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        October 2012

        Der Umweg nach Santiago

        by Cees Nooteboom

        Als Cees Nootebooms Reisebericht erstmals erscheint, ist man sich einig: Mit Der Umweg nach Santiago liegt das Spanienbuch schlechthin vor. Nooteboom bricht von Barcelona nach Santiago de Compostela auf, ohne jede Eile, denn der Weg ist das Ziel. Der große niederländische Erzähler ergänzt sein erfolgreiches Reisebuch nun durch weitere Texte über das Land seiner Leidenschaft.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2013

        Literary culture in Cuba

        by Par Kumaraswami, Antoni Kapcia

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        Sie träumten alle von Cuba

        Die Lebensgeschichte eines spanischen Auswanderers. Roman

        by Miguel Barnet, Anneliese Botond

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        January 2016

        Das Sams und die Wunschmaschine und eine weitere Geschichte

        by Paul Maar, Monty Arnold, Santiago Ziesmer, Kay Poppe, Kay Poppe, Paul Maar, Christiane Krah

        Das Sams und die Wunschmaschine Die Wunschpunkte im Gesicht des Sams verschwinden nach und nach. Höchste Zeit, dass Herr Taschenbier seine Erfindung - die Wunschmaschine - fertig stellt. Die hat er auf dem Dachboden von Frau Rotkohl versteckt, wo er sich und das Sams hin wünscht. Doch sein Wunsch ist viel zu ungenau und die beiden landen auf einem falschen Dachboden … Matti, Momme und die Zauberbohnen Der Momps Matti lebt mit seinem Bruder Momme auf einer Insel irgendwo im Meer. Während Matti von Abenteuern in fremden Ländern träumt, ist Momme zu Hause am glücklichsten. Deshalb macht sich Matti eines Tages allein auf eine Reise. Noch ahnt er nicht, was die Zauberbohnen anrichten, die ihm der Uralte mit auf den Weg gegeben hat … Vorgelesen von Monty Arnold und Santiago Ziesmer und untermalt mit vielen Geräuschen und Musik.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2010

        Biografía de un cimarrón

        By Miguel Barnet and Esteban Montejo

        by Catherine Davies, William Rowlandson

        This Biography of a runaway slave is arguably the best-known book to have been written and published in revolutionary Cuba, being the testimonial narrative of Esteban Montejo, a former slave, runaway, and soldier in the Cuban wars of independence. The text is the collaboration between ethnographer Miguel Barnet and Montejo, the result of three years of tape-recorded interviews, transcribed, edited and annotated by Barnet. Montejo provides a first-hand account of slavery in nineteenth-century Cuba - the language, religion, music, and customs - and describes life in the sugar plantations and mills and as a runaway slave. Montejo's text also covers key historical moments, from slavery to Abolition, the Ten Years War, the Spanish American War, and US intervention in the new republic. Reflecting the growing interest in Latin American and Cuban Studies, this student edition includes the complete text in Spanish, notes in English, a time-line of Cuban history and themes for debate and discussion. The extensive introduction focuses on three main areas: an overview of Cuban history featuring slavery, wars of independence and the new republic; an overview of the genre of the testimonial narrative as it emerged as an important literary style in revolutionary Cuba; and an analysis of the relationship between the Cuban Revolution and the publication of the text. There is also an extensive bibliography. ;

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        Calzada de Tirry 81 (Tirry Road 81)

        by Carilda Oliver Labra

        Poetry Book of Carilda Oliver Labra National Literary Prize in Cuba.

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        Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers
        May 2001


        By Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda

        by Catherine Davies

        This tale of a slave's unrequited love for the woman who owns him is set in nineteenth-century colonial Cuba and was the only feminist-abolitionist novel published during the century in Spain or its colonies. This unique text raises important issues concerning power, race, gender and class in colonial societies, colonial and post-colonial subjectivity and identities, feminist appropriations of the abolitionist agenda, human rights discourse, and literary and philosophical issues associated with enlightenment thought. This new annotated critical edition is the first to provide the original Spanish text along with a substantial and authoritative introduction in English, as well as maps and tables relating to nineteenth-century Cuba, a vocabulary list, and suggestions for further reading.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

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        Agriculture & related industries
        November 2002

        Sugar and Related Sweetener Markets

        International Perspectives

        by Edited by Andrew Schmitz, Thomas H Spreen, William A Messina, Charles B Moss

        This book addresses the issue of barriers to the international sugar trade and controversies surrounding the international sweetener markets.It devotes particular chapters to key players such as the USA, the EU, Australia, Brazil, Cuba Eastern Europe and India, and covers topics such as trade liberalization, policy reform and market integration.

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        Escritores Peligrosos (Dangerous Writers)

        by Pedro Juan Gutiérrez

        Pedro Juan Gutiérrez an important cuban story teller, reveals through this book a group of interviews made to important writers and intelectuals from Cuba and the World as Gunter Grass or Mario Benedetti where they give intersting points of view concerning literature and society.

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        Todavía la Mitad del día y otros relatos (Still the Middle of the Day and Other Stories)

        by Alfredo Galiano

        This book is a collection of stories where are treated some topics of the contemporary reality of Cuba. His author is Alfredo Galiano a cuban writer who won some important Literary Prizes like "Hermanos Loynaz", "Cirilo Villaverde" and the International Literary Prize "Premio de Relato Alfonso Sancho Sáenz".

