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        Founded in 2006, Suryastra is an integral media company, representing classic, mythical, enlightening works to be expressed globally across media.

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        History of medicine
        May 2017

        Leprosy and colonialism

        Suriname under Dutch rule, 1750–1950

        by Stephen Snelders. Series edited by Professor Keir Waddington

        Leprosy and colonialism investigates the history of leprosy in Suriname within the context of Dutch colonial power and racial conflict, from the plantation economy and the age of slavery to its legacy in the modern colonial state. It explores the relationship between the modern stigmatization and exclusion of people affected with leprosy, and the political tensions and racial fears originating in colonial slave society, exerting their influence until after the decolonization up to the present day. In the book colonial sources are read from shifting perspectives, of the colonial rulers and, 'from below', the ruled. Though leprosy is today a neglected tropical disease, recognizing influences of our colonial heritage in our global management of health and disease, and exploring the perspectives of other cultures are essential in a time in which migration movements make the permeability of boundaries, and transmission of diseases, more common then perhaps ever before.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        December 2017

        Sustainable art communities

        Contemporary creativity and policy in the transnational Caribbean

        by Leon Wainwright, Kitty Zijlmans

        This collection sets out a range of perspectives on the challenges that the Caribbean is facing today, showing how the arts hold a crucial role in forging a more sustainable Caribbean community. It forcefully attests to the view that visual art in particular has a specific contribution to make and that this in turn means striving to foster a sustainable arts community that can contend with an environment of uneven infrastructure, opportunity and public awareness. Spanning the scholarly, artistic and professional fields of arts and heritage, this book compares two of the Caribbean's key linguistic regions - the Anglophone and the Dutch - to address the themes of global-local relations, capital, patronage, morality, contestation, sustainability and knowledge exchange. The result is a milestone of collaboration from diverse global settings of the Caribbean and its diaspora, including Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, Suriname, Curaçao, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany and the United States.

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        September 1999

        Das kleine Buch der Tropenwunder

        Kolorierte Stiche von Maria Sibylla Merian

        by Maria Sibylla Merian, Maria Sibylla Merian, Friedrich Schnack

        1699 reiste die Naturforscherin und Künstlerin Maria Sibylla Merian nach Surinam. Die Blumen, Zweige, Früchte, das Getier und die Insekten, die als Vorbilder für die farbigen Stiche des Bandes dienten, stammen von dort. Die farbenfrohen Abbildungen werden durch ein Geleitwort von Friedrich Schnack ergänzt.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2015

        Das Insektenbuch

        by Maria Sibylla Merian, Helmut Deckert

        Im Jahre 1699 reiste die Kupferstecherin und Naturforscherin Maria Sibylla Merian nach Surinam und unternahm Expeditionen in den Urwald, um dort die tropischen Insekten zu beobachten und zu zeichnen. Nach ihrer Rückkehr erschien 1705 ihr Hauptwerk, die Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamesium, das ihr weltweite Berühmtheit verschaffte und die zeitgenössische Gelehrtenwelt begeisterte. Merians Zeichnungen von Raupen und Würmern und ihrer Verwandlung in Schmetterlinge und Falter sind detailliert und so genau, wie man sie nie zuvor gesehen hatte. Noch immer fasziniert Merians Malkunst, die für ihre Zeit ungewöhnliche Natürlichkeit, ihre kunstvolle Komposition und lebhafte Kolorierung.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2006

