Thekla Verlag
We are a publisher from Germany with a selected list of children's and young adult books.
View Rights PortalWe are a publisher from Germany with a selected list of children's and young adult books.
View Rights PortalTheart Press is a South African publisher specialisingin inspirational books - including poetry, children's books and biography.
View Rights PortalThe twin towers of the World Trade Center were blown up on behalf of the US government. Vapour trails in the sky contain chemicals that cause disease. The moon landing never took place; it was staged in a studio. Many people believe in conspiracy theories: supporting evidence can seem plausible, until you look closely. To refute conspiracy theories often requires scientific and technical knowledge. Dr. Holm Gero Hümmler has precisely this sort of knowledge, and he is able to communicate it clearly for laypeople. In his book “Conspiracy Myths” he provides guidelines on how to deal with questionable facts. He gives valuable tips for personal research and shows how to deconstruct well-known conspiracy theories – from 9-11 to the “earthquake machine” HAARP, to chemtrails and “Nazi UFOs”. Sometimes, refutation is easy: you only need a sand pit and game pieces ...
Lukácsian film theory and cinema explores Georg Lukács' writings on film. The Hungarian Marxist critic Georg Lukács is primarily known as a literary theorist, but he also wrote extensively on the cinema. These writings have remained little known in the English-speaking world because the great majority of them have never actually been translated into English - until now. Aitken has gathered together the most important essays and the translations appear here, often for the first time. This book thus makes a decisive contribution to understandings of Lukács within the field of film studies, and, in doing so, also challenges many existing preconceptions concerning his theoretical position. For example, whilst Lukács' literary theory is well known for its repudiation of naturalism, in his writings on film Lukács appears to advance a theory and practice of film that can best be described as naturalist. Lukácsian film theory and cinema is divided into two parts. In part one, Lukács' writings on film are explored, and placed within relevant historical and intellectual contexts, whilst part two consists of the essays themselves. This book will be of considerable interest to scholars and students working within the fields of film studies, literary studies, intellectual history, media and cultural studies. It is also intended to be the final volume in a trilogy of works on cinematic realism, which includes the author's earlier European film theory and cinema (2001), and Realist film theory and cinema (2006).
'Realist film theory and cinema' embraces studies of cinematic realism and 19th century tradition, the realist film theories of Lukács, Grierson, Bazin and Kracauer, and the relationship of realist film theory to the general field of film theory and philosophy. This is the first book to attempt a rigorous and systematic application of realist film theory to the analysis of particular films. The book suggests new ways forward for a new series of studies in cinematic realism, and for a new form of film theory based on realism. It stresses the importance of the question of realism both in film studies and in contemporary life. Aitken's work will be of interest to scholars and advanced students of film studies, literary studies, media studies, cultural studies and philosophy.
This book offers a unique and timely reading of the early Frankfurt School in response to the recent 'affective turn' within the arts and humanities. Resisting the overly rationalist tendencies of political philosophy, it argues that critical theory actively cultivates a powerful connection between thinking and feeling, and rediscovers a range of often neglected concepts that were of vital importance to the first generation of critical theorists, including melancholia, hope, (un)happiness, objects and mimesis. In doing so, it brings the dynamic work of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Ernst Bloch and Siegfried Kracauer into conversation with more recent debates around politics and affect. An important intervention in the fields of affect studies and social and political thought, Critical theory and feeling shows that sensuous experience is at the heart of the Frankfurt School's affective politics.
De-centering queer theory seeks to reorient queer theory to a different conception of bodies and sexuality derived from Eastern European Marxism. The book articulates a contrast between the concept of the productive body, which draws its epistemology from Soviet and avant-garde theorists, and Cold War gender, which is defined as the social construction of the body. The first part of the book concentrates on the theoretical and visual production of Eastern European Marxism, which proposed an alternative version of sexuality to that of western liberalism. In doing so it offers a historical angle to understand the emergence not only of an alternative epistemology, but also of queer theory's vocabulary. The second part of the book provides a Marxist, anti-capitalist archive for queer studies, which often neglects to engage critically with its liberal and Cold War underpinnings.
