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      • Stanford University Press

        Founded in 1892, Stanford University Press publishes 130 books a year across the humanities, social sciences, law, and business. Our books inform scholarly debate, generate global and cross-cultural discussion, and bring timely, peer-reviewed scholarship to the wider reading public. Numerous recent accolades include the Hayek Book Award and an NAACP Image Award nomination, while our authors and their books frequently appear in impactful media outlets such as the New York Times and NPR as well as in leading academic journals. Readers can find SUP titles at physical and online retailers around the world. At the leading edge of both print and digital dissemination of innovative research, with more than 3,000 books currently in print, SUP is a publisher of ideas that matter, books that endure.

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      • OB STARE

        OB STARE is a Spanish publisher specialized in conscious maternity, early childhood education and development that supports knowledge and freedom of choice. We publish inspirational books for a new way of looking, including empowerment, gender equality, self-love and sexual diversity.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Appreciation of Yuefu Songs of the Han Dynasty

        by Unknown

        This book incorporates classics from Yuefu Songs of the Han Dynasty. Notes and appreciations are added to each poem. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the QR code on the page.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Appreciation of the classics from the Yuan Dynasty

        by Unknown

        This book incorporates classic poems from the Yuan Dynasty. Notes and appreciations are added to each poem. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the QR code on the page.

      • Trusted Partner


        A History of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        Capoeira, an original Afro-Brazilian discipline, is not so easily defined due to its numerous facets, as a deadly martial art, an exotic dancing discipline, inspired by an ancient far-away culture.  Nearly four hundred years of slave trade brought to Brazil an envyingly cultural heritage, composed of a continuous influx of different ethnic groups, which, concomitant with the different native, African and European regional expressions and its rich constant geopolitical changes, has produced a singular, colorful and vibrant multicultural and multiethnic society engaged in their new Brazilian identity.  From the XVIII to the XIX century, the harsh conditions with which black slaves were treated led to increasing numbers of slave revolts in the Americas, where escaped slaves forming independent Maroon communities in French, Hispanic, British and the Netherlands Antilles, and the Quilombola communities in Brazil, organized fighting guerrilla wars against the plantation masters and owners, giving rise to campaigns against slavery in Europe and the abolition of slavery in the Americas. Capoeira became the result of Brazil’s own diasporic experience, a branch of a large tree which grew into a unique and complex social art that cannot be dissociated from its historical and anthropological perspectives.  The Amazing History of Capoeira, written by expert Brazilian capoeira Mestre Ricardo Cachorro, unveils the Age of Exploration and the resulted Atlantic slave trade, unfolding African slavery in Europe as early as in the 15th century, much before black slaves were taken to the New World. The enchanting saga of the Akindele family from the beautiful Yoruba kingdom of Adágún L}wá will take you deeply into pre-colonial Africa and to the lands of newly explored Bahia de Todos os Santos in 1531, where the almost sacred history of capoeira began.   From the new findings in Africa to the discoveries in Brazil, this captivating book navigates through the Feitorias and Capitanias – the sugarcane mills of the 17th century – the real and virtually unknown cradle of capoeira. It brings to surface beautiful historic and cultural aspects of the colonial periods with its arts, music and religion, the African melting pot which was formed from the blend of ancient African cultures and the new Afro-Brazilian rural and urban settings and, finally, the old and the modern founders of capoeira.  The Amazing History of Capoeira is a delicious treat for all Capoeira's lovers, practitioners, and instructors who want to know more about this original Afro-Brazilian discipline, as well as students of history, anthropology, art, music, theatre, and related fields – all the way from the academic researcher to the curious history & culture lover.  An English-language edition was  published in fall 2012. 224 pages, 16.5X24 cm with full-color photographs& B/W illustrations. And if it also makes you desire to actually practice the art of capoeira in the roda, you will be most welcome then to read: UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA: Secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2017

