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        Children's & YA

        My first encyclopedia

        by Almira Suzhikova

        This colorful encyclopedia is a collection of the most popular educational topics for a child. It contains everything that a preschooler should know about the world around him by topics: weather, time, colors, opposites, pets, wild animals, vegetables, clothing, human body structure, transport. The book has soft yet solid cover, all pages without sharp edges to avoid a child from hurting himself. The encyclopedia will greatly expand the horizons of the child, as it can be an indispensable assistant in preparing for school.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Kazakh fairytales

        by no author

        This edition includes 20 of the best works of oral folk art. For centuries, they were passed from the older generation to the younger, changed, supplemented and survived to our time. The collection consists of four parts: “Fairy Tales”, “Tales of Animals”, “Everyday Satirical Tales”, “Traditions and Legends”. Heroes of fairy tales personify wisdom and resourcefulness; they fight against evil, greed and laziness.

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        Children's & YA

        Amina Turan in the Country of Nomads

        by Zaure Turekhanova

        The book is about the extraordinary and dangerous adventures of a girl, Amina Turan and the inhabitants of the so-called bowls-cities Kos Almalyk in the fabulous Country of Nomads. The veil of surprising mysteries and secrets hidden by the heroes of the story will be slightly opened… An extraordinary, fantastic story begins on Saturday night. Suddenly awakening from her sleep, Amina witnesses that the turtle-box, bought in an antique shop, comes to life and together with her friend, a glass turtle standing on the table goes to explore an amazing sight. Out of curiosity, the girl decides to follow the turtles and unexpectedly finds herself in the magical world of the Country of Nomads.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Great Silk Road

        by Anvar Mamraimov

        Many years of his life author dedicated to journalism, writer’s work, and documentaries. It is thanks to his efforts that the history and culture of Kazakh nation had become known in many countries of the world. In A. Mamraimov’s book, interesting events in history and secrets kept by the ancient monuments of archaeology and culture open up to the reader. Readers will take a fresh look at the Great Silk Road that connected countries and people.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The gates of curiosity

        by Jean de Dieu Munyurangabo

        A board book to let children know numbers, colors and print foot. By opening every gate of x color, a child know which animals walked there etc…

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Augustin Gasake; Jean de Dieu Munyurangabo

        It is a reading book about a child who used to do bed wetting, and he visited his grand mother who told him a story of an animal which eat children who do bed wetting and from that day he stoped doing that.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Butterfly and Cicada

        by Jean de Dieu Munyurangabo

        It is a reading book about frienship between Cicada and Butterfly. Cicada never liked the way he looked and he was jealous that Butterfly looked beautiful. After knowing how Butterfly was hunted, he learned good lesson of accepting who he is.

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        Children's & YA

        Nyiragitwa: Daughter of Sacyega

        by Mr Ndamyumugabe (Author), Jerome Irankunda (Author), Erin Jessee (Author), Christian Mugarura (Illustrator)

        This graphic novel tells the story of Nyiragitwa, a Rwandan woman who is believed to have lived in the seventeenth century. It is based on an oral tradition that was shared by a man named Ndamyumugabe with the Belgian historian Jan Vansina in 1958 and raises important questions about how Rwandan women might have lived and contributed to their communities in the past.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Fiston Mudacumura

        Sugira est une fille de 7 ans qui vit avec sa mère, Kamaliza. Elle n'aime pas se brosser lesdents. Un jour, elle va à l'école. Ses camarades de classe s'ennuient et l'intimident pour sonodeur. Elle s'est évanouie. Ses deux amies du même quartier commencent également à fuir.Kamaliza, sa mère ne cesse de lui rappeler de se brosser les dents après avoir mangé mais elle n'aime pas ça. Une nuit, elle dort. Dans ses rêves, elle se retrouve dans le royaume de la cavité buccale des microbes surnommé «Imitananana». Il existe de bons microbes quiprotègent les dents et servent la protection de l'hygiène buccale en général. Les bonsmicrobes ont leur chef, le roi AAA. Sugira reçoit un accueil chaleureux dans sa propre cavité buccale. Bonnes Imitananapréparent une soirée pour elle dans les célébrations de la danse africaine et Rwandaise.Ce monde de «Imitanana» est un monde comme les autres. Nous avons des concours debeauté, du travail communautaire, des concerts et bien d'autres jeux amusants et familiersavec les enfants. Sugira apprend à protéger et à préserver l'hygiène bucco-dentaire via des batailles menéescontre les mauvais microbes imitanana menées par le méchant appelé Zezeze.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Iminsi ya Kiki

        by Odile Uwera

        Iminsi ya Kiki is a board book for children, the story talks of how Kiki spends her days of the week.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Black and white

        by Marimanya M. Tina

        Black and white is a board book, it is good for children beacuse they get to know shapes lines etc

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories (Children's/YA)
        August 2018


        by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez

        Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        October 2020


        by María José Ferrada, Pep Carrió

        The authors of this book take us on a journey through the different ways of inhabiting a house. Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        El bolso

        by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero Cáceres

        Keys, handkerchiefs, coins, three flowers from last spring, a bird. Boys and girls are expert observers and that is why they know that a mother’s purse fits everything. A book in Braille that reminds its readers that when observations are mixed with imagination, the most everyday objects are capable of coming to poetic life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Art: general interest (Children's/YA)

        Tortugas en el espacio de papel (Paper's turtules in the space)

        by Manuel Marín

        In this book the artist makes an essay about the different shapes of the turtles by going around space and folding the paper. Eight turtle sculptures made of paper and created by Manuel Marín shows us by constructing step by space each piece the basics of concave or convex since they can be assembled either from outside or inside.

      • Trusted Partner
        Educational: Art & design

        Pensar el espacio. Reflejos, superficies y colores (Thinking the space. Reflections, sufaces and colors)

        by Chiara Carrer

        The line is the protagonist of this book. She explores the pages and forms figures, colors herself, creates landscapes, characters and, with them, stories that narrate the reflections and joys that creation brings. This book, the third in a growing collection, is a catalog of the possibilities that lie at the base of all art. In the blank pages of this book, lines, figures, shadows, textures, colors, unpublished worlds were born that, in their capricious forms, hide beings that reflect on everything visible, on everything that surrounds them and is the framework for their adventures, which are the adventures of creative thinking in all its simple splendor: space: line, movement, rhythm: seeing, looking, reading: imagining, thinking, doing. Here everything is created and everything is arranged for the creation of the reader, the artist.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        Antes no había nada, después comencé a imaginar mi propio jardín (There was nothing before. Then I began to imagine my own garden)

        by Chiara Carrer

        Collection of beloved things, of techniques, and various artistic instruments ( from naturalist and abstract illustration) with which Carrer brings various plants and trees to life. An open garden to every reader curious about shapes and colors, those who like to ponder, who want to know more about the.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        Alice and the kind gorillas

        by Christine Warugaba/Valerie Bouthyette

        Alice is a young girl who out of curiosity, follows a tourist car and eventually gets lost. She lives in the forest on her own until she is found by kind gorillas.

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