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      • Editora Fiocruz/ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

        Founded in 1993, Editora Fiocruz emerged from the need to make public and expand access to scientific knowledge in subjects regarding health topics, creating a space to give visibility to the results of research. Since its first launch in 1994, it has always aimed to disseminate books on public health, biological and biomedical sciences, clinical research, social and human sciences in health. Today, with more than 25 years of experience, Editora Fiocruz has published more than 450 titles. These publications disseminate not only the academic production of Fiocruz, but also any study of importance and impact for health on a national and international level.

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      • International Monetary Fund

        IMF’s print and digital publications present the research, policy advice, and data on economic and financial sector issues at the global, regional, and country levels.

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      • Philosophy
        January 2015

        Saving Monotheism

        Why the most cruel despotic wars burst out in monotheistic societies

        by Prof. Mordechai Rotenberg

        In his new book Saving Monotheism, Prof. Rotenberg claims that the answer to the existential question` why the most cruel despotic wars burst out in monotheistic societies, may be found in the fatal distortion of this divine idea which was supposed to unite the believers in one god. Accordingly. Rotenberg divides the world into masculine “raping missionaries” who impose on others their definition of socio-religious norms because They” know what god wants”. However, according to the alternative feminine “conversive” definition of monotheism, people have to seek the invisible god via romantic creative inter human interactions. The feminine romantic model is derived from the biblical story of Ruth the Moabite mother of David’s Kingdom which may be used as a metaphorical pattern for nonviolent social relations. Hence the Ruthian feminine romantic model may disseminate such egalitarian ideas as “my god is your god” and “my people are your people”, because only “women who do not rape” may enhance friendly social relations. For applicable possibilities Rotenberg proposes the “couching” system according to which a potential virtuous in music, sports or a new religion, joins free willingly a romantic training program which is grounded on a dialogic contract between the coach and his novice. The outlined romantic model includes also a new expanded framework for intimacy by rereading the story of the maiden Avishag and the aging King David as an anti phallocentric system for erotic relations. Prof. Mordechai Rotenberg books in English: Author's books in English: Damnation and Deviance: the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Failure, New York: The Free Press, Macmillan 1978. Also published in Japanese, Tokyo: Heibon Sha 1986. New English Edition: New Brunswick, Transaction, 2003. Dialogue with Deviance: The Hasidic Ethic and the Theory of Social Contraction Philadelphia: ISHI Publications 1983. Second edition, University Press of America, 1993. Also published in Portuguese, Brazil, Imago Press, 1999. Hasidic Psychology: Making Space for Others, New Brunswick: Transaction, 2003. Re-Biographing and Deviance: Psychotherapeutic Narrativism and the Midrash New York: Praeger Publishers, 1987. Dia-Logo Therapy: Psychonarration and “PaRDeS” New York: Praeger Publishers, 1991. The “Yetzer”: A Kabbalistic Psychology of Eroticism and Human Sexuality, Northvale: Jason Aronson Inc., 1997. The Trance of Terror: Psycho-religious Funda-MENTALISM, Jerusalem: Rubin Mass Pub. 2006.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2019

        Enseñemos paz, aprendamos paz: la pedagogía al servicio de la cohesión social

        by Juan David Enciso

        Peace is an idea, an abstract concept, which must be grounded in concrete realities. And building peace involves moving from an initial state, which may or may not be conflict, to a second moment in which people have learned to know, relate, meet, and live together.   This book tries to elaborate on the construction of peace from an educational process, in which individuals learn to recognize themselves as subjects of equal dignity and with the capacity to carry out projects oriented to the common good. Similarly, educational settings, the so-called learning environments, are not confined exclusively to the walls of the classroom or the boundaries of formal education institutions: peace education occurs in any environment in which two or more coincide. people with potential conflicts of interest or collective construction.

      • Musculoskeletal medicine
        March 2013

        Addressing Unmet Needs in Osteoarthritis

        by Johanne Martel-Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Pelletier

        Osteoarthritis, the most prevalent form of arthritis, is a leading cause of chronic disability worldwide and a major public health issue. Here, internationally renowned authors, from multiple specialties, analyze, dissect and provide a comprehensive update on this disease. They address both funda-mental and clinical aspects, including nonpharmacological and current and future pharmacological therapies, as well as the new paradigms for disease management, guidelines, clinical practice and benchmarking. Surgical procedures, in-cluding their risks and benefits, are discussed, as are other dimensions of the disease such as the role of genetic factors and their influence on and clinical relevance to the disease process, biomarkers for diagnosis and alternative medicine. This comprehensive up-to-date overview will interest a wide audience, including physicians, epidemiologists, scientists and graduate students.

