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Promoted ContentJanuary 2019
Eating Disorders, Second Edition
by Pamela K. Keel and M. Foster Olive, Ph.D.; Foreword by Pat Levitt, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Director, The Saban Research Institute; Director, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program
Eating disorders are better understood and recognized now than in years past, but they remain a serious health risk for many people. Celebrity icons and Internet models with "perfect" body types and faces are hugely popular in all media, encouraging many consumers to strive to mimic their favorites and live up to unrealistic ideals for appearance. More than eight million people in the United States, most of whom are adolescent girls and young women, have developed eating disorders. Although the problem may seem like a physical one, these disorders are believed to be psychological in nature. Eating Disorders, Second Edition explains major eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. It also discusses their causes and risk factors as well as available treatments.
Promoted ContentMedicine
Eating – Drinking – Digesting
Encouragement, Care and Treatment for People with Severe Disabilities, Illness and in Old Age
by Annette Damag, Helga Schlichting
Eating, drinking, nutrition, and mealtimes play a central role in the daily lives of people with physical and mental disabilities. This publication discusses people with multiple disabilities and cognitive impairments, such as dementia, as well as people in a persistent vegetative state. This practical handbook - identifies problems with eating and drinking among people with severe disabilities and outlines their causes - provides comprehensive, practical guidance on working with people with sensory and motor problems, swallowing difficulties, eructation, nausea and malnourishment - presents posture and positioning aids and techniques to encourage drinking, digestion, basal stimulation, and enteral nutrition - integrates interdisciplinary perspectives from education studies, nursing, and therapy, taking the patient’s life story into account, and discusses working with relatives in drawing up a care plan. Target Group: Practicing nurses, disability support workers, rehabilitation nurses and therapists, basal stimulation trainers, and other health care professionals
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2019
Nutrition and Eating Disorders, Third Edition
by Lori A. Smolin, Ph.D. and Mary B. Grosvenor, M.S., R.D.
Praise for the previous edition: "...easy-to-read...well-balanced...a good amount of detail."—School Library Journal Media images of "ideal bodies"—which, in reality, are often dangerously thin—make it easy for people to start worrying about their own body shapes and compare themselves to these model ideals. For some people, this concern with thinness becomes an obsession, and they fall victim to eating disorders. The sufferer may starve him- or herself, exercise too much, or deliberately vomit to purge the body of calories. This new edition of Nutrition and Eating Disorders, Third Edition examines some of the most common eating disorders, from anorexia nervosa to binge eating.
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Trusted PartnerOctober 2007
Frauen morden anders
Die spannendsten Kriminalgeschichten
by Carolin Bunk, Hans Sarkowicz
Frauen morden anders. Raffinierter, intelligenter und überraschender. Das wissen wir aus den Erzählungen von Krimiautorinnen. Mit großkalibrigen Waffen und tödlichen Schlägereien haben Frauen nichts im Sinn. Sie nutzen geschickt die Schwächen ihrer Opfer, vermeiden verräterische Spuren und machen selten Fehler. Männliche Ermittler sind ihnen nicht gewachsen. Und gäbe es den Kommissar Zufall nicht, würde kaum eine von ihnen hinter Gittern landen. Die spannendsten Geschichten von mörderischen Frauen im Literaturkanal der Bahn. Zu hören im November im ICE, zu lesen im insel taschenbuch.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2008
Tödliches Eis
Kriminalgeschichten aus Skandinavien
by Carolin Bunk, Hans Sarkowicz
Mord, das wissen die Krimiexperten, ist im Norden Europas eine besondere Kunst. Alle Mittel sind recht, um langwierige Beziehungsdramen abzukürzen oder den Austausch von Wertgegenständen zu beschleunigen. Das jedenfalls behaupten die skandinavischen Krimiautoren, die bei der Erfindung von raffinierten Todesarten kaum zu schlagen sind. Und noch etwas gehört zu den Spezialitäten ihrer Erzählungen: Es ist selten etwas wirklich so, wie es auf den ersten Blick erscheint. Mit Texten von Henning Mankell, Åke Edwardson, Håkan Nesser, Arne Dahl, Kim Småge u.v.a. Zu hören im Oktober 2008 im Literaturkanal des ICE, zu lesen im insel taschenbuch. Ab November 2008 als Hörbuch im Hörverlag erhältlich.
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Trusted PartnerApril 2007
Ist es Liebe?
Die schönsten Geschichten über die Liebe
by Hans Sarkowicz, Carolin Bunk
Die schönsten Liebesgeschichten im Literaturkanal der Bahn. Zu hören im Juni im ICE, zu lesen im insel taschenbuch. Mit Geschichten von Hermann Hesse, Isabel Allende, Rafik Schami, Robert Walser u.v.a.
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Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerSeptember 1997
Das kaufrechtliche Gewährleistungsrecht.
Eine kritische Untersuchung der Reformvorschläge der Schuldrechtskommission.
by Rust, Ulrich
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Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerOctober 2000
Machen Sie es richtig!
Stolpersteine im Deutschen: Schnelle Hilfe von Aussprache bis Satzbau
by Bury, Ernst
Trusted PartnerAugust 1998
Aby Warburg und der Antisemitismus
Kulturwissenschaft als Geistespolitik
by Schoell-Glass, Charlotte
Trusted PartnerAugust 2011
Karlsruhe – Friedenstein
Family, cosmopolitanism and political culture at the courts of Baden and Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (1750–1790)
by Bunk, Veronika
Trusted PartnerTourism industryAugust 2013
International Volunteer Tourism
Integrating Travellers and Communities
by Stephen Wearing, Nancy Gard McGehee
Volunteer tourism has increased in popularity and prevalence and is no longer considered only a small section of alternative tourism. It is now part of the mainstream tourism industry and tourism experience for many people. Concentrating on the experience of the volunteer tourist and the host community, this new book builds on the view of volunteer tourism as a positive and sustainable form of tourism to examine a broader spectrum of behaviours and experiences and consider critically where the volunteer tourist experience both compliments and collides with host communities, using multiple case studies.
Trusted PartnerTourism industryOctober 2001
Volunteer Tourism: Experiences that Make a Difference
by Edited by Stephen Wearing
Volunteer tourism describes a field of tourism in which travellers visit a destination and take part in projects in the local community. Projects are commonly nature-based, people-based or involve restoration of buildings and artefacts.Contemporary volunteer tourism has tended to suffer from a lack of differentiation from other forms of tourism or volunteering, falling into areas such as alternative tourism, international volunteering, social work and conservation corps work. The aim of this book is to provide it with a more specific identity.This book provides:An overview of the phenomenon of volunteer tourism, its sources and its development as a conceptA focus on the potential positive social and environmental benefits of volunteer tourism, and the prerequisites for a successful experience
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