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        by ROBERTO LAPID

        Fritz es un joven austríaco que se hace cargo, a sus 19 años, de la fábrica de armas de su padre y llega a poseer una de las fortunas más grandes del planeta. Es rico, excéntrico, poderoso, mujeriego y astuto. Durante la preguerrasus clientes son Mussolini, Hitler y Franco; entre otros. En 1932, al ver la película Éxtasis, en la que la actriz Hedy Kiesler interpreta el primer desnudo total femenino y el primer orgasmo en la pantalla grande, se enamora y se casa con ella. Hedy es una joven bella y superdotada, estudia teatro e ingeniería y tiene una vida plagada de amantes. Se casa con Fritz y viven en su castillo de Salzburgo. Tras una pasión desbordante ella escapa hacia América para triunfar en Hollywood como Hedy Lamarr, la mujer más bella del cine; es, además, la inventora de un sistema de comunicaciones que permite, hoy, la utilización del Wi-Fi, el Bluetooth y el GPS. Novela basada en la historia verdadera de dos personajes extravagantes. Amor, secretos, trampas, espionaje, política, intrigas y pasión se entremezclan en esta historia que viaja desde una Europa en guerra a los Estados Unidos y a la Argentina, y que atrapa al lector desde su primera página.

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • The natural world, country life & pets

        Natural Journey

        An encounter between Arts and Science

        by Josefina Hepp, Vivian Lavin, María José Arce

        “Natural Journey” aims to remove the old-fashioned tension between art and science in order to approach nature’s shapes and colors with astonishment and without being distracted from the main task: to learn from it and listen to its call in the midst of the climate crisis.  Botanical illustration is the art that allows us to enter the world of plants through our senses. But it is also a scientific record that provides botanists and scholars with subtle and precise representations that no technological device can reproduce.  A botanist, an illustrator and a journalist are touched by the journey led by other women who inspired them with their environmental sensitivity and awareness. When reading “Natural Journey”, you will be taken into a pleasant walk through six types of plants whose names take after their identifying characteristics. “Travelers”, some inspire and others move (without legs or wings), “dangerous”, even lethal, colors and characteristics that define them, “deceitful”, traps and camouflages to get what they want, “rebels”, those who dodge the rules, undisciplined, stubborn and defiant, and  “hungry” from the Plant to the Animal Kingdom,  nutrient-capture strategies, “flamboyant”, as emerged from delirium. The book also contains each plant’s data sheet and mapping.

      • Children's & YA

        Panthera Leo

        by Molina, Alicia

        Julia is going through a bad time: her mom and her dad are going to go away for three months to finish their diplomas outside of the country and they have left her aunt Sofía in charge of her, meaning, apart from changing house, she will also have to change school. There Julia will meet every kind of specimens: a protective elephant miss, and an understanding giraffe, some obedient zebras, and a dangerous tigress with whom she will fight against more than once. Julia will have to overcome many obstacles alone, and still, in the middle of it, she will have to find time to visit his very peculiar friend: Panther leo.

      • Fiction
        June 2020

        Drawings of Hiroshima

        by Marcelo Simonetti

        “The sky was covered with grey clouds. The drizzle was lighter than normal, almost pious. The Japanese were advancing through the streets with short, fast steps. Satoru was ahead of them. He pedaled at a good pace. From his bicycle seat, the city revealed itself to his eyes as a sequence of frames. It was strange to be there, in his grandfather's city, and to ride through it as he had probably never done before: on two wheels. Even so, the possibility that the route he was taking would intersect with the routes that his grandfather had taken when he was a child, provoked an intimate emotion in him. Those landscapes were over eighty years old, including an atomic bomb, but it was the land where Ryu Nakata had learned to walk, to speak, to read”. The death of his grandfather, awakens in the young Yasuhiro Nakata the desire to know the family history, especially after finding a letter in which he discovers another side of the old man whose last words were: 'Hiroshima, Hiroshima', warning of the existence of a secret. As a result, Yasuhiro embarks on a journey that will take him from Valparaiso to Hiroshima, where his grandfather emigrated ten years before the atomic disaster. This is the beginning of Drawings of Hiroshima— a charming story that allows readers to follow the protagonist on a journey in which he not only reconnects with his Japanese origins, but also questions his present, his interpersonal relationships and his interest in writing, deepening the unconscious desire to understand the role that he plays in a story that is not his own but yet challenges him directly. With this new release, Marcelo Simonetti addresses issues such as migration and identity, connecting the historic Chilean port of Valparaiso with the memory of the tragedy occured in the Japanese city.

      • Personal & social issues: bullying, violence & abuse (Children's/YA)
        December 2018

        Bajo el paraguas azul

        by Martínez, Elena

        Youth novel about bullying and cyber-bullying in social networks, based on a real fact, with more than 10.000 readers in two years, only in Spain, and international awards for best inspirational novel: Latinos Books award (Los Angeles). A youthful novel that is a reference in Spain.

