This volume has the virtue of focusing on one of the resources that large companies appeal to most today: teamwork. The current complexity of businesses means that they must be approached with a plurality of points of view, which is achieved through a conjunction of different opinions and qualities. You will be able to know the secrets of how to join a good work group and how to make your work perform and look without entering sterile competitions.
But at the same time, every human group requires a leader and this aptitude, that of leadership, is another of the most valued today. Here you will learn about the means by which those who created their own business, or lead large corporations, got to get what they needed and expected from others. Skills and attitudes such as persuasion, respect, the wise distribution of rewards and punishments, and the ability to instill enthusiasm will awaken the leader in you.
Leadership is learned, earned, deserved. Know how and take action.
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Ediciones Culturales Internacionales, S.A. de C.V.
Ediciones Culturales Internacionales, S.A.
Ediciones Culturales Internacionales is a Spanish publishing house founded in 1983. Is currently one of the most experienced companies in the publishing field. Specialized in the production and publishing of books, it is distributed in various Latin American countries. Ediciones Culturales Internacionales has projected itself as a leading publishing company in its field, being a participant in the cultural and intellectual life of our country. Our Mission: Edit books with the highest quality in terms of materials and content. Our commitment is to satisfy all the needs and expectations of our clients, fulfilling a primary purpose: to continually improve and promote the cultural enrichment of the whole family, providing them with products of the highest editorial quality. Our Vision: To be recognized as one of the most important publishers in our country, by offering products of the highest quality. Spread knowledge and culture through attractive products for all ages, and thus contribute to the advancement of education at different levels, both in Mexico and in other Latin American countries. The collection of Ediciones Culturales Internacionales includes works for all educational levels; It covers all topics of interest to today's needs: dictionaries, encyclopedias, language courses, popular and classical music, languages, art, literature and health. Principles of Philosophy Focus all the human and technical resources of the company to promote the cultural development of the family. Establish the ECISA name as a symbol of the highest editorial quality. Orient the individual efforts of the entire organization to meet the needs of our internal and external clients with professionalism. Ensure the physical and environmental conditions necessary for the full performance of people in their work. Offer a safe source of work, with fair remuneration, which allows comprehensive development and improves the quality of life of employees. Support the development of the community, responsibly complying with all legal and social provisions; create and maintain sources of work.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Ediciones Culturales Internacionales, S.A. de C.V.
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9786074580280 / 6074580280
- Publication Country or regionMexico
- FormatHardback
- Pages120
- ReadershipTeenage/Young Adult
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleTrabajo en equipo y liderazgo
- Original Language AuthorsSpanish
- Copyright Year2011
- Page size19 x 26 (19.5 x 27) cm
- IllustrationPhotos