        Der verliebte Gefangene

        Tropische Erzählungen

        by Cees Nooteboom, Helga Beuningen

        Im Juni 1957 heuert ein magerer Vierundzwanzigjähriger auf der Gran Río an. Von Amsterdam soll die Reise über Lissabon in die Tropen führen, nach Trinidad, Britisch-Guyana und Surinam. Im Reisegepäck des ungewöhnlichen Matrosen: Bücher, Notizhefte und die Neugier eines angehenden Schriftstellers, der gerade mit großem Erfolg Philip und die anderen veröffentlicht hat und entdecken wird, daß es in der Welt nicht immer so träumerisch zugeht wie in seinem Romanerstling.Cees Nootebooms erste große Reise hat ihren Niederschlag gefunden in den Tropischen Erzählungen, die auf niederländisch bereits 1958 veröffentlicht wurden und nun, ergänzt um eine spätere Erzählung, erstmals vollständig auf deutsch vorliegen. Das Gefühl der Fremdheit angesichts der anderen Matrosen, die unbekannten Laute und Düfte, der Reichtum der Natur, die Armut der Menschen – all diese Eindrücke hat Nooteboom einfließen lassen in Geschichten, die von Sonderlingen handeln, von verirrten Existenzen, seltsamen Begegnungen und grausamen Verfehlungen. Ob in den Tropen angesiedelt oder auf dem europäischen Kontinent, den Erzählungen eignet ein unergründlich somnambules, schwüles Moment, eine »tropische« Aura, die fasziniert und in Bann schlägt. Der verliebte Gefangene gibt Einblick in eine verwunschene und verschwundene Welt – und in die Anfänge eines vor beinahe fünfzig Jahren schon kraftvollen und reifen Erzählers. »Du wolltest doch Romantik«, sagte er, »dafür hast du bezahlt. All die Idioten, die von Zeit zu Zeit auf einem unserer dämlichen Frachtschiffe mitfahren, wollen Seemannsromantik. Aber die gibt es nicht.«

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        Forestry & related industries
        July 2005

        Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield

        by Edited by David Hammond

        The Guiana Shield is an ancient geological formation located in the northern part of South America, covering an area of one million square kilometres. Despite its hostile environment, it is home to many unusual and highly specialized plants and animals, which constitute a rich area of biodiversity. Chapters in this book include hydrology, nutrient cycling, forest phenology, insect-plant interactions, forest microclimate, plant distributions, forest dynamics and conservation and management of flora and fauna. It provides a comprehensive and detailed review of the ecology, biology and natural history of the forests of the area.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        Love for Northeast China

        by Laoteng, whose real name is Teng Zhenfu, is a member of the Tenth Presidium of the China Writers Association and is currently the Party Secretary and Chairman of the Liaoning Writers Association. He has published ten novels, includingThe Northeast China, The Numerous Armed Conflicts,and The Forests of Beizhang;eight collections of novels, such as The Black Thrush and A City Without Crows; and three cultural essays, such as Confucian Notes. He has won the 15th and 16th Five-One Project Awards,respectively, and The Northeast China has been selected on the list of 2021 Chinese Good Books.

        "Never invest beyond theShanhai Pass", as the saying goes.The particular cultural environment and openness make the brain drain in Northeast China extremely serious. However, Miao Qing, a seemingly delicate doctoral student from a famous school, resolutely went northward because she had a personal plan thatwas related to both her father and herself, namely, to design a world-leading large aircraft. Her father once said that just as a poet without imagination must be a lousy poet, a country without advanced aircraft could never escape the fate of a backward country. For this reason, Miao Qing started her career atKunpeng Group, later went to Feiying Company to produce a leading small low-altitude aerial drone, and then sheplayed the leading role in the national G-31 project that designed a stealth supersonic aircraft and made a successful trial flight.

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        Biography & True Stories
        September 2024

        Clyde Walcott

        by Peter Mason

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2008

        Selbstmord im Paradies

        Mein Leben in der Sekte

        by Deborah Layton, Carrie Asman, Sibylle Mall

        Er hatte ihnen das Paradies auf Erden versprochen. Und sie sind ihm gefolgt – bis in den Tod. Vor dreißig Jahren geriet die US-Sekte People’s Temple in die Schlagzeilen der internationalen Presse. Ein regelrechtes Massaker hatte am 28. November 1978 in Jonestown (Guyana) stattgefunden, 913 Menschen starben, darunter 276 Kinder. Opfer eines charismatischen Führers, James Warren Jones. Was treibt Menschen dazu, sich in ein System der Unterdrückung und Manipulation zu begeben, das sie mit dem Leben bezahlen? Deborah Layton, die neun Jahre lang Mitglied der Sekte war, konnte ein halbes Jahr vor dem Massaker aus Jonestown fliehen. Zwanzig Jahre später schrieb sie diesen eindrücklichen Bericht. Ein Buch mit Wucht. Ein Buch, das auf fesselnde Weise aufklärt. Ein Buch von beängstigender Aktualität.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Involução e outros contos para um mundo em crise

