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      • DeA Planeta Libri S.r.l.

        DeA Planeta Libri’s products include books for children (fairy tales, boardbooks, novelties, non fiction, ativity etc.),  MG& YA fiction, non ficton and  essays and it operates with the brands DeA, De Agostini, DeA Planeta, UTET, AMZ, Abracadabra. Our foreign righst catalogues are available on:

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies

        Order of the Silent Women

        by Kateryna Kalytko

        A portrait of a Ukrainian woman more often shows her being silent than speaking. However, without this silence there would be no voice that sounds in this collection. The voice that defends the right to speak sincerely about acute grief, generational traumas, the courage of love, and disappointment with emptiness behind masks. Since speaking out is the only way to remain oneself and to be the voice of hundreds speechless sisters.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Facing Death

        Suicide as last emancipation?

        by Jean-Pierre Wils

        Assisted suicide has been the subject of much passionate debate in many societies. The philosopher and theologian Jean-Pierre Wils does not deny autonomy, but asks – on the basis of his profound historical and ethical knowledge – about the social consequences. Does the right to assisted suicide not in the long run lead to the obligation to decide for or against it? And does not the pressure towards a supposedly reasonable decision increase, as soon as the causation of one‘s own death is seen as a final act of self-realisation and emancipation, or even commended as such? Wils makes a strong plea for the debate to be held in a broader context, to remove our finiteness from cultural amnesia – and in doing so, lays the foundation for a contemporary discussion on assisted suicide.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The Black Death

        by Rosemary Horrox

        This series provides texts central to medieval studies courses and focuses upon the diverse cultural, social and political conditions that affected the functioning of all levels of medieval society. Translations are accompanied by introductory and explanatory material and each volume includes a comprehensive guide to the sources' interpretation, including discussion of critical linguistic problems and an assessment of recent research on the topics covered. From 1348 to 1350 Europe was devastated by an epidemic that left between a third and one half of the population dead. This source book traces, through contemporary writings, the calamitous impact of the Black Death in Europe, with a particular emphasis on its spread across England from 1348 to 1349. Rosemary Horrox surveys contemporary attempts to explain the plague, which was universally regarded as an expression of divine vengeance for the sins of humankind. Moralists all had their particular targets for criticism. However, this emphasis on divine chastisement did not preclude attempts to explain the plague in medical or scientific terms. Also, there was a widespread belief that human agencies had been involved, and such scapegoats as foreigners, the poor and Jews were all accused of poisoning wells. The final section of the book charts the social and psychological impact of the plague, and its effect on the late-medieval economy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Death and the crown

        Ritual and politics in France before the Revolution

        by Anne Byrne

        Looking at royal ritual in pre-revolutionary France, Death and the crown examines the deathbed and funeral of Louis XV in 1774, the lit de justice of November 1774, and the coronation of Louis XVI, including the ceremony of the royal healing touch for scrofula. It reviews the state of the field in ritual studies and appraises the status of the monarchy in the 1770s, including the recall of the parlements and the many ways people engaged with royal ritual. It answers questions such as whether Louis XV died in fear of damnation, why Marie Antoinette was not crowned in 1775 and why Louis XVI's coronation was not held in Paris. This lively, accessible text is a useful tool for under- and post-graduate teaching which will also be of interest to specialists on this under-researched period.

      • Trusted Partner
        Personal & social issues: death & bereavement (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        by Andrés López Martínez

        What happens when a mother dies? Death affects us in many ways, because of the absence and the emptiness it provokes. Sometimes the sadness is such that it makes us wonder through life aimlessly. Then we settle in nostalgia.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        British Bangladeshi Muslims in the East End

        The changing landscape of dress and language

        by Fatima Rajina

        Drawing on the everyday experiences of 43 British-Bangladeshi Muslims living in East London, this book explores stories of migration and belonging vis-à-vis dress and language. In narrating those stories, the book is framed within the broader socio-political conversations happening regarding Muslims in Britain and their 'place' in this society. Recent work on Muslims focuses on their religious identity and its formation, not paying attention to the role of dress and language. With the former, much of it tends to, obsessively, focus on Muslim women only. This book, alternatively, explores religious identity formation in addition to examining the British-Bangladeshi Muslim community's relationship with their ethnic identity vis-à-vis dress and language. As such, the analysis provides a rich, bottom-up analysis of the community, and readers will be able to understand a community holistically, away from the over-sensationalised community within broader socio-political context.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Religion and life cycles in early modern England

        by Caroline Bowden, Emily Vine, Tessa Whitehouse

        Religion and life cycles in early modern England assembles scholars working in the fields of history, English literature and art history to further our understanding of the intersection between religion and the life course in the period c. 1550-1800. Featuring chapters on Catholic, Protestant and Jewish communities, it encourages cross-confessional comparison between life stages and rites of passage that were of religious significance to all faiths in early modern England. The book considers biological processes such as birth and death, aspects of the social life cycle including schooling, coming of age and marriage and understandings of religious transition points such as spiritual awakenings and conversion. Through this inclusive and interdisciplinary approach, it seeks to show that the life cycle was not something fixed or predetermined and that early modern individuals experienced multiple, overlapping life cycles.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Home front heroism

