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      • Horticulture
        September 2020

        Safety and Quality Assurance in Food Supply Chain

        Emerging Technologies and Challenges

        by K.P. Sudheer & Bindu Lakshmanan

        Technological advances have profoundly influenced the food industry with deep imprints on food safety and quality. Food safety and quality assurance demands a huge expertise from food technologists and an enormous commitment from food industry. An exquisite presentation of an array of novel technologies to guarantee safety and quality in food supply chain of diverse food composites is an innovative venture to inspire the students, to guide researchers and to persuade entrepreneurs. Chapters on oil and water quality, sensory analysis through fuzzy logic, hazards and its detection in milk, meat, fish and different agricultural produce accentuate the uniqueness of this book. Emerging technologies for non-destructive quality analysis, pragmatic approaches to ensure safety and quality in milling and baking industry as well as a comprehensive sketch of regulatory norms for promoting export are the notable highlights of this book. HACCP protocols pertinent to different food industries are vividly depicted. With an enriching academic background and proven experience, authors of each chapter have contributed abundantly to uphold the promise of this book to be a robust pillar to promote a healthy society.

      • Horticulture
        August 2020

        Safety and Quality Management in Food Supply Chain

        A Farm To Fork Approach

        by Sudheer, K.P. & Bindu Lakshmanan

        Food safety and quality is a matter of international significance and a responsibility of food processors and governments in the global food supply chain. Technological interventions in food quality analysis and safety detection are advancing at tremendous rates. A comprehensive documentation to create awareness, to implement strategies and to fill up the void in research and development in safety of foods of plant and animal origin is a long standing demand of scientific and industrial communities. In this context, it is essential that the current procedures and protocols in the areas of safety and quality analysis/detection be made available in an easy to read format for the benefit of the students, analysts and researchers. The disciplinary background of the contributors range from Food Engineering, Post-harvest Technology, Food technology, Food Microbiology, Meat Technology, Veterinary Public health, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Food Packaging and Quality management, to Community science. It covers the most common and new techniques in safety and quality analysis while addressing the relevant food safety and quality issues. Besides compiling the safety aspects of various food products viz: cereals, fruits and vegetables, milk, meat, fish, water, bakery and confectionery, this book also documents the rules, regulation and certification associated with food industry. We are sure this book will be a good reading material for academia and industry in food processing sector.

      • Waste management
        June 2011

        Food Processing Waste Management

        Treatment and Utilization Technology

        by V.K. Joshi & Satish Sharma

        Food Processing Waste Management : Treatment and Utilization Technologies is a reference-cum-text book written in crisp and scientifically authentic language for teachers, scientists, researchers, students, industry managers, as well as all those who have a stake in food processing wastes management and utilization. It presents the latest information on the problems of wastes generated from various food industries. The contents have been divided into 14 s namely; Food Processing Industrial Wastes– Present Scenario, Impact of Food Industrial Waste on Environment, Grain Processing Wastes Management, Waste Utilization – Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry, Milk and Dairy Wastes Management, Meat Processing Wastes Management, Fish Processing Wastes Management, Spices and Condiments Industrial Wastes Management, Sugar and Jaggery Industrial Wastes Management, Fruit Kernel and Oilseed Processing Wastes Management, Utilization of Waste from Food Fermentation Industry, Food Processing Waste Treatment Technology, Hospitality Industry Wastes Management and Future Wastes Management – Nanotechnology. All the segments of Food Industry have been dealt with separately by specialists with respect to their wastes management technology. Special emphasis has been laid on the potential methods of utilization of the wastes for recovery of useful products and a supplementary means of checking pollution by their profitable utilization and disposal. The profitable utilization of the food industrial wastes would not only fetch extra profits to the industry but would also reduce the pollution load in the environment. The special feature of the book is that it covers different developments made right from the basic technologies generated for wastes management to the recent advancements and future areas of research to be done on the subject. Under undergraduate and post-graduate degree or diploma programmes of food science, food technology and postharvest Technology, fermentation technology, waste management as a subject is taught in almost all the agricultural universities in India as well as abroad .The book is expected to be very useful to the students of these disciplines. It is hoped that the treatise would be of immense value to all and would certainly open an insight into food waste management technology in the fast growing food processing industry.

