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        Children's & YA

        The Secret of Crossing

        China Story Picture Books

        by Zhang Jie

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Secret of Crossing tells the story of the growth of children in villages and small towns. The mud road to the canteen is narrow, several places collapse from the foot of the wall, and one of them breaks into a big gap. Why not fill in the big gap? It's really a lion in the way, and the girl has to cross it carefully, with all her strength.

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        A Thriller for Young Readers

        by Pnina Ophir

        The story is set in a typical old-timers’ neighborhood in central Tel Aviv. For several decades, the neighborhood contained a firehouse and an emergency medical center, as well as a colorful open-air market. But one day, the character of the street changes completely: Bulldozers begin tearing down the buildings, which are to be replaced by two modern multistory houses and a paved public square. A group of sixth-graders living in the neighborhood discovers that, in addition to the construction company's excavations, another private excavation is under way. It transpires that a pair of criminals decided that the noise and commotion in the area provided a one-time opportunity to unearth a mysterious "treasure chest" that was buried under the old firehouse long ago. The children’s curiosity and courage ultimately lead to the capture of the criminals moments before the chest is found, which in turn solves the mystery.     A second book in this series, named The Magician from Motzkin Boulevard has already been written and a Hebrew-language edition will be published later this year. 96 pages, full-color hardcover with B/W illustrations inside, 15X22 cm

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        November 2017

        The Secret of La Rosa

        by Donald Willerton

        It was just a short cross-country ski outing over the Christmas break for Mogi Franklin and his sister, Jennifer–until they find themselves suddenly caught in a vicious blizzard. Near collapse, they ski into a mysterious valley with an ancient hacienda, a busy Spanish family, and a village with no electricity, no plumbing, no cars, no phones, and definitely no Walmart.A vacation that began a few days earlier helping his Granddad clean and decorate for a huge family celebration had now become a mind-boggling mystery. And young Mogi's anguish trying to come to terms with his grandmother's death from cancer the previous Christmas turns to fear and danger when he is accused of stealing a religious icon the town prizes above all others–and which holds the key to solving an ancient legend of missing Spanish gold.It's the latest book of the exciting Mogi Franklin Mysteries–shadowy figures, secret societies, a town like no other. Is this all reality or illusion? Mogi must find the answers, even as he struggles with the memory of his grandmother's death and the mysteries of faith it brought him which he now must answer as well.

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        Children's Art Manual Game Book

        by Green Book

        Basics of Interesting Paper-cut: Basics of Interesting Paper-cut is a book for guiding children to have fun origami. The strength of DIY ability directly reflects the flexibility of the brain, so improving children's DIY ability is an important way to promote intellectual development, while hand craft is a good way to fully develop children's intelligence.

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        Children's & YA

        Strange book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        All books have either writing, pictures or both in it, but the book that Ellen got as a gift has neither. It does, however, have extraordinary recording powers. Like in so many of Sandro’s stories, in The Strange Book it is completely natural for dreams to merge with reality. Through the matter-of-fact occurrence of unlikely events, The Strange Book tells a story of growing up without abandoning the inner child.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of Ukraine from KGB Secret Files

        by Volodymyr Viatrovych

        The unknown and classified KGB history of the largest country in Europe - Ukraine is the history of people, events, documents and files. The files have answers to many questions. The most important of which - why did a war begin again in Europe? Why is it so important for Russia to conquer Ukraine? Why are Ukrainians putting up such a powerful resistance? Historian Volodymyr Viatrovych, who declassified the secret archives of the Soviet special services from the Cheka to the KGB, talks about the history of Ukraine, the USSR and Eastern Europe from 1918 to 1991. The reader, is offered, along with various heroes and traitors, those who thought they were in control of events, and those who thought they had no power over them, to recreate the nearly century-old chess game between the Ukrainian liberation movement and the creators of the "prison of nations." Described in reports and recreated by a historian, this work looks at the cunning “special operations”, deadly moves, information wars and complex games among several players that are all an attempt to find an answer to the question: what creates our destiny - human will or circumstances?

