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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        O Redentor do Mundo

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2019

        by Sandra Tamele

        Instantâneos da vida na Europa na voz dos vencedores do Prémio Literário Europeu. Neste segundo volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária, apresentamos cinco contos publicados em 2018 no âmbito do 10º aniversário do Prémio Literário Europeu (EUPL), nomeadamente: ‘The Savior of the World’ do Britânico Adam Foulds, ‘Nebulosa de Ciudad’ da Espanhola Raquel Martinéz-Goméz, ‘Le Lotissement’ da Francesa Emmanuelle Pagano, ‘Eine Ankunft’ da Austríaca Christina Schutti e ‘Apnea’ do Italiano Lorenzo Amurri. Junto com outros três contos posteriormente publicados numa colectânea exclusiva para os vencedores do EUPL. As estórias de ‘Redentor do Mundo’ propõem ao leitor instantâneos sobre a vida na Europa na perspectiva de uma crítica de arte que entre questionamentos sobre a autoria de um quadro lança críticas políticas e sociais; na perspectiva de uma jovem que assiste às mudanças no seu bairro; na perspectiva de uma mulher que está sempre de chegada a cidades europeias; e na perspectiva de um jovem que se vê subitamente tetraplégico num acidente. Lançado em 2015, o concurso e a publicação receberam em 2020 a nomeação entre os três finalistas e uma menção honrosa do Prémio Internacional da Feira do Livro de Londres para Excelência em Iniciativas de Tradução Literária.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        No oco do mundo

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020

        by Sandra Tamele

        Um homem encontra e fica obcecado por um buraco, admirando-o busca conhecer-lhe as origens, implicações e acaba apaixonado. Um conto escrito depois dos ataques ao Charlie Ebdo em França… Uma mulher, frustrada por ter estudado filosofia e estar desempregada, para ter a companhia do marido na vida de dona de casa usa a fachola herdada pelo marido para cortá-lo ao meio e fazê-lo em dois, quatro, oito, até ao infinito com resultados inesperados… A meio de uma noite de luar de jade na China um casal é assaltado em casa, a empregada doméstica atada, a mulher, uma cabeleireira, abusada, o homem, sarado e cinturão negro de kung fu não reage e deixa os ladrões escaparem. A polícia investiga, estará a empregada envolvida? Porque não reagiu ele?... As peripécias de Akissi e seus amigos quando a mãe manda a menina ao mercado e uma das referências para encontrar o lugar se perde e gatos roubam o peixe que devia levar e as curiosidades próprias da infância numa África sem meninos barrigudos de fome com olhos chorosos e ramelados… Um casal conversa e fica no ar uma ameaça. Terá ele um(a) amante? Ela desconfia? Ele lê nas entrelinhas do diálogo com a mulher ameaças de morte veladas e trata de certificar-se de não haver armas em casa, partindo até a bengala que usa para se apoiar…

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Fanta Groselha

        by Makena Onjerika

        Fanta Groselha da autoria de Makena Onjerika é um retrato sombrio dos sem-abrigo e da vida dos meninos de rua em Nairobi. O conto centra-se em Meri, cuja história é contada por um coro de narradoras sem rosto e sem nome que são também suas consortes. Navegam pela vida sem rumo certo a pedir esmolas, a roubar aos peões, a esquivar-se às autoridades, a venderem o corpo. Fanta Groselha é um conto cativante pela sua coragem, humor e inventividade linguística. O seu forte sentido de lugar faz com que seja uma experiência de leitura imersiva e gratificante.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        The importance of enhance Vital energy and blood

        by Wu Zhongchao

        The central point health specialist Wu Zhongchao wrote 50 common health problems and 1000 ways of enhancing vital energy and blood.     内容简介 中央保健会诊专家吴中朝先生,专门写给千万气血亏虚者的“补气血”方案。50种常见身体问题,1000种补气血方法!轻松改善手脚冰凉、精神不振、失眠健忘、便秘等健康问题。

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Ponto de Ruptura

        by Olufunke Ogundimu

        Olufunke Ogundimu explora neste potente conto a sua escrita afrofuturista, num 2087 aterradoramente próximo, quando tudo muda, menos a barreira entre quem tem e quem não tem. Onde os pobres ficaram do lado fora de onde é fácil negar a realidade, num mundo distorcido de quem acredita que mudança climática é fake news. Até o planeta terra atingir o ponto de ruptura e mover as areias dos grandes desertos arrasando fronteiras nacionais, cidades, assoreando rios e oceanos impondo novas formas de viver aos humanos.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Renewable Energy, Revised Edition

        Sources and Methods

        by Anne Maczulak, Ph.D.

