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Trusted PartnerMay 2004
Das Upasampadavastu
Vorschriften für die buddhistische Mönchsordination im Vinaya der Sarv?stiv?da-Tradition, Sankrit-Version und chinesische Version
by Chung, Jin-il
Trusted PartnerNovember 2002
Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistischen Kanon, Folge 4
Neuentdeckungen und Neueditionen
by Andere Adaption von Chung, Jin-il; Andere Adaption von Wille, Klaus
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Trusted PartnerFictionSeptember 2017
A Vision of Battlements
by Anthony Burgess
by Andrew Biswell, Paul Wake
A Vision of Battlements is the first novel by the writer and composer Anthony Burgess, who was born in Manchester in 1917. Set in Gibraltar during the Second World War, the book follows the fortunes of Richard Ennis, an army sergeant and incipient composer who dreams of composing great music and building a new cultural world after the end of the war. Following the example of his literary hero, James Joyce, Burgess takes the structure of his book from Virgil's Aeneid. The result is, like Joyce's Ulysses, a comic rewriting of a classical epic, whose critique of the Army and the postwar settlement is sharp and assured. The Irwell Edition is the first publication of Burgess's forgotten masterpiece since 1965. This new edition includes an introduction and notes by Andrew Biswell, author of a prize-winning biography of Anthony Burgess.
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Trusted PartnerThe ArtsOctober 2019
The never-ending Brief Encounter
by Brian McFarlane
This is a book for all those who have been absorbed and moved by Brief Encounter in the seventy or so years since its first appearance. It explores the central relationship of the film, where two people who fall unexpectedly in love come to realise that there is more to life than self-gratification. Mores have undoubtedly changed, for better or worse, but that essential moral choice has never lost its power. While acknowledging this, the book goes further in an effort to account for the way the film has passed into the wider culture. People born decades after its first appearance are now adept at picking up references to it, whether a black-and-white scene in a much later film or a passing joke about a bald man in a barber's shop.
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Trusted PartnerDecember 2018
40 weeks of happy pregnancy
by Wang Shanmi
What happens to the pregnant mother's body during 40 weeks of pregnancy? How does the baby grow up? This book will introduce in detail, and propose a comprehensive and practical life guidance program for pregnant women in view of these changes, remind pregnant mothers of the details of life that should be paid attention to, and guide pregnant mothers to eat scientifically and eat healthily. The book also provides a safe and effective pregnancy sports program and a feasible perfect prenatal education program, to help pregnant mothers spend 40 weeks of pregnancy smoothly and happily. In particular, it increases the things that need to be paid attention to when the elderly and the second child are pregnant.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2019
China in the Past 40 Years (1978-2018)
by LI Guangdou
Focusing on the " Reform and Opening-up", the project reviews and reproduces those tremendous achievements made and profound changes and development of society (including social management and governing capacity of the party and government) in China over the past 40 years since the Reform and Opening-up mainly through photos and supplemented by texts. Based on the history of 40 -year Reform and Opening-up and modernization construction, this Book is a comprehensive demonstration of the 40 memorable years since Reform and Opening up under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and shows the substantial achievements of the Reform and Opening-up in promoting China's social progress, economic development, and national strength. Representative photos in the past 40 years are selected and used to trace this magnificent history, with a hope to bring more expectations and reflections on the good life of the new era.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2005
Briefwechsel 1930–1940
by Gretel Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Christoph Gödde, Henri Lonitz