      • Photography & photographs
        April 2019

        Oltre lo sguardo

        by Gianmarco Chieregato

        In “Beyond [in]sight”, Gianmarco Chieregato collects a selection of over two hundred portraits -including 17 Oscar Prizes- made since the beginning of his career. Actors, directors, singers, designers. From Michelangelo Antonioni to Steven Spielberg. From Valeria Golino to Penelope Cruz, to name a few examples. What’s beyond their gaze and beyond the photographer’s vision? Each image represent a memory, an emotion, an anecdote. Each photo in the book comes with a small, great story expressing shyness, trust, unexpected situations or lucky shots taken on sets that were sometimes friendly, sometimes incredibles. In the constant search for the next shot, because taking photos is how to collect picture cards: “You always miss one”. And always with a fundamental goal: seizing the subject in its best shape, so that it can really identify itself in the image and enjoy it. It’s not about being superficial. It is just being the opposite: a deed of deep love for those who rely on the photographer’s eye to see themselves.

      • Children's & YA

        Look and Find. Barcelona's Museums

        by Robert García

        1 city, 11 museums, and more than 150 objects to find! Hours of fun for all ages on an amazing visit to the most outstanding museums in Barcelona. From Museu Blau to CosmoCaixa, going through Museu del Disseny, Museu Egipci, La Casa dels Entremesos, MACBA, Museu Marítim, Fundació Joan Miró, Museu de la Música, Fundació Antoni Tàpies or Museu de la Xocolata. Illustrated by Robert Garcia, Gaur Estudio.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        Las profecías de Alcania

        by M.F. Medrano

        After several years of peace, darkness returns to raze with the five kingdoms and only the four Crystals of Hope, prophesied in Alcania, will be able to save Aucaseem from its destruction. The gene of evil has been passed from generation to generation, a powerful force has awakened and is pulling the strings to carry out its plan. Four young warriors, Seglan, Cafflan, Andria and Trehia, must overcome their own fears and face trials they never imagined to fulfill the prophecy and, thus, defeat the eternal enemy of the Empire. Can they do it? Will they find the strength to stop the war?

      • Fiction
        May 2020

        Bellum Cantabricum

        by José Manuel Aparicio

        FINALIST FOR EDHASA HISTORICAL FICTION AWARD 2020 CANTABRIA AGAINST ROMEThe year is 26 a. C. Once again, Roman Empire try to conquer the indomitable Cantabrians and Asturians, hardened warriors that mercilessly defend their impregnable lands.While fortified village of Bergida is being consumed in flames, Sekeios, Autrigon mercenary at the service of Rome, manages to flee to Roman camp after a serious incident with Gayo Antistio Veto, governos of Tarraconense province. Lost in enemy territory, he will be captured by Concan warriors, who will lead him to Aracillum, the Cantabrian resistance bastion.Governor has sworn to hunt him down. Sekeios is alone and he knows his flight means a journey of no return. So, he will have to kneel before the fearful leader Corocotta. If he wants to survive, he first will have to face the hatred and hostility of mountain people; and then, to brutal offensive of princeps Augusto’s legions, whose objective is none other than to take complete control of the Iberian Peninsula. However, between sweats, battles and the hunting of the wolf, he will know the love of Turennia ...Everything is envolved in conflict. A conflict that will test his own convictions and wishes during a battle for the survival of the last free local peoples of Hispania. A war that will change the destiny of the known world and Sekeios’ one. Until the last consequences.A magnificent and fast-paced historical fiction.