The author is Zhao Qiang, deputy editor-in-chief of Global Times. The manuscript features more than 30 political essays created by the author during his studies at the Party School of the Communist Party of China. For example, "Confidence in the system, how do you feel confident", "I really admire you, respect for truth from facts", etc .; "Theoretical study, not too utilitarian", "Popular, and then popular", etc., in-depth thinking on how to use the weapon of theory; The author changed the face of the theoretical article that was boring, hard and cold, and refused to be thousands of miles away. The reasoning was based on trivial matters, making the article have a strong sense of responsibility, the weight of the theory and the ease of the form.
Conspiratorial views of events abound even in our modern, rational world. Often such theories serve to explain the inexplicable. Sometimes they are developed for motives of political expediency: it is simpler to see political opponents as conspirators and terrorists, putting them into one convenient basket, than to seek to understand and disentangle the complex motivations of opponents. So it is not surprising to see that just when the French Revolution was creating the modern political world, a constant obsession with conspiracies lay at the heart of the revolutionary conception of politics. The book considers the nature and development of the conspiracy obsession from the end of the old regime to the Directory. Chapters focus on conspiracy and fears of conspiracy in the old regime; in the Constituent Assembly; by the king and Marie Antoinette; amongst the people of Paris; on attitudes towards the peasantry and conspiracy; on Jacobin politics of the Year II and the 'foreign plot'; on counter-revolutionary plots and imaginary plots; on Babeuf and the 'conspiracy of equals'; and finally on fear of conspiracy as an intellectual impasse in the revolutionary mentality. Inspired by recent debates, this book is a comprehensive survey of the nature of conspiracy in the French Revolution, with each chapter written by a leading historian on the question. Each chapter is an original contribution to the topic, written however to include the wider issues for the area concerned. There is an emphasis throughout on clarity and accessibility, making the volume suitable for a wide readership as well as undergraduates and advanced researchers ;
Populism is a powerful force today, but its full scope has eluded the analytical tools of both orthodox and heterodox 'populism studies'. This book provides a valuable alternative perspective. It reconstructs in detail for the first time the sociological analyses of US demagogues by members of the Frankfurt School and compares these with contemporary approaches. Modern demagogy emerges as a key under-researched feature of populism, since populist movements, whether 'left' or 'right', are highly susceptible to 'demagogic capture'. The book also details the culture industry's populist contradictions - including its role as an incubator of modern demagogues - from the 1930s through to today's social media and 'Trumpian psychotechnics'. Featuring a previously unpublished text by Adorno on modern demagogy as an appendix, it will be of interest to researchers and students in critical theory, sociology, politics, German studies, philosophy and history of ideas, as well as all those concerned about the rise of demagogic populism today.
Film theory: an introduction offers a highly readable account of film theory and is an indispensable resource for students. The discussion ranges from the late 1960s to the present, a period in which a number of conceptual strands, notably politics, semiotics and psychoanalysis were woven together in an ambitious synthesis. In this book, the authors chart the construction of this synthesis and its subsequent fragmentation, and clearly explain the various intellectual currents which have contributed to it. Divided into two parts, the first covers the conceptual background of film theory, dealing with historical materialism, semiotics and psychoanalysis, whilst in the second the authors concentrate on particular topics such as authorship, narrative, realism, the avant-garde and postmodernism. For this new edition, the authors have added a new foreword, a fully updated and expanded bibliography, and a 60-page Retrospect outlining developments within film theory since the book's original publication in 1988. This Retrospect identifies a number of broad readings of Theory, each with a different perspective on the main content of the book. As such, it provides a new and original mapping of the 'post-theory' moment in this complex and often fractured terrain. Accessible and authoritative, this book is essential reading for students of film theory, or indeed anyone seeking a deeper understanding of modern cinema. ;
This volume in the Critical Theory and Contemporary Society series explores the arguments between critical theory and epistemology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Focusing on the first and second generations of critical theorists and Luhmann's systems theory, the book examines how each approaches epistemology. It opens by looking at twentieth-century epistemology, particularly the concept of lifeworld (Lebenswelt). It then moves on to discuss structuralism, poststructuralism, critical realism, the epistemological problematics of Foucault's writings and the dialectics of systems theory. This unique work takes a comparative look at structuralism and post-structuralism's epistemological theory with special reference to scientific reason. It also investigates Luhmann's works in epistemology. The aim is to explore whether the focal point for epistemology and the sciences remain that social and political interests actually form a concrete point of concern for the sciences as well.
