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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences


        108 Days of Mindfulness

        by Victor Parachin

        This book presents mindfulness teachings via 108 short insights or meditations. Unlike many books that “tell” about the subject, this one “shows” the reader with teaching stories how to put mindfulness into daily life. Mindfulness is more than stress release, or mental focus. It cannot be separated from the ethical framework of Buddhism. Think Like the Buddha retains this ethical component of Buddhism from which mindfulness is derived. The stories and teachings here cover a wide variety of topics, from divorce, to illness, to losing a job, to determining a course of action. All these meditations are infused with the message of compassion that needs reinforcing day by day. All too often we “forget” to be present. We neglect to be aware when eating, listening, speaking, working, studying, seeing the sunrise and the sunset, being with friends or sipping a cup of tea. As a result, we fail to live our lives to their fullest potential and experience the joy of living.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Humanistic Buddhism

        A Blueprint for Life

        by Master Hsing Yun

        The rationale for Humanistic Buddhism derives directly from the Buddha, 'because the Buddha was born, cultivated the path, became enlightened, and strived to enlighten others in this world.' It is with this understanding that Venerable Master Hsing Yun proceeds to elaborate on the many ways in which the Buddha's teachings can guide us through challenges in life. In doing so, he affirms the basic spirit of Humanistic Buddhism that centers on the conviction that the Dharma is of crucial pertinence to humanity. Humanistic Buddhism is a book that not only embodies this spirit, but also discusses how it can be infused in life. As a 'blueprint' of sorts for conduct and ethics, it is a handy manual for guiding us, as well as a lucid exposition of some of the main tenets in Buddhism. Through illuminating examples and references to Buddhist teachings, Venerable Master Hsing Yun provides insights into many facets of the human condition. He shows how emotions, ethics, family, society, gov

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        Choosing to Be

        Lessons in Living from a Feline Zen Master

        by Kath Tansey

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        ZIG ZAG ZEN

        Buddhism and Psychedelics

        by Allan Badiner and Alex Grey

        Buddhism and psychedelic exploration share a common concern: the liberation of the mind. This edition of the classic work on Buddhism and psychedelics is a serious inquiry into the moral, ethical, doctrinal, and transcendental considerations of Buddhism and psychedelics.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2021

        Powers of Protection

        The Buddhist Tradition of Spells in the Dhāraṇīsaṃgraha Collections

        by Gergely Hidas

        This volume provides a sourcebook for a largely unresearched Buddhist textual tradition: the Dhāraṇīsaṃgraha, or "spell collections," which have been present in South Asia – especially in Nepal – for at least eight hundred years. For modern scholarship, these diverse compendiums are valuable sources of spell texts, many of which survive in Sanskrit only in such manuscripts.

      • Zen Buddhism
        September 2023

        Mein Freund Oryoki: Über die wundersame Beziehung einer ZEN-Lehrenden zu ihrem Essschalen-Ritual

        My Friend Oryoki: About a Zen teacher's miraculous relationship with her eating bowl ritual

        by Ellen Kremer-Wilmes

        Oryoki ist das japanische Dreischalen-Essen, das im ZEN in der Tradition der Sōtō-Schule praktiziert wird. Übersetzt bedeutet Oryoki Gefäß, das gerade genug enthält und ist eine Zeremonie mit drei Schalen, Gefäßen, den Setsustäbchen, dem Holzlöffel, dem Spatel, dem Tuch zum Reinigen und dem Tuch, in dem anschließend alles eingewickelt wird. Dieses Buch ist aber kein Buch über die Zeremonie des Oryoki, oder zur Zeremonie des Oryoki, sondern es ist ein Buch mit Oryoki. »Oryoki zeigt mir meine Welt des Werdens, meine Welt des Entstehens. Momente des einzigartigen Lernens, des Erfahrens von Weisheiten, die mehr sind als ein Ritual, mehr als ein Regelwerk«, stellt die Autorin fest. Vergnüglich erzählt sie von ihrem persönlichen Zen-Weg, ihrem ersten Sesshin, ihren Erfahrungen mit der Rote-Beete-Suppe, dem schmutzigen Abwaschwasser und dem Ringen um ein gelungenes Ritual und ein fehlerloses Oryoki. Ein »zauberhafter Austausch zwischen einem Weg suchenden Geist und dem stillen und doch so vielsagendem Feld der Praxis« (Tatsudo Nicole Baden). Denn das Oryoki lebt auf seine Weise. Es lehrt. Es spiegelt. Und es gibt Momente, in denen es mehr weiß, als wir jemals wissen können. --------------------------------------- Oryoki is the Japanese three-bowl meal ritual, or ceremony practised in Zen in the tradition of the Soto school. Translated, Oryoki means "pot that contains just enough" and is a ceremony with three bowls, pots, the setsu stick, the wooden spoon, the spatula, the cloth for cleaning and the cloth in which everything is then wrapped. However, this book is not a book about the ceremony or the ceremony of the Oryoki, but it is a book with Oryoki. "Oryoki shows me my world of becoming, my world of emergence. Moments of unique learning, of experiencing wisdom, that is more than a ritual, more than a set of rules," the author states. She talks amusingly about her personal Zen path, her first sesshin, her experiences with beetroot soup and the struggle for a successful ritual and a flawless Oryoki. "An enchanting exchange between a path-seeking spirit and the silent and yet so expressive field of practice" (Tatsudo Nicole Baden). Räume im Kopf - Bücher und mehr

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