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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2017

        Vivien Leigh

        Actress and icon

        by Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This edited volume provides new readings of the life and career of iconic actress Vivien Leigh (1913-67), written by experts from theatre and film studies and curators from the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The collection uses newly accessible family archives to explore the intensely complex relationship between Vivien Leigh's approach to the craft of acting for stage and screen, and how she shaped, developed and projected her public persona as one of the most talked about and photographed actresses of her era. With key contributors from the UK, France and the US, chapters range from analyses of her work on stage and screen to her collaborations with designers and photographers, an analysis of her fan base, her interior designs and the 'public ownership' of Leigh's celebrity status during her lifetime and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2014

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2015

        A Supplement of the Faery Queene

        By Ralph Knevet

        by J. B. Lethbridge

        Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2013

        Literary and visual Ralegh

        by J. B. Lethbridge

        This collection of essays by scholars from Great Britain, the United States, Canada and Taiwan covers a wide range of topics about Ralegh's diversified career and achievements. Some of the essays shed light on less familiar facets such as Ralegh as a father and as he is represented in paintings, statues, and in movies; others re-examine him as poet, historian, as a controversial figure in Ireland during Elizabeth's reign, and look at his complex relationship with and patronage of Edmund Spenser. A recurrent topic is the Hatfield Manuscript in Ralegh's handwriting, which contains his long, unfinished poem 'The Ocean to Cynthia', usually considered a lament about his rejection by Queen Elizabeth after she learned of his secret marriage to one of her ladies-in-waiting. The book is appropriate for students of Elizabethan-Jacobean history and literature. Among the contributors are well-known scholars of Ralegh and his era, including James Nohrenberg, Anna Beer, Thomas Herron, Alden Vaughan and Andrew Hiscock. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Spanische Barmherzigkeit


        by Abraham B. Jehoschua, Markus Lemke

        Abraham B. Jehoschua erzählt in seinem meisterhaft komponierten Roman von einem erfolgreichen Leben und von dem Preis, der dafür gezahlt werden muss. Als der Regisseur Jair Moses zu einer Retrospektive seiner Filme nach Santiago de Compostela eingeladen wird, will er die Reise nach Spanien in Begleitung von Ruth, seiner langjährigen Weggefährtin, genießen. Aber dann ruft ein verstörendes Bild in seinem Hotelzimmer vergessen geglaubte Erinnerungen wach: Eine Filmszene, in der Ruth als junge Frau einem Bettler am Straßenrand die Brust geben sollte, führte zum Zerwürfnis mit dem Drehbuchautor, seinem engsten Freund. Wie konnte es so weit kommen? Die Konfrontation mit seinen alten Filmen, noch dazu in der fremden Sprache, lässt Moses tief in seine Vergangenheit eintauchen und ihn die Ereignisse von damals in einem neuen Licht sehen. Der überwältigende Wunsch nach Versöhnung wird für ihn zum Auslöser für die Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Geschichte.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2008

        Das Verbrechen der Vernunft

        Betrug an der Wissensgesellschaft

        by Robert B. Laughlin, Michael Bischoff

        Wir leben in einer Wissensgesellschaft, die freien Zugang zu Informationen ermöglicht. Doch ist längst eine paradoxe Situation entstanden: Wissen ist gefährlich. Die Möglichkeiten, Wissen zu erwerben, können zu erheblichen Konflikten führen. »Was darf ich wissen?« Diese Frage könnte in unserem Informationszeitalter zu einer Schlüsselfrage werden. Wer Wissen erwirbt, noch dazu technisches Wissen, kann schnell an den Rand der Legalität geraten. Je mehr Technologien vermögen, desto weniger wird das Wissen über diese Technologien frei verfügbar. Wir müssen uns daher mehr und mehr mit dem bizarren Konzept des »Verbrechens der Vernunft« auseinandersetzen, damit, daß frei erworbene Erkenntnisse aus wirtschaftlichen, politischen oder militärischen Gründen als illegal erklärt werden. So gehört es zu den Absurditäten des Patentrechts, daß Konzerne in großem Umfang neue und auch zu erwartende Entwicklungen schützen lassen und damit andere Erfindungen blockieren; ein Geistesblitz kann dann schnell eine Verletzung des Patentrechts bedeuten. Ob es um Atomphysik geht, um Gentechnik oder Computerprogramme – der Physiknobelpreisträger Robert B. Laughlin enthüllt in seinem Essay die Mechanismen der Geheimhaltung von Wissen und zeigt anhand von vielen Beispielen, daß bald ein neues ›Dunkles Zeitalter‹ beginnen könnte, dessen Kennzeichen nicht Information und Wissen sind, sondern Desinformation und Ignoranz.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2012

