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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Lady from Lviv

        by Yurko Sanhal

        Monologue writings, or from the horse's mouth, so to speak, are not so popular in fiction prose as they require the author fully understand his hero, absorbing all his experiences, thoughts, words, and behavior. This novel by the writer and publisher from Lviv meets these criteria. Foremost, this is a very positive, energizing reading in which the life of a Galician woman from Lviv - from the pre-war period to our time - appears in all possible truthfulness and whimsy, tragedy, and comedy. For a wide range of readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Black morello

        by Oleh Rybchynsky

        In the novel plotline lies romantic love between the seminarian of the Theological Seminary of the Holy Spirit Joseph Kladochny, the favorite of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi, and the niece of the rector of the Galushynskyi Theological Seminary, Adele Lishchynska. Despite all difficult trials of fate, they carried their love in their hearts and preserved it unblemished, eternal and majestic. The book successfully survived the first edition.

      • Trusted Partner

        Iron Water

        by Myroslav Laiuk

        Have you ever tried to follow Lesya Ukrainka to the most remote Carpathian village? This 'weak and feeble girl' fearlessly had passed the mountain routes, on a par with everyone. The local people still tell legends about that. What other memories of her, Franko, or the Okunevsky family, apart from the contradictory testimonies were passed down from generation to generation? The novel unfolds a story related to the iconic woman of Ukrainian culture. A woman (the theater director) and a young man, who returns to his native land after a long time - how far are they ready to go in search of a unique letter that could shed light on one of the most mysterious and resonant stories in the history of Ukrainain literature? How did an unknown poetess, a simple hutsul girl, a plowman, and a Bernardine nun follow Lesya at the beginning of the last century? You will find out in the new novel by the author of 'Babornia' and 'The World Not Created', Myroslav Laiuk.

      • Trusted Partner

        Tell Nobody

        by Sasha Kaminska

        Every girl or woman has plenty of secrets. But at times these special secrets, sometimes ancient and sometimes terrible, are hidden so deeply in the memory or subconsciousness that even the closest people don’t suspect of their existence. ‘Tell Nobody’ is not only the book’s title, but also the rule many girls and women live with. It’s related to physicality, shame, stress and abuse. Unable to share their emotions, discuss the problem and find the way out of the situation, the girls and women end up in the vicious circle of their feelings and emotions. The fourteen-year-old protagonist of ‘Tell Nobody’ rebels against her parents, does silly things, finds herself in dangerous situations and tries to understand and accept herself. 16+

      • Adult & contemporary romance
        February 2015

        The Dearly Departed Dating Service

        by Rae Renzi (author)

        Joy had it all: a promising medical career, a handsome and kind fiancé, a bright future. Until it all came crashing down in one shattering moment. Two years later, nothing is the same. Joy has a mountain of debt, a boss with the barest hold on reality, and a complicated—to put it mildly—private life.The arrogant young surgeon she reviles and the pack of well-meaning but misguided ghosts don't help. Still, her idea for a new business just might be crazy enough to work...

      • Biography & True Stories

        Spirit Mates - The New Time Relationship

        by Anni Sennov, Carsten Sennov

        Most people have heard of the terms ‘soul mate’ and ‘twin soul’.  What most people may not yet know is that the concept of soul mate refers to a consciousness realm that is about to completely disappear from the Earth in order to be replaced by the purer and more powerful spirit energy. This is creating great changes in consciousness on Earth and it also means that we humans finally have the opportunity to join together with our spirit mate. In this book the co-authors and spirit mate couple Anni and Carsten Sennov describe with love and insight the different paths and circumstances that can lead you to your spirit mate.

      • Historical fiction

        The Punishment

        by Paula Marais

        A story of love, betrayal and the choices that define who we become. France, 1942 – In a time when friends become enemies and secrets are traded like currency, the forbidden love between a German officer and a young Frenchwoman can only lead to disaster. Against all odds and despite the obvious danger, Cédonie Boineau and Kommandant Kurt Auer get caught up in a romance they find impossible to resist.But as the illicit relationship builds, Cédonie’s ardent admirer and vindictive rival lurk in the shadows, and watch. Thibault Bosc nurses his unrequited love for Cédonie along with his growing hate for the Boche invaders, while Odette de Bary gathers gossip that will change the town forever.And when the war is finally over and truths come to the light, Cédonie is left at the mercy of the town to face her punishment. Author Paula Marais has woven a beautiful tale of the complex loyalties of the human heart and the surprising forms that love can take in war.

