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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Alles Bauhaus?

        Eine fantastische Zeitreise mit Mia und Lucas

        by Ingolf Kern / Werner Möller / Kitty Kahane

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Is everything Bauhaus?

        A fantastic journey through time with Mia and Lucas

        by Kern, Ingolf / Illustriert von Kahane, Kitty

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Gefangen in der Titotalitätsmaschine

        Der Bauhäusler Franz Ehrlich

        by Jens-Uwe Fischer, Friedrich von Borries

        Das Funkhaus Nalepastraße, bis 1990 Sitz des Rundfunks der DDR und heute ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel, gilt als sein berühmtestes Werk. Begonnen hatte das bewegte Architektenleben Franz Ehrlichs (1907-1984) am Bauhaus in Dessau. 1937 wurde er als Widerstandskämpfer ins KZ Buchenwald gebracht, wo er das Tor mit der Inschrift »Jedem das Seine« gestalten musste. In der DDR nahm Ehrlichs Karriere Schwung auf – aber sein umfassender Geltungsanspruch kollidierte mit den politischen Leitlinien. Für ihren biographischen Essay begeben sich der Designtheoretiker Friedrich von Borries und der Historiker Jens-Uwe Fischer auf die Spuren eines lange vergessenen Bauhäuslers. Dabei reflektieren sie über die Widersprüche in Ehrlichs Biographie sowie die Ambivalenzen und den Totalitätsanspruch der Moderne.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Das große Beginnergefühl

        Moderne, Zeitgeist, Revolution

        by Robert Misik

        Konventionen zertrümmern, Wahrnehmung revolutionieren, Neues imaginieren – das war der Geist der radikalen Moderne. Bert Brecht sprach vom großen Beginnergefühl. Heute scheint jeder utopische Optimismus verflogen – ist es damit ein für alle Mal vorbei? »Keineswegs!«, hält Robert Misik solchen Abgesängen entgegen. Er unternimmt einen Parforceritt durch 200 Jahre linke Kunst: von Heinrich Heine bis Elfriede Jelinek, von Patti Smith bis Soap & Skin, vom Bauhaus bis zum Gemeindebau. Das Aufbegehren gegen das Überholte und die Revolutionierung der Stile sind auch heute die große Aufgabe der Kunst, genauso wie Exzess und Intensität. »Ändere die Welt, sie braucht es«, sagt Misik mit dem alten BB. Er skizziert ein ästhetisches Programm jenseits von Kommerz, Entertainment und dem ewig schon Dagewesenen.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        Walter Gropius: Das Bauhaus-Gebäude in Dessau

        Von der Idee zur Gestalt

        by Hilpert, Thilo

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2023

        The art of darkness

        by John Robb

      • The Arts

        Bauhaus Women Designers

        History of a silent revolution

        by María Vadillo

        In 1919, Walter Gropius founded the Staatliche Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany): a place for construction. The project was born as a utopian school in which to train, integrating various artistic disciplines through the object and architecture, the new craftsmen that would be demanded for a sweeping beginning of the century. An idea that would evolve into design from its headquarters in Dessau with the famous "art and technology: a new unity". However, the intellectual recognition of the Bauhaus is a fact that historically focused on its male protagonists, forgetting a number of women artists, designers, set designers, painters or architects trained there who contributed decisively to this "revolution", and whose work in the imaginary about the Bauhaus has remained invisible, despite developing their respective careers with an unquestionable international impact. With this work, Marisa Vadillo fills this gap, completing the reality of the school by recounting the outstanding role of these fundamental authors in an unrepeatable episode of twentieth-century art.

      • White City Tel Aviv versus Römerstadt / Dammerstock

        Bauhaus reflections England, France, Romania, Russia, Israel & Germany

        by H.R.Hiegel, Sorin Emilian Ciurariu, Nick Ebbs, Omri Eytan, Daniel Fluhrer, Micha Gross, Alexander Grünenwald, Marcus Gwechenberger, Jeremy Issacharoff, Claudia Korenke, Damian Richter, Natalia Maschtalir, Linda Woodings, Sharon Golan Yaron

        Bauhaus+ 2020  Bauhaus reflections England, France, Romania, Russia, Israel & Germany  Ein kurzer Diskurs zum Thema Bauhaus – a concise discourse on „Bauhaus+“ Frankfurt /Tel Aviv  Karlsruhe Krasnodar London Nancy Nottingham Temeswar © 2020 - mens architecturae (editors / Verlag) and with the authors /und bei den Autoren ISBN  978-3-923222-25-4

      • November 2014

        The Theater of the Bauhaus

        by Edited by Walter Gropius, edited by Arthur S. Wensinger, Oskar Schlemmer

        Classic essays about theater design from Bauhaus masters

      • Children's & YA
        July 2017

        The Colourful Toy Village

        by Horst Michel (Author)

        One cannot say the post-war years were easy. Nevertheless, professor Horst Michel and his working group from the State University for Architecture and Visual Arts in Weimar, today’s Bauhaus University, worked on a life-affirming picture book for young children. Despite staying in half-destroyed work spaces, they managed to create a colourful book with many cheerful characters that resemble simple wooden toys. They tell the story of a hard-working but idyllic village community that was supposed to give people hope for a better future.

