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      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Love The Way You Want To!

        How a Flatworm can lead you to finding Happiness in Relationship

        by Maja Storch

        Love is blind – not just to a partner’s shortcomings and faults, but often to one’s own needs as well. How can personal needs be identified, while staying true to oneself, yet still showing empathy towards the partner? How can one tell if this is Mr. or Ms. Right? How compatible are thin and thick-skinned people? In this book, Maja Storch shows the reader how to find out what their own needs are, take them seriously, articulate them, and communicate them to those they love. There’s no doubt about it: a relationship is hard work. But with this self-help book it can be fun.   Target Group: Everyone interested in long-term, happy relationships

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2015

        Divergent paths

        Family histories of Irish emigrants in Britain, 1820–1920

        by John Herson

        This book is unique in adopting a family history approach to Irish immigrants in nineteenth century Britain. It shows that the family was central to the migrants' lives and identities. The techniques of family and digital history are used for the first time to reveal the paths followed by a representative body of Irish immigrant families, using the town of Stafford in the West Midlands as a case study. The book contains vital evidence about the lives of ordinary families. In the long term many intermarried with the local population, but others moved away and some simply died out. The book investigates what forces determined the paths they followed and why their ultimate fates were so varied. A fascinating picture is revealed of family life and gender relations in nineteenth-century England which will appeal to scholars of Irish history, social history, genealogy and the history of the family. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Family & relationships

        Bean Trellis, My Mother-in-law

        by Ma Ruifang

        As the Chinese saying goes, "mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are natural enemies". However, Bean Trellis, My Mother-in-law depicts the close bond of the author as daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law for more than three decades. Wherein lies the secret?   "仁" Benevolence, "义" righteousness, "礼" courtesy, "智" wisdom, and "信" faith are constant beliefs of the Chinese people, which in the author's eyes are also the most admirable qualities of her mother-in-law, who is illiterate, yet hardworking, kind, and full of the wisdom of simple life. Her kindness and generosity is just the secret to the well-being of the whole family.   Aside from describing the unique in-law relationship, this book also looks at the ups and downs of a big Chinese family from the 1970s to the 2020s. With humorous and documentary storytelling, the author wrote her life stories just like chatting with neighbors under the bean trellis. It is all-encompassing, containing traditional Chinese wisdom about getting along with the world, educating children, and even cooking, which could provide new reading experiences and inspiration for all readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        September 2023


        Decoding your adult ADHD journey with confidence

        by Rosie Gee

        In this groundbreaking book, you'll embark on a transformative journey that explores the unique challenges faced by women with ADHD in the later stages of life. This comprehensive guide offers invaluable insights, practical strategies, and empowering advice to help you navigate the complexities of ADHD and unlock your full potential. Uncover the secrets to identifying how ADHD can often be your superpower: Deep Dive into ADHD Symptoms: Gain a thorough understanding of how ADHD manifests in women over 40, including the often overlooked symptoms and their impact on daily life. Tailored Strategies for Success: From time management techniques to stress reduction strategies, this book provides you with a toolkit of practical solutions to enhance your productivity and overall well-being. Navigating Hormonal Changes: Understand the intricate relationship between hormonal fluctuations and ADHD symptoms. Clusterf#ck is your go-to resource for reclaiming control over your life and embracing your unique strengths. It's time to break free from the limitations of ADHD and unlock your true potential. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a life filled with purpose, joy, and success

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Politicising and gendering care for older people

        Multidisciplinary perspectives from Europe

        by Anca Dohotariu, Ana Paula Gil, Lubica Volanská

        This book offers a new critical framework for understanding the processes of politicising and gendering care for older people and their manifestations in several European contexts. It interrogates how care for older adults varies across time and place while searching for an in-depth comprehension of how it becomes an arena of political struggle and the object of public policy in different countries and at various societal and political levels. It brings together multidisciplinary contributions that examine the issue of care for older people as a political concern from many angles, such as problematising care needs, long-term care policies, home care services, institutional services and family care. The contributions reveal the diversity of situations in which the processes of politicising and gendering care for older adults overlap, contradict or reinforce each other while leading to increased gender (in)equalities on different levels.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2016

        Divergent paths

        Family histories of Irish emigrants in Britain, 1820–1920

        by John Herson

        This book is unique in adopting a family history approach to Irish immigrants in nineteenth century Britain. It shows that the family was central to the migrants' lives and identities. The techniques of family and digital history are used for the first time to reveal the paths followed by a representative body of Irish immigrant families, using the town of Stafford in the West Midlands as a case study. The book contains vital evidence about the lives of ordinary families. In the long term many intermarried with the local population, but others moved away and some simply died out. The book investigates what forces determined the paths they followed and why their ultimate fates were so varied. A fascinating picture is revealed of family life and gender relations in nineteenth-century England which will appeal to scholars of Irish history, social history, genealogy and the history of the family.