      • Fiction
        August 2020

        Dinosaurios en otros planetas


        by Danielle McLaughlin / Ca_teter

        Los relatos que componen este libro poseen esa particular forma de impureza de la que puede surgir la comprensión hacia los otros: ninguno de los personajes maltrechos que habitan estas once historias tiene toda la razón o está totalmente equivocado; ninguna bondad es total aquí, ninguna mezquindad es absoluta. El talento de McLaughlin para hacer surgir los detalles que expresan la ambigua complejidad de la conducta humana convierte estos relatos en poderosas piezas literarias de singular lucidez. «La escritura de McLaughlin es tan atrapante y visual que el lector se mete de lleno en la historia desde el primer párrafo.» Sophie Gorman, Irish Independent «Este libro no es un debut en el sentido usual, es decir, una promesa de grandes cosas por venir. No es necesario preguntar qué hará Danielle McLaughlin luego: ya lo ha hecho. Este libro llegó para quedarse con nosotros por mucho tiempo.» Anne Enright

      • October 2019


        by Various authors

        Fairytale Advent es un libro con 24 historias independientes que se contarán desde el primero de diciembre hasta el día de Navidad. Las historias exploran una amplia gama de temas y están escritas e ilustradas por 28 artistas diferentes. Después de cada cuento hay una actividad para hacer en familia.

      • Travel & Transport
        March 2015

        México y sus estados

        Edición especial

        by Kenia Salgado Sánchez, Leticia Dávila Acosta, Ana María Pérez Rocha

        This work, which aims be an approach to the plurality of our country, an overview of its natural resources, its men and women, of its vast cultural heritage, and the exciting course of its history, It has been structured in thirty-two chapters - one chapter per federal entity. That are presented alphabetically with the desire to provide the reader with easy reference. The chapters begin with a representative image of each region including: the location of the entity on a map of the country and its essential geographic boundaries, followed by a description precise relief, hydrography, climate, flora and fauna. Likewise, a semblance of the emblematic periods is offered of national history and its impact on development of each of the States. This portrait is complemented with the chronology that appears at the bottom of the pages and, that as a timeline, gives an account of the events past and present most important of the different entities. Based on the last population census, the data is presented outstanding demographics, economic and infrastructure. In the section of tourist attractions they converge in a balanced way archaeological zones, museums, historical sites and monuments; crafts, dishes and traditional festivals; beaches, forests, deserts and other places of interest. Close each chapter, with the mention of the names of those who contributed to forging the destiny of each region. Finally, the selection of photographs deserves a special mention made mostly expressly for this edition, that while illustrating and enriching the text, help the reader to reconfigure the various faces of our country.

      • Aprender a pensar en positivo

        ¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite

        by Mariel Mambretti

        In this volume, you will learn about the prodigious qualities of the brain, the powerhouse that governs who we are and, above all, how much we can become. Right now, millions of neurons are working for you, flashing, sending out a constant electrical flow. These tiny cells transmit sensations, desires, feelings, but also orders, attitudes, dispositions. Learning to wield that prodigious force to your advantage is at your fingertips. You can do it. Also, the brain can give answers that no computer has. It is proven that this amazing quality can be educated and increased. Whoever trains his ability to think, who knows how to encourage it and use his wealth of intelligence to the fullest, will have that tool available to geniuses, whose brain is potentially similar to everyone's. To achieve this, here you will find exercises and small challenges that will allow you to face the greatest challenges, those that will undoubtedly lead you to the goal.

      • Literature: history & criticism
        February 2023

        Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales

        by Ramón David León / Daniel León / Julio León

        "Comerse a Venezuela, en 14 platos nacionales", es una selección de 14 biografías culinarias incluidas en la obra original: "Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana", publicada en 1954. La nueva edición: "Geografía de Venezuela: Una experiencia culinaria - Siglo XXI- Limitada Edition", desde su publicación en marzo de 2019, ha sido distinguida en siete categorías por los Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, durante los años 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, y 2023.

      • Fiction
        April 2021


        by Julio Botella

        A book delves into the psychology of victims of child abuse and bullying, in their childhood and in the development of their personality in the future.   A host (un huésped) is also a plant or animal in whose body a parasite is housed. Julio Botella brings this idea to the plane of family psychology. In a family, what is not spoken about, not understood, born from some dark circumstance, creates a broken personality that unconsciously ends up staying in a new member. That is the invisible family heritage that these stories show.   Huéspedes (Hosts) is a book of stories that subtly intersect. The characters go through them coiled in their personality, unaware that they are hosts and transmitters.   The narrator is a conscious voice of this heritage and his writing becomes a kind of exorcism. He takes the reader deep into the characters through very powerful scenes where they face their fears. A father who transfers his frustration to an insecure daughter. Another father with fear of death who takes out his anger in the relationship with the family dog. A child who suffers harassment because he is not recognized by parents who expect something else from him, his own redemption. A grandmother who abducts a granddaughter with her childhood story to feel like an artist again. And all of them tacitly related.   Huéspedes returns to Spanish literature a realism that seeks to unmask social errors that are repeated over time.