        Kunst als Philosophie

        Hegel und die moderne Bildkunst

        by Robert B. Pippin, Wiebke Meier

        Robert B. Pippin, einer der weltweit renommiertesten Forscher auf dem Gebiet des Deutschen Idealismus, unternimmt in seinem Buch eine Zeitreise mit einem Philosophen, der auf den ersten Blick dafür denkbar ungeeignet erscheint: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Ausgangspunkt der Reise sind Hegels 1820 in Berlin gehaltene »Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik«, in denen er bekanntlich der Kunst ihren Platz in seinem philosophischen System zuweist: als das unmittelbare sinnliche Wissen des absoluten Geistes. Mit Hegels Theorie im Gepäck erkundet Pippin die Bildkunst der klassischen Moderne, wie sie sich erst nach Hegels Tod ab der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickelt hat. Insbesondere in den Werken Édouard Manets und Paul Cézannes findet er Kronzeugen für seine zentralen Thesen, dass die moderne Kunst philosophische Errungenschaften eigener Art hervorbringt, dass sie einen bestimmten Modus der Intelligibilität des »Absoluten« verkörpert und dass Hegel »der« Theoretiker der Moderne in der bildenden Kunst war, wenn auch »avant la lettre«. Pippin verteidigt diese Thesen so eindrucksvoll wie elegant in direkter Auseinandersetzung mit maßgeblichen Werken moderner Malerei und im Spiegel der berühmten kunsthistorischen Debatte zwischen Timothy J. Clark und Michael Fried – und liefert ganz nebenbei eine konzise Geschichte der philosophischen Ästhetik von Kant bis Adorno und Heidegger. - Mit zahlreichen, zum Teil farbigen Abbildungen

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        July 2018

        British and Irish Butterflies

        An Island Perspective

        by Roger L H Dennis, Peter B Hardy

        Islands are special places; they can be havens for unique plants and animals and refuges for wildlife. This book investigates the biogeography of butterfly species over the British islands, particularly the factors that influence their presence on the islands and that have made each island's butterfly fauna distinctive. The book contains a full log of records of species on the islands and much supporting information. The first three chapters set the scene, illustrating the basics of island biogeography theory, their changing circumstances during the current Holocene interglacial, and studies of natural history of British butterflies that mark the islands as the most intensively studied region for wildlife in the world. The book advances by increasing resolution downscale from a European continental perspective, through patterns and changes on the British mainland, a comparison of the two dominant islands of Britain and Ireland, to a close inspection of the dynamics of species on the multitude of offshore islands. Detailed investigations include contrasts in species' richness on the islands and then of the incidences of each species. Case studies highlight the continual turnover of species on islands. Attention is then given to evolutionary changes since the time that glaciers enveloped Europe. A powerful message is conveyed for the maintenance of butterfly species on the smaller British islands now experiencing population losses at a rate unprecedented since the spread of the last ice sheets: the incontrovertible importance of maintaining populations of species on nearby mainland sources for islands as pools for future migrants. This book is enhanced with supporting material. To access the Online Supplementary Appendices below, please visit: Supplementary Appendices Chapter 3 3.1a A copy of Dennis and Shreeve (1996) Butterflies on British and Irish Offshore Islands: Ecology and Biogeography. Gem Publishing Company, Wallingford, Oxon 3.1b The main data file for British and Irish offshore islands 3.2 Basic ecological and life history data used to build the indices for migration capacity and colonization ability Supplementary Appendices Chapter 4 4.1 Contemporary Geography Study of British Butterflies: Data 4.2 Contemporary Geography Study of British Butterflies: Analyses Supplementary Appendices Chapter 5 5.1a The European Islands Data File: Recent Sources 5.1b The European Islands Data File: Butterfly Records 5.1c The European Islands Data File: Geographical Data 5.2 Comparison of British and Irish Species Distributions Supplementary Appendices Chapter 6 6.1a Species Incidences on Offshore Islands: Logit Regression Analyses 6.1b Species Incidences on Offshore Islands: Discriminant Function Analyses 6.2 Species Richness and Incidences on Offshore Islands: Predictions Supplementary Appendix Chapter 7 7.1 Records and Data for the Isle of Man