      • Biography & True Stories

        Spirit Mates - The New Time Relationship

        by Anni Sennov, Carsten Sennov

        Most people have heard of the terms ‘soul mate’ and ‘twin soul’.  What most people may not yet know is that the concept of soul mate refers to a consciousness realm that is about to completely disappear from the Earth in order to be replaced by the purer and more powerful spirit energy. This is creating great changes in consciousness on Earth and it also means that we humans finally have the opportunity to join together with our spirit mate. In this book the co-authors and spirit mate couple Anni and Carsten Sennov describe with love and insight the different paths and circumstances that can lead you to your spirit mate.

      • Self-help & personal development
        August 2012

        The Art of Making Love

        His & Her Secrets

        by Horner, Christine

        It is through the mind, the body, and then the letting go of the mind and the body that we reconnect with Spirit, the three merging as the One. A few come to know the Secrets in later years, many never at all. What if you knew these Secrets now? Intrinsically, we sense the expression of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine is the Dance of Creation. It is perpetually alive, not just in the bedroom, but beyond, if only we but pay attention. It is this noticing that is ... The Art of Making Love.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Early emotional education

        by Gloria Latorre

        The family is the first modeler of interpersonal relationships. In it all the richness of the emotional world unfolds. That is why it is key to teach our children from birth to build their own path to inner well-being, through self-knowledge and the skills to manage their emotions. This will help them from the beginning of their lives to connect with the other from empathy and compassion. “This book offers us a journey to recognize the emotions in our relationships. On each page, it offers us pauses to reflect, realize and experiment, allowing true learning. It is a companion for travelers such as parents, teachers, psychologists and for all of us who work in accompaniment ”. Jorge Genzone, President of the Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires

      • Family & health
        May 2015

        Familienrat nach Dreikurs - Ein Gewinn für alle

        by Heide Köpfer, Erika Becker

        Eine Familie ist dann ein Team, wenn jeder dem anderen zuhört, jeder seine Meinung sagen kann und jeder ernst und wichtig genommen wird.Wie das gelingen kann? Mit dem Familienrat nach Dreikurs!Hier kommen alle regelmäßig zusammen, bestimmen gemeinsam die Regeln für ein friedliches Miteinander und erleben sich als gleichwertig. Hier haben kleine und große Menschen eine Stimme, werden gehört und gesehen.Sie denken, das ist utopisch? Nein, es ist ganz einfach!Es braucht nur ein wenig Mut – und genau dazu verhilft Ihnen dieses Buch. Probieren Sie es aus.

      • Family & relationships
        December 2020

        The Planer for Moms

        Survival Strategies for Everyday Family Life

        by Michaela Moses

        Away with the burden of remembering!Between soccer training and the weekly shopping, remembering to buy a present for the next kid’s birthday, attend the parents' day at school after work and then read the bedtime story. All the while satisfying everyone and not going crazy? No one can do that - not even a mom.The solution? Seek help from your husband and children - and do it consciously! "Der Mama-Planer” (The planner for moms) actively supports all mothers in getting their partner on board on an equal footing, in rethinking their own needs and in perceiving things realistically again:First day of school is not an act of state, and the earth will continue to turn even if the Christmas cake comes from the supermarket. Nevertheless, mum does not have to take care of everything all by herself, from the children's birthday party to snacks in-between. The magic formula is: delegate wisely and take enough time for yourself. It is a planner for all appointments and with useful checklists to reflect ongoals, wishes and progress. FACTS Tips and tricks for a fair division of work within the family More me-time for mothers without being missed Delegating is the magic word

      • Health & Personal Development


        Nuevas miradas sobre un viejo problema

        by Demian Bucay

        Demian Bucay opts for a realistic approach to modern relationships, including in all his writings such polemic topics as infidelity and same sex relationships. We see these guidebooks as a timely reflection about the state of modern relationships and as a provocative proposition for the illustrated reader.

      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2023

        Empowering Parents. The Dialogical Approach in Seminars and Counselling. A guide for practice

        Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis

        by Johannes Schopp

        The "Dialogical Concept", initially conceived for parent education, was published for the first time in 2005. The power that has developed from it has a noticeable effect on the neighbouring fields of society. The author's central idea is that the system in which relationships and education, health and the development of potential are struggled for, needs a culture of dialogue instead of one of judgement and instruction. A culture that enables adults to meet each other and adults and children to meet each other with equal dignity, to appreciate and respect each other unconditionally. A culture that understands education as personality development.Thanks to his wealth of experience, Schopp illustrates how courage, well-being, curiosity, allowed failure, outgrowth and confidence thrive in a dialogical atmosphere. In this way, all participants could (re)find the necessary access to themselves and develop new confidence in their own abilities, in other people and in the world. Pedagogues, teachers, educators, doctors, mothers, fathers, consultants, lawyers, coaches and trainers, all those who work with people will find in this guide the encouragement and feasibility of a dialogical culture of living and learning.