        It is difficult to identify a defining moment that turned the tide toward less-polluting energy sources, but most people today have a fresh outlook on the environment and realize the importance of conservation. In recent years, a new community of people who want alternative energies for their cars, public vehicles, and houses has emerged. Renewable Energy, Revised Edition reviews the current status of technologies in renewable energy, a critical subject since the world now increases its energy consumption between 1 to 3 percent each year. Covering the current rate of energy consumption and the consequences of continuing this rate, this updated eBook explains how the main conventional forms of energy—including coal, oil, and gas—contribute to economies. The focus of this full-color eBook is the remarkable diversity of ideas that are born every day in the field of alternative energy. Chapters include: Earth's Energy Sources Recycling Gasoline Alternative Vehicles Biorefineries Innovations in Clean Energy Green Building Design Energy from Solid Biomass.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Os escritores de cartas à mão armada

        by Olufunke Ogundimu

        Os escritores de cartas à mão armada da autoria de Olufunke Ogundimu é uma estória sobre uma comunidade nigeriana que recebe cartas de assaltantes à mão armada a anunciar a sua chegada e uma lista de pertences que tencionam levar. Os assaltantes também enviam cópias destas cartas à polícia, aconselhando as suas potenciais vítimas a não se incomodarem. Usando o pronome colectivo "nós" para implicar uma voz narrativa coroada, Ogundimu retrata efectivamente, com um sentido de humor peculiar, a confusão colectiva e a determinação de civis indefesos e o estado lamentável do policiamento no país.

      • Trusted Partner

        Energy Future

        Fosils and Beyond

        by Moty Kuperberg

        We cannot survive in a world where oil is $200 per barrel and where prices are dictated by a cartel and influenced by Wall Street. The free industrialized world, the glorious oil industry, and developed and developing countries have all fallen victim to greedy oil price crises. The worst year was 2008; our energy security, which the IEA defines as the “uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price,” was harmed. Yet the average price of crude oil in 2010–2014 was over $100 per barrel, only to sharply decline to $56 by the end of 2014, followed by a struggle to reach $50—a price which is considered "acceptable" by the industry. Energy Future puts the oil and gas industry’s past and present in context in order to introduce an alternative future. This future is based on three main pillars defined by the author as ENERGY GPS: geopolitics = accessible, prices = affordable, and supply = available.   Moty Kuperberg is a graduate of the department of Middle Eastern history at the University of Haifa (1984), and he holds a postgraduate degree in business administration and shipping from the City of London Polytechnic (1988). He has over twenty years of experience in shipping and energy, and during the last five years he has focused on his Independent Energy Security Agency ( as a platform for improved global security of supply. An English-language eBook edition has been scheduled for fall  2017 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc.,CA.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Involução e outros contos para um mundo em crise

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020

        by Sandra Tamele

        Neste terceiro volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária, apresentamos seis contos publicados entre 2017 e 2019 no âmbito do Caine Prize for African Writing e da colectânea New Short Fiction from Africa: ‘Involução’ da autoria da sul-africana Stacy Hardy que aborda abertamente a sexualidade da mulher, também preocupações sociais e políticas, faz alusão a questões como a degradação ambiental, o colonialismo e direitos da mulher, ancorados numa teatralidade conceptual necessária para que o conto não se torne efémero e engaje o sentido de humor do leitor para o aproximar da mente aberta de Hardy. ‘A heroína misteriosa’ ou ‘Mavbanelo na mayi’ em Bitonga, é da autoria da Tanzaniana Lydia Kasese. Ela escreve sobre as expectativas e pressões sociais que levam as mulheres a desejarem concertar tudo. Neste conto Kasese traz destramente à luz questões sobre o abuso de menores e o seu impacto sobre as famílias na Tanzânia e, não só. Alinafe Malonje estreou-se nesta colectânea da Short Story Day com o conto ‘Manutenção de Rotina’, um registo metafísico de um hotel: parte alegoria, parte meditação com um subtil comentário sobre o que significa ser mulher no Malawi. Natasha Omokhodion-Kalulu Banda cria um fabuloso hotel de fantasia que contém realidades sinistras, construindo um persuasivo mundo alternativo. Tariro Ndoro em ‘A lenda das duas irmãs’, ou ‘Xihitana xa vamakwavu na makwavu’ em Changana, traz uma abordagem arrepiante dos perigos da saudade, onde a busca por uma irmã num hotel de luxo em Victoria Falls tem um fim fantasmagórico. Mampianina Randria nos apresenta em ‘O Gatilho’, ou ‘Niyódeké sê xidúvúlá’ em Changana, um conto com um ritmo cerrado e um desfecho totalmente inesperado onde uma mulher que lida com as frustrações de quem entra na vida adulta.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        As sete por quatro