        Civilians and conflict in Second World War London

        by Ellena Matthews

        Home front heroism investigates how civilians were recognised and celebrated as heroic during the Second World War. Through a focus on London, this book explores how heroism was manufactured as civilians adopted roles in production, protection and defence, through the use of uniforms and medals, and through the way that civilians were injured and killed. This book makes a novel contribution to the study of heroism by exploring the spatial, material, corporeal and ritualistic dimensions of heroic representations. By tracing the different ways that Home Front heroism was cultivated on a national, local and personal level, this study promotes new ways of thinking about the meaning and value of heroism during periods of conflict. It will appeal to anyone interested in the social and cultural history of Second World War as well as the sociology and psychology of heroism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Do Not be Afraid. About life, death and everything in between

        by Anastaiia Leukhina

        What to do if someone close to you has an incurable disease? Where to run, where to seek support, how to behave with a sick person? This book contains practical recommendations that provide answers to these and other difficult questions. The book is written is a friendly, simple language, with the knowledge of the Ukrainian medical and social realities, sometimes with humor. It contains sincere and poignant stories of real people who share their own experiences in similar situations, showing that even illness and death will not seem so terrible if you approach them consciously and with love.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        Orangism in the Dutch Republic in word and image, 1650–75

        by Jill Stern, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        This remarkable study represents a completely original presentation of the language and imagery used by the Orangists in the critical period in the mid-seventeenth century Netherlands as they sought the restoration of the stadholderate in the person of the young prince William III. Stern argues that the Orangists had no desire for the prince to become a monarch, rather that they viewed the stadholderate as an essential component of the Dutch constitution, the Union of Utrecht, and fulfilling a key role as defender of the rights and privileges of the citizenry against an overwheening urban oligarchy. Source material is drawn not only from books and political pamphlets but also from contemporary drama, poetry, portraits, prints, and medals. This enables the author to examine the imagery used by the supporters of the House of Orange, in particular the symbols of rebirth and regeneration which were deployed to propagate the restoration of the stadholderate in the person of William III. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of Ukraine from KGB Secret Files

        by Volodymyr Viatrovych

        The unknown and classified KGB history of the largest country in Europe - Ukraine is the history of people, events, documents and files. The files have answers to many questions. The most important of which - why did a war begin again in Europe? Why is it so important for Russia to conquer Ukraine? Why are Ukrainians putting up such a powerful resistance? Historian Volodymyr Viatrovych, who declassified the secret archives of the Soviet special services from the Cheka to the KGB, talks about the history of Ukraine, the USSR and Eastern Europe from 1918 to 1991. The reader, is offered, along with various heroes and traitors, those who thought they were in control of events, and those who thought they had no power over them, to recreate the nearly century-old chess game between the Ukrainian liberation movement and the creators of the "prison of nations." Described in reports and recreated by a historian, this work looks at the cunning “special operations”, deadly moves, information wars and complex games among several players that are all an attempt to find an answer to the question: what creates our destiny - human will or circumstances?

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Long Poems: Death in a Stone Cell and Floating Wood

        by Lofu

        Lofu is widely acknowledged as a great poet in contemporary Chinese poetic circles. He has made great contributions through his long poems, which have served to promote the development of contemporary Chinese poetry. His collection of long poems includes “Death in a Stone Cell” and“Floating Wood”. Lofu was a nominee for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001 for his long poem “Floating Wood”.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2017


        Recall of the Spiritual View of Childhood

        by Can Xue

        This is a autobiography-style prose collection. Applying the unique writing technique, Can Xue has revealed the perceivable childhood inward world and all aspects of her childhood. Unlike her obscure novels, this collection attempts to grasp memory fragments through critical thinking and recall the childhood days. As a child, Can Xue is imaginative and obstinate, which has influence on her literary creation later. This spiritual autobiography serves as the key to the artistic world of Can Xue.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1994

        Die Multioptionsgesellschaft

        by Peter Gross

        Die Moderne ist der unaufhörliche Versuch, die Kluft zwischen gelebten Wirklichkeiten und erträumten Möglichkeiten zu überwinden. Ihre Geschichte nimmt sich aus wie ein gigantisches ›Guinnesbuch der Rekorde‹. Immer schneller, immer weiter, immer mehr – so lautet die Devise in allen Lebensbereichen. Peter Gross analysiert die Verheißungen und Wiedersprüche des Fortschrittsgedankens in einer offenen Gesellschaft, die keine ernstzunehmenden Feinde mehr hat. Er beschreibt die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Folgen des unendlichen Begehrens nach ›Mehr‹. Er fragt, ob die abendländische Fortschrittslektion angesichts schwindender Ressourcen und knapper werdender Verteilungsspielräume relativiert werden muß. Er stellt zur Diskussion, ob die Anerkennung von Unterschieden, ob Differenzakzeptanz die Gegenformel sein könnte zur transpolitischen Programmatik einer endlosen Ausfaltung immer neuer Möglichkeiten und Teilhabehoffnungen. Peter Gross, Dr. rer. pol., geb. 1941, 1979-1989 Professor für Sozialstruktur im internationalen Vergleich an der Universität Bamberg, seit 1989 Professor für Soziologie an der Hochschule St. Gallen (Schweiz).

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