      • Society & culture: general
        November 2019

        Mitteldeutsche Geschichte

        Sachsen – Sachsen-Anhalt – Thüringen

        by Raßloff, Steffen

        What unites the three states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia? What separates them? These questions are answered by the historian Steffen Raßloff in his overall account of Central German history. He spans the arch from prehistory and early history to the most recent times. He reports on the kingdom of the Thuringians as well as on the Wettin nobility, which once dominated large parts of the region. The historical diversity of Central Germany is also impressive: from classical Weimar to the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom and the baroque Dresden of Augustus the Strong, a uniquely dense cultural landscape has developed. Numerous impulses emanated from the land of Luther, Bach, Goethe and the Bauhaus and still shape our culture today. In an entertaining way, the author reviews important places, events and personalities of the three countries, gives references to important museums and memorials and reflects today's culture of remembrance.

      • History of art & design styles: from c 1900 -
        January 2017

        Hungarian Art

        Confrontation and Revival in the Modern Movement

        by Éva Forgács

        “I was unable to put down [this book]; one that will be used by those interested in the field for a long time to come.”– Dr. Oliver Botar, Hungarian Cultural Studies   Insightful essays, monographic texts, and rarely-seen images trace from birth to maturation several generations of Hungarian Modernism, from the avant-garde to neo-avant-garde. Éva Forgács corrects long-standing misconceptions about Hungarian art while examining the work and social milieu of dozens of important Hungarian artists. The book also paints a fascinating image of twentieth-century Budapest as a microcosm of the social and political turmoil raging across Europe up to and beyond the collapse of the Soviet Era.

      • The Arts: General Issues
        April 2010

        Artist Teacher

        A Philosophy for Creating and Teaching

        by Daichendt James

        The philosophy of the artist-teacher is not a new phenomenon. In fact, many artists working within the Bauhaus, nineteenth century Schools of Design, and The Basic Design Movement all applied this method of thinking to their teaching. The Artist-Teacher explores the many facets of this methodology, and the various ways art has been taught over the centuries, using several important artist-teachers (George Wallis, Walter Gropius, Richard Hamilton, Hans Hoffman) to illustrate the rich and deep ways artists are able to facilitate learning. The Artist-Teacher will serve as a foundational text for those entering the teaching profession at all levels, in addition to inspiring experienced art teachers in all disciplines.

      • Poetry


        A poetry book written by Enrique Bunbury, focusing on his personal life and microdoses as a form of self-discovery.

        by Enrique Bunbury

        MicroDosis is a diary written during the last two years in which Enrique Bunbury decides to experiment in his conscience the ingestion of microdoses of psilocybin. The genre chosen by the author to narrate this inner journey is poetry. In this way Bunbury consolidates his incursion into literature after the appearance in 2021 of his first collection of poems Exilio Topanga (La Bella Varsovia) adding to the aesthetic features present in that one an atmosphere of psychedelia and a critique of "the mental norm" of the system. MicroDosis is an experiential and intimate book that contemplates the daily routine with eyes that open without hesitation the doors of another perception. Space and time acquire a new depth, just as they do in Krishnamurti's diaries, grafting onto its passages the heritage of the American beat generation, the oneirism of David Lynch and a very filmic plasticity that runs through Los Angeles with a neural network in flames. Taking the words of Vicente Gallego in his prologue: "Of that extinction of oneself in the cosmic amplitude, of those inner journeys where the familiar becomes unacceptable and the prodigious dawns to its prodigality the pages of this book written with his underpants off, but full of affection for everything, including the always vain spectacle of this world, speak to us." Four editions since March 2023 6000 copies sold

      • The Arts
        September 2019

        SHEILA HICKS. Reencounter

        by Carolina Arévalo, Monique Lévi-Strauss, Soledad Hoces de la Guardia, Michel Gauthier

        Reencounter, is the publication of the exhibition presented at the Museo de Arte Precolombino held from August 2019 to January 2020 in Santiago, Chile. The book presents the artist's work that dialogues with contemporary art and the legacy of american indigenous art. As a student of Josef Albers and with an artistic formation based on Bauhaus philosophy, in 1975 Sheila Hicks set out on a trip through South America, from Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego, a fundamental experience in her formation. It was in that journey through the Andes where she learned about textile techniques and ancestral cosmovisions that would change her life and where, inspired by the landscape and architecture of the south of America, she began her own textile artwork.

      • The Arts



        Mies VAN DER ROHE, lights and shadows of the father of the modern architecture.   HISTORICAL SOCIAL BIOGRAPHICAL   During a flight to West Berlin, on the way to the foundation stone ceremony of the National Gallery, famous architect Mies van der Rohe talks about and takes stock of his precarious life with his grandson, Dirk Lohan, also an architect. They reminisce periods of upheaval in the twentieth century, projects, clients, business partners, adversaries, friends and lovers… In short, a life marked by an ambition to build. But above all else, there are piercing memories of one thing that Mies has always kept a secret and cannot forget.     2019 is the 50th anniversary of Mies Van der Rohe death Considered the best architect of the XX century, his private life was far from exemplary Director of the Bauhaus school until its closure under pressure from the Nazi regime His career ambition took him to support Hitler and to abandon his friends and family

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