      • Historical fiction

        The Punishment

        by Paula Marais

        A story of love, betrayal and the choices that define who we become. France, 1942 – In a time when friends become enemies and secrets are traded like currency, the forbidden love between a German officer and a young Frenchwoman can only lead to disaster. Against all odds and despite the obvious danger, Cédonie Boineau and Kommandant Kurt Auer get caught up in a romance they find impossible to resist.But as the illicit relationship builds, Cédonie’s ardent admirer and vindictive rival lurk in the shadows, and watch. Thibault Bosc nurses his unrequited love for Cédonie along with his growing hate for the Boche invaders, while Odette de Bary gathers gossip that will change the town forever.And when the war is finally over and truths come to the light, Cédonie is left at the mercy of the town to face her punishment. Author Paula Marais has woven a beautiful tale of the complex loyalties of the human heart and the surprising forms that love can take in war.

      • Fiction
        April 2015

        I Blame Morrissey

        My Adventures with Indie-Pop and Emotional Disaster

        by Jamie Jones

        You wouldn't let song lyrics rule your life would you?  You wouldn't become so infatuated with a pop star that you would use their words to make decisions on your relationships would you?  Jay would.  Join him as he tries to grow up in the 90s in a haze of lust, indie-pop & warm lager while all the time looking to Morrissey for guidance.

      • Fiction
        January 2022

        The Words

        by Ashley Jade

        From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ashley Jade comes an edgy, enemies-to-lovers standalone romance about mistakes, forgiveness, and second chances.He was the talented bad boy everyone wanted.I was the irrelevant geek everyone hated.He was the sun...drawing all of us in.I was a black hole...taking up space.He was destined to be a star.I was destined to remain an insignificant no one.Until he made me believe I was special...And then he destroyed me.I never thought I'd see Phoenix Walker again after he broke my heart, but fate had other plans.One tour. Eight weeks. Forty shows.Countless opportunities to make him pay.The world thought he was a God...But I knew the truth.

      • Erotic fiction
        January 2022

        Wet Sand

        by DOYAK

        An instant hit BL webcomic series launched on August 2022 - Digital serializations available in CN DE EN FR KR TH - To be serialized in more languages - Vol. 1 of its print book to be published soon   Joseph and Ian meet by pure coincidence in a back alley in Asian Town. While the two quickly become close, Joseph starts to get tangled in the past Ian has tried to push away. Meanwhile, TJ, a high-ranking gang member and Ian's long-time friend and only family, can't seem to let go of his obsession towards Ian, who's left the gang. Now, Ian faces a choice. On one side is Joseph, who is the first person in Ian's life to show him what a stable, loving relationship looks like. On the other, is TJ, with whom he had a passionate love affair during his tumultuous gang days. Who will Ian choose...?

      • Fiction

        The Pained and Damned

        by Agnieszka Lingas-Łoniewska

        He is a skinhead. Her Grandfather died in Auschwitz. Can love overcome such adversities? Alex is twenty years old and has been a skinhead since he was sixteen. He has his brotherhood, ideals, and truths that he believes in. Amelia is an eighteen-year-oldhigh school student with a tragic past. Amelia and Alex‘s paths should have never crossed.They have nothing in common – neither origin, nor views, nor family past. And yetthe youngsters meet under dramatic circumstances and fall in love with each other. From that moment everything changes. “The Pained and Damned” is a story that knocks you off your feet. A dramatic pursuit of love stronger than prejudice, a painful search for one‘s own identity and an ending that will not let you fall asleep.

      • Fiction

        La certeza de los caminos

        by Daniela Rosset

        La certeza de los caminos es la necesaria continuación de Pasos Aparentes, novela en la que Gabriela Valier –buscando ser la hacedora de su propio destino- se dejaba encandilar por el mundo aparentemente perfecto que le ofrecía el capitán Diego Venturi. Pronto descubría la trastienda sucia de una historia que involucraba incluso a su propia familia y, cuando los secretos se revelaban con su fetidez, arrastraban a Gabriela hacia el abismo. En esta segunda parte, tras su matrimonio fallido con Diego Venturi, Gabriela regresa a Córdoba acompañada por su suegra y por su cuñado, Esteban Paz. Es mayo de 1940 y con sus escasos veintiún años, Gabriela carga con heridas y estigmas difíciles de superar. Pero su fuerza interior no se ha perdido y, a pesar de que fantasea con el retorno a su Paraná natal, pronto van abriéndose caminos a su paso con tonada cordobesa, y la figura de Esteban –invisible para ella hasta apenas un año atrás- crece, se fortalece y se agiganta a tal punto que se convierte en el nombre que no puede dejar de repetir. Animarse a cuestionar creencias propias y ajenas, desnudar hipocresías familiares, vencer prejuicios y liberarse del peso del deber ser será el desafío y el proceso de ambos si quieren recorrer juntos esos nuevos caminos.

      • Romance
        December 2018


        by Thais Duthie

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