      • Agriculture & related industries
        January 2015

        Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

        Sources and Their Developmental Techniques

        by C.S.Rair, D.C.Saxena, Sukhcharan Singh, Vikas Nada & Navdeep Jindal

        The papers included in this book have a broad coverage of the topics related to new technologies in functional foods and nutraceuticals, fruits and vegetables and their by-products as valuable ingredients for functional foods and nutraceuticals, potential bioactive components from various food sources, trends and development of nutraceuticals and functional foods as well as functional food and nutraceuticals as ingredients in the value addition for health promotion, standardization and quality control. This workhelps to overcome the problems faced in exploring the potential of nutraceuticals in naturopathy and device strategies to encounter such problems.

      • Horticulture
        September 2021

        Postharvest Management Fruits and Vegetables (Completes in 2 Parts)

        by V.K.Joshi

        The book is the culmination of the efforts of contributions by eminent scientists. A lot of textual matter with illustrative practical exercises have been added to make the book more useful. Broadly the book has been divided into 8 sections: Section 01: Postharvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables Section 02: Preservation and Processing Technology Section 03: Production of Health Foods Section 04: Fermented Foods Section 05: Fruits and Vegetables Waste Utilization Section 06: Production of Additives Section 07: Quality, Safety and Marketing of Fruits and Vegetable Products Section 08: Practicals Chapters on different aspects of the subject matter covered include postharvest losses, loss reduction technology, handling, maturity indices, postharvest treatments, fruit and vegetable processing aspects, juice processing, drying, extrusion cooking, osmotic dehydration, technology for production of mushroom products, technology for production of health foods, indigenously fermented food products, flavour production technology, fermentation technology for wine production, lactic fermented beverages, latest technique of analysis, application of enzymes in food processing, biotechnology in food processing, juice concentration technology, sensory evaluation of food, processing waste utilization technology, oil extraction methodology, ready – to- eat product preparation, confectionary preparation, quality assurance, food safety and standard authority of India, project preparation, e-marketing of processed products, etc. The book in short has something for everybody related to the fields of Handling, Packaging, Processing, Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables

      • Horticulture
        December 2022

        Canine Mammary Tumor

        by B.V. Sunil Kumar, Anuradha Sharma &, Yashpal Singh Malik

        Canine mammary tumor is an important concern among both owners and veterinarians. Though frequency of mammary tumors varies in different species, canines are the most frequently affected ones, with prevalence about 3 times higher than humans. The book presents information on different types of canine mammary tumors and their features, symptoms, their predisposing factors and molecular marker-based diagnosis and prognosis of tumors. It also highlights many other advanced diagnostic techniques and current trends in therapeutics and surgery for their efficient clinical management. The work lays emphasis on the importance of immunotherapeutics and upcoming and improved vaccines to cure these tumors. It will be useful for veterinary clinicians, students and researchers for their overall awareness.

      • Agriculture & farming
        May 2021

        Advances in Cereals Processing Technologies

        by Gopal Kumar Sharma , Anil Dutt Semwal & Dev Kumar Yadav

        The present book presents its reader with comprehensive knowledge related to cereals processing. It is imperative to have sound knowledge of Food laws and regulations with an Indian perspective as these plays a pivotal role in commercializing food products as well as fresh produce which is aptly covered in this book. It includes recent trends in technology of cereals based products, technological updates in legumes and pulses based convenience/ processed foods, various aspects of evolution of Bakery and confectionery technology, Technological evaluation of milling. Since ages process of fermentation was employed for preserving the cereals based food by using general and specified micro flora and micro fauna. The science and technology involved is well explained in chapter titled Fermented foods based on cereals and pulses. The most important quality attributes related to cereals processing are rheological and thermal changes which occur when extrinsic factors such as moisture and temperature are ebbed and flowed. This subject was sensibly covered under Rheological & thermal changes occurring during processing. Sugarcane and sugar industry have the largest contribution to the industrial development. Various unit operations and technology involved are explained as Recent updates in sugar, honey, jaggery and salt processing. Self life stability of the products with respect to various chemical parameters attributed to the oxidative changes in processed Foods and is also aptly covered

      • Food & beverage technology
        September 2020

        Food Process Engineering and Technology

        by Aakash Pare & B.L.Mandhyan

        "Food Process Engineering focuses on the design, operation and maintenance of chemical and other process manufacturing activities. The development of "Agro Processing" will spur agricultural diversification. There are several benefits of promoting small scale agro-processing units rather large scale for the promotion of rural entrepreneurship. Appropriate post harvest management and value addition to agricultural products, in their production catchments, will lead to employment and income generation in the rural sector and minimize the losses of harvested biomass. Adoption of suitable technology plays a vital role in fixing the cost of the final product and consequently makes the venture, a profitable one. It is observed that imported agro-processing machines or their imitations are used for preparing food products. Actually, the working of these machines should be critically studied in context of the energy input and the quality of the finished product."

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