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      • Roar Publishing Inc.

        Welcome to Roar—where we have been sharing stories of the human spirit for over 20 years. Because we believe that sharing stories unites us all… it connects the dots across generations, boundaries and cultures. Stories reflect our soul—be it in word or song—and in sharing them we understand our collective humanity.

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      • Publishing House Nova Knjiga

        Nova knjiga insists to create good connection between comercial and elite.We pay close attention to all aspects of the publishing business according to the highest standards and criteria always taking care of the high quality of the translation, covers and textblock.Publishing sectors: fiction, non-fiction, classics, children books. Nova knjiga has a network of own bookstores in biggest towns which covers Montenegrin market. Beside the publishing we have great developed network of wholesale and we are main suppliers of the books in Montenegro. We provide to all companies in Montenegro and region easy way to buy all our editions and editions of other publishing houses.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Graphic novels: true stories & non-fiction

        A Brief History of Ukrainian Feminism. Graphic novel

        by Mykola Yabchenko

        Feminism is a living phenomenon, but its history can and should be recorded. A number of serious works on the history of the women's movement and feminism have been published in Ukraine, but it is only recently that the history of Ukrainian feminism appeared in the form of a graphic novel. This book is our humble attempt to try and cover the vast history of Ukrainian feminism on a moderate number of pages. We have mentioned many outstanding personalities, but we have not mentioned even more names, for which we immediately apologise - after all, a lot has happened in 150 years and it’s hard to fit all into a relatively small graphic novel. This book may be of interest to those who have only recently become interested in feminism, as it is a brief introduction to the history of Ukrainian feminism. More experienced readers will be delighted to notice some additional details and stories to what they already know.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2021

        The gothic novel in Ireland, c. 1760–1829

        by Christina Morin

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        September 2013

        The Great Banner of Socialism and the Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics

        by Hailiang GU, Yongkuan LUO

        This book combines history, theory and reality, based on historical process of the Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics; it regards the development history of sinicized Marxist after the reform and opening-up as a main clue; it gives an explanation to the establishment and development of the Chinese characteristic socialism theory system, also its monolithic structure, scientific intension and essential features. This book discusses ideological line and stage of development of the Chinese characteristic socialism theory system; it also analyzes the meaning of theory system in the development history of sinicized Marxist and contemporary development of socialism. This book also gives a comprehensive overview on “the Trend of China” and “the Beijing Consensus”, it gives a definition and an expatiation to development path in Chinese style, establishing an understanding on the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        The road

        by Dimitris Dalakoglou

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        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 2·Young Heros

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2014

        Zedong Mao's Learning Path

        by Zhibin MO

        Zedong Mao said, "My life's biggest hobby is reading books!""A day without a meal is possible, a day without a sleep is possible, but a day without a reading is impossible." Let's review Zedong Mao's learning path!

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 1·Iron Fists

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 3·Turning Iron to Steel

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner

        On the Silk Road

        by Amnon Shamosh

        Amnon Shamosh, who made his name as an author with the well-known family saga “Michel Ezra Safra & Sons” as well as with the dozens of enthralling short stories that appeared in the collections entitled “My Sister the Bride” and “Wheels of the World,” surprises us once again with a novel that is modern, brilliant, and profound. The story revolves around age-old traditions and historical facts that complement one another, mingling in Shamosh’s imagination and impassioning the reader. In the year 1400, the great conqueror Timur Lang arrives in the Syrian city of Haleb (Aram Zoba) and from it sends ten Jewish families of silk dyers into exile, banishing them to Samarkand, capital of Timur’s empire, on the Silk Road. Timur Lang also kidnaps Jewish virgins, sequestering them in his harems. One of the virgins captures the heart of Timur’s son, a man of intellect and creation, who ruled under him. King Elias, “son of the Jewess,” who was raised in the Islamic faith, embarks on a quest to Spain in an effort to get to know and understand the Christian world as well as the Jewish one, which was flourishing in Spain at the time. Elias, seeking an identity and also a bride, finds them in Haleb, city of his maternal forefathers. His young wife came from the Dayan family, with ties to the dynasty of the House of David. The novel moves through three story lines. One is situated in the fifteenth century and centers mainly on the royal family and on the harem in Samarkand. The second occurs at the beginning of the twentieth century, in Jerusalem’s Bokharan Quarter, where immigrants from Bokhara and Haleb are crowded together, and the leaders of the new Jewish immigrant society visit the neighborhood. Story line number three concerns the last decade of the century, with the massive immigration of Soviet Jewry; the story here focuses mainly on the Bokharan immigrants. The spotlight is on Oshi Shauloff Ben-Shaul, born in the Bokharan Quarter, whose mother, of Halev origin, is a descendant of the above-mentioned House of Dayan and has roots in one of the families that were exiled from Haleb to Samarkand. This novel, excitingly erotic yet refined and restrained, has a style that is at once powerful and inspiring – as we have been led to expect from the works of Amnon Shamosh.   Born in Syria in 1929, Amnon Shamosh immigrated to Tel Aviv as a child and later became one of the founding members of Kibbutz Ma'ayan Baruch, where he resides today. A graduate of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, author of both poetry and prose for children and adults, his work has been translated into English, Spanish, and French. Amnon Shamosh is a recipient of the Agnon Prize, named after the celebrated Israeli Nobel Laureate in Literature, the Prime Minister's Prize for Creativity, the President of Israel's Award for Literature, and numerous other literary awards. 288 pages, 14.5X21 cm

