Winning the Nobel Prize for Literature is the ambition of any self-respecting writer. Especially when he risks the glory of being the first to receive it in his country. After appearing in the favorites lists for several years, it seems that César Aira's time has come to enjoy that moment and that condition.
This fiction narrates the vicissitudes of the writer's journey from Buenos Aires to Stockholm, his dreamy stay in the Nordic city and his return to an Argentina where he is not expected. In the end, the 2024 Nobel Prize for Literature seems to have been awarded to the Eldense writer, with a Galician pedigree, Cesárea Areas.
Through an extensive play on words, this parody tries to dismantle the remnants of postmodernity still in force in the literary and academic worlds. The key is humor, which, in order to be so, cannot fail to be corrosive. Also tenderness, because beneath the greatest ambitions the most insignificant motivations are usually to be found.
It will please whoever manages to laugh, without guilt (or with it), at the most deeply rooted vices on the altars of culture and at the most recalcitrant social stereotypes. In short, whoever wants to take a walk through the nonsense, lift the cobblestones of postmodernity and peek at whatever may be underneath. A new normal?
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Author Biography
Sonia Dalton is a collectivist writer, behind whom hides a group of professors, creators and essayists. Borges en Estocolmo is her first novel.
Editorial De Conatus
De Conatus is an independent, fiction and nonfiction publisher focused on contemporary, innovative literature, mostly literary fiction. De Conatus is interested in ambitious writing with new points of view and authors with a unique style.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher De Conatus
- Publication Date October 2021
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9788417375645
- Publication Country or regionSpain
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 15.90 EUR
- Pages161
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleBorges en Estocolmo
- Copyright Year2021
- Dimensions21 x 14 cm
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