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        Internet Addiction

        by Daria J. Kuss, Halley M. Pontes

        Internet use is an integral part of our daily lives, but at what point does it become problematic? What are the different kinds of internet addiction? And how can professionals best help clients? This accessible, evidence-based book by leading experts answers these questions by outlining the current assessment and treatment methods for internet addiction. The title includes a 12–15 session treatment plan using group CBT, the method and setting with the best evidence, and printable tools for assessment and treatment.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2019

        Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops

        by Richard E Litz, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Jose Ignacio Hormaza, Stephen W Adkins, Nuria Alburquerque, Maria Luisa Badenes, Luciana Baldoni, Araceli Barceló-Muñoz, Pedro M. Barros, A.T. Basford, Muhammad Ajmal Bashir, Diego Silva Batista, J. Biddle, Manuel Blasco, J. R. Botella, Patrick Brown, Lorenzo Burgos, John E. Carlson, Luis A. Cañas, Elisabeth Carmona, David Chagné, Rekha Chaudhury, Elisabeth Chevreau, V. E. Chhatre, Yelda Özden Çiftçi, C. Claflin, Yuval Cohen, Elena Corredoira, Valerio Cristofori, Niccolò Cultrera, Abhaya Dandekar, Maurecilne Lemes da Silva, Sadanand A. Dhekney, Leo D’Souza, Ofere Francis Emeriewen, Kate Evans, M. Faize, Fábio Gelape Faleiro, Ana Paula Farinha, Vicente Febres, Yolanda Ferradás, Antonio Figueira, Maureen M.M. Fitch, Henryk Flachowsky, M. Foale, Svetlana Y. Folimonova, María Victoria González, Isabel María González-Padilla, Julie Graham, Dennis J. Gray, Magda-Viola Hanke, Smitha Hegde, Jose Ignacio Hormaza, Uma Jaiswal, Nikki Jennings, Hülya Akdemir

        This book covers the biotechnology of all the major fruit and nut species, with persimmon, pomegranate and loquat included for the first time and colour illustrations illustrating the crop species and their wild relatives. Family by family, it details well-established techniques such as protoplast culture, in vitro mutagenesis and ploidy manipulation, but also newer approaches such as genomics, genetic transformation and marker-assisted selection.

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        January 2021

        Alcoholism Sourcebook, 6th Ed.

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Consumer health information about alcohol abuse, addiction, and related health effects, with facts about treatment and recovery. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources.

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        The Five Pillars of Healing

        by Jon Burras

        Return to Nature provides the reader with a profound new model with which to re-claim their lost body and mind. It is a road map to vibrant health and recovery from many modern ailments. This new and profound healing system is based on the laws of nature and five pillars. The Five Pillars of Healing: 1. Recovery of your Mind. 2. Recovery of your Breath. 3. Recovery through Bodywork. 4. Expansive Movement. 5. Natural Recovery from Addictions. Healing is not only possible but it is natural.

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        Intoxicating Drugs

        Known and new psychoactive substances

        by Prof. Dr. Niels Eckstein

        Intoxicating? Intoxicating drugs are as old as mankind itself. Whether herbal or produced synthetically in a laboratory, their variety is almost limitless. And every year, more substances are added to the list. Niels Eckstein, who is a Professor of Drug Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacology and a long-standing expert in the narcotics scene, explores the abysses of the darknet and dealer hell, provides insider information, conducts interviews with dealers and producers, and offers profound insights into the bizarre, parallel world of intoxicating substances. At the same time, the author takes a thorough look at the chemistry of the different substance classes and the neurobiological basis of addiction. He also covers production and assesses the danger and addiction potential of designer drugs, BTM, NPS, medicinal drugs and doping substances. This book outlines the political and sociopolitical dimensions of the use of psychoactive substances, classifies them legally, describes risks, approaches, and help strategies, highlights routes out of drug problems and alternatives to drug prohibition, and comments on the opioid crisis in the United States and the „war on drugs.“ “I don‘t care how it‘s regulated: if he wants it and can pay for it, he gets it. If I get caught, I‘ll go to jail for a few years, whether it‘s for a kilo of coke, meph or testo, it doesn‘t matter.“ – In an interview with a dealer