An important collection of essays which treats Bakhtin as a provocative theorist whose work must be tested, explored and compared with the work of others. Contributors assess Bakhtin's contribution to difficult issues of colonialism, feminism, reception theory and theories of the body, amongst others. New articles explore the origins, previously unacknowledged, of Bakhtin's theory of language and provide a vivid account of the dramatic scandal surrounding Bakhtin's thesis on Rabelais. Contains dramatic new material, drawn from post-perestroika sources, which demythologizes the image of this important writer. A new bibliographical essay and introduction bring the English-language reader up-to-date with the progress of Bakhtin studies in Russia. ;
Critical theory and dystopia offers a uniquely rich study of dystopian fiction, drawing on the insights of critical theory. Asking what ideological work these dark imaginings perform, the book reconstructs the historical emergence, consolidation and transformation of the genre across the twentieth century and into our own, ranging from Yevgeny Zamayatin's We (1924) and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932) to Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1963) and Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games series (2000s and 2010s). In doing so, it reveals the political logics opened up or neutered by the successive moments of this dystopian history.
One of the few books which systematically brings post-structuralist theory to bear on substantive political analysis. Offers accessible accounts of different strands of discourse theory such as deconstruction, psychoanalysis and genealogy, which are applied to the analysis of specific cases such as Northern Ireland and contemporary East European politics. Each chapter addresses a key theme and issue in contemporary politics. Draws on inspiration from Ernesto Laclau, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan. Contains a clear introductory statement of the theoretical approach used and concludes with an assessment of the future directions of discourse theory in the social sciences. ;
Globale Verschwörung / David Shomron Nur ein einst gesuchter Untergrundaktivist, der später als leitender Ex-Mossad-Agent tätig war, konnte sich diesen Plot ausdenken. Eine Gruppe europäischer Wissenschaftler und Ex-Militärs sind der Ansicht, dass westliche Demokratien und die Vereinten Nationen nicht in der Lage sind, aggressiven Diktaturen etwas entgegenzusetzen. Keine der verhängten Sanktionen scheint die Tyrannen zu beeindrucken. Die Gruppe ist entsetzt über die Vorstellung einer verheerenden Atomkatastrophe in zwei oder drei Jahren, die Hunderte von Millionen Menschenleben fordern würde. Sie beschließen, vorbeugende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und mit ungewöhnlichen und originellen Methoden gegen diese Bedrohung vorzugehen, ohne Gewalt, Propaganda oder Provokation und dennoch wirksam. Die Anführerin der Gruppe ist eine Frau (Professorin für Geschichte an der Sorbonne in Paris). Die Gruppe besteht aus einem pensionierter Admiral, einer Wissenschaftlerin und einem Ex-Kommandooffizier – allesamt Briten. Fachleute aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern setzen sich für die Anliegen der Gruppe ein, die durch diese Unterstützung über erhebliche technische Mittel verfügt. Doch es gibt unvorhergesehene Probleme, die das gesamte Projekt gefährden könnten. David Shomron wurde in Istanbul geboren, wo seine Eltern während der kommunistischen Revolution in Russland Zuflucht gefunden hatten, und wanderte 1934 mit ihnen nach Israel (damals Palästina) aus. Der Autor hat zehn Jahre vor der Gründung des Staates Israel in die Untergrundbewegung investiert und später mehr als zwanzig Jahre lang als hochrangiger Offizier im Mossad gedient. Anschließend leitete er 13 Jahre lang eine zivile Sicherheitsfirma als CEO von „BRINKS Israel Ltd.“. In den neunziger Jahren war David Shomron ein gefragter Dozent über die Zeit des britischen Mandats. Er hat vier Bücher veröffentlicht – zwei über sein Leben als Geheimagent und zwei Romane. Weitere sind in Arbeit. David Shomron lebt mit seiner Frau in Jerusalem. Sie haben zwei Töchter, neun Enkel und neun Urenkel. Eine englischsprachige E-Book-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 460 Seiten, 15 x 22 cm.