      • Science fiction

        Psique El eco de la oscuridad

        by Iván R. Sánchez

        Hunted, exhausted, and pushed to the limit of her sanity, Grace faces the weight of her decisions when she receives news that stumps her. She is captured, her allies scatter, and Jack, who had no memory of her, discovers the secrets of the Shadow of the Spirit, his Schattengeist, and embarks on a mission to rescue her. We will know the story of Daniel, a man without a past persecuted by something dark. He will leave a legacy that will unite different moments in history and provide the pieces to understand the complex scenario woven in the history of Grace and her father. Experiments, secret societies, superior abilities and a project from the upper echelons of power that will affect the course of humanity will be revealed through the writings of Nazi scientists, fundamental to the destinies of all the protagonists of this story. In the echo of the darkness the paths of the Psyche intersect, from the corridors of old abandoned hospitals, nightmarish orphanages, calm seas; to epic confrontations in places that harbor terrible conspiracies across the continent.

      • December 2019


        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-0-9 Titel "Cicatrices". Mario Salazar Montero. Novela En un remoto puerto fluvial de la selva húmeda tropical ubicada sobre la franja ecuatorial del planeta tierra, Odín A., hombre joven e internauta primerizo, decide convertirse en un Historiador Universal. Los recursos y medios digitales de los cuales dispone para lograrlo a duras penas le permiten rastrear la azarosa y enrevesada historia del país en donde nació. Descubre sin embargo en el intento la existencia de una inteligencia artificial y de algoritmos. Papelito, mujer joven, víctima sobreviviente de un conflicto armado, forzada a recorrer y enfrentar ese mismo país, guardaespaldas de ocupación, de remate boxeadora e inteligente, resuelve su vida a golpes y le funciona. A contracorriente de creencias heredadas y de raíces africanas en un país de mestizos renegados, ellos dos reclaman lo que les pertenece, se otorgan su derecho a vivir de un recurso natural, el Oro, que otros explotan impunes y abusivos. Su reivindicación es una ofensa grave para otros, se hace merecedora de un escarmiento ejemplar. Su instinto alerta y su inteligencia, combinados, descubren y persiguen una opción temeraria para redimirse que también podría incluir el amor, otro recurso escaso, desde luego si la opción escogida funciona, al menos por un tiempo. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Children's & YA

        Cooper Heroes

        by Marta Álvarez, Iguazel Serón, Medusa Dollmaker

        When the king of Galvania dies, a competionis held for the contenders for the throne. Thegoal? To find a series of magical objects beforethe time is up? The primary rules?1) Participation must be made by teams2) It is forbidden for the objects to be used forself-benefit.But soon, when both rules are broken, it becomescleare that what’s at stake is much more thanthe crown and that a few drops of spilled bloodmight wind up splashing everyone. After all,why compete for a kingdom... when one couldconquer it?

      • Children's & YA


        by Ngügï wa Thiong’o / Illustrations: Antonia Lara

        Ngügi wa Thiong’o (Kenya 1938) is one of today’s leading African writers and has been nominated for the Nobel Prize several times. The story originally aimed to reconnect African children with their language, knowledge and history, in a continent marked by colonialist rule that largely erased their culture. In this sense, its main theme of rescuing the traditional knowledge of dominated cultures, especially their connection with nature, makes this book contain a universal message that goes beyond time and frontiers. In these times of deep social changes this story acquires maximum relevance for the world of children and youth. Njamba Nene and the Flying Bus, originally written in gikuyu and translated into English in 1986, has been specially translated and illustrated for this edition of Planeta Sostenible.

      • 2021

        Operación Primavera

        by Caty Guzmán Rodrigo

        Spring revolution is the first title in the collection, and is related to the importance of preserving the planet. Mane, a curious and imaginative girl like any other, finds a pocket watch that has 17 numbers instead of 12, and only one hand that incessantly dials five numbers. Images of a beautiful, living planet appear from the watch. Mane, her brother and her inseparable friend have in the watch the perfect guide to change the world.