      • Trusted Partner

        La isla y otros cuentos (The island and other stories)

        by Emerio Medina

        This book is a collection of stories where are treated some topics of the contemporary reality of Cuba where fiction and reality mix to reveal a peculiar and original point of view concerning humanity existence. His author is Emerio Medina a cuban writer who won some important Literary Prizes like "Hermanos Loynaz".

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)


        by Beatriz Giménez de Ory

        Enchanting book that combines verse, illustration and pop-up technique to place ourselves with originality before that eternal mystery and source of Introduce budding scientists to a fun STEM topic — eggs! This interactive board book features riddles about the different eggs of the animal kingdom, and images that transform as you turn the page to reveal the answer. Seven eggs break as you turn the pages, revealing the species (python, seahorse, octopus, emu, hedgehog, penguin, and Darwin’s Frog) that hatch after reading the verses / riddles. Includes fact-packed educational notes about eggs and what we can learn from them. New York Big Books Award (USA), 2021; Cuatrogatos Fundación (USA-Cuba), 2020; Best of Banco del Libro (Venezuela), 2022; Colibrí Ibby (Chile), 2019

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2014

        The education system in colonial Algeria (1833-1962)

        Statistical and historiographical review

        by Kamel Kateb

        ‘‘The means of dominating a people and assimilating it is to take possession of childhood and youth: this cannot be done by coercion, but the moral means are numerous and effective... The object of our efforts must be the extension of Arabic-French teaching: it is through this that we will take possession of the new generations almost from the cradle.’’ (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). (Leroy-Beaulieu, 1887). What is the record of French education in Algeria during the period of colonisation? After 132 years of French presence in Algeria (annexed to France in 1838), how many Algerians (French Muslims, indigenous French subjects) had a sufficient knowledge of the French language, and how many of them had learned to read and write in French? Was compulsory schooling for children aged 6 to 13, in accordance with the J. Ferry law of 1882, applied in Algeria? How many Algerian children attended state schools? How many went to lycée and university? What was the number of students at the time of the country's independence? How many doctors, engineers, primary and secondary school teachers did Algeria have at the time of its independence? What was the status of local languages (Arabic, dialectal Arabic, Berber) in the Algerian education system? As well as answering the questions listed above, this book attempts to analyse the objectives assigned to French schools in Algeria and to study the attitudes of the various populations to the objectives pursued. What role did education play in the various forms of colonial ‘confrontation’? What was the role of the elites produced by the colonial education system? And what role and place did they occupy in the struggle for Algerian independence? Were they the driving force behind the independence movement, as the Europeans in Algeria feared? Or did they mediate between colonisation and the mass of the colonised, as the enlightened ideologists of the colonial system hoped?

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1983

        Das Lied der Rachel

        Mit einem Nachwort von Miguel Barnet. Aus dem Spanischen übersetzt von Wilhelm Plackmeyer. Das Nachwort von Miguel Barnet übersetzte Monika López aus dem Spanischen

        by Miguel Barnet, Wilhelm Plackmeyer, Miguel Barnet

        »Rachel«, eine mit allen Wassern gewaschene Varietésängerin, strebt früh nach Höherem, ohne es jedoch zu erreichen. »La bella de Alhambra« schwelgt in Banalitäten und Kitsch, ist – mit liberalen Einschränkungen – Rassistin, weil ihre Kundschaft rassistisch ist, orientiert sich an Horoskopen, beschäftigt sich mit fliegenden Untertassen. Ihr Bericht läßt die stickige Atmosphäre der »belle époque« des vorrevolutionären Cuba nachempfinden, vermischt die Schilderung der klassischen Straßenschlachten zwischen einheimischen und französischen Zuhältern im Viertel San Isidro, des Rassenkrieges von 1912 und der »toten Zeit« zwischen den Zuckerrohrernten mit Kosmetikkniffen, Theaterklatsch und dem täglichen Leben der Unterwelt. Nach der Revolution von 1959 entwickeln sich die Dinge ungünstig für »Rachel«: die »Häuser«, die sie mittlerweile in besagtem Viertel besitzt, werden liquidiert, ihre Karriere als »freie Unternehmerin« ist beendet.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Es hummelt eine Brumm

        Geschichten und Gedichte vom Sams, Professor Monogrohm, dem Kater Traugott und anderen

        by Paul Maar, Ulrich Noethen, August Zirner, Ursula Illert, Sebastian Blomberg, Walter Kreye, Jürgen Thormann, Santiago Ziesmer, Carla Sachse, Andreas Fröhlich, Peter Weis, Felix von Manteuffel, Frank Oberpichler, Dieter Faber, Matthias Scheuer, Benjamin Dittrich, Eduardo Garcia, Uwe Zillner, Ute Krause, Frank Gustavus

        Die große Paul-Maar-Anthologie Ein wunderbarer Querschnitt durch das Werk eines der bedeutendsten Kinder- und Jugendbuchautoren deutscher Sprache: Eine Schatzkammer voll spannender Geschichten, herrlicher Gedichte und humorvoller Reime. Und natürlich sind sie alle mit dabei: das Sams, Professor Monogrohm, die Affen Kukuk und Schlevian und viele mehr. Es lesen u. a. Andreas Fröhlich, Walter Kreye, Ulrich Noethen, Felix von Manteuffel, Carla Sachse, Ursula Illert, Peter Weis, Santiago Ziesmer und August Zirner.

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