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2020

        by Sandra Tamele

        Neste terceiro volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária, apresentamos seis contos publicados entre 2017 e 2019 no âmbito do Caine Prize for African Writing e da colectânea New Short Fiction from Africa: ‘Involução’ da autoria da sul-africana Stacy Hardy que aborda abertamente a sexualidade da mulher, também preocupações sociais e políticas, faz alusão a questões como a degradação ambiental, o colonialismo e direitos da mulher, ancorados numa teatralidade conceptual necessária para que o conto não se torne efémero e engaje o sentido de humor do leitor para o aproximar da mente aberta de Hardy. ‘A heroína misteriosa’ ou ‘Mavbanelo na mayi’ em Bitonga, é da autoria da Tanzaniana Lydia Kasese. Ela escreve sobre as expectativas e pressões sociais que levam as mulheres a desejarem concertar tudo. Neste conto Kasese traz destramente à luz questões sobre o abuso de menores e o seu impacto sobre as famílias na Tanzânia e, não só. Alinafe Malonje estreou-se nesta colectânea da Short Story Day com o conto ‘Manutenção de Rotina’, um registo metafísico de um hotel: parte alegoria, parte meditação com um subtil comentário sobre o que significa ser mulher no Malawi. Natasha Omokhodion-Kalulu Banda cria um fabuloso hotel de fantasia que contém realidades sinistras, construindo um persuasivo mundo alternativo. Tariro Ndoro em ‘A lenda das duas irmãs’, ou ‘Xihitana xa vamakwavu na makwavu’ em Changana, traz uma abordagem arrepiante dos perigos da saudade, onde a busca por uma irmã num hotel de luxo em Victoria Falls tem um fim fantasmagórico. Mampianina Randria nos apresenta em ‘O Gatilho’, ou ‘Niyódeké sê xidúvúlá’ em Changana, um conto com um ritmo cerrado e um desfecho totalmente inesperado onde uma mulher que lida com as frustrações de quem entra na vida adulta.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Ireland and the European Union

        Economic, political and social crises

        by Michael Holmes, Kathryn Simpson, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Kathryn Simpson, Paul Tobin

        This book examines how Ireland's relationship with the EU was affected by a succession of crises in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The financial crisis, the Brexit crisis and the migration crisis were not of equal significance on the island of Ireland. The financial crisis was a huge issue for the Republic but not Northern Ireland, Brexit had a major impact in both polities, the migration and populism issues were less controversial, while foreign policy challenges had a minimal impact. The book provides a summary of the main features of each of the crises to be considered, from both the EU and the Irish perspective. Ireland and the European Union is the first volume of its kind to provide a comprehensive analysis on British-Irish relations in the context of Brexit. It assesses the Withdrawal Agreement and Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, the devolution settlement and the 1998 Agreement, as well as the European dimension to Northern Ireland's peace process. The contributors explore a number of policy areas that are central to the understanding of each of the crises and the impact of each for Ireland. Chapters examine issues such as security, migration and taxation as well as protest politics, political parties, the media, public opinion and the economic impact of each of these crises on Ireland's relationship with the EU.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Amsterdam und zurück