      • Classic fiction (pre c 1945)
        February 2020

        The keys of the dodecahedron

        by Ángel Pajín Álvarez

        In the unstable Spain of 1937, where hates fought cruelly against inequities, a beautiful valley in the foothills of the Peaks of Europe lose their peace and stability to their people’s disgrace. During that cold December with mountain peaks overflowing flawless snow, squadrons of German war airplanes, from the Condor Legion, fly nearly at heads level of the terrified locals. Those engines from hell make their way to bomb the North Area, defended by brave and seasoned miners from Asturias, whose defensive bastions are located on the brink between León and Asturias, under the form of two sound and sturdy bunkers. Yet a terrible day, one of those planes falls (or is knocked down) in the village and its pilot disappears mysteriously… That fact triggers gruesome days of tortures, assaults, and murders carried out by the Luftwaffe soldiers and the Spanish Political-Social Brigade agents sent from the capital. And by a satrap of a fateful memory… in the area. Nevertheless, such sorrow is compensated as through magic: love. The love between the North inhabitants and a beautiful “princess” from that land. It is not until 1964 when a diverse group of young people made up by one Spaniard, two German persons, and one American woman, resident in the precious German town of Freiburg im Breisgrau, decide to go back to the conflict area to puzzle out all pending mysteries. And they certainly do! United by something else than the affection they had to each other and their relationship with some of the tragedy actors, these two couples bring in the positive side to all previous inequity. They do so despite all risks their trip involve and mostly in the final part of the journey. The peace, friendship, and respect between different ethnic, religious, and ideological groups would be the result of so much sacrifice and effort by the members of the new “Legion”, now made up by the noble and peaceful youth of our time.

      • October 1997

        Cara o Sello

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-3-0 Titel “Cara o Sello”. Mario Salazar Montero. Cuentos Cualquiera que sea la forma permitida, obligada o seleccionada por hombres y mujeres como el recurso personal válido disponible para dejar atrás el estigma de una pobreza, heredada o impuesta, esta implica una interacción con una realidad en tiempo presente. En esa realidad suramericana, con sus circunstancias inherentes, existe sin embargo una gama bien diversa, tanto de víctimas como de abusadores. El afán de algunos por equilibrar un déficit de bienestar económico recurriendo al crimen no siempre encuentra la mansedumbre de los abusados. Existe la ley tácita del desquite, a falta de una justicia que merezca su nombre. Estos cuentos intentan desentrañar la esencia de algunos desquites y despojos, sin ánimo de definir estereotipos. De eso ya hay bastante, es difícil quitarselos de encima y no sirven más. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • The Turboskaters I

        The Leyend of the Killer Robot

        by César Fernández García/ Bárbara Balbás /Casandra Balbás

        The first title in a collection that will give people something to talk about. It centres on a group of friends, Dogo, Olivia (Oli to her friends) and Niko, three skateboard lovers known as the Turboskaters. In each book, the protagonists will have a new adventure, each imbued with mystery and lots of action. Dogo, as narrator of the story, offers a naive but fresh outlook on everything he relates. In this first adventure, Dogo, Oli and Niko are excited about the upcoming skate competition in their town, which they hope to win. But something will come along to upset their plans of non-stop practice with no distractions: a strange character who seems to be hiding out in the Cervantes school’s old library, and who corresponds to the description of a bloodthirsty robot whose legend is the talk of the schoolyard.

      • Children's & YA

        Zuma y el cocodrilo sagrado

        by Susanna Isern, Rebeca Luciani

        Along with her friends Bongo and Jackal, Zuma will walk away from the town to get water. What will happen when the night surprises her and she meets a giant crocodile? Legend says that Crocodiles rained down from Heaven after a time of great drought ... A story about the African Mossi tribe. The girls who inhabit the earth are strong, feisty and brave. They are protagonists of adventures and perform important actions.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2020

        Live only

        by Sara Montesinos and Martí Albesa

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        From the Apple to the Screen

        Love, sex and desire in the digital age

        by Marta Roqueta

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2019

        Los vecinos subterráneos

        by Julio Santos

        Series of illustrated children’s books 7 y.o. or older.Over 120 pages of entertainment, adventures, and mystery with color illustrations. ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Txano y mi hermano mellizo se llama Óscar.¿Te acuerdas del meteorito de nuestra primera aventura?Pues el profesor Antonov montó un laboratorio junto al cráter donde lo encontramos y descubrió que habían empezado a ocurrir cosas muy extrañas.Pero lo más alucinante es que nos invitó a pasar unos días allí y acabamos descubriendo la verdadera naturaleza de la piedra verde y del increíble misterio que traía con ella.¿Quieres descubrirlo tú también?

      • Gender studies: women
        June 2012


        by ALMELA BOIX, Margarita; GUZMÁN GARCÍA, Helena; SANFILIPPO, Marina; GARCÍA LORENZO, María Magdalena

        Mujeres a la conquista de espacios es el cuarto libro del Seminario sobre Literatura y Mujer (siglos XX y XXI) y está dedicado a la representación de los espacios físicos y simbólicos de las mujeres. Hasta el siglo XIX, los espacios en la literatura eran simplemente un lugar de paso, una realidad más o menos formal, pero con los cambios sociales y los nuevos enfoques de pensamiento de los siglos XX y XXI, el espacio pasará a ser entendido desde otro punto de vista: ocupar un espacio define nuestro estar en el mundo, conseguir una realidad espacial significa ocupar un lugar en el tiempo, con todo lo que comporta ejercer algún tipo de poder o sufrir alguna pérdida.

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