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        October 2021

        War Train

        by Donald Willerton

        To Mogi Franklin, it simply seemed like a better summer job than stocking supermarket shelves in Bluff, Utah. But the opportunity to help with his sister Jennifer's architectural assessment of the newly refurbished, once-grand-and-glorious hotel and restaurant in Las Vegas, New Mexico, turned out to be much more―the kind of brain-testing mystery he loved and excelled at, along with a heavy serving of adventure and danger.The mystery was more than seventy-five years old: the robbery of a local bank by two gunmen who'd walked out the door with thick stacks of hundred-dollar bills and then simply vanished. The link with the present-day hotel suddenly appeared in an unexpected find hidden in the “ton of junk” from an unknown attic room uncovered during the building's reconstruction. There among the old clothes, books, papers, and other remnants from the early days of World War II, Mogi finds a clue, then another and then more, leading far back in the hotel's unique history.As articles in a sensationalistic local newspaper seem to tie the clues together―and lead as well to false trails and blind alleys―Mogi digs deeper into the fascinating history of the Castañeda Hotel and its storied Harvey House restaurant to unravel the untold tale linking the robbery to a mother's love for the twin sons she was never able to give enough to. Read less

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        A Civil Code Comic Book that Children Can Understand

        by Du Zili, Du Chang'en

        This book presents a selection of articles in the Civil Code that are relevant to teenagers, and it explains the Civil Code in a question-and-answer format through comic and specific cases. The combination of fun and knowledge in the format prevents readers from becoming intimidated by the legal language. Each case is closely related to social hot topics, and each issue is professionally explained by legal scholars to provide legal countermeasures, which not only facilitates teenagers' learning and understanding, but also makes it easy for them to apply their knowledge to solve legal problems in their lives. Through the youth-friendly ways to promote legal education, to help them better understand and use the law as a tool.

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        Children's & YA

        La sopa más rica y otros cuentos (The most delicious soup and other stories)

        by Mariana Ruiz Johnson

        The most delicious soup and other stories brings together five stories that take place in the village of Villa Verde, the place where all the characters live and interact. The stories are apparently very simple, yet they offer readers a delicate literary experience woven from references, ways of naming the world, images, and experiences typical of young children. This book, moreover, shares many elements with comics. In fact, we could see it as a comic for very young children, where the author, Mariana Ruiz Johnson, has used nib and Indian ink and digital color to provide readers with images in warm colors and a very rich illustration work with thousands of details for the delight of readers.

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        October 2022

        My Father's Secret

        The BND, my family and I

        by Corinna von Bassewitz

        For a long time, Corinna von Bassewitz believed her father was a soldier, later on that he was a diplomat. Then, at the age of 16, she learnt something unbelievable: he had been a secret agent for the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND, Germany's Federal Intelligence Service). Once the secret had been at least partly uncovered, she became something of a spy herself and eventually found some confidential documents in her parents' attic. Later, she realised that her father had been living as a double agent for the FRG and the GDR. So what effect does it have on a girl if her father conceals his true identity and eventually disappears without trace? Along with her family history, the author provides multi-layered and exciting insights into the historical context of the Cold War. A very personal book, intriguingly told and emotionally touching.

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        Children's & YA

        Story Story, Story Come

        12 Reimagined Tales From Africa

        by Maïmouna Jallow

        However, the age-old tradition of oral storytelling is on the decline. Rapid urbanisation, the breakdown of the extended family, technology and so on have altered our social fabric. Whilst our daily lives are still peppered with snippets of remembered words of wisdom and proverbs, the reality is that a new generation of Africans have never had the pleasure of listening to a story being told by a storyteller. Story, Story! Story Come! is a contribution to larger efforts to revive storytelling in Africa and beyond. Through a global online contest, Positively African invited African writers, wherever they lived and whatever their age, to write a folktale – either based on an old one, or newly imagined. The challenge was to develop new narratives that speak to issues that are fundamental to Africa’s development in a way that is unconventional but true to our past traditions of folktale and oral storytelling. The stories needed to contain life lessons that are relevant for both young and old, however writers were invited to be as inventive and disruptive as they wished in terms of theme, form, language, characters, imagery and context. The ten winning stories are refreshingly imaginative and tackle a mix of issues. We criss-cross from South Sudan to South Africa, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and Zambia. Some stories offer valuable moral lessons on greed and pride; others celebrate bravery, perseverance and friendship. One story takes us to a real archaeological site in Niger where a young girl imagines the future. In another, African water spirits share a world with a Beyoncé-obsessed teen that is taught a big lesson in humility. We have also included two additional stories, one by author and publishing partner Zukiswa Wanner and another by the editor of the anthology, Maimouna Jallow. One thing that they all have in common is that they speak to issues we face globally today, from an African perspective.