      • Historical fiction
        September 2019

        Nigrinus. The condemnation of memory

        by Xavier N. Cervera

        The greatest Roman of his time, Marco Cornelio Nigrino Curiacio Materno, suffers the damnatio memoriae (the condemnation of memory) for posing a threat to Trajan aspirations, the other candidate to Caesar’s chair. Nigrino carved the most brilliant military career of his time, became the most awarded general, was named consul and ruled the Aquitaine, Moesia, and Syria provinces. However, the emperor Nerva is forced to choose Trajan as his successor. The chance of a civil war disappears with a quick movement that leads to the cessation of Nigrino, his forced exile and the prohibition of mentioning his name. Nigrino and his family, from Edeta, fought to keep their memory alive no matter how regardless of the difficulties imposed by those who saw their disgrace as a chance to inherit their influences and great fortune. Historical novel thoroughly set in the 1st century, retrieving the character of one of the most important personalities of our history, forgotten during nearly twenty centuries. The Edetan Marco Cornelio Nigrino, condemned to memory due to his rivalry with Trajan to gain Caesar’s chair.



        by H. A. RIQUELME

        Tres meses después de la batalla de Santa Fe, la Justicia se obsesiona con los bandidos que se atrevieron a desafiar el sistema. El comandante Araya, militar ambicioso y oportunista, será el implacablepersecutor del Flaco, a quien acorrala hasta obligarlo a cumplir un trato a cambio de su libertad. Así es como nuestro forajido se ve enfrentado a una misión que lo cambiará para siempre; dar caza a uno de los personajes más peligrosos del bandidaje rural chileno. Las quebradas y sierras del Maule constituyen un escenario perfecto para una historia de traiciones, persecuciones y decisiones que traerán grandes consecuencias para la vida del hombre sin nombre. Entre tus manos, tienes un western chileno que rescata y revive la historia salvaje e indomable de nuestro país. ¿Estás listo para la aventura?

      • Children's & YA

        The Voices from the Lake

        by Beatriz Esteban

        Ireland, 1997. Bree returns with her mother to the villageof her childhood to escape the pain of her father’s death.But the home they remember isn’t the refuge they hadlonged for: lightbulbs blow for no reason, plunging theminto darkness. Words appear in the mirrors and there’sa supernatural chill in the rooms. Her friend Adamsuggests she has a gift, an ability to detect paranormalpresences. But to Bree, it feels more like a curse. Afterall, we’re all haunted by the invisible ghosts of our ownpasts... it’s just that Bree’s are starting to become visible.“I no longer knew which ghost scared me more: the oneliving under our roof or the one living under our skin. Ihad no idea which one would kill us first.”

      • November 2019

        Bible City

        A guide in which to delve, lose and find oneself in the biblical books

        by Xabier Pikaza Ibarrondo

        BIBLE CITY is infinite, unforeseen, unique, eternal, surprising, inexhaustible, vital. God willing, this biblical adventure will make the reader repeat those impassionedwords of Saint John Chrysostom: «I hold the Scripture in my hands: this is my staff, my safety, my quiet harbour».

      • Fiction
        October 2021

        Borges in Stockholm

        A fiction that dismantles the bad habits of postmodernity.

        by Sonia Dalton

        Winning the Nobel Prize for Literature is the ambition of any self-respecting writer. Especially when he risks the glory of being the first to receive it in his country. After appearing in the favorites lists for several years, it seems that César Aira's time has come to enjoy that moment and that condition.   This fiction narrates the vicissitudes of the writer's journey from Buenos Aires to Stockholm, his dreamy stay in the Nordic city and his return to an Argentina where he is not expected. In the end, the 2024 Nobel Prize for Literature seems to have been awarded to the Eldense writer, with a Galician pedigree, Cesárea Areas.   Through an extensive play on words, this parody tries to dismantle the remnants of postmodernity still in force in the literary and academic worlds. The key is humor, which, in order to be so, cannot fail to be corrosive. Also tenderness, because beneath the greatest ambitions the most insignificant motivations are usually to be found.   It will please whoever manages to laugh, without guilt (or with it), at the most deeply rooted vices on the altars of culture and at the most recalcitrant social stereotypes. In short, whoever wants to take a walk through the nonsense, lift the cobblestones of postmodernity and peek at whatever may be underneath. A new normal?

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