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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2017

        It Is the Old Time that Brings Us Joy

        by Bai Hua

        This is a poetry collection of Bai Hua. It contains most representative works during 35 years of the poet’s creation. Bai Hua is one of the most excellent lyric poets in contemporary China. From the year 1979, he started poetry, essay, and critic writing, as well as translation of British and American literature.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Poetry about Yongzhou

        by Liu Aicai

        The lyric poetry describes and praises Yongzhou, a city of Hunan province that is noted for its profound history and breathtaking landscape. The book combines poems composed by the author and various pictures to lead readers to appreciate the beauty of Yongzhou.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Blossoms Like Fire and Loneliness: Selected Poems and Paintings of Gu Cheng

        by Gu Cheng

        The writings and paintings were compiled by Gu Cheng’s sister Gu Xiang. 80 lyrics and dozens of pictures were selected. Two essays on poetry were also included in this book, which confessed personal writing and life in summary, expressed the original opinions about Chinese literary tradition, and disclosed the secret association between the author himself and the literary history.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Language training for small moderators

        Children's Language Art Series Textbook

        by Guangzhou Aiyi Education and Training Institution

        This book is an extension of the "Children's Language Art Series Teaching Material-Language Skills Training for Little Hosts". Pinyin is added to facilitate learning and teaching. The teaching method is also more suitable for preschool children, through language training to exercise children's language expression ability. The book consists of two parts: basic knowledge and performance. Full color printing. The book core paper is 80 grams of Monken, which does not hurt the eyes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2002

        The Etruscan language

        An Introduction

        by Giuliano Bonfante, Larissa Bonfante

        A revised, updated and expanded edition of the first concise introduction to the study of the Etruscan language in English. The standard historical reference and a popular textbook for students of languages, linguistics, ancient civilization and Etruscan studies. Provides the best collection of Etruscan inscriptions and texts currently in print. A substantial archeological introduction sets language and inscriptions in their historical, geographical and cultural context. The overview of Etruscan grammar, the glossary and chapters on mythological figures all incorporate the latest scholarship and innovative discoveries. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Happy Moutain, Happy Water and Happy Life

        by Gao Juhai

        This selection is titled Mr. Gao Juhai’s personal work collection, divided into chapters such as Five Mountains Travel, Five Historic Buildings, Six Great Passes, Four Great Plateaus, Three Plains, etc. It contains more than 600 poems, lyrics, and music, with nature There are landscapes, cultural and historical sites, there are famous places of interest at home and abroad, there are online concerts, there are congratulatory messages, and there are life insights, rich content, and full of luxuries.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Words Kill

        by David Myles Robinson

        Famed reporter Russell Blaze is dead. It may have been an accident, but then again, it may have been murder. Russ' son Cody finds Russ's unfinished memoir for clues as to what may have happened. The opening words are: On the night of October 16, 1968, I uttered a sentence that would haunt me for the rest of my life. The sentence was, "Someone should kill that motherf***er.As Cody delves into the memoir, a window opens into a tragic past and thrusts the still-burning embers of another time's radical violence into the political reality of the present. History that once seemed far away becomes a deeply personal immersion for Cody into the storied heyday of Haight-Ashbury: drugs, sex, war protesters, right-wing militias, ground-breaking journalism-and the mysterious Gloria, who wanders into Russ' pad one day just to "crash here for a while until things calm down."Cody discovers aspects of his father's life he never knew, and slowly begins to understand the significance of those words his father spoke in 1968.Words Kill is a story of loss, violence, and racism; love, hate, and discovery. It is a story of then . . . and now.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        Encounters with Living Language

        Surrendering to the Power of Words

        by Christina Donnell, PhD

        A riveting true-life adventure story, this book opens doorways into the hidden depths of human consciousness, revealing pathways to experience our world guided by deep insight. Donnell awakens readers to the intrinsic energy of language, where we can experience its multidimensional transmissions connecting us to the oneness that underlies all Life. Her discoveries, free of spiritual dogma, invites readers to explore how living language impacts dormant places waiting within them to come alive.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies

        There was no Stalin

        by Borys Khersonsky

        Borys Khersonsky is one of Ukraine's leading Russian-speaking poets, winner of numerous international awards. In recent years Khersonsky has written not only in Russian language but also in Ukrainian language as well translated his Russian-language poems into Ukrainian. The collection "There was no Stalin" includes both new poems written in Ukrainian and self-translations from Russian poems made in 2016 and 2017. The themes and stylistics of the poems are typical for the author - surrealist attempts to comprehend the history of totalitarianism, "biographical lyrics", essays on the life in the 50s and 60s of the 20s century. The poems are intertwined with the parallels made to the Middle Ages and biblical motifs. The attentive reader will also find reviews of classical examples of Ukrainian poetry.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Magic Bird

        by Ken Spillman and Malavika PC

        A lone bird hungry for magic pecks at alphabet shapes. It looks through glass windows of book stores and glances at the t-shirts of pedestrians with the hope of solving the mystery hidden behind those letters. Soon, the words become familiar and the bird determinedly starts collecting scraps of paper to build a nest, wanting to hatch its ideas with warmth and nurture them through potential and free imagination. The unusual combination of Ken Spillman’s simple yet eloquent prose and Malavika PC’s inspired images combine in perfect harmony to express the powerful story of The Magic Bird. The bird reminds the reader of the extraordinary components which create something as ordinary as language, and the value of spreading our wings to take stories to others.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        August 2013

        Resounding Words

        by Jin Xing

        The author Jin Xing is an outstanding artist in modern dance. After the transsexual operation in 1995, she has been leading a female life which is totally different from that of the former 28 years. She got married, adopted three children and currently is hosting many popular TV programs. She wins respects and lots of fans. The book, written in incisive words, is about her living principles with challenging thoughts.