        by Marente Moor, Waltraud Hüsmert

        Es ist ein ganzer Haufen Russen, den es zu Beginn der Neunziger in Amsterdam an Land gespült hat. Die Sowjetunion gibt es nicht mehr, die Grenzen sind durchlässiger geworden, aber Heimweh ist trotzdem ein Thema für diese Jungs, denen Puschkin-Büsten und Salzgurken inneren Halt geben, die ihre Tage auf dem pittoresken Rembrandtplein verbringen, wo sie Aquarelle an die Touristen verscherbeln, und ihre Nächte dem Studium des Wodkas widmen. Witali Kirillow ist einer von ihnen, der Mann mit den meergrünen Augen. Längst ist sein Visum abgelaufen, seit dem Tag, an dem er »illegal« wurde, fährt er vorsichtshalber in der Straßenbahn nicht mehr schwarz. Doch das ist nicht das einzige Delikt in Witalis Leben. Acht Jahre zuvor, als Offizier an der sowjetisch-finnischen Grenze, hinderte er einen Kameraden nicht daran, sich in den Westen abzusetzen. Von der Familie gutmütig als »das größte Loch im eisernen Vorhang« verspottet, wurde er von der Armee hart bestraft. Seitdem läßt der Gedanke an den Flüchtling Witali nicht mehr los. Und schließlich, unterstützt von der rasant-energischen Jessie, macht er sich auf, um herauszufinden, was aus ihm geworden ist. Nur zwei, drei Pinselstriche braucht Marente de Moor, um in ihrem Debütroman die unterschiedlichsten Viertel Amsterdams lebendig werden zu lassen und vor allem die russische Szene der Stadt zu porträtieren: lauter Charakterköpfe, die – hochsympathisch und besorgniserregend tiefgründig – ganz nebenbei verhandeln, was Grenze, was Identität, was Heimat bedeutet. »Ein mitreißendes Bild – manchmal herrlich komisch, manchmal voller Nostalgie – von einem ungebärdigen Pulk Russen, die wie Schiffbrüchige in Amsterdam gestrandet sind.« Haarlems Dagblad

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2022

        Germany's Russia problem

        The struggle for balance in Europe

        by John Lough

        The relationship between Germany and Russia is Europe's most important link with the largest country on the continent. But despite Germany's unparalleled knowledge and historical experience, its policymakers struggle to accept that Moscow's efforts to rebalance Europe at the cost of the cohesion of the EU and NATO are an attack on Germany's core interests. This book explains the scale of the challenge facing Germany in managing relations with a changing Russia. It analyses how successive German governments from 1991 to 2014 misread Russian intentions, until Angela Merkel sharply recalibrated German and EU policy towards Moscow. The book also examines what lies behind efforts to revise Merkel's bold policy shift, including attitudes inherited from the GDR and the role of Russian influence channels in Germany.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Concise history of China

        by Yang Ningyi,Zhao Shiyu, etc

        According to the chronological order, the book introduces the history of China from ancient times to modern society. It is rich in content, concise in writing and exquisite in pictures. It is a good book to understand the history of China.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Britain in China

        by Robert Bickers

        This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British.

      • Trusted Partner

        Eye on Egypt: Café Riche

        by Maisoon Saqer

        The book opens a unique door to the history of Cairo and its journey from a social and cultural perspective and aims to build a new and different narrative for this history—one that shows Cairo as a cosmopolitan, multicultural city. Cairo’s Cafe Riche has a deep cultural history and a broad creative and social heritage. Saqer describes it as “the site where endless friendships are established between the café and history.” Saqer’s narrative is not just about the small café, but rather constitutes observance and analysis of the presence of this café in the history of Egypt and how we can view many events surrounding it. Here there is no separation between the political and the cultural, between the historical, the social, and the artistic. The book combines history and narrative, which makes it a documented historical biography on the one hand and a creative work on the other. It also documents an important era in Egypt’s cultural history by examining the cultural and social transformations in modern Egyptian history and highlighting prominent intellectuals and creators associated with the cafe and the history of intellectual life in Egypt.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2018

        Karl Marx In China

        by Gu Hailiang

        The book illustrates the influence of Marxismin china, including the classic works of Kar Marx and its latest achievements in China.

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