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        Children's & YA

        Daddy Has A Secret

        by Avianti Armand

        My daddy has a secret. His secret was in the form of little men, locked in a box in the middle of a dark room. Sometimes, the little men disturb my father, until Father has to run away. I want to help Father, I'm going to. But how?

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        Children's & YA

        Ayélévi's Secret

        by Simon de Saint-Dzokotoe, Maryse Montron

        Little Ayélévi is very cunning. She always wins at the game of "Who would win the most beautiful flower." This situation intrigued his brother who wanted to understand the secret of these repeated successes. Ayélévi is very clever; will it still be for a long time?

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        Children's & YA

        He and I. A Story Without Secrets About Boys

        by Yulia Smal (Author), Anna Oliynyk (Illustrator)

        A time comes when every child starts wondering about their body, asking their parents “awkward” questions. In this book, children and their parents, together with a curious boy named Max, will learn about the boys’ private parts and about the right way to treat one’s privacy and intimacy, about hygiene and safety, about illnesses and self-care, and, most importantly, about good behavior and respect. The book approaches the subject in an interesting and fun way, and is beautifully illustrated by Anna Oliynyk.   From 3 to 12 years, 7681 words Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA

        Siete cuervos y ocho cuentos (Seven crows and eight tales)

        by Jairo Buitrago, Juan Camilo Mayorga

        Seven Crows & Eight Stories gathers together, as its title says, eight stories in which children are protagonists: intelligent children; some mischievous, some rogue, some disobedient; and if there is a common characteristic, it is all naivety. Buitrago has the virtue of understanding very well the world of children and of speaking to them equally. The fears, the joys of children, are well known by the author and proof of this are his texts, where he depicts a very original representation of childhood and reality. These stories about everyday life are very humorous and will make more than one reader finish with a smile. The illustrations of Mayorga, of free stroke and, therefore, very expressive, show us the different scenarios and characters that make up that universe created by Buitrago.

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        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys

        by Le Fan, Duan Zhang Qu Yi

        There is a pervading idea, both in the east and west, that "big boys don't cry". To reach some cultural ideal of a "real man", boys are too often pushed to be tough and stoic and suppress their emotions. The Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys challenges this old tradition. Of course boys cry, and we should let them cry!   The series contains five books. I Want to Cry encourages boys to express their vulnerable feelings in appropriate ways. I Don't Want to Hit Back encourages boys to follow their hearts and stick up for themselves in the way they like. I am a Coward talks about self-acceptance. I Don't Want to be a Big Brother is for boys experiencing issues with new siblings. I Didn't Hear You talks about protecting boys' own little worlds.   All five stories came from author Le Fan's real experiences of raising two sons as a mother. While the books are certainly children's books, they could even be viewed as parent handbooks of sorts. The author has written their parents and other adults in little boys' eyes, and calls for parents and society to raise boys differently and understandingly so they can grow in positive, healthy ways.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        The Official Record

        Oversight, national security and democracy

        by Peter Finn, Robert Ledger

        The construction, control and preservation of the Official Record is inherently contested. Those seeking greater openness and (democratic) accountability argue 'sunlight is [...] the best of disinfectants', while others seek stricter information control because, to their mind, sound government arises when advice and policy are formulated secretly. This edited volume explores the intersection of the Official Record, oversight, national security and democracy. Through US, UK and Canadian case studies, this volume will benefit higher level undergraduate readers and above to explore the Official Record in the context of the national security operations of democratic states. All chapters are research-based pieces of original writing that feature a document appendix containing primary documents (often excerpts) that are key to a chapter's narrative. As a result, this book interrogates the boundaries between national security, accountability, oversight, and the Official Record.

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        Fun Coloring Sticker Book for Babies

        by Green Books

        Fun Coloring Sticker Book for Babies consists of stickers and coloring. It guides children to use hands and brains simultaneously, and stimulates children's unlimited potential with multidirectional play. It's specially designed for children aged 2-5. Children can not only play stickers, but also paint in the process of reading. The figures are cute and colorful, enabling children to easily recognize the common things around and improve the ability of visual discernment and concentration, making babies’ early education enlightenment more diversified and intelligent!

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