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Cells, Tissue, and Skin, Third Edition

        by Donna Bozzone, Ph.D. and Douglas B. Light, Ph.D.

        Cells are the smallest units capable of sustaining life, and they make up virtually every aspect of the human body. From the strands of hair at the top of the head to the nails on fingers and toes, every structure of the human body is composed of cells. Groups of cells form tissues and organs, which allow the body to function as an organized system. Skin, the body’s largest organ, forms a waterproof barrier that provides protection against invading microorganisms and acts as a sensory and thermoregulatory structure. Cells, Tissues, and Skin, Third Edition explores the properties of each of these components in our bodies. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        A Supplement of the Faery Queene

        By Ralph Knevet

        by Christopher Burlinson, J. B. Lethbridge, Andrew Zurcher

        Ralph Knevet's Supplement of the Faery Queene (1635) is a narrative and allegorical work, which weaves together a complex collection of tales and episodes, featuring knights, ladies, sorcerers, monsters, vertiginous fortresses and deadly battles - a chivalric romp in Spenser's cod medieval style. The poem shadows recent English history, and the major military and political events of the Thirty Years War. But the Supplement is also an ambitiously intertextual poem, weaving together materials from mythic, literary, historical, scientific, theological, and many other kinds of written sources. Its encyclopaedic ambitions combine with Knevet's historical focus to produce an allegorical epic poem of considerable interest and power. This new edition of Knevet's Supplement, the first scholarly text of the poem ever published, situates it in its literary, historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts. An extensive introduction and copious critical commentary, positioned at the back of the book, will enable students and scholars alike to access Knevet's complicated and enigmatic meanings, structures, and allusions.

      • Trusted Partner
        Parasitology (non-medical)
        January 1998

        Potato Cyst Nematodes

        Biology, Distribution and Control

        by Edited by R J Marks, Bill B Brodie

        The two closely related species of Potato Cyst-Nematodes (PCN), Globodera rostochiensis (Woll.) and Globodera pallida Stone have a worldwide distribution. Both are internationally recognized plant quarantine organisms of actual or potential major economic importance wherever potatoes are grown or traded. They occur in large soil masses and also adhere to potato tubers as microscopic cysts, which represent a complex of morphologically identical, but behaviourally different virulence groups, or pathotypes. This presents major problems for their detection, identification and management.This book is a synthesis of current practical knowledge and underpinning scientific research on PCN globally. It is arranged in five sections, comprising nineteen chapters by leading practitioners and research nematologists, in which the biology, detection, identification and control options (including plant resistance) for PCN are examined. In addition, its worldwide status is considered, including South America, where PCN co-evolved with its potato host. Essential information is provided for professionals and advanced students of plant nematology and crop protection.

      • Trusted Partner

        Multiple Sclerosis

        by Pearl B. Werfel, Ron E. Franco-Durán, Linda J. Trettin

        This innovative book will help both mental health and medical professionals empower patients or clients to live well with multiple sclerosis (MS). It is a practical, evidence-based, culturally relevant guide to the most effective current medical, psychological, and neuropsychological diagnostic methods and interventions. The book describes a biopsychosocial, multidisciplinary, and integrative approach to treatment and provides information on psychological, mind-body, and complementary interventions for symptom management and to increase quality of life. Both seasoned practitioners and students will find this volume useful in helping clients cope with this complex, unpredictable, and chronic neurological disorder. Target Group: clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, students.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2011

