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      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2020

        Shadows of the past

        by Miguel Ángel Puente

        Son of an Iranian father and a Spanish mother, Fa’iq Shabazz is a child from Cadiz who suddenly sees his pleasant existence shocked by his parents harrowing death. This fact completely transforms his life and conditions his future forever. Forced to leave for Iran, where he will be taken care of by his paternal uncle, the new reality he will have to live shapes a personality completely different from that of the child he once was. His anger dominates his mind and body, and numb to the suffering of others, he quickly throws away every stage of his life in the middle of the Iranian army and ends up being one of the most lethal secret agents the world has known. Fed up of obeying other’s orders and taking a decision as little meditated as rash, which almost costs his life, he decides to become a soldier of fortune to end up being the organizer of the biggest terrorist attack in history: the 11-S attack. Back in Spain and after a severe disease, he’s taken care of by an old Spanish priest and university professor who shapes a person totally different from the former one. However, little after getting married, his past comes back haunting him, revealing little by little a surprising scenario full of spurious plots and hidden interests, which has not much to do with the scenario he believed he had lived. Reality and fiction mixed in this exhilarating thriller that aims to unveil some of the mysteries behind the 11-S terrorist attack.

      • Fantasy

        Dan/Ozzy versus De Lack.

        The Rape of the Rath - print

        by James Kilcullen

        Jack De Lack, ambitious EU Transport Commissioner finally gets permission to build his new mega airport to cater for the 719 jet which will carry 1,200 passengers - in Connemara beside Rath Pallas, a fairy fort near the town of Conna. Dan/Ozzy, he of the Little people, and Ulick Joyc, a local member of the Irish Parliament, are determined to preserve the peace and quiet of Connemara. But De Lack is not for turning.

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