Die Korrespondenz zwischen Gretel Adorno und Walter Benjamin, die 1930 einsetzt, aber erst mit Benjamins Emigration nach Frankreich ihre volle Intensität erreicht, ist nicht nur ein spätes Zeugnis des intellektuellen Berlin der zwanziger Jahre, sondern auch das Dokument einer großen Freundschaft, die unabhängig von der Beziehung Benjamins zu Theodor W. Adorno bestand. Während Benjamin, neben seinen Alltagssorgen, insbesondere über jene Projekte schreibt, an denen er in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens mit Hochdruck gearbeitet hat – vor allem über den »Baudelaire« –, war es Gretel Karplus-Adorno, die mit aller Macht versuchte, Benjamin in der Welt zu halten. Sie drängte ihn zur Emigration, berichtete von Adornos Plänen und Blochs Aufenthaltsorten und hielt so die Verbindung zwischen den alten Berliner Freunden und Bekannten aufrecht. Sie half ihm durch regelmäßige Geldüberweisungen über die schlimmsten Zeiten hinweg und organisierte eine finanzielle Unterstützung aus dem anfänglich noch vom Deutschen Reich unabhängigen Saarland. In New York angekommen, versucht sie mit ihren Beschreibungen der Stadt und der Neuankömmlinge, Benjamin nach Amerika zu locken. Aber Benjamin schreibt im Frühjahr 1940: »Wir müssen sehen, unser Bestes in die Briefe zu legen; denn nichts deutet darauf hin, daß der Augenblick unseres Wiedersehens nahe ist.«
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMay 2000
Colonial India and the making of Empire cinema
Image, ideology and Identity
by Prem Chowdhry
This book examines the empire cinema made in Hollywood and Britain during the turbulent 1930s and 1940s.. It shows how the empire cinema constructed the colonial world, its rationale for doing so, and the manner in which such constructions were received by the colonized people.. Unique approach to the subject cinema and Empire from the perspective of the colonised rather than the coloniser.. Vast amount of original research conducted in India contributing to a fresh perspective.. Multifocal attitude which stretches through media and cultural studies, gender, film, imperial history, nationalism and postcolonialism. ;
Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesDecember 1999
National Farm Survey 1941-43
State Surveillance and the Countryside in England and Wales in the Second World War
by Brian Short, William Foot, Phil Kinsman. Edited by Charles Watkins.
During the Second World War, there was concern as to whether Britain, unable to import food from abroad, would be able to feed the population. Therefore, the National Farm Survey was conducted during 1941-43, and described every farm in England and Wales in great detail. Because of its sensitivity, this material only became publicly available in 1992 after a fifty-year closure period. Information on farming types, cropping and stocking, machinery, employment, farm size and structure, land ownership and farm buildings was provided for all farms which were larger than 5 acres at that time.This book gives an overview of the Survey, and provides the most complete ‘Doomsday’ of British agriculture available, including maps and illustrations of the areas surveyed at that time. It is a unique source for measuring post-war changes in agriculture, environment and society.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2009
The making of the Irish poor law, 1815–43
by Peter Gray
The making of the Irish poor law, 1815-43 examines the debates preceding and surrounding the 1838 act on the nature of Irish poverty and the responsibilities of society towards it. It traces the various campaigns for a poor law from the later eighteenth century. The nature and internal frictions of the great Irish poor inquiry of 1833-36 are analysed, along with the policy recommendations made by its chair, Archbishop Whately. It considers the aims and limitations of the government's measure and the public reaction to it in Ireland and Britain. Finally, it describes the implementation of the Poor Law between 1838 and 1843 under the controversial direction of George Nicholls. It will be of particular importance to those with a serious interest in the history of social welfare, of Irish social thought and politics, and of British governance in Ireland in the early nineteenth century. ;
Trusted PartnerEconomicsNovember 2002
Persistence and Change in Rural Communities
A Fifty Year Follow-up to Six Classic Studies
by Edited by Albert E Luloff, Richard S Krannich
In the 1930s and 1940s the US Department of Agriculture undertook detailed studies of six US rural communities representing various patterns of social and economic change that were affecting rural America. These studies became classics in the literature on rural communities, and for the past half-century have helped to develop major theoretical perspectives in community sociology.Fifty years later the same study areas were revisited by a team of rural sociologists, with the goal of assessing what changes have occurred and what community characteristics have persisted. This book assesses these changes in rural life."This volume is an important addition to the sociological literature on rural communities."Willis Goudy, The Agricultural History Review, 2003