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        August 2012

        Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan

        by Sabine Rahn, Andrea Offermann, James M. Barrie

        In "Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan" von Sabine Rahn erleben die Geschwister Wendy, John und Michael eine außergewöhnliche Nacht, die ihr Leben für immer verändern wird. Peter Pan, der Junge, der niemals erwachsen wird, und seine treue Gefährtin, die Fee Tinkerbell, erscheinen in ihrem Kinderzimmer und lehren sie das Fliegen. Gemeinsam begeben sie sich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise ins magische Nimmerland, einem Ort, an dem die Fantasie keine Grenzen kennt. Dort treffen sie auf Meerjungfrauen, Indianer und stellen sich der Bedrohung durch den berüchtigten Piraten Captain Hook. Sabine Rahns Neuinterpretation des zeitlosen Klassikers von J.M. Barrie macht diese fantastische Geschichte zugänglich für jüngere Zuhörer, ohne dabei den Zauber und die Spannung des Originals zu verlieren.Die wundervollen Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann ergänzen die erzählte Geschichte perfekt und fangen die Atmosphäre von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner eindrucksvoll ein. Durch die kindgerechte Aufbereitung und die lebhaften Bilder wird "Peter Pan" zu einem idealen Vorlesebuch, das Kinder in die Welt der Fantasie entführt und gleichzeitig wichtige Themen wie Freundschaft, Mut und das Heranwachsen behandelt. Sabine Rahn gelingt es, die Abenteuer von Peter Pan und seinen Freunden so zu erzählen, dass sie junge Zuhörer fesseln und inspirieren. Zeitloser Klassiker neu erzählt für kleine Zuhörer, macht die Geschichte von Peter Pan zugänglich und verständlich. Lebendige und detailreiche Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann, die die Magie von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner zum Leben erwecken. Kindgerechte Sprache und Aufbereitung, ideal für Vorlesestunden und als Einführung in die Welt der klassischen Literatur. Spannende Abenteuer und wertvolle Lehren über Freundschaft, Mut und das Erwachsenwerden, die Kinder begeistern und zum Nachdenken anregen. Hochwertige Ausgabe, die in keinem Kinderbuchregal fehlen sollte und die zu gemeinsamen Lesemomenten einlädt. Förderung der Fantasie und Kreativität bei Kindern durch die Einführung in die Welt von Peter Pan und Nimmerland. Ideales Geschenk für junge Leser*innen ab 4 Jahren und alle, die die Magie des Vorlesens schätzen.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Disability and the Victorians

        Attitudes, interventions, legacies

        by Iain Hutchison, Martin Atherton, Jaipreet Virdi

        Disability and the Victorians brings together in one collection a range of topics, perspectives and experiences from the Victorian era that present a unique overview of the development and impact of attitudes and interventions towards those with impairments during this time. The collection also considers how the legacies of these actions can be seen to have continued throughout the twentieth century right up to the present day. Subjects addressed include deafness, blindness, language delay, substance dependency, imperialism and the representation of disabled characters in popular fiction. These varied topics illustrate how common themes can be found in how Victorian philanthropists and administrators responded to those under their care. Often character, morality and the chance to be restored to productivity and usefulness overrode medical need and this both influenced and reflected wider societal views of impairment and inability.

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        December 1999


        Bekenntnisse eines unbekehrten Rauschgiftsüchtigen

        by Burroughs, William S. / Deutsch Behrens, Katharina

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        April 2022

        Silent Killers

        How Big Food Risks Our Health

        by Wilfried Bommert, Christina Sartori

        Addiction from the supermarket The most powerful drug cartel of the 21st century sells pizzas, chocolate bars and mixed sweets. The promise: a quick and happy snack at low cost. The truth: this “food” isn’t nutritious, but is addictive and fattening, while bringing bumper profits for the investors. “Big Food” is becoming more powerful, but the costs due to the consequences of obesity now risk overwhelming global healthcare services. Obesity ranks as a killer before smoking or high blood pressure. A direct analysis of a man-made epidemic that is dominated by a few large companies and kept going by multiple profiteers. Their motto: “Teach the world to snack.”

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        January 2015

        Nut-carving of Suzhou

        by Li Xiao

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

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        March 2012


        Leben zwischen Kiez, Koks und Kirche

        by Dreyer, Martin

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        January 2014

        Bin isch Freak, oda was?!

        Geschichten aus einer durchgeknallten Republik

        by Möller, Philipp

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