        An Historical Atlas of Staffordshire

        by A. D. M. Phillips, C. B. Phillips

        Within its ancient boundaries, Staffordshire is a county of diverse and contrasting historic landscapes. World-renowned industrial complexes sit alongside agricultural systems; castles rub shoulders with urban-industrial housing; the cathedral centre of a vast diocese lies close to the birthplace of primitive Methodism; overtly planned landscapes mingle with the uplands of the Moorlands and the heathlands of Cannock Chase. These many and varied landscapes are both products and reflections of a multiplicity of histories, and students of the county have been keen to explore and relate these pasts. However, no systematic attempt has previously been made to express these accounts in spatial form. This book seeks to demonstrate by maps the various histories that contribute to the diversity of Staffordshire. With its succinct discussions and detailed map presentations of these themes, incorporating new thinking and recent research, the atlas provides an innovative and major contribution to the study of the history of Staffordshire. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural engineering & machinery
        December 2012

        Innovation in Agri-food Clusters

        Theory and Case Studies

        by Peter W B Phillips, Jeremy Karwandy, Graeme Webb, Camille D Ryan

        Innovation has moved through a range of revolutionary epochs, but there is no clear picture of how, or even if, innovation can be managed. This book explores the models, methods and metrics of innovation analysis in the context of a single centre: the Global Oilseeds Complex centred in Saskatoon, Canada. It is a single, coherent volume that outlines the theory and practices related to innovation, offering a critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches, backed up with empirical evidence.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1973

        Das Vokabular der Psychoanalyse

        by J. Laplanche, J.-B. Pontalis, Emma Moersch, Daniel Lagache

        Der Psychoanalytiker J. Laplanche und der Philosoph J.-B. Pontalis haben die gesamte psychoanalytische Literatur durchgearbeitet und zu einem »Vokabular der Psychoanalyse« zusammengetragen. Das Vokabular definiert nicht nur die von Freud und einigen seiner Schüler eingeführten und mittlerweile über die halbe Welt verbreiteten Ausdrücke, sondern erörtert ihre Entstehung, ihre Wandlungen, ihren heutigen Status, um ihre Bedeutung innerhalb der psychoanalytischen Theorie und Praxis zu entschlüsseln. Der gesamte begriffliche Apparat der Psychoanalyse wird so unter drei Gesichtspunkten analysiert: Geschichte, Struktur, Problematik.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism
        November 2016

        The Burley manuscript

        by Edited by Peter Redford. Series edited by J. B. Lethbridge

        England and the 1966 World Cup presents a cultural analysis of what is considered a key 'moment of modernity' in the nation's post-war history. Regarded as having an importance beyond its primary sporting purpose, the World Cup in England is examined within the complexity of the cultural, social and political changes that characterised the mid-1960s. Yet, although addressing the importance of non-sport related connections, the book maintains a focus on football, discussing it as a 'cultural form' and presenting an original perspective on the aesthetic accomplishment in football tactics by England's manager, Alf Ramsey. The study considers the World Cup in relation to the cup tradition, England as the World Cup host nation, the England squad and masculinity, the modernism of England's manager Alf Ramsey, design and commercial aspects of the World Cup, a critical engagement within existing academic accounts, and an examination of how England's victory has been remembered and commemorated.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1994

        Der Engel der Geschichte

        Franz Rosenzweig - Walter Benjamin - Gershom Scholem

        by Stéphane Mosès, Thomas Wiemer, Andreas B. Kilcher, Eva-Maria Thimme, Ursula Sarrazin, Dafna Mach

        Stéphane Mosès, geboren 1931 in Berlin, floh 1937 nach Marokko, begann 1951 sein Studium in Paris. Er studierte, lehrte, kommentierte und übersetzte Schriften von Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem und Paul Celan. Mosès starb 2007 in Paris. Andreas B. Kilcher, geboren 1963 in Basel, studierte Germanistik, Geschichte und Philosophie an den Universitäten Basel und München. 1996 wurde Kilcher mit einer Dissertation zur Kabbala promoviert. Seit 2008 ist er Professor für Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft an der ETH Zürich.

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