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        Sport & leisure industries
        April 1996

        Language of Tourism: A Sociolinguistic Perspective

        by Graham M S Dann

        Languages convey messages, have a heuristic or semantic content, and operate through a conventional system of symbols and codes. In this book, it is shown that tourism, in the act of promotion, as well as in the accounts of its practitioners and clients, has a discourse of its own. The language of tourism is however much more than just a metaphor. Through pictures, brochures and other media, the language of tourism attempts to seduce millions of people into becoming tourists and subsequently to control their attitudes and behaviour. Tourists, in turn, contribute further to this language through the communication of their experiences. This book provides the first sociolinguistic treatment of tourism. It draws on both semiotic analyses of tourism and on the content of promotional material produced by the tourism industry. The author writes in a way that is both rigorous but accessible. Providing a highly original treatment, the book is of interest to all studying tourism from a social science perspective. In addition, it has important implications for tourism marketing and for professionals in the tourism industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Corpus Lexicography: Theory, Method, and Applications

        by Li Junde

        Corpus Lexicology, starting from the lexical turn of language research, discusses the theoretical basis and future research direction of corpus lexicology. The corpus lexicodicon has interdisciplinary features, which discusses the existing problems and solutions while discussing the state of the art in detail. In addition, the author introduces how to develop a corpus-based lexicographic system using computer high-level languages. This book not only can be studied by teachers and students in the field of linguistics and lexicography, but also is a valuable reference book in the field of language engineering such as natural language processing and machine translation.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Read the Password that Understands the Ability of Children's Emotional Language

        by DUAN Rong

        The book is the main line, and learn the results of the predecessors of predecessors. From the topic empirical research perspective, the kindergartens build, implement, and support strategies with the help of the inheritance of children's emotional language expression. In terms of content, the forefront and innovation are emphasized in the integration of professional theory and practice, and more researchers, education managers and early childhood education practitioners are highly paying attention to the healthy development of children's emotions, promoting children's emotions, social development. Help first-line teacher clear emotional language expression ability, understand the design process, organizational strategy and course implementation of emotional language activities, and provide reference and reference to teachers through rich practical cases.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Bread Wolf Learning Language

        by Pi Zhaohui

        The book is divided into three chapters: Breadwolf's Seven Words, The Thief Who Stole Time, and Breadwolf Learns Languages. The stories are short, concise, and humorous.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Spanish cinema 1973–2010

        Auteurism, politics, landscape and memory

        by Maria M. Delgado, Robin Fiddian

        This collection offers a new lens through which to examine Spain's cinema production following the isolation imposed by the Franco regime. The seventeen key films analysed in the volume span a period of 35 years that have been crucial in the development of Spain, Spanish democracy and Spanish cinema. They encompass different genres (horror, thriller, melodrama, social realism, documentary), both popular (Los abrazos rotos/Broken Embraces, Vicky Cristina Barcelona) and more select art house fare (En la ciudad de Sylvia/In the City of Sylvia, El espíritu de la colmena/Spirit of the Beehive) and are made in English (as both first and second language), Basque, Castilian, Catalan and French. Offering an expanded understanding of 'national' cinemas, the volume explores key works by Guillermo del Toro and Lucrecia Martel alongside an examination of the ways in which established auteurs (Almodóvar, José Garci, Carlos Saura) and younger generations of filmmakers (Cesc Gay, Amenábar, Bollaín) have harnessed cinematic language towards a commentary on the nation-state. The result is a bold new study of the ways in which film has created new prisms that have determined how Spain is positioned in the global marketplace.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The language of empire

        Myths and metaphors of popular imperialism, 1880-1918

        by Robert Macdonald

        The debate about the Empire dealt in idealism and morality, and both sides employed the language of feeling, and frequently argued their case in dramatic terms. This book opposes two sides of the Empire, first, as it was presented to the public in Britain, and second, as it was experienced or imagined by its subjects abroad. British imperialism was nurtured by such upper middle-class institutions as the public schools, the wardrooms and officers' messes, and the conservative press. The attitudes of 1916 can best be recovered through a reconstruction of a poetics of popular imperialism. The case-study of Rhodesia demonstrates the almost instant application of myth and sign to a contemporary imperial crisis. Rudyard Kipling was acknowledged throughout the English-speaking world not only as a wonderful teller of stories but as the 'singer of Greater Britain', or, as 'the Laureate of Empire'. In the last two decades of the nineteenth century, the Empire gained a beachhead in the classroom, particularly in the coupling of geography and history. The Island Story underlined that stories of heroic soldiers and 'fights for the flag' were easier for teachers to present to children than lessons in morality, or abstractions about liberty and responsible government. The Education Act of 1870 had created a need for standard readers in schools; readers designed to teach boys and girls to be useful citizens. The Indian Mutiny was the supreme test of the imperial conscience, a measure of the morality of the 'master-nation'.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Confucius' Family Words

        by Huang Dunbin

        This book records the thoughts and words of Confucius and his disciples, and much of its content concerns major historical and cultural events, such as Confucius' travels around the world, his questioning of Laozi, his replies to the ruler of his country, and his discussions on the rituals and music system and history and nature. The Confucius Family Sayings has long been questioned as an apocryphal book, but unearthed documents from the 20th century prove that the book is not apocryphal, although there are traces of later collation and reorganisation. In the study of Confucius' disciples and Confucian family studies, the book has more obvious advantages than the Historical Records; in presenting an overall image of early Confucianism and interpreting the history of the three generations, the book has irreplaceable value. Some scholars believe that the Confucian Family Sayings is of higher value than the Analects of Confucius and is the "first book of Confucianism".

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