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021

        The road to Brexit

        by Ina Habermann

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        Historical fiction

        Roksolana. Union with the Jagiellonians: a historical novel: book. 1

        by Oleksandra Shutko

        The novel covers the events in the life of the Ukrainian Roksolana (Hürrem Sultan) - the wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, which took place in 1540-1551, when she was at the zenith of glory and power. This woman had a significant influence on the policy of the Ottoman Empire. She mediated the Sultan's man to establish good neighborly relations with the Polish Jagiellonian dynasty, Queen Isabella of Hungary, her mother Bona Sforza, and her brother, King Sigismund II of Poland. The novel is based on Roksolana's love and diplomatic correspondence, archival documents, reports of European ambassadors in Istanbul, Ottoman chroniclers, and information from thorough investigations by Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Italian, and American historians. In the novel, not only the events and characters are real, but even their dialogues, which history has preserved to this day.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Michael Winterbottom

        by Brian McFarlane, Deane Williams, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        This is the first book-length study of the most prolific and most critically acclaimed director working in British cinema today. Michael Winterbottom has also established himself, and his company, Revolution Films, as a dynamic force in world cinema. No other British director can claim such an impressive body of work in such a variety of genres, from road movie to literary adaptation, from musical to sex film, to stories of contemporary political significance. The authors of this book use a range of critical approaches to analyse the filmmaker's eclectic interests in cinema and the world at large. With this in mind, the realist elements of such films as Welcome to Sarajevo are examined in the light of a long history of cinema's dealings with realism, as far back as post-war Italian neo-realist filmmaking; whereas Jude and The claim are approached as both literary adaptations (a continuing strand in British cinema history) and examples of other reworked genres (the road movie, the western). This lively study of his work, written in a wholly accessible style, will engage all those who have followed his career as well as those with a wide-ranging interest in British cinema.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel

        Injured minds, ruined lives

        by Deborah Weiss

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel returns madness to a central role in feminist literary criticism through an updated exploration of hysteria, melancholia, and love-madness in novels by Mary Wollstonecraft, Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays, Maria Edgeworth, and Amelia Opie. This book argues that these early Romantic-period novelists revised medical and popular sentimental models for female madness that made inherent female weakness and the aberrant female body responsible for women's mental afflictions. The book explores how the more radical authors-Wollstonecraft, Fenwick and Hays-blamed men and patriarchal structures of control for their characters' hysteria and melancholia, while the more mainstream writers-Edgeworth and Opie-located causality in less gendered and less victimized accounts. Taken as a whole, the book makes a powerful case for focusing on women's mental health in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century literary criticism.

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        Children's & YA

        The Great Silk Road

        by Anvar Mamraimov

        Many years of his life author dedicated to journalism, writer’s work, and documentaries. It is thanks to his efforts that the history and culture of Kazakh nation had become known in many countries of the world. In A. Mamraimov’s book, interesting events in history and secrets kept by the ancient monuments of archaeology and culture open up to the reader. Readers will take a fresh look at the Great Silk Road that connected countries and people.

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        April 2017

        Made In China

        by Zhou Meisen

        This novel focuses on reformation of a Chinese city through struggle and fate of people from three social classes: the leaders, the middle managers, and the common citizens.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 1998

        Neville Chamberlain, appeasement and the British road to war

        by Frank McDonough, Mark Greengrass

        Re-examines the controversial policy of appeasement. The text suggests that the mood of the age in British society served to support appeasement, by analyzing the cluster of military, strategic, imperial and economic forces which served to justify it. The book argues that, when Neville Chamberlain came to power, appeasement was part of a broad consensus in British society to avoid a second world war. It provides an interpretation of Chamberlain's conduct by showing how he used and abused the mood of the age to justify a selfish and ambitious policy which was idealogically prejudiced. Yet, when Hitler entered Prague in March 1939, the public mood changed, and Chamberlain found himself a prisoner of a new mood which forced him to make a tactical and half-hearted attempt to stand up to Hitler for which he had no enthusiasm. ;

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        Who are you?

        by Artem Chekh

        “Who are you?” hears young Tymofyi from Feliks, his friend and foe, torturer and mentor, a man shell-shocked by a faraway war. “Who am I?” asks himself the almost-adult, autobiographical Tymofyi at the end of the novel. The road from the first question to the second is inevitable for any coming of age novel. In the case of Artem Chekh - coming of age in the shadow of repulsive experiences from a foreign war, which suddenly turns out to be only the mind and body’s training in preparation of a war of our own, though we won't find it in this novel. However, we are likely to find all those childish and youthful initiations, through which we all had to fight on our path towards adult lives that turn out to be unlike anything we had imagined.

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