        rechtes denken/europa verteidigen/sterben helfen

        by Konstantin Küspert

        In den Theaterstücken von Konstantin Küspert geht es um Fremdenfeindlichkeit (rechtes denken), um die Wertegemeinschaft Europa vor dem Hintergrund seiner kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen (europa verteidigen) oder um den Wert menschlichen Lebens (sterben helfen). Küspert lässt sich leiten von gesellschaftspolitischen und wissenschaftlichen Diskursen und weitläufigen Recherchen und entwickelt daraus mit feinem Humor und schöner Erzählkraft eigenwillige, jeweils unterschiedliche Formensprachen für die zeitgenössische Bühne. sterben helfen ist ein klassisches well-made-play, das die Debatte um Sterbehilfe in eine nahe Zukunft verlegt, in der ein Selbstmord Pflicht ist, sobald eine Erkrankung oder das Alter das Leben als unästhetisch oder zu teuer erscheinen lässt. europa verteidigen ist eine rasante Collage, die historisches Material, Mythologie und Fiktion vereint. rechtes denken schließlich ist die Montage dreier Handlungsstränge – der Gestalt gewordene Hobbes'sche Leviathan, eine deutsche Familie am Mittagstisch, die Liebesgeschichte eines Burschenschafters mit einer Schauspielerin –, die mit viel Irritationspotenzial zu den Ursprüngen von gesellschaftlicher Ausgrenzung und Nationalismus führt. Das politische Theater hat in Konstantin Küspert einen produktiven, unterhaltsamen und provozierenden Vertreter der jungen deutschsprachigen Dramatik. »Küsperts Texte heben sich in der Theaterlandschaft ab, weil sie, bei aller stilistischen Komplexität, auffallend aufrichtig wirken. Es sind Angebote, einen Schritt zurückzutreten, heraus aus dem ewigen Wiederkäuen von Meinungen, die gerade dabei sind, Wissen und Erkenntnis den Rang abzulaufen.« Süddeutsche Zeitung

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017

        Children have an Unknown Power

        by Yongxin ZHU

        In this book, Mr. Yongxin Zhu selects to interpret the celebrated dictums of Montessori which are related to family education. Some of the celebrated dictums point out the importance of children education, some of them reveal the laws of children’s development, and more of them care how to educate children better. This book is of significance to the development of Chinese family education.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023


        by Annalena Küspert, Konstantin Küspert

        Der Reichsbürger – Wilhelm S. wehrt sich in seinem Monolog gegen diese Bezeichnung. Wilhelm S. ist ein Selbstverwalter, der stolz ist auf seine Verwandlung vom Schaf zur mündigen Person. Vor allem aber ist er kein Menschenfeind mit Aluhut, sondern jemand, »der einfach ein bisschen weiterdenkt« und Sie fragt – ja genau, Sie! –, ob Sie möchten, dass Ihr Kind das einzige in der 1. Klasse ist, das Deutsch spricht? Und, ob Sie in Frieden und Wohlstand, ohne Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung leben möchten? Was hat ein Einkaufswagenchip mit einem FDP-Politiker zu tun? Absurde Strategien zur Wählergewinnung des »einfachen Bürgers« sind Mittelpunkt der Dokuserie »Die Jürgen W. Möllemann Story« in Der Bundesbürger. Ein dreiköpfiges Writers' Room Team dokumentiert darin in Schlaglichtern den Aufstieg und Fall Möllemanns, ergänzt durch Recherchen, die die FDP als Wegbereiter für den Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland markieren. In Die Mitbürger geraten gebildete, soziale Menschen, die von sich selbst sagen würden, ihnen wäre jeder Extremismus »ob links oder rechts« zuwider, in Situationen, in denen sich unmerklich Verschiebungen mitten im vermeintlich Normalen vollziehen – ein Psychogramm des Extremismus der Mitte. Annalena Küspert und Konstantin Küspert bewegen sich auf der Deutschlandkarte zwischen den »extremen Rändern« und der »Mitte der Gesellschaft« und gehen den Verschiebungen dieser Koordinaten nach. Ihre Bürger-Trilogie ist ein Panorama bundesdeutscher Identitäten und politischer Entwicklungen – direkt an uns Bürger:innen adressiert. »die BRD-gmbh ist eine art kapitalistisches erlebniswunderland, wie ein freizeitpark. und sie alle sind gleichzeitig parkbesucher und aufsichtspersonal.« aus Teil 1, Der Reichsbürger