        Colectânea de contos alusivos ao 7 de Abril, Dia da Mulher Moçambicana

        by Sandra Tamele

        Esta colecção alusiva ao 7 de Abril, Dia da Mulher Moçambicana, traz sete contos em quatro línguas Moçambicanas, Português, Macua, Sena e Changana. Os contos são breves e propõem ao leitor uma viagem ao universo feminino, desde o conto infanto-juvenil ao conto erótico apresentando sete autoras debutantes no estilo. As estórias trazem vislumbres da resiliência, dos sonhos e da luxúria, explorando a criatividade no feminino as suas estórias em sete vozes: Serena de Nizete Cassamo Eu tenho um sonho de Deizy Joane Inkosazana Indira Mangaza de Larsan Mendes Delírios de um fim próximo de Kaya M A farsa de Denise Mangue O desconhecido na feira de verão de E. D. Barbosa O menino e a velhinha das flores de Samira Weng

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Energy of Matter, Revised Edition

        by Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.

        Energy of Matter, Revised Edition presents the most important intellectual achievements and technical developments that led people to use matter's energy content more efficiently. Supported by full-color illustrations, this updated reference describes the transformation of matter into energy and vice versa. This reference emphasizes the historical context in which major energy development milestones occurred. Energy of Matter, Revised Edition has been designed to help any student or teacher with an interest in the energy mysteries of matter, the relationship between matter and energy, how scientists measure and characterize energy, and how the knowledge and use of energy shaped the course of human civilization. Chapters include: Understanding Energy The Big Bang—Source of All Energy and Matter The Energy of Motion Discovering the Nature of Heat Thermodynamics Harvesting Energy Locked in Fossil Fuels Manipulating Matter's Electromagnetic Properties Discovering Equivalence of Energy and Matter Renewable Energy Resources Hydrogen—The Fuel of Tomorrow.

      • Trusted Partner
        Dietetics & nutrition
        May 2009

        Peptides in Energy Balance and Obesity

        by G Frühbeck

        Obesity is one of the most relevant public health concerns today and it is now evident that body weight control is achieved through highly integrated physiological interactions like nutrient selection as well as being influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Moreover, energy balance regulation is a complex process aimed at maintaining constant energy stores. Presenting a detailed and comprehensive account of the roles of specific peptides in energy balance, food intake control and co-morbidities, this review provides a better understanding of the patho-physiology of energy balance and obesity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        July 2005

        Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy

        by Edited by Joe Outlaw, Keith Collins, James Duffield

        Recent concerns about energy security in the US have drawn greater attention to agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Agriculturally-derived energy sources such as ethanol, biodiesel, biomass, and windpower presently supply between 0.3% and 0.5% of the energy consumed in the US. Organized into two parts, the first section of this book examines agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy, the integration of biomass energy into the US energy systems, a policy overview, and outlooks for energy production and consumption. The second section is a compendium of current research including the economic viability of ethanol and biodiesel; energy conservation and efficiency in agriculture; new methods and technologies; and environmental impacts and considerations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        December 1993

        Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants

        by Edited by Geoffrey Alderman

        This book is an officially authorised advisory manual that implements the recommendations on the energy and protein requirements of cattle, sheep and goats made by the AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients (TCORN) since its establishment in 1982. TCORN has produced a series of numbered reports including No. 5 in 1990 on ‘Nutrient Requirements on Ruminant Animals: Energy’ and in 1992, No. 9 ‘Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Animals: Protein’. The former recommended, with only minor modifications, the adoption of the AFRC’s 1980 Technical Review’s full recommendations on energy requirements of ruminants, while the latter recommended the adoption of a protein system based on Metabolisable Protein as the unit. Opportunity has been taken to include material from TCORN Report No. 8, 1991 on the ‘Voluntary Intake of Silage by Cattle’ and from an unpublished TCORN Report on the ‘Nutrition of Goats’. The current volume presents these recommendations in a practical form designed for use by advisors, farmers, lecturers, research workers and students concerned with the nutrition of ruminant animals. The manual includes 45 tables of requirements (incorporating agreed safety margins) and 29 example diets.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        African cities and collaborative futures

        Urban platforms and metropolitan logistics

        by Michael Keith, Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos, Susan Parnell

        This groundbreaking volume brings together scholars from across the globe to discuss the infrastructure, energy, housing, safety and sustainability of African cities, as seen through local narratives of residents. Drawing on a variety of fields and extensive first-hand research, the contributions offer a fresh perspective on some of the most pressing issues confronting urban Africa in the twenty-first century. At a time when the future of the region as a whole will be determined in large part by its cities, the implications of these developments are profound. With case studies from cities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania, this volume explores how the rapid growth of African cities is reconfiguring the relationship between urban social life and its built forms. While the most visible transformations in cities today can be seen as infrastructural, these manifestations are cultural as well as material, reflecting the different ways in which the city is rationalised, economised and governed. How can we 'see like a city' in twenty-first-century Africa, understanding the urban present to shape its future? This is the central question posed throughout this volume, with a practical focus on how academics, local decision makers and international practitioners can collaborate to meet the challenge of rapid growth, environmental pressures and resource gaps.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        The Last Love

        by Can Xue

        This novel by Can Xue presents a whole range of characters with strong personality, such as Joe, Maria, Vincent, Lisa, Reagan and Ida. They are full of vitality and are accordingly unsatisfied with their present status. They actively explore unknown field of life and firmly embark on the journey of spiritual exploration. The novel focuses the complicated and intertwining relationship between husbands, wives and lovers to uncover the hidden inner desire of each character. Boiling wild nature and advanced civilization collide with each other before they finally become one unity. For the readers, entering the world of these characters is like entering their own inner world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        March 1998

        Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals

        by Edited by Kelvin J McCracken, E F Unsworth, A R G Wylie

        The Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals, held in Northern Ireland in September 1997 comprises 85 original contributions by leading scientists from over 20 countries around the world. In keeping with previous Symposia in the series, held under the auspices of the European Association for Animal Production, this book contains papers which provide the latest research on the energy metabolism and other aspects of the physiology of a wide variety of farmed animals. Highlights include a comprehensive review of the current state of research on leptins and their potential applications in animal production, and a large section relating to organ and tissue metabolism, with major contributions from the USA, UK, France, Germany and Denmark. An important strength of the book is the diversity of species covered. For example, the sections on modelling and feed evaluation relate to pigs, sows, broiler chickens, laying hens, turkeys, lambs, beef and dairy cattle and fish. There are also substantial contributions on lactation and reproduction, growth, environmental aspects and maintenance. This book is essential reading for research workers in animal science, particularly those concerned with nutrition and feed evaluation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        September 2019

        Eu não tenho medo

        by Niccolò Ammaniti

        The hottest summer of the century. Four houses lost among the wheat fields. The big ones are locked in the house. Six children, on their bicycles, venture into the burning and abandoned countryside. In the middle of that sea of ears hides a frightening secret, a secret that will change forever the life of one of them, Michele, a 9-year-old boy. The story is set in the torrid summer of 1978, in the countryside of an unidentified southern Italy, but evoked with rare descriptive force. In this landscape dominated by the contrast between the blinding light of the sun and the darkness of the night, Ammaniti alternates, with wise narrative moments, comedy, the world of children's relationships, the language and the burlesque wisdom of children, their tenacity, the strength of friendship and the drama of betrayal. And at the same time he sketches an unforgettable display of adult characters. A novel of self-discovery through the most extreme risk and the need to face it, Io non ho paura becomes a poignant farewell to the age of play and amazement, to the magical energy that makes us fight monsters. And it insinuates itself under the skin of all of us, like a light stab in the chest.

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