      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2023

        How to Prepare for Old Age: Without taking the fun out of life

        by Bernard Otis

        In this touching, often humorous and very personal account, Bernie shares his 86 years of life, love, loss and laughter as an inspirational guide to what it means to age without growing old. His advice on love after 60, how to talk with family members about illness, what you should be prepared for when confronting tragedy and loss, what it means to be a caregiver to a loved one and many other of life's challenges are a must for family members young and old. Bernie's book is a treasure trove of personal and professional life experiences that will help you prepare for old age and take control of the nature of aging. Be prepared to laugh out loud and quietly shed a tear as Bernie takes you through the voyage of life.

      • Advice on parenting

        Why Some Animals Eat Their Young

        A Survivor's Guide to Motherhood

        by Dallas Louis

        When Dallas Louis decided that all she wanted was to meet and marry her Prince Charming and become a mom, she had no idea what was in store for her. But she would soon find out. After only seven months of dating the love of her life, she married him, and within the course of twenty-six months, she gave birth to three children. Her husband knew her longer pregnant than not pregnant!In this laugh-out-loud book, Dallas shares highlights of what happened in her world once all her dreams came true. She would like readers to find comfort in knowing they aren't the only ones suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or buyer's remorse. And, yes, it's okay to admit that both of these conditions apply to parenting, though hopefully not all the time.Channeling Erma Bombeck, Dallas will tell you the things your friends won't and the things other books are too afraid to print. With her irreverent humor and brash "tell it like it is" style, she'll help you laugh at everyday situations, easing the pressure of the toughest job in the world: being a mom.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        August 2023

        That V Word

        Rock Solid Foundations - how core values shape your life and business

        by Dixie Maria Carlton

        The 'Why' Behind Every 'What' - Aligning Actions with Your Core Values. Embark on this extraordinary expedition into self-discovery.Many people talk about values as being ‘respect, honesty, truth and integrity. Dixie Carlton challenges this in ways that will make you think differently about what your values really are, and what it means to be in or out of integrity. Explore the profound impact values have on personal growth, organizational culture, and brand success, as well as family life and relationships. Unravel the significance of values as the bedrock of authenticity. Unleash your true potential and align your actions with your core beliefs to live a purpose-driven life. Discover how to identify and lean into shared family values to create stronger bonds and better understanding across the generations and relationships. Dive into the secrets of developing a thriving culture through shared brand values. Learn how to craft a compelling brand identity that resonates with your target market and drives long-lasting customer loyalty. This book offers practical tools and insights to help you identify, understand and embrace your core values, leading to a more fulfilled and purposeful life, so that you can stand in your power and leave a lasting legacy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        September 2021

        21 Hacks to Rock Your MID Life

        Release the Past, Dare to Dream and Create your Legacy

        by Cat Coluccio

        Have you hit one of those “big” birthday milestones that end with a 0? You know the ones: the big 4-0, the big 5-0 or *gulp* the big 6-0! And have you found yourself wondering “Is this it?” “Is this really it?” “Is this all my life was meant to be?” Then you have found the right book, as Cat Coluccio, takes you through the process of releasing the emotions and memories – good and bad – of your younger years, so that you can determine the purposeful life and legacy you want to create going forward. Follow along with practical action steps as Cat walks you through her 7 step model of : Awakening, Releasing, Creating Space, Project You, Ready to Launch, Lift Off Legacy  Once you've hit the big "4-0.", it feels like the clock is ticking that bit faster. Isn’t it time that you choose to truly ROCK your Midlife season and beyond?

      • Health & Personal Development
        January 2020

        The Art of Good Enough

        The Working Mom’s Guilt-Free Guide to Thriving While Being Perfectly Imperfect

        by Dr. Ivy Ge

        ★ 2020 Readers' Favorite International Book Award Silver Medal Winner ★ You Don't Have to Be Perfect to Be Happy.  What if there are proven methods to prevent you from feeling depleted, anxious, and unsatisfied in times of crisis? Imagine you become confident about your ability to handle stress and pressure, know how to make wise decisions, and find solutions to your problems.From an aspiring actress to becoming a pharmacy professor, Dr. Ivy Ge has transformed her life while balancing her role as a working mother. Using her life lessons as a new mom juggling work and school, she helps you navigate the complexity of motherhood in simple, meaningful ways. Read the reviews from working moms and see how they have benefited from Dr. Ge's real-life examples, great advice, and steps for applying that advice effectively. If you have trouble handling difficult emotions or improving your situation, read this book to discover the answers featured on PBS, Thrive Global, Working Mother magazine, Parentology, and The Times of India.In this book, you'll learn:*How to overcome difficult emotions and make wise decisions*How to handle adversity and overcome your obstacles using your hidden strengths*How to look and feel your best regardless of your size and age*How to simplify your life and get more done in less time*How to raise self-reliant children and resolve tension in your relationship*How to reverse engineer your life by going from where you want to be to where you are now... and much more.The secret to living your best life is to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

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