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Give Myself up to the World Meet the Unknown

        by SHI Lingzi

        As the hostess of Travel Channel, Linzi wrote down all the beautiful and mystical places around the world she has been which witness her thoughts and growing-up.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Strange book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        All books have either writing, pictures or both in it, but the book that Ellen got as a gift has neither. It does, however, have extraordinary recording powers. Like in so many of Sandro’s stories, in The Strange Book it is completely natural for dreams to merge with reality. Through the matter-of-fact occurrence of unlikely events, The Strange Book tells a story of growing up without abandoning the inner child.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The Olive Pit

        by Olha Kupriyan

        In search of a better life, the ancient Greek family travels from Miletus to Tyras, distant Black Sea regions, where there are already several Greek settlements. His grandmother stayed in Miletus and gave him a bag of olives for the journey. In the new place, the ancient culture is intertwined with the local one, the steppe culture. What is it like to travel for a long time in the sea into the unknown? Which part of home can be brought with you? What will remain only a poignant memory? This life-affirming story will give parents support to help their children experience complex emotions: homesickness, anxiety, boredom.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2019

        Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage

        by Daniel H Olsen, Maximiliano E Korstanje

        In recent years there has been a growth in both the practice and research of dark tourism; the phenomenon of visiting sites of tragedy or disaster. Expanding on this trend, this book examines dark tourism through the new lens of pilgrimage. It focuses on dark tourism sites as pilgrimage destinations, dark tourists as pilgrims, and pilgrimage as a form of dark tourism. Taking a broad definition of pilgrimage so as to consider aspects of both religious and non-religious travel that might be considered pilgrimage-like, it covers theories and histories of dark tourism and pilgrimage, pilgrimage to dark tourism sites, and experience design. A key resource for researchers and students of heritage, tourism and pilgrimage, this book will also be of great interest to those studying anthropology, religious studies and related social science subjects.

      • Trusted Partner

        UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA :Volume I

        secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        Capoeira is a martial art developed by African slaves in Brazil from the 16th century, as a result of the fusion of several ethnic groups that originally brought with them to South America their cultural identity, as well as their seeds of liberty. Despite the strong evidence of influence from a plurality of other forms of ancient African martial arts, capoeira is essentially an original Brazilian expression with many practitioners and enthusiasts in every continent. Although capoeira values much of its cultural and historical aspects, no one should be misled - it is an efficient and deadly fighting system! As a result of its development throughout the years, capoeira became the richest and the most spectacular and beautiful martial art on the planet. However, what even most capoeiristas do not know is that this fascinating martial art can turn into a gracefully athletic and also lethal weapon at the hands (and feet) of any disciplined, serious practitioner. In this book you will learn unique secrets of capoeira as performed in the roda or in actual combat. Moves, ground fighting and aerial techniques are fully described to the level of perfection, with the help of hundreds of pictures. Diagrams explain special maneuvers never before published in the world of martial arts. Additionally, readers will have free access to exciting animated GIF files for the numerous moves presented in the book. Mestre Ricardo, a.k.a. Cachorro, a graduate of Mestre Adilson’s Grupo Bantus de Capoeira at Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – poverty-stricken slums in the midst of the rich suburbs of Rio de Janeiro – was the first Mestre of the YMCA Capoeira Group in Governor’s Island, achieving this honor in 1975. The following year, he became a certified Mestre from the first federation of capoeira of Rio de Janeiro, the FCP, and in the same year he introduced capoeira in a live TV show filmed in North Carolina, sponsored by the local YMCA. In the 1970’s Mestre Ricardo was a member of the Olympic gymnastics team of Rio de Janeiro’s Fluminense Football Club, where he specialized in floor exercises. During his professional career as a capoeira practitioner, Ricardo learned and practiced boxing, Shotokan karate and judo as a means to better understand the body mechanics of motion involved in different martial arts. An English-language edition was  publlished in fall 2009, 288 pages, two colors, 16.5X24 cm, 200-plus illustrated practical moves. Further new title in the Capoeira series: The Amazing History of Capoeira

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2024

        Sustainable Ecological Restoration and Conservation in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region

        A Comprehensive Review

        by Zhanhuan Shang, Allan Degen, Devendra Gauchan, Madan Koirala, Muhammad Khalid Rafiq, Awais Iqbal, Binyu Luo, Dawei Zhang, Diwakar Adhikari, Dongmei Li, Furbe Lama, Haonan Guo, Hui Xu, Huma Ali, Jalal Hayat Khan, Jiayi He, Jie Lian, Mei Huang, Monika Ghimire, Narayan Prasad Gaire, Peipei Liu, Qinghui Fang, Ramesh Prasad Sapkota, Ramesh Raj Pant, Rashila Deshar, Ritika K.C, Rui Zhang, Rukhsanda Aziz, Srijana Khanal, Tianyun Qi, Udhab Raj Khadka, Usha Rai, Usman Ali, Wenyin Wang, Xiaoping Jing, Yamuna Ghale, Youyan Liu, Zhen Peng, Zhiqiang Dang

