividly portrayed. As the story progresses, readers learn of Ahmad Ibn Tulun’s death and his son’s reign, as well as the attempts to destroy his legacy and the fate of Al-Qata’i. ///Al-Qata’i is a story that explores the conflict between construction and destruction, the fickleness of fate, and the highs and lows of human existence. It tells of the meeting and parting of loved ones, the struggle between love and hate, oppression and justice, power and helplessness, and the ultimate triumph of victory and the agony of defeat.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2011

        Die liebste Mama der Welt!

        by Susanne Lütje, Eleni Livanios

        In "Die liebste Mama der Welt!" von Susanne Lütje werden die liebevollen Beziehungen zwischen Müttern und ihren Kindern in der Tierwelt sowie bei Menschen auf herzerwärmende Weise dargestellt. Jedes Tierkind, sei es das Eichhörnchen, das von seiner Mama geschaukelt wird, der Eisbär, dem die Mama heißen Tee kocht, oder der kleine Fuchs, dessen Schmerz die Mama wegbläst, empfindet seine Mama als die allerliebste auf der Welt. Diese universellen Momente der Fürsorge und Liebe enden mit einer Szene, in der ein kleines Mädchen von ihrer Mama zugedeckt wird, betonend, dass jede Mama die liebste Mama der Welt ist. Durch liebevolle Reime und malerische Bilder ist das Buch das perfekte Pendant zu "Der liebste Papa der Welt" und ein wahrer Schatz für gemeinsame Lesemomente. Herzergreifende Momente: Erzählt Geschichten der unersetzlichen Beziehung zwischen Mutter und Kind. Lehrreich und unterhaltend: Fördert durch liebevolle Reime das Sprachgefühl und die emotionale Intelligenz von Kindern ab 2 Jahren. Malerische Illustrationen: Bezaubernde Bilder, die zum Betrachten und Entdecken einladen. Universelle Botschaft: Zeigt, dass unabhängig von der Spezies jede Mama die liebste Mama der Welt ist. Ideal zum Vorlesen: Kurze, kindgerechte Texte, die zum täglichen Vorlesen vor dem Schlafengehen einladen. Pädagogisch wertvoll: Unterstützt die emotionale Entwicklung und stärkt die Bindung zwischen Eltern und Kind. Perfektes Geschenk: Hervorragend geeignet als Geschenk zum Muttertag, Geburtstag oder einfach als Überraschung. Hochwertige Verarbeitung: Robuste Pappseiten, die auch von kleinen Händen gut umgeblättert werden können. Positive Resonanz: Begeisterte Kundenrezensionen bestätigen die Beliebtheit und Qualität des Buches.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Victorian literary culture and ancient Egypt

        by Eleanor Dobson

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