        The years 2021 to 2030 have been designated as "The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration". Ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation efforts face unprecedented challenges, especially in developing countries and areas, such as the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region. This huge HKH region, which includes areas in eight separate countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan), is a biodiversity hotspot with a vast array of ecosystems, landscapes, peoples and cultures. It is known as one of 'the pulses of the world'. However, the HKH is also the world's largest and poorest mountain region, where landscapes and environments have been severely damaged as a result of climate change and human activities. Coordinating conservation and restoration policies, sharing knowledge and funds, and maintaining livelihoods are major challenges and are in urgent need of improvement. This book details the past and current ecological problems in the HKH region, and the threats and challenges that ecosystems and local people face. It pays special attention to developments of transformative adaptations and presents examples of sustainable conservation and ecological restoration management practices. Three primary questions are addressed: (1) Do the existing conservation strategies of international organizations and government policies really protect ecosystems and solve biodiversity problems? (2) Can these management measures be one-time solutions? and (3) What is the strategic framework and scenario prognosis for the future based on the historical trajectory of ecological conservation and restoration in the region? This book is essential reading for ecologists and conservation biologists involved in large-scale ecological restoration projects, along with practitioners, graduate students, policy makers and international development workers.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018

        Son of Saigon

        by David Myles Robinson

        Hank and Norm were living the good life: two friends with plenty of money, homes in a lovely California retirement town, and no problems―except for the boredom that felt almost fatal. Then Mai came into the picture, the love of Hank's life during his CIA days in Saigon, desperately needing his help to save the son he'd never known he had.Boredom was over, as Hank and Norm hit the road, following the few clues Mai could give them in search of a man who desperately wants not to be found. What they find is a slew of lies and hidden truths, strange characters, improbable danger that has them fighting to survive, and the happy lesson that their lives are far from over.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth

        by Can Xue

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth, the latest novel by Can Xue, is a profound metaphor of her hometown. It follows her usual magical style in the sense that it vividly unfolds the complex and delicate inner world of the characters. The story takes place in the remote Wuliqu School, with such distinctive characters as Teacher Meiyong, Zhang Danzhi, Yutian, Xiao Man, Uncle Yun and Sha Men presented one after another. The personality and human nature exposed through unique dialogues enable the readers to feel a return to simplicity so that they want to explore human soul and nature and start in-depth reading and thinking. The book depicts petty matters in a great age. The author’s ambition is to create a feeling for the pattern of the whole universe through the structure of an ordinary tree leaf, and to unify the arbitrarily split world through the narration of various folk sundries so that different characters can all become the center of this unity and their performance can have a universality. As the only Chinese writer who has won the Best Translated Book Award in the United States, Can Xue was nominated for the foreign novel prize of The Independent of the UK and shortlisted in the Neustadt International Prize for Literature of the US. As the Chinese woman writer, whose works have been translated and published the most abroad, Can Xue has been called the most creative Chinese writer by overseas critics.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Im Alten Land

        by Birgit Haustedt

        Apfelbäume, so weit das Auge reicht, idyllische Fachwerkdörfer hinter dem Deich und am Horizont die Elbe: Das Alte Land ist eine uralte Kulturlandschaft am Wasser, die ihren eigenen Charakter bewahrt hat. Prächtige Bauernhöfe und Backsteinkirchen mit kostbaren Barockorgeln zeugen noch heute vom frühen Wohlstand der Altländer. Birgit Haustedt erzählt von den Anfängen im Mittelalter, von Deichbau und Sturmfluten, vom Alltag der kleinen Leute und von großer Handwerkskunst, von stolzen Bauern und mutigen Schiffern. Dazu ein Exkurs, welche Rolle das Alte Land in Lessings Leben und Goethes Faust spielte.

      • Trusted Partner
        Socialism & left-of-centre democratic ideologies
        May 2013

        European regionalism and the left

